SOCIETY Mrs. Caldwell Is Program Leader Mrs. Brown Caldwell was pro gram leader of Peachtree Baptist Women's Missionary Union Thurs day afternoon at 1:30. "Good News for All Who Seek" was the pro gram topic. Mrs. Clarence Hendrlx gave the devotional. ? Others taking part were: Mrs. Aud Sudderth, Mrs. A. B. Lovell, Mrs. Care Stiles. Miss Stella Rob inson. Mrs. Noah Hembree, Miss Mae Sudderth, Mrs. Brown Cald well. Mrs. Evelyn Sudderth and the Rev. A. B. Lovell. Club Is Guest In Chandler Home Murphy Home Demonstration Club planned the year's program when it met Friday at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. R. D. Chand ler with Mrs. Alvin Buchanan serving as co-hostess. Project leaders and committee chairmen were named. The group sang "A Song of Peace". Refreshments were served to 13 members and three visitors. Martin's Creek 4-H Club Meets The Martin's Creek 4-H Club met January 16. Harry Arrowood. president, presided. Billie Sue Cunningham and Margie Stiles led in singing "Darling Nelly Gray". Polly Ann Stiles is secretary. G. A. Farley gave us a program about tuberculosis and showed a film, "Rodney"; afterwards Mrs. C. D. Puett discussed the March of Dimes drive. The club voted to support the drive 100 percent. Reports by the REA indicate that farmers are turning more and more to electric power for labor savings and for help in increasing farm production efficiency. Mrs. Fred Scroggs Hostess To Gub Tomotla Home Demonstration Club appointed committee chair men and project leaders and plan ned the year's programs when it met recently at the home of Mrs. Fred Scroggs, with Miss Edna Bishop, home agent, in charge of the meeting. The subject discussed was "Or ganization". Mrs. Sroggs served refreshments o the following members: Mes lamcs J. C. Wells, John Rogers, 'Ohn Keener. Sheridan Johnson, tobert E. Rogers, Herbert H. Stiles and Mrs. Lila Keever. Visitors were: Johnny and Bobby iogers, Larry Johnson and Danny Stiles. The February meeting will be st the home of Mrs. John Rogers. Mrs. Calvin Stiles Honored At Shower Mrj. Calvin Stiles was honored Friday at 7 30 p. m. at a stork shower at First Bap'ist Church bv p- embers of the Esther Sunday School class and other friends. Mrs. Sliles is president of the class. Good wishes and suggested names were written on sheets that later were assembled into a book for the honoree. Refreshments were served by Mesdames Lewis King. Jewell Miller, Vincent Stiles .nd M. L. Williams Those present besides the aJ>ove mentioned were: Mesdames A. D. ""acock. John Fleming, J. B. Hall, Walter Puett, John Manthey. Cloe Moore. C. H. Townson, Harold Wells, J. C. Townson, Ruth Craig, Lyda Campbell, Louise Raper. Dorothy Israel. H. L. Hinton, Ver 'in Jones, B .J. Fish, Hubert Wil son. E. E. Stiles, and Cecil Mills, Miss Addie Mae Cooke. Linda Pea cock, Sue Miller, and Carl Town son. Palmers Hostesses Friday At Dinner Mrs. Dixie Palmer and Miss Hattie Palmer entertained at a din ner at their home Friday evening n honor of Mrs. Nina Hubbell and Miss Hattie Axley. Other invited guests were Mrs. J. H. McCall, Miss Marvie Walker Miss Addie Mae Cooke and Mrs T. S. Evans. TO GIVE PIE SUPPER Tomotla Home Demonstration Club will give a pie supper at the school January 33 at 7:30 p. m. Proceeds will go to the March of Dimes. Members in charge are: Mrs. Sheridan Johnson, Mrs. J. C. Nells, Mrs. Robert E. Rogers and Mrs. Herbert Stiles. Bill McCoy Is President Of Wildlife Club Bill McCoy of Hiwassee Dam was elected president of Hiwassee Dam Wild Life Club at a meet ing held