Think On These? Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest. whatsoever things are Just what soever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.?Phil. 4-5. VOLUME M?NUMBER tl MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. 1?52 * C s*?* Library EIGHT PAGES THIS WkEL Thomas W. Axley Dies Suddenly fev.J. A. Morris' Brother Dies After Accident George A. Morris, 34, of Ander son, S. C? brother of the Rev. J. ARon Morris, pastor of Murphy First Baptist Church, died at the Anderson Memorial Hospital at 2:15 Saturday morning of injuries received about midnight in an au tomobile accident on Highway 29 near Shiloh Church. Mr. Morris, a native of Hart County, Ga... was connected with the maintenance department of the Flberglas Company. He was a vet eran of World War 11 with two and it half years overseas service. He was a son of Mrs. Lillie Wil son Morris of Hart County and the late A. A. Morris, and a member of well-known families of that sec tion. He was a member of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church near Hart well. Besides his mother, he is sur vived by four brothers, W. Guy Morris of Ajiderson. S. C? E. D. Morris of Tampa. Fla., the Rev. J. Alton Morris of Murphy, and Ker mit Morris of Hartwell, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Fred W. Cleveland and Mrs. Denver Fleming, both of Hart County. Tunera! services were held at Mt. Olivet Baptist Churrch in Hart County Sunday at 3 p. m. The Rev. Watson Frank1-n and the Rev. C< ley Ferguson conducted services. ] Burial was in the church cemetery. Nephews were pallbearers: Jer ry Cleveland, Max Cleveland, Em erson Fleming. Bill Fleming. Ken neth Morris and Isom Morris. Those from Murphy who attend ed services were Dr. W. A. Hoover R. D. handler. Henry Hyatt. C W. Arnold, J. L. Savage, A. I.J Buchanan, and L. R. Harding. Wildlife Club To Meet Monday Kiwassee Dam Wildlife Club will have a special meeting Mon day at new Murphy primary School at 7:30 p. m. for the pur pose of electing officers for the coming year. A movie on wildlife will be shown. All sportsmen and Coon club members are invited. > Thomas Wilbur Axley, 59, Mur Bank official, died suddenly at his home here Tuesday at 5 a. m. of i heart attack. He was an executive officer and nanager of the Insurance Depart ment of the Citizens Bank and prust Company of Murphy. Active in political, civic and church affairs, he was an out -tanding Republican leader in Wes tern North Carolina, having serv ed as chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of Cherokee County several years ago. He was former county commis sioner, serving as chairman of the croup when the present Cherokee County Courthouse was built. He was a member of the town council, having served in this ca pacity for ten years. He was a member of the board of stewards of the First Methodist Church, church treasurer, and a member of Cherokee Masonic Lodge No. 146 Joint funeral ,'ervices for Mr. \xley and his mother-in-law. Mrs. Mary Gertrude Brittain. who died it 8 p. m. Monday, were held in -'irst Methodist Church Wednes day at 2:30 p. m. Officiating was the pastor, the Rev. R. Delbert Byrum. assisted by the Rev. J. Alton Morris, pas 'or of First Baptist Church, and the Rev. C. Z. Miner, pastor of Free Methodist Church. Pallbearers, officials and em ployees of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, were: Percy B. ' Fercbce. W. D. Whitaker. Thomas p Day, Smiyt Howell. Robert Wea j ver. John Gill, Paul Rickett. Charles Delaney. i.'onorary pallbearers were stew ?.!s o' First Methodist Church. he mayor and town council. Bur ial was in Sunset Cemetery, with 1'ownsc.n Funeral Home in charge. iving are the widow, Mrs. Katherine Bri'tain Axley, whom he married in 1917; two sons. Thomas A*ley, Jr.. of Andrews, and ueon V. Axley of St. Louis Mo.; ene daughter. Mrs. Mary Kather ine V* il!iam-en of Nmvland; also m ? "mnddatigh'er. Miss Susie A? Vn -; ? ?e ~i~t"-s. Miss Hattic icy and Mr'. Nina Ilubbell of Murphy. Bid Made On County Property The county home property on F. 19 v as sold at public auc 'n Saturday The County Com ,listeners will i-iect today (Thurs i0 d"cide whether to a?ce|.'. ? hids. Bloodntobile To Come Fridav Recruiting for blood donors is processing satisfactorily, accord ing to Mrs. John Manthey,. of Mur phy Junior Woman's Club. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at First Baptist Church in Murphy Friday. Mrs. Manthey points out that blood donated here will not a!', be sent to fighting men, but a large portion of it will be used for civilians. Only recently 10 pints of blood from Cherokee County were sent to Winston-Salem for a patient from this county. Red Cross blood is available to anyone from Chero kee County at a hospital in any section of the country, if it is made known that the person is from a blood program participating chap ter. \ During 1951 the Red Cross fur nished 100 pints of blood to Mur phy General Hospital and 168 pints to Petrie Hospital. J. W. Martin Is Draft Delinquent Local Draft Board No. 113 of Akron Ohio, announces that James Willard Martin of Route 2, Mur phy. is a delinquent. All corres pondence sent to him by the board has been returned. Anyone know ing his whereabouts is asked to get in touch with the local draft board. Qivef ... your blood will toy a [iffc olloviote iMfferino or spetd rocovtry of o mtmbor of your family, a friend or o neiqnbor... GIVE. THROWN YOUR RED CROM Motorists Must Have Plates Bv 31st .' reminder to hurry up and jet .iOUi mc'm license plate comes from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Last year's plates become invalid at the end of the 30 day grace per iod midnight January 31. So far, Commissioner L. C. Ros ser said, there have been only 500,000 new tags sold, leaving roughly 600,000 to go. With the deadline nearing motorists are go ing to have to hurry up to avoid lie rush of last minute buyers. The 1052 tags have been on sale throughout the State since Decem ber 1. Tag sales are conducted in Ri eigh five days a week, Monday hrough Friday from 8:30 to 5:30 3. m.. and at the branch office at he courthouse in Murphy. Onli ne license plate Is being Issued his year/and it is to be attached o the rear of the vehicle. To Bid For Paving Murphy Streets Mayor Buel Adams states that Tin Fun of the Ashevillo Paving will be in Murphy next wcex iO make bids for paving on tho ?ct unpaved streets in Murphy. lie says that any citizens who .re interested in getting their streets paved should contact him be ''ere Tuesday in order to hare .hern Included in the next paving. HUNEYCUTT TO SPEAK The Rev. W. J. Huneycutt. Sup The Rev. W. J. Huneycutt. Sup erintendent of the Waynesville District of the Methodist Confer ence. will preach at Hampton Me morial Church on Sunday at 11 a. m and at Raid's Chapel at 7 p. m TO CONFER DEGREES CH~rok-e Lodge. No. 146, will confer the Masters Degree on s clase of candidates Friday at 7:20 'he M->?onlc Hall. Sam Cappa. Worshipful Master, will preside. nothing Wnog with My Ti Tnree-year-old Judith Gorman, of Houaton, Texas, hat been battling polio two-thirds of her life. After the was stricken two years ago, she went home frcm the hospital with braces and crutches. Now she's hack at the Southwestern Poliomyelitis Respiratory Center In Houston for j.n operation which doctors hope will help. The center Is one c* several i~0" tared by the March of Dime* for recpirs'o.-y pe':o Murphy Seminary Hrst Fuil Center in The Southland Byrum Announces Church Services The Rev. R. Delbert Byrum. pas tor of Murphy First Methodist ? hurch, announces that his ser mon topic at 11 a. m. Sunday will be "Christianity: Form or Force?". i is evening topic will be "Iden li.'ication with God". The Rev. Alfred Smith will ?peak at prayer sen-ice on Wed erdny, January 23. at 7:30 p. m. Workers' Council will meet with 's Clara McCombs on Thursday, .wa.ry 24, at 7:30. The Council compo-ed of all officers and .acliers in the Sunday School. RETURN FROM FLORIDA Myra Sherrill of Andrew-. \.rs. Elaine Gill and Peggy Gi:I Waynesville, Miss Nel'.ie Sher ? 1! of Cumming. Ga.. and Mr. Kembrough of Marble have re t irned to their homes after spend ing' two weeks' vacation with f- lends and relatives in Miami. Fla. Visits were made to Tampa. St. "atcrsburg. Pay Pines. Key West many historical places. The Murphy Bapiist Seminary Extnsion Center, started January i. \ iih 50 students and four facul y members entailed to dale, is lirst lull center to be estib-j i.skod in the Southern Baptist Con u i n. according to information received January !2 by Director v. G. Brooks from Dr. Lee Gad .na.n, director of the Seminary Ex ension Department of the three ?o- perating Southern Baptist Sem inaries, Jackson. Miss. Dr. Gallman wrote Mr. Brocks ?; nllovs: "Your center will be he first full center we have seen 'cvc!op. In other instances, we ave had correspondence students ieelir," together to discuss les 1 m^so. this will be a new experi nec for its as well as for you folk " \e .t Tuesday is the last date hat students may register r tr r"-".* n< the subjects now b-unp offered in an IP-week course: New Testament Old Testament, and ''reaching. The Rev J. Alton Mor is teaching New Testament: the 'lev. J. A. Richardson, Jr., Old Testament, and the Rev Joe ill ?r of Bryson City. Preaching. Tf> II WE BAKE SALE lunior Woman's Club will have a halt- sale on Saturday at 10:30 a. m. in E. C. Moore's Showroom. Proceeds will be used to help un 1 derprivileged children. Townson, Evans To Hold Hereford Sale In Autumn Plans have been made by W. D. Townson and Tom Evans to hold jointly a purebred Hereford cat Ue sale this fall in September or uctooer. .be. th5 flrst P^bred Hereford sale to be held in Cher ?kee county or adjacent counties It is contemplated that approxi mately 70 or 80 animals will be of f!*le The Mle wi" be ?""?d !% Professional auction ^7efoM Journi8,.0'^ AmeriCa" son^Miss/on ^Farms. held at Town" Mrs. L. W. Brittain Dies On Monday Mrs. Mary Gertrude Brittain. 75 ?ted at 8 p. m. Monday at her :oine following a long illness. ?t.filf c'aS ^e..daughter 01 ^e late lush S. and Mary Kincaid Hayes pioneer families of Cherokee Coun y, and the widow of Lon W Brit ain merchant =n Murphy for a number of years. Surviving are two daughters. ^Iis. Mary Katherine Axley of Murphy, and Mrs. Carrie Ray of Mbany, Ga.. two sons, Hugh W nd Guy A. Brittain of Murphy Eight grandchildren, three great grandchildren. and a brother. John Hayes of Seattle. Wash. Joint funeral services for Mrs. Jrittain and her son-in-law T W Vxley were held at 2:30 p. m Wed nesday in First Methodist Church, j Pallbearers were Howard Mc I Donald. John Canirell, Nat Kinney sain Davidson, John Davidson.' tichard Howell. John Posey and 'earl Swaim. Members of the Wesleyan Sor ice Guild served as flower girls Burial was in Sunset Cemetery! Clark Announces Service Schedules j The Rev. Floyd B. Clark. West -Iberty associational missionary, nno-.inces his preaching appoint lents. The first Sunday morning n each month he will preach at -ittle Glade Church. On second Sundays he will ireach at Violet Church in the lornlng and at Mt. Carmel in the vening. On third Sunday morn ngs he will be at Rogers Chapel ind on fourth Sunday mornings at Mt. Moriah. All morning services will be at 1 o clock and all evening ser ices at 7 o'clock. J Baptist Program Is Announced The Rev. J. Alton Morris" ser non topic Sunday at 11 a. m. will "Christ Speaks to a Faithful Church". The choir will sing "Hold Fast to the Rock", by I. H. Mere rIith. Mae Perry* Circle will mee' Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs Ten Mann: Lottie Moon with Mrs 3. L. Shields and Fannie Heck it the church. Junior Choir practice will be at 3:15 Tuesday, Primary, at 3:15 Wednesday, and Youth at 315 Thursday. Adult Choir will prac tice at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday. Hauss Calls Murphy Problem Child If It Votes In Beer, Wine Bvrum Is President w Of Church League "Hps the City of Murphy any ??ight to put something In the coun ty 'fmt tlie prople of the eonntv rnd town have already said they 'o not want?" asked the Rev. R. M. Hauss. executive director of the A tiled Church League, at the Tem .1 u-ance meeting attended by an >? i r-flow crowd cf between 430 t.joI oOO peepte at the courthouse Vanday evening. "Murphy should r. member that Cherokee County it ts made Murphy. The town peo p'e should hate to be a problem -hlld. They should not be askint for an election to bring beer and ?v Ine back, but since it is being 'one. we who do not want it must ?o something about It." Mr. Hauss. who was presented by the Rev. R. Delbert Byrum. ?poke following the election of Ol ivers for the Cherokee County tilled Church League for the Ab ?li'.ion of Beverage Alcohol and Promotion of Civic Righteousness. VIr. Byrum was elected president; Dr. W. A. Hoover, vice-president; ind the Rev. C. Z. Miner, secrv Try-treasurer. The names were -remitted by Peyton G. Ivle, chalr n?n of the nominating committee. Mr. Hauss said: "Has the beer industry 'anything to offer that ?vlll Justify your changing your nplidon since you voted beer and vine out of the county in 194T !s the beer industry justified in 'naking the product? Alcohol is the ame whether you buy it in a store from a bootlegger. The beer ?iduatry wants to sell boer. It is < lot concerned about what happens -? the ones who '-'nk it. Their I ommodity offers: broken homes ? pendent children, it is the source ; ' a! requires the major portion of ' our law enforcement and opera ion of courts and courthouse. Does !,e beer industry furnish the coun ?y a courthouse, a hospital to so the drunks, maintenance of ny o'.the things that are costing ?be taxpayers money because of 1 o bc-r industry? If the beer In wry has a ri<?ht to sell beer, why ' i they not furnish the means to 'ol'.ow up after a man drinks it?" C->es a man have a right to drink ccr, wine or whiskey? If those ho make it or drink It would pay or ail It costs, then they might ' ive a right. Why should we who ?In not drink have to pay the bills for them? Taxes In Cleveland runty where I live have been - rred since we voted out beer >nd wine. 'The beer industry says, we are losing a great deal of revenue. Fvery citizen might lose $1, and it would cost $12 to buy the beer for each of those dollars?or 12 times more spent than received "The beer industry saVs there U ?? u"h bootlegging of beer. It U t'-->ir beer that is being bootlegged. What they ate saying to us Is: If you don't let us sell it legally, we ire going to sell it anyhow. They ire determined to sell It, and are not satisfied to abide by the will of the majority. "The liquor industries said that ?f we voted out prohibition we would not have any more boot legging, yet reading from the in dustry's own bulletin, we see that there is twice as much bootleg as legal linuor manufactured. In dry tates there is not as much boot 'egging as in the states where liquor is legal. We do not claim we have a dry county. Is there any ?runty where there is no murder, rt stealing, no crime? All of the facts are on our side. If the people know the facts they will do something about it. If the maker followed the bottle one dny he would not make and sell liq uor, beer or wine. If he went wt'h a pastor to the homes affected by alcohol and see its destruction, he would not sell it. All we need dn Is give the people the truth, and make a Christian fight. The vic tory will be ours." The picture. "Liquid Lore' was shown. President Byrura urged the people to register during the next three weeks, in order to vote on February 14 against the sale of beer and wine here. The Rev. J. Alton Morris stated that several had asked for the names of the business people sign ing the petition to call the elec tion. saying that they desired to boycott those places of business Local Women Injured In Auto Accident The car driven by Mrs. Fnu Crawford and one operated by Robert Earl Whitener of Earner, Tenn., collided head-on In the fog. about 7:30 a. m. Wednesday on the access road from 294 to Hiwassee Dam. The accident occurred on a curv e about 200 yards south of the dam. In the car with Mrs. Crawford was Mrs. Zeb Chastain, who suf fered severe lacerations of the face and forehead; Mrs. Crawford re ceived bruises of body and lacera tions of the left leg. Mrs. Crawford is at home, and Mrs. Chastain is hospitalized. Riding with Whitener was Ralph Davis. 12, who suffered a skuil fracture and laceration of face and forehead, it w:?- reported by Pa trolman I.. J. Lance. Ralph is '.he son of Fred Davis of Violet. They were brought to Murphy General Hospital for examination and treatment. The Crawford car. a 1951 Ply mouth. was damaged to the extent ef $7110 or $800: Whitener was driving a 1940 Ford, which had S300 or $400 damage, Lance said. I CANDIDATE?R oy Rowe of Burgaw, Pender County, who has announced his candidacy for Lieu tenant Governor. Rowe is a veteran North Carolina legislator, promi nent businessman and farmer. Bid Let To Pave Local Highway I The State Highway Commission j Tuesday let a bid for paving the lighway from Murphy to An drews. Grading and paving ca .4.71 miles from a point on US 23 and 129. 9.22 miles east of square in Murphy going east to a point on US 29 and 129, 0.71 mile jsi. of west city limits of An Jrews, is scheduled. Cherokee County is one of the 29 affected by the commission's irst letting of the year. Bids will be opened January 29. jnd low bids will be reviewed in iVinston-Saiem January 31. The etting is being done under the S200.000.000 secondary road bond program. Fire Damages Kephart House I The house owned by Pearlie j Kephart of Nashville. Tenn.. lo afed on Konnaheeta Drive in East Vlurphy was damaged on the in crior by fire about 7:30 p. m. last Wednesday when an oil heater exploded. All furniture, clothes and wall piper was ruined, according to L. K. Bayless. Town Clerk. The house, occupied by Mr. and [ Mrs. E. L. Hines. was insured. WNCAC Meeting To He At WCTC I Civic leaders and their wives of Cherokee County are being invU ed to the quarterly meeting of Western North Carolina Associated Communities at Cullowhee on Thursday. Jan. 24, by Dr. Paul Rcid, who is president of the col lege and also president of the Wes 'ern Carolina booster group. Program will begin at 1 p. m. w ith a "dutch" luncheon in the col lege cafeteria, with the business session to follow immediately. Matters pertaining to summer tourist business, and other projects \ of interest to the 11-county ar?-a I will be taken up during the aftei -| i.oon session, which is scheduled; *o be over by 4 p. m. President Reid also invites all those attending the afternoon ses sion to remain for the evening v hen a concert will be given by the Longinrs Symphonctte in its lirst appearance in Western Nortn Carolina. Visitors will be guests if the college, and free tickets will he issued at the afternoon session. Vrrangemcnts are being made for those remaining to secure the venlng meal at 6 p. m. in the rol .??ge cafeteria. P. T. A. To Hear Nutritionist Miss- Nina Corbett,, nutrition worker from State Health Depart ment. will speak to Peachtree P. T. A. at its regular meeting at the school Friday at 7:30 p. m. Mia* Corbett will give the find ings of a nutrition survey recent ly conducted in the Peachtree school. There will be special music. ATTENDS SUBGEONS' MEET Dr. B. W. Whitfield of Murphy attended the Regional meet of American College of Surgeons in Birmingham last week. He was gone Wednesday through Sunday. Byrum To Attend ?f Ministers' Meet The Rev. R. Delbert Byrutn will attend the annual Minis ters' Week at Emory University, Atlanta, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Featured speakers at the meet Will be Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, pastor of Christ Methodist Church in New York City and prominent speaker on the National Radio Pul pit for a number of years, and Bis nop Paul N. Garber of the Rich mond. VirRthia, ales. Dr. Sockman will deliver the Sam Jones Lectures on "A Crea ive Creed". Bishop Garber will lecture on the A. J. Jarrell Foun dation upon the theme "Some As pects of Religion in Contemporary Europe. Paving Is Done On McGuire Road The State Highway Commission completed 0.40 mile of paving in Cherokee County during Decem ber. Chairman H. W. Jordan re ports. The newly-paved surface runs on McGuire Road for 0.40 mile. The project was financed by the Sec ondary Road Bond Program. The Tenth Highway Division brought a total of 9.85 miles of road work to completion in Dec ember. Chairman Jordan announc ed. Episcopalians To Plan Program The Rev. Y. Rhett Winters an nounces that the committee of the Episcopal Church of the Messiah met Thursday evening at the par ish house. It was decided that the congre gation will meet Saturday at 6:30 p. m. when the new program for religious education being prepared for the local church by the nation al church will be presented. New church committee officers will be elected Saturday. All interested persons are invit ed to attend. V? PCH 0? TIGHT INFANTILE PARALYSIS JANUARY 2-31

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