J. M. Curtis, 70 Dies Saturday J. M. Curtis. TO. retired farmer Unaka. died at 1 a. m. Saturday tn a Murphv hospital after an ill ness of two months. Funeral services were conducted at 1 p. m. Sunday in Unaka Bap tist Church with the Rev Gar field Marr officiating. Burial was in the church ceme tery with Townson Funeral Home in charge. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lizzie Murphy Curtis; one son Olen of Unaka; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Dillbeck of Ducktown. Tenn., and Mrs. Mae Taylor of Pleasant HilL Clay A. Cearley Ls Taken Tuesday Clay Allen Cearley. 28, a far mer of Leltia, died Tuesday In the home following a long illness. Surviving ire the parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Cearley: four bro thers: Jeter, Wesley. Harford and Homer, all of Letitia; one sister. Miss Lona Cearley of the home. Funeral services will be held at Also two brothers. Bob Curtis of Demorest. Ga.. and Hannibal Cur tis of Clayton. Ga.; two sisters, j Mrs. Mae Robinson of Cornelia. Ga.. and Mrs. V. A. Keener of Ra burn, Ga. and nine grandchildren, i Bond Safes In December Total $11,969 County t" S. Savings Bonds Chairman. W D. Whitaker an . noun~e?* recently that sales of Series E. F and G Bonds in Cher okee County for the month of De cember totalled $11,969. Of this r mount I11.96P was in Series E Bonds, none in Series F Bonds, and none in Series G Bords The sales figures for North Car-i olina's 100 counties were as fol 'ows: Series E Bonds $3,187,551. Series F Bonds $62,548.50 Series G Bonds $276.5 inted out that an $18 75 E Bond ?jurchased in 1941 will bring $33.33 1 ip 1961. I "Almost S4 billion in E Bonds j til! mature in 1952." Mr. Whitaker said. "It is important to our na 'ion's economy that owners of ma uring E Bonds take advantage of ho extension law and hold on to ' he Bonds, and it is also important! 1 p. m. Thursday < today t in Mt. j '?>n B;tolist Church in Union County. Ga. The Rev Juther Swanson and he Rev Thomas Truett will offi iate and burial will be in the hurch cemetery with Ivio Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Nola Dyer Dies Oil Tuesday ? rs Noll Dyer, 91. died Tues 1?y morning at her home on Koute 4, Hayesville, after a year's .n<*s?. She is survived by the husband. 'Icnry Dyer four sons. Wlllard. art. David and Johnnie, all of 'iayesville; seven daughters. Mrs. orene Monk us. Route 9. Murphy, ''n. Bessie Ashe. Cleveland. Tenn . in. Geneva Worley. Gastonla. Mrs. Mildred Wood. Route 1. Mur ->hy. Mrs. Frances Anderson. Mur ohy. Miss Deloies and Miss Nancy Dyer of the home. Tour brothers; Sara and George ' v?st of Andrews. Pearson West of " >Dton. and David West of Etowah. rcnn.; three sisters. Mrs. Lola Dyer of Blairivtlle. Ga.. Mrs. Ollie Cathron of Topton. and Mrs. Alfle ""ase of And-ews. Funeral services were conducted 2 p. m. Wednesday in Sweet atcr Methodist Church. Burial is in the church cemetery with ? Funeral Home in jrharge Former Resident Is Taken Sunday Mr?. l-~>e? Graham. 65. o' En clcnnod. Tenn. formerly of Chero- ! k?e Couniy. died at 8 a. m. Sun- j 'av !n her hamc follov ing a long r'n^ss. I Fun -ml : 2 p m. in Unaka Baptist oh. The Lev. Billy Young and j '? ? Rev. William Morrow official- I -d Burial was in Old Unaka Ceme- j cry with Townson Funcra' Home ?l charge. Surviving are the husband, 'imcs Graham: three daughters, ? Ella Crawford of Unaka. Mrs. Dessi" Evans of Young Cane. Ga.. ?nd Mrs. Thelma Garrett of Dlairsville. Ga ? a son. Oliver, of -'t. Vernon. Tenn.. two step-chil Irrn. Mrs. Josie Garrett of Unaka 'nd Clifford Graham of Blue Hdge. Ga.; three sisters. Mrs. 3eulah Jone-i and Mrs. Verda West >f Turtletown. Tenn.. and Mrs !ihel Evans of Baltimore. Md.; I hree brothers. Gordon. Bennie ?nd Richard Tones all of Turtle- i own. Services Held For C. I. Brvson Cicero 1 Brecon 72. a retired irmer of Route 2. Murphy, died at 1:2> a. m. Tuesday at the home of daughter, Mrs. G. H. Farmer of I arble after a long illness. \ j Surviving arc the widow. Mrs. ; harlotte Brvson; three daughters, iss Lnla Bryson of the home. Irs. J ,W. Scott of Mt. Holly, and 'rs Farmer; four sons. Tom of clllco Plains. Tenn.: Buck of Rob Insville. Allen of Mt. Holly, and ibvl of Fordtown. Tenn.; two bro i-rs. Thomas D of Oakland. ?l!f.. and G. C. of Long Island. . Y.; four sisters. Mrs. V. C. Wal t of Shelby. Mrs. Bessie Sur dge of Galena. Kansas. Mrs. ;aac Elliott of Murphy and Mrs. ?a Bryson of Sacramento. Calif.: I grandchildren and two great -andehildren. Funeral services were conduct t a? 2 p. m. today. 