Monday night in the pri mary school auditorium. Other officers elected were No land Wells it Murphy, first vice president; John Posey of Murphy, second v I c e-president; Eugene Smith of Hiwassee Dam, secre , tary; Harold Wells of Murphy, reasurer. Arnold Dalrymple. game protec tor for Cherokee County, was elect ?d membership chairman, and Hugh Hensley of Murphy, program chairman. Rex Bird of Hendersonville. dts 'rict biologist, showed colored slides about food for wildlife, and Frank Wade of Waynesville ex plained the functions of the Wild-1 life Federation A movie, "Tar Heel Wlld'-lfe", was shown. Beal-Davis Vows Are Spoken Mr. ant" Mrs Ralph Beal of Hayesville announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Frances Beal, to the Rev Alonzo R. Davis, on o' th~ Rev. F. R. Davis of Lilesville December 26 at 5 p. m. The double-ring ceremony was V: formed by the Rev. F. R. Davis in the presence of relatives and ?lose friends in th? Lilesville par ,">nage. The bride wore a navy suit. Her Bridal bouquet was of white car nations. Mrs. D is Is a graduate of Hayesville High School and attend ed Bob Jones University, Greens ville, S. C. Mr. Davis is a gradutae of En glehard High School and Asburry College, Ky., and is now a student of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta. He is a pastor of four churches on the Murphy Methodist circuit: Bellview, Martin's Creek Maggie's Chapel and Peachtree. Immediately after the ceremony i the couple left for a sh6rt honey-i moon to points of interest in North [ Carolina and Georgia. They are making their home in | Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. R. B. Chandler Hostess To Class Mrs. R. D. Chandler was hostess ?o the Fidelis Sunday School class of First Baptist Church Monday - vening at a pot luck supper. Mrs. Ben Palmer, class president, con ducted the devotional and present ed Mrs. J. W Davidson, who gave 'he history of the class. Mrs. R. c Ba-'lt rmdi'cted some contests. Mrs. L. W. Shields was elected nembership vice-chairman. Those present besides the above I ?vere: Mesdames W. M. Lay, class | 'c?ehtr. Joe Hay, E. A. Browning. '*. G. Ivie, Don Gentry. J. Alton | Morris. H. L. Pressley. L. R. Hard- | :na. Vivian Gentry. J. W. Donley, nd C. Arnold, and Misses I vMr..a Umphfres and Addie Mae | Cooke. RANGER Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Evans and i Mrs. Ralph Stirv a't made a bus-j ers trio to Murp'n- recently. "..Ir. and Mrs. Herbert ?o:i have I -"ti'rrC v?me after visiting rela-1 tives at Gastonia. Pvt. Thomas H. Kilpatrick of 'h? U. S. Army spent the week il with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Kilpatrick. The Rev, Fred Stiles filled his | -egular appointment Sunday at 1 Fairview Church. Those visiting Mrs. S. M. Sneed | ind Mrs. Fred Sneed Tuesday were Mrs. C. B. Hedriek and chil- i dren, Mrs. Garland Warren and j Mrs. Charlie Beavers and daugh-1 er. Mrs. Nannie Palmer visited Mr. I and Mrs. Charlie Kilpatrick this | week. H. C. Johnson made a business | trip to Atlanta recently. * Hens on North Carolina farms laid more than a million eggs in 1950. NOTICE OF SALE The Cherokee County Board of I education will sell oi Public Auc- J iit.n al the Courthouse door in | Murphy February 16, 1952, at 11 o'clock A. M. to 'he highest bidder for cash the following described -chool property: Beginning on a Spanish oak near the north, side of the public road leading from Murphy, N. C. to Unaka, N. C. on conditional, line between C. Rad ford and William Allen, and runs with the road 11 poles