"Notice of Bretioa la the Town of Murphy to determine whether or not Beer ahall he legally sold to the Corporate Units of said Town of Marphy." Notice U hereby glv?n that an election hat been called and will be held at thi regular voting place in th?* Town of Murphy, the same b lng the Courthouse on the 14th day of February. 1932 for the pur 1 pose ol submitting to the qualified vours o. the Town of Murphy the question of the legai sale of beer ' s.ithin tlio Corporate limits of said I Town as provided by Chapter 18. j Section t27 of the General Statutes J of -\urih Carolina. Notice is further given that the I .- gisu-stion books ior the said el ection will be open at the polling ? piace o. the Town of Murpny, the j tame b. hie >n the Courthouse, oil Saturday, January It, i?52. Sat urday. January 26, 1952, and Sat urday, February 2nd, 1952 from 9:00 A. M until sunset, during the registration period, and that on ail other week days the registration txioks will be available for regis tering qualified electors during the same hours at the home or p^ace o< business of the Registrar. Challenges will be received at lhe polling place on Saturday, Feb 9Jl. 1952 irom 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 NOTICE or FORECLOSURE BY SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the pow er of aale contained in a certain i deed of trust executed by The Christopher Lumber Corporation ! to Hobart L. McKeever, Trustee, dated March 26. 1949, and record ed in Book 162, Pa tie 202, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as Substituted Trustee, by an instrument of writ ing dated the 19th day of Decem ber, 1951. and recorded in Book 181, Page 21. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, default having been made in tiie payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the said deed of trust .being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore closure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tne Courthouse Door in Murphy, North Carolina, at Twelve (12 00) o'clock Noon on the 11th day of February. 1952, the lands and per sonal property conveyed in sail deed of trust, the same lying and being in Murphy Township. Cher okee County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: A part of State Survey No. 6 in District No. 6. BEGINNING on a stake at the margin of a public roadway and at the intersection of two public lords about 110 feet East of No. C branch, and runs thence with the public road North 26 East 388 feet to a point in the road; thence North 20-30 East 150 feet to a point in said road; thence leaving ;he road and running North 54-30 '.Vest crossing No. 6 branch at 260 feet, passing a 12 inch poplar tree at 309 feet: whole distance 528 feet to a point in center of Track ?>f Southern Railway Company; thinee with the center line of said Southern Railway Track a Souih v est direction 390 feet to a point in center of said tracts, a corner of a parcel of land heretofore con reyed bv your Commissioners to Tim II Gihbs and wife. Margaret Gi'o'js r.ow in possession of C. L V.verson; thence with the line of -aid Cibbs I.ot Soiuh 44-3) East 293 feet to a stak" in an old road. I "orn r of s.ahl Gihbs lot; thence continuing with the line of said Gihbs 'ot. South 7 East 285 feet to a s?; ke in the Snoth boundary line of State Survey No. 6 on the tr.ar ?iu of the public road; thence with he said pub'ic road and the line of State Survey No. 6 South 38 East crossing No. 6 branch at 100 l"c"t. ?..hole distance 210 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING -WD RESERVING n easement for Roadway 16 feet in v idth along the West line of the parcel here sold and along said Gihbs line from the point in 'he center of the Southern Railway Company tracks to the said public road near No. 6 branch for use of 'he owners and their grantees on the remaining part of No. 6 lying Nir'h and Northv.