k ? I .Rk. ' I FIGHT INMMTlll PJiKSONALS i >.i ti" Si?i M:-n li* it ; i ii s Jorplime Fit i^hwny. !?! . ? i); > ? P r . d : is-. il.e J' -J r >P \ J Mrs. t . i rjin yma- h : ' . band's n ? ? lives In Kow Miss Addle Mae 1 ? Me li In Hill am! MS- Rub' l)n\ i- >:m Saturday at'tern eon. r\ \die\i e and altendi ti (he W.-Mern Ywd Carolina Pre ^ A -:aai ion r.iee* insj that evening Mr and Mrs K S " returned from Tipton. Mich where he\ \isited hihig her. Herbert M linger. Mr and Mrs Wendell L'lni. Thomas\ ilie. Ga . and two small children visited Mr. and Mrs K S Munttrr in Topt.on this week end The L'lms have bought prop erly in Tipton for business purpo Mr arid Mrs. Glenn Bates and Mrs J W. Axley accompanied nhr? A\!ey to Atlanta Friday to lake the train for his return to Annapn': .sl'crni.m Hampton left Wednes day for Norfolk Ya .. where he i< assigned 'o the I*. S. S. Deuel, af ? r sperdint; Christinas with ins parent- Mr and Mrs. .1 H Matnp I-M. Mx \anc-y Thomas of Cameron, ? ,VS;' v.. i . . :.ro I I ? >ii- V - \ . r. ? " . Lv ? O'krr !.? I ? i A ? \ i?'.* ' Ai Jii- p. *1-- Mr . n:? of (r.: - -onia \ isiU'd ? >?-ii?'it (??> I week Mi:-.-n and Hul'.2> Mos- spent - i;"i '.I.. ill1 ?*o\ \hnond. Sunday illTin nests of Mrs. i \ S Ei: 1.? - Sidney Morris i>m '.tv.::- 1 :: -s and Clinton El:'Mil s \V (i \ 11 1 isiU'd Ion Stal p on Sunday i, St ; i:p and f.vrily of i % Kited Mr. arul Mrs ; 'ik st.-.v-up on Sunday ( 1and Verlin K'-nMor ?I * i ri Honk on Sunday Wfjmnr.s' Colie'-V of . i y of North ? n spent the did i\ I . Mr and M? Coal For Sale Block- Egg Stoker Premium Blue Diamond Coal CHEROKEE ICE CO, Phone 5 2-J Murphy, N C HICKORY LOGS WANTED LENGTHS: 28 in.-56 in.-7ft.-9ft. 4 in 14ft. DIAMETERS: 8 inches through 20 in. PRICFS: No. i Logs $55 Per 1,000 Ft. No, 2 Logs $27.50 Per 1,000 Ft. "or further information call 572-J or stop by jur plant on Valley River Road. Smoky Mountain Fiber Company Murphy, N. C. . imiGEF! ?i ; ' " ? - .::: i \ i ? 1 . : m ' f ? i - | ... ?. i. i v ' !\ *1.' - K. !p: . Ft ? i- . ? ...??? t?... 1 : h is M . . . "i n k. V ? i . , . ? i1 k \'a . ? i? ; s 1 ... . > - v. i:h Mr - IV i i - fam ' \1 ? i M, , O \ v : ? I'd and '* \ "\ 1 1 ? I n t ? r-- ? ?I : guests ' Mr an-1 1-- (?? Maunev ??:i Sundav M ? :?'? 1 K ? ? Martin and ? ^ 1 V- i Mr< U C ; Surul.r. \* ' . - (,ir lir: ? -pent the . :*h - rvMher Mrs. Lon ?!*!?? i,. ? !? K ?' trie k o' \riantn. Ga ?? i! . ? < v >*:i his parents. : Mr; Fred Kiipafri'-k. 1 Mr* S V I-.vans of Oak r T'i . rTonth spent a few ? : \i i? 1 Mr and Mrs C B Hcd ? : ' ?"?n.j'y and Mr. and Mrs. M Sneed. '?1 ? - V;v do- Lcd'ord of - -i. ?;n5 the holidays. Postel! j Mr- K!i a .Ti?rris?n rrlurned j home Si ?? I n :?ft<*r spending the ! holidays villi her daughter. Mrs I Herinrn Green and family at Le titia. ) (iene Brown and daughter. Gena. I and Mr and Mrs. Earl Owenby [ and children of Gastonia spent th holidays here with their parents, nit CHEROKEE SCOIT. Ml'KPHY , i (Jh lHfc WttK p9 5 5 ;?* .? BLOUSES IM C:".e f?, ? ?cs> ?ci - \ our v. ;. - . cbe Two f&a ?tH - ??? v% v !ioo,?oct i c.e Si'hocctte on i ih-- l.infi-i 11 -.'"Oxe one pcffed < ' t b< ?% "S" rk;* Bof have l , ' f. T'u* II"..id v. ri on is .. i..i j . n r .v band cc-I-t* ?>i a $.? ? : oa A..?an;>' Pat . to 35*. V V,:i :*ATT:'W5 Send 35c ?j: > ,?cb pi ? ? n with . ^ . i c s. ? ,-jf .19 which ' ? ? - * " -?{ ,T? r 1 * < . .v f :? er*t -rv . J : - ' . . . CIS r. . ' i d i i K :'i I: V- Ki.- 1 ' . /'? j . .. ::i- aui j ! Her- . . ,??? ? iin* i. ?i t. >? . : - ! ? \ arid ; .\ v. . ,-s .1. \ \ r > i lor; on :? ii; ? Sum >oil CTii '-sts 'li- m > Mao . ' ' ov.i-c Adams. Mr. and Mr- Will Payne and amiiy were tin- i!u>--r- of their or. and family. Ms and Mr< Ar h.- Pa. mo at Oak Park n Sun clay Mr. ;.m ] Mrs. Lee HurVn and ;a::ii!\ unv the guests of Mr and Mis Petlio Croft at Farner. IVnn.. recently Dan Adams of Benton. Tenn is visiting his son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. K \V. Shearer Mr. and Mrs I.awton Murphy were the Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Charlie Payne. Miss Margaret Aiken of Cleve land. Tenn .. spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. :.id Mrs. Charlie \iken Mr. an*1 Mrs. Thi dore Graham ,r-. ! children returned to their; home ai Hickory after spending j ? h-> holidays with relatives in Pat - I rick. I r an! Mrs Parks Croft of I io-'k 1IP1. S. C.. visited relatives; Ic ing the holidays. %,r and Mrs. Burl Brown. Mavmrd and Cecil Jones of j Ca tonia spent the holidays here l ?\ it h their parents. Mr. and Mrs ? C.rady Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Painter vis ited Mrs. Painter's parents. Mr J and Mrs. Grady Coleman Sunday) afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Edd Quinn of Cop J perhill. Tenn.. spent Christma- . Day with Mr. Quinn's brother and family, Paley Quinn. Bl I here's o Klot to this Mory A At Tin Artillery Sclnol. Tart Sill, Ofcla., two Oftiea CanMahi jata tan h plot a torgat on a firing chart. StudanH Cliarlat B. Ho mil, HMtata, T?. (holding phona), and N. C. Andorra), Stalan Itlond, M, Y? da Ha actaal platting, whila inatrartar Capt. W. H. Strickland, Nermann Oklo., chacki on thoia pragma. Yeang nan botwaan llVk and II rata and can apply fat OHicat Condidato School training at thair local A nag and Air Sfn vtfsTffe \l I rUvMHED ADS PAYABLE I.N ADVANCE. LOCAL HATE tn>n "i ad with nut murr than to words; three Insertions, SI. Additional KATES: one time. 3c per word. All rates net. Class! Med ads accepted up KEYED" CLASSIFIED ADS ARE 3c PER WORD AND A MINIMUM OK 7& VII MOKHVIS RESOLUTIONS OK RESPECT AND OBITUARIES 2c PER WO ? . 10.00 MONTHLY SPARE TIME l{ i .ma an J collecting money final tiur lire cent High Gra in . en i* i ?. 1 hours a week t" ] - \ . ii ? nd on perretr-; 1 i ? ions will net up To j i . :u\ \ with \ery gtn..i ;? r. s i : taking over ft 1 j i ir. v ? i-ing accor ' i ' inler\i w. in. lu t J pf. i? i . ; ?o'n t i*:n Box M < ! t ht ? e Sort Mi:rph\ ? ^ ' 25-l'ni P r :i li i \ 1 t n?. ? ? ji* usid r i h o;:' i ? in ' !*:.?.? H, .it; for j .1 s-25-3u ! i ' 1 ' II. -.I I, ill i ill I'r.i'iif 41! nr 44 ?n K\ ans 25-3tf I ' I II t lli.lll-l -V1 ? i .iiliii $10 \,1 i .. k V IIT-'A i? r in-; .'..i I 1J V . Karl M :i 4 2Vtlp ?l.\\ -V : ' i:i : ::ru'h op.-r Mi i:. . . m (>ppor i) J i :i v i 'k or iM'ilor .4. S.'i* \!r ???vloy on Sat ?:i>.1 :.vy $ EVc ? ii S. \!ur ?. i U"i-:!ic L-" f> STA'CUT \ ... oLbsSN _S5 / / > oroit l'ire Prevontfai is Every bodv's Job! ROW vol K OWN FRUIT. Com ! . ;t' line of Fruit Trees. Nut Trees. Berry Plants. Grape \ ine.v and Ornamental Plant \ia1rr.al offered by Virginia's i.uive< Olowers. Write for Fr*e *'>.}?> .">? p 4e Planting Guide in Unlet Salespeople Wanted u'-l^ro Nurseries. Wuynes ber > \ :i ginia. 22-8te - I'Lun Saws Silos i? Jerry's Marine Ser Bru*' n Road to Iio.it ?2-3tc 1\\; G. I Truck bed !' i ' :. l i. n di ' n seats < lc ? ' n * 'eelu nt larp j t ?:fi '? w. \ u Pr.. :v : t 22-3U* 'I> ! r - ale DeJiwr ? 'i ? n l.ii'iibt r i'-. WWW . i) i O in Y For cash high t"i:? i repairable and slick rc c..p; :.1?-? ? can-asses. Any amount, ary. sm- Graves Tires Co. Phoiu :;o=i. M.i;p!iy. 2-tfc IT.: i lot v . C.iiv' \ v i'r'i) I ar.t :i w n v. ho 'i? i* hi-. f,ir.!.y, v.. ilv ?he ' !liti'Js 41f !:f,' !-: ? i t' 1 Sod or 5 I > j' i L i k. :.?n o n F . :ri, Can bt n Mi m !, . , a car : 4"> M!,;?;> . \. r 23-tfc ? R t.'KM a room house with i . ' . Clu.-e in Sr.- Mrs. Tom ir. :n< or call 4d. Murphv, \ C. 24-ltc WTTj) Ci.i to ? iy in home to care for two small children. | j'lvf- rah!) a middle aged lady. I See Zt b ChasCun or call 4i?T-W. 1 24-ltp j LOST strayed o: stolen?Small i while dog. Liberal reward to j anyone giving information as to the whereabouts Dr. F. V Tay-j lot or phone 30. 24-ltc FOR SACK A 4 room house and 25 a-res of land on Highway 29A House wired for electrici ty See or write J. L. Beaver. Suit. \ t\ 24-3 tp ?'? ?R RENT 2 or 3-room furnished apartment adjacent to school Gas heat, hot water, private bath. YouoJpst-own sink, electric stove and frigidaire. Mrs Kd wirw Hagaman. 305 Valley River, Avenue. Phone 256, 25-3tc Y WELL DL wells drilled ery. 6" and 8" don. commercial wells Macon * and Well Company. Write F ? Rogers, Route 1, Franklin, N. C. 12-lJtp J ?VAXTED After first of year. 2 bedroom furnished apartment or five or six room house by couple t ith small child Contact E E. Baits at N. C. State Employ ment Office Phone 70. 21-3tc. 1. WRIGHT CASUAL IV'.. Cork and serve from dish. Set of 4 insured :i-t t reakage for one year. ? i t iised in national maga ."?it rp \ Electrical Shop ?i ? '.34 R 23-3tc ? To buy or trade old ( itiis. If interested contact H. i le'vecce- Murphy, N. C? ? ~>4. 21-Gte i FOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, < ? ??. any amount Deliver I 1 i mer Bros . Phone 202 Mi pny. X C. 16-! HUNT: Unfurnished Apaii n r.l- stoker heat electric wa< et- iicater, centrally located, i lea! for business couple. Vacat (.J hv S. S. V jT! 1 r,n?;-Tj ?I. -i ;*ry a i f. . i:;* m-'v i?u.. e. F.ear. Would like to make ap pointments for classes now, Jdp .la-r.es C House. Mauney StrM-'C Murhpy. X. C. 22-3tp NURSE WANTED: A practical nurse with some hospital experi ence wanted by the Young Har^ ris Clinic. Excellent pay. 24-3 FOR SALE: One slightly u.' electric Frigidaire. electric rai and three-piece i living ro suite See Frank Hembree Highway 294 near Mort Ham' ' a-tore. 5 25 .safe/ ? uil ??' :? 1 liifuu J PROMPT...SAFE...DEPENDABLE LONG DISTANCE MOVING American Red Ball is a pioneer, ncfiori-wide mover with 33 years ex perience. Trained, experienced p^sonnel, with the finest in modern, moving equipment glvft'your value possessions the fine care they de serve. Selected warehouse agents r-eciolizing in "personalized" service., in principal cities, coosf-to-cooit, will aid you with your moving problem, without obligation. Inquire about ou. exclusive liability feature. We have become associated with AMERICAN RED BALI. TRANSIT CO. And C'an Funjsh Coast-toCoasf Moving Palmer Bros. Truckini Company s~ Phone 202 Mun>hj^N. C. ? <*?&