'Thursday) in naka Baptist Church. Burial was i the church cemetery with Town ?n Funeral Home in charge. A conference of North Carolina irymen will be held at State Col 'e on January 29-30 Several out indins speakers will appear on r program. at we continue to buy additional pfense Bonds," he said. Full in cmatlon on the E Bond extension an can be obtained from any ink. GIBBS HARDWARE AND AUTO SUPPLY presents sen iP** &mCMSS/WfD ALL CLASSIFIED ADS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. LOCAL BATES: MlilnA Me far (M t i Um of ad with not more thee U words: three laaert loos. tl. Additional words, tc dor word. POM KATES: one time. !e rer word. All rotas set. Classified ads accosted as until It aooa Wednesday. ALL "KEYED" CLASSIFIED ADS ABE It PEE WOBD AND * MINIMUM OP 7Se. CABD OP THANKS Ma MEMOKIAMS, BESOLUTIONS OF KESPECT. AND OB1TUAEIES te PEE WOBD. ELECTRIC RANGE for sale. $63 Addle Mae Cooke. Phone 20 or I 97-W. 27-tf j _.OST: The writing part of a black and white Sheaffer fountain pen. Friday evening, somewhere ,?n She streets of Murphy Finder please return to Scout Office and receive a reward. 26 tc WANTED: Woman Cook to assist cook in kitchen. Must be able j to read and write. New Regal Hotel. Murphy. N. C. 27-3tc lay for Sale. $1.25 per Bale. W. E 1 lirendle. Brasstoun. N. C. 26-31 p I Buying Black Walnuts. Hulled and Dried. Farmers Federation. 26-3tc -OST: Wednesday 22-Karet Cam eo Ear Bob. Finder please return to Mrs. Florence Moore. 406 cherry St.. for reward. 28-1 tp Hay for Sale. By Bale or Ton. C. H. Townson. Marble. N. C. Piione 553-.M-4. 26-3tp OR RENT: 2-bedroom house. Phone 75. Murphy. N. C. 27-3tc FOR SALE: 30-acre farm with 5 room house. See Spencer Crane, 12 miles east of Murphy on Highway 64. 27-4tp ?"OR SALE: Stove and heater wood See Bill King. Phone 364, Mur phy. N. C. 26-3tp ?'OR SALE: One New Farmall Cub tractor with complete equip ment. Evans Auto Co.. Phone 48. 28-1 tc Tar Heel farmers can Improve he quality of the beef cattle they ell by using good registered ireeding bulls and culling cow lerds systematically. HOT PLATES for wile One wilh two units, $300; and one with one unit $1 75. Addle Mae Cooke. Phone 20 or 07-WT GROW YOUK OWN FRUIT. Com plete line ot Fruit trees. Nut Trees. Berry Plants. Grape V lies, and Ornamental Plant Material offered by Virginia's ' j'gest Growers. Write for Fr-'e Copy art-page Planting Guide in Color. Salespeople Wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries. Waynes boro Virginia. 22-8tr STOVE WOOD for sale Delivered. VV. D Townson I.umber Co.. Phone 334 22-tfc WANTED TO BUY For cash high tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any size. Graves Tires Co. Phone 300, Murphy. 2-tft FOR SALE: 2 joining farms. 6 rooiv iiouse. running water, new pump, electricity. One farm 23 acres, on? 45 acres. 17 acres in grass and clover. I acre tobacco allotment. 33 acres ran be culti vated by machinery. 7.000 pine trees 13 years of age. I Belgium Horse, 4 years old. 1 Belgium Marc. 4 years old, sired from a purebred of Hershey Farms in Baltimore, Md. Douglas H. Hall, 13 miles east of Murphy on High way 64. 28-3tp VfEN WANTED: I want a man who cares for his family, wants the finer things of life. Is not con tent with $50 jr $75 per week, wants his own business. Can be his own boss. Must have a car. Phone 545. Murphy, N. C. 23-tfc I APPOLOGIZE I want to apologize to the pub ic. especially the good people of lurphy. for signing my name to petition to call a beer election. I regret this error and assure he people that my vote will be [gainst the legal sale of beer. Neal Mtