Start Your Year With ECONOMY 20% TO 50% OFF QUILTING COTTON 2 lb. Batts 1.00 2% lb. Batts 1.29 Men's Long Sleeve Sweaters 5.49 Values 3.9S Men's Short Sleeve Sweaters 2.98 Values 2.19 HATS Cordliroy?Suederoy?Poplins Shower Proofed Regular 1.98 Values 1.39 Boys' Corduroy Pants 5.98 Values 3.98 Boys' Tweedroy Pants 6.29 Values 4.9S MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER CAPS Values to 1.98 Now 98c Men's Sport Shirt: Jackets 7:49 Value 5.98 Men's Sport Vests 3.25 Value 2.98 Boys' Corduroy Sport Coats 10.98 Value 8.98 9.49 Value 6.98 Boys' Corduroy Sport Jackets 6.98 Value 5.4C SHEET BLANKETS Save Plenty! Warm Cotton Plaids and Whites, Sizes 70 x 90 Were 2.49 Now 1.89 Children's Corduroy Jumpers Values to 229 1.49 Children's All Wool Skirts Values to 3.49 1.49 CLEARANCE 20 per cent To 50 per cent Off COATS-DRESSES-SUITS Ladies' Blouses Values to 2.98 Children's Blouses 2.29 Values 1.49 Our Special For This Sale In Slips? First Quality Garest Cotton Slips In Beautiful Lace, Trim Sizes 34 to 44 1.59 2 for 3.00 ECONOMY Clothing Store Phone 282 Murphy, N, C, II On His Own Paul Revaleon, five-year-old po lio victim, learnt to cart lor him self getting on and off a but in Occupational Therapy Depart ment of Boston Children's Hospi tal. He is one of tent of thou sands of polio patients assisted each year by the March-of Dimes. The 1952 appeal extends through out the entire month of January. RANGER The Rev. Fred Stiles filled his r regular appointment at Fairview Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Winget made a business trip to Murphy on ! Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee and bojs ol Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sneed on Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Ledford and Mrs. Taylor Hinson spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Har ford Keasler and family at Marys ville. Tenn. J. H. Kilpatrick of Atlanta. Ga., spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kilpat rick. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Kilpatrick and family spent Sunday visiting at Copperhill, Tenn. BELLVIEW YOUTH MEET At the Bellview Youth meeting at Bellview Church Saturday night, Mrs. Don Hughes read the scrip ture. and David Ballew gave a reading. Charlie Roberson had charge et games. A film will be shown at the next meeting. NOTICE EKV1NG TO CREDITORS A. C. Malheson. the surviving partner of Boyd Cooper, deceased in the business known as the Tri County Music Company hereby no tify all persons having claims against said business and estate of Boyd Cooper, deceased to pre sent .them to the undersigned on or before 10th day of February, ;952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said business or estate will please make immediate settlement. This 10th day of February 1952. A. C. MATHESON. Surviving Partner. 26-4tc NOTICE OF SIMMONS IN THE SCPEKIOR COURT Summons Docket No. 3871 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Plaintiff VS. A. L. Frankum and wife. Vaul Frankum. Andrew Green and wife. Shirlanc Green. Andrew Green, Sr. and wife. Myra Green. Ruby Kaylor and husband. John Kaylor. Charles Frankum and wife. Beat rice Frankum. Edith Frankum by C E Hyde. Guardian ad Litem. Elmina Mull and husband. Floyd Mull. George D. Frankum and wife. Pauline Frankum. Addie Mc Donald and Lum Evans. Defend ants The defendants. Elmina Mull and Floyd Mull, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, to foreclose the 'irn of taxes due plaintiff by de fendants for years 1937. 1938, 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944, 1945, 194G. 1947. and 1948 against the 'ands of said defendants in Notla Township. Cherokee County. North Carolina, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Cherokee County. State of North Carolina BEGINNING on a large post oak the South West corner of said No. 46, runs East 58 poles to a s*ake on the top of a ridge and on a ledge of rocks, thence with said ledge of rocks North 52 E 66 poles to a maple on the bank of a small branch, thence up said branch with its meanders 42 West 36 poles to a small Spanish oak on the South bank of the Blairsville Road, thence with said road N. 71'a W. 12 poles. North 49 W. 19 poles to a stake in said road, then N. 33 E. 49 poles to a stake and small Spanish oak on Collins line, then with that line North 58 W. 101 poles to a stake the N. W. corner of N. 46 and N E corner of 45. then with line of Nos. 45 and 46 S. 174 poles to the beginning, con taining 77 Ms acres more or less. Excepting certain tracts or par cels heretofore conveyed by J. B. Frankum and Lillle Frank urn, said and* being fully described in tbe omplaint now on file in this sc ion, reference to which is hereby nade for more full description. And for the further purpose of ondemning the said lands to sale o satisfy said taxes, tax liens, ln erest and costs of this action, and a forever bar and foreclose all | right, title, estate, interest claim and lien of defendant* in and to or upon said lands, and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are reulred to b~ inj appear before the Clerk of 'he Superior Court of Cherokee C jiuity, North Carolina, at his of 1 I'ice in the Courthouse in Murphy. N. C.. within Twenty (20) Days af ???r lite 7th day of February. 1852, lo-wit, on or before the 27th day I I of February, 1952, and uuwtr or demur to the complaint In thla ac tion. which la now on file with copies for defendants, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. This the 7th day of January, 1952. J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Super ior Court of Cherokee County, N. C. 26-4tc P^RCH OF DIMES | JANUARY 2-31 WHAT'S IT REALLY LIKE ON MARS Do human beings exist on Mars? Is there plant life there? Famous Harvard scientist upsets many of the fantastic theories of life on our neighbor planet. For a graphic word picture of Mars as it really is. don't miss the revealing article in January 20th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's popular Macastne with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order fma Your Local IN MEM OBI AM In loving memory of Mother. Mr*. Bessie Martin Stalcup, who passed away January IS, 1990. God gave me a wonderful mother, one of the world's best. When her work on earth was done He called her home to rest. Her life was unselfish, for others she lived; . Not for what she could get but what she could give. Mrs. Baa Moore Sg-lfp Johns - Manville Bldg. Materials Asphalt Shinties-Roll Roofing Asbestos Siding GIBBS HDW. & AUTO SUl'PLV HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, January 12 Roy Rogers-Trigger "South Of Caliente" Also Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW Lawrence "Dillinjer" Tterney "The Hoodlum" Cartoon And Selected Short Subjects Sun.-Mon., January 13-14 Erro! Flynn-Michelinr Prelle "Adventures Of Captain Fabian" Selected Short Subjects Tues.-lVed., January 15-16 Humphrey Bogart-Marta Toren "Sirocco" Selected Short Subjects Thurs.-Fri., January 17-18 Claudette Colbert-MacDonald Carey ?In? "Let's Make It Legal" Selected Short Subjects DICKEY THEATRE Ml'RPHY, N. C. Saturday. January 12 Gene Autry-Cbampion "Valley Of Fire" Also Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW Constance Dowlin; "Storm Bound" Cartoon And Selected Short Subjects Sun.-Mon., January 13-14 Frankie Lane-Terry Moore "Sunny Side Of The Street" Also Selected Short Subjects Tues.-Wcd., January 15-16 James Stewart-Marlene Dietrich "No Highway In The Sky" Also Selected Short Subjects Thnrs.-Fri., January 17-18 Jon Hall-Marie Windsor -In? "Hurricane Island" In Color A'so Selected Short Subjects HENN THEATRE ANDREWS. N. C. Saturday, January It One Autry-Champton "The Blazing Sun" Als.i Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW George Breakston-Yorke Coplen "Jungle Stampede" Selected Short Subjects And Cartoon Sun.-Mon., January 13-14 John Drrrk-Donna Reed "Saturday's Hero" Also Selected Short Subjects Tues.-YVed., January 15-16 Mickey Rooney-Sally Forrest "The Strip" Also Selected Short Subjects Thurs.-Frl., January 17-18 John Payne-Rhonda Fleming "Crosswinds" In Color Also Selected Short Subjects DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOD CAN'T BEAT A FONT I AC/ Take the wheel yourself., lor the Driving ThrUl of your life! We want you to be among the first drivers la America to personally experience a baric advancement In motor car engineering? new Dual-Range* performance. Dual-Range performance means that Pontine has combined a powerful high-com preeeloa engine, with GM's new Dual-Range Hydra Maric Dries* and a new high-performance, economy axle to glee you miseries perform - once tor any driving condition. In the Trafic Range yon have tremendous acceleration and snap and go! At the tench of a tnger you can be in the Cruising Range, feel you're < In and drive It?for sensational new proof that dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontine 1 WWANWWW CHEROKEE PONTIAC CO. 205 Hiawanee St. - Murphy, N.C