-est of said Rall vav Company tracks. PERSONAL PROPERTY 1. G. M. Deisel Engine. Motor No 4929 A, Serial No. 4-4301. Com plete with one Turner Saw mill. 1 other Turner Sawmill, com plete with Power Unit, Motor No. 427. Together with all pulleys, shafts, behin" and other articles of per sonal property used in add around md in connection with the oper it'on of said sawmill and power jnit. But this sale will be made sub :~o? in a certain deed of trust ex ?u'od by Browning Lumber Com p-nv. Inc. 'o J. B. Gray, dated luly 14, 1943. and recorded in Book 1R2. on Page ,99. in the office if the Register of Deeds of Chero P. M. T1 t -he ballot for said election sf-all coniain. as follows* < i For the legal sale of beer f > Against the legal sale of beer That said election shall be held j -nd 'lie votes cast, canvassed, cer ificd and declared under the same rules and regulations governing 'he holding of Special Elections as now provided by law, except that no absentee votes shall be received nnd counted in said election. This December 19. 1951 BTTEL ADAMS. Mayor, Town of I Murphy JOHN BAYLESS. Town Clerk 24-4tc kee County. North Carolina. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This the ttth day of January, 1932. O. L. ANDERSON, SubsUtuted Trustee 26-4lc GAIN NEW JOY IN LIFE TWo b m noaG b)fMt?b ?iroG. kmvmi, craby ?# amlyatb if Am It dbftary blrii??n wMA tcwr only wkm lb Gaily ialain of I bat Go not b ptvt I Giotory d# *llk*? rAUAAA At k A Wk ^-- ? i il ii ? ? I r a ? lilijn n ?'"*? ??? IHVKTIvBOl CvAQIliOnS IS you've resigned yourself to a life without companionship ... without fun and parties ... aimply be cause you haven't the necessary physical power and energy . . BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA ma} be just what you need to pep you up... to girt you new vim, sparkle Bud Special Formula the wonderful new vitamin com poun d, may be exactly what yea need to pat yea on year feet again tf you . . . like ae many, many other* .,. are coffering from com mon aymptome of epeciflc deficien dee. Where each condition! are due to lack of B-*itamine, iron and trace minerals, known to bo eeaential in haman notrition, Bezel may be the "miracle drag" yoa are looking for to pot yoa in tip-top shape again! h Amazing new medical for mula combines the essential B vitamins, iron and trace -minerals needed in Human nutrition. v POTENCY GUARANTEED You toko Ju?t ONE ?a*y-to-swallow Bexe) capsule a day, and that'* aUl It costs you onljr about 6? a day... a tiny price to pay to protect yourself against the misery and sufferings of symptoms which oc cur as a result of pro longed deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Your money back if you don't fool bet tor a/tor one bottle of Bosolt Product of McKesson & Rob bins MAINEV DRUG CO Murphy, North Carolina HOW TO AVOID COLDS, NAGGING ACHES AND PAINS THIS WINTER New Formula Quickly Builds Resistance Against Ills Striking In Cold Weather ; You tan say "Gaodby" to colds, nagging aches and pains and other dlalrars tins winter, when you are lorti icd w lih pl-nty of Iron. B-l, b 2. B-a and Niacin. Recommend ??d bv many doctors, these ingredi ents are contained in New Hl-VITA Tonic, the medically proven, for-, . "U!a ?v0ryone in Murphy is talk- ? ins about. I A veil known North Carolinaj Minister has related his happy ex o il.n.c wilh New III-VITA Tonic. | ' Vie said that aches and pains in 11 is en-is end shoulders and a, cre.p-ping in the lower pert of his harh made h'*r? fH so bad thet his v ork eoiortg his ccngrccation came I ? i. b' a heavy b.'rdcn. He said that *iC would frequently have to get ? in the night and take walks ?ijout his yard to he able to endure ; is terrible suffering. He said he ri?d about everything "under the en" before he f.nally found the relief he had long sought in HI VlTA. which gave him relief and i"v.' strength. Today this kind mln i ' r enjoys life again. He works ?nd sleeps in peace. His system is n n. d and soothed. He is f.'l to HI-VITA for what it for him. D n't go on suffering! Start Vwl 'iiv; ydur body up with vigor, -ir-ng'h and energy by taking HI now?*cday! Sold by R. S. ""erker Drug Co. Adv. THE LCH? ?*Ali Bv Fran Striker SOMEONE FRED FROM AMBUSH AND KNOCKED ME OUT OF THE SAEPLE. TCNTO FOUNDMEONj THE TRAIL. I WkN'3 HORSE Ct-ME HERE < WITH W-l MY GEM? \aCEPT THE ELEPWKT I'D LIKE TO KNOW WHY TUAT ALONE J WAS STOLEN. m&\ 'WHEN CUIEF WWTE EAGLE 'S KILLED wm ThiS GUN.EVERM3HE.tL BLAME THE r? STRANGE?. WEIL BE W THE CLEAR / -i f RJNCER. IP THAT ^ CRITTER NAMED SMITH HAS AN AUBI FOR THE TINE HAUTE EAGUE IS I OUR PLANU FAIL FLAT. -CE SPITE. "ME TTtWTS WHY I LEFT CK1EF?3 BEING "BE MASKED H Maeo wrro smiwsj auve-ncwhy GUH? WERE LEAVING tatfr XT (tracks tuct are vr^s^l easy to ^/7 Vgr TOUOW.i 5Mrm,WEU.G0 TO WHERE I WAS AMBUSHED AND YI SAY, TTWTO, THANKS FORI TBi" TO FOLLOW THE TRAIL OF "WE MAN MM^THE UOAN OF YOUR kM WO STOLE YOUR, m HORSE. sun. j ?. j I ? ^ y^M ?vseu. watch! - A ^^^THINGS in camp. THE SWT W) WT ME OHE TOM CN6R TtCRE THERE ABE THE 1 TWOS OP TIE I AMBU3WERS. ("TWO MEN! I SAY, ItI SHOULD BE- EASY L"tO FOLLOW THAT j 'TRAIL, j WW O'VA SEE", J BNSEC? W RAN 15 WORDING TO PERFECTION.' THE MASKED MAM and smith are Foucvri ng our tracks. HOW WE KNOW SMITH WILL BE NE&R.THE SCENE WHEN HIS ELEPHANT GUN 13 USED TO KILL CHIEF WHITE EAGLE. r??*>.wm f GOOD." rWEU. RIDE. TDTrtE. INDIAN VIU.AG& J ANO UE IN WAIT' r ?i-T ? ?lP ??. ?' IF "WE TRAILCONTINUES AS CLEW? AS THIS, WELL HAVE NC TROUBLE CUNNING I DOWN TOE CROOKS |5*Y,THISH?IUS] CRJCEDEASYj to roucw YES,SMITH, rrs ALMOST*! T TOO EASY. I KEEPVONPESINGIFHE MEN WHOSTOLEl YOUP ELEPHANT GUN MADE IT THIS WAY ON PURPOSE [jl r-tue TRACKS ARE STILL ^ PLENTY CLEAR, RINGER. I GOOD! WMTEEAaSSVIUACE IS BEYOND lUS. ^ WSVLGET CLOSE,"WEN WWT UHTILTAE M6?*SD ~B>V K.II a IMR. ^ WP SWITH C0ME NEAfi C IJCAR hoofbootsA vi ii gnai r TW MASKED MAN J M? SMITH MK 1 eemH'aose' "WEN WERE 00E3 j WTTHTe fj elephant gun VMEWlmW GUN SUREHESAKjCtol TUAT SOUNDED UKE MT1U.ERY' 3 rr wkS my ^ HEPKAKT OJH! *8? *?1??* SHELTERED BUT NOT PROTECTED It's a grand feeling to know that * ou have provided a home for your family. But just providing a home for them today, doesn't mean you have riven them the vital protec tion they will surely need tomor row. Every father should see that his family not only has shelter new. hut real protection for the fu A. D. PEACOCK Phone 4.17 Murphy, N. C. URdimm Marry tPfim s* Atntf auto SERVICE 24-Hour Service Expert Body and Fender Repairing I General Auto Repair Service [EVANS AUTO CO. [Phones: Day 48, Night 52-W Pilot Life - i insurance company^ V \ W.V /rmw Sfmxs* REPAIRS QUINN AND RADCLIFF COPPER!!ILL, TENN. CASUALTY ENDOWMENT EDUCATION PLANS RETIREMENT TIKE POLIO PEACOCK INSURANCE AGENCY A. D, Peacock, Mgr. Ruth Walker, Sec. bonds General Insurance auto ruklm. pKone 457 Murphy, N. C. L,FE Health and Accident. Hospitalization. Plate Glass, Burglar and Theft, Workmen's Compensation. Mortgage Plans. Tractor Tires New Or Used Tractor Tire Repair s Anv Size Tractor if /I Hp* f* braves 1 ire to. Phone 300 Murphy, N. C. NOTICE The business operated as Safety Cabs has been purchased by Sheridan Stiles. The name Safety Cabs will remain in effect. We will appreciate the business of all persons who have heretofore patronized Safety Cabs and all other persons who may patronize us in the future. Just call 207 or 206. Dependable drivers and all cabs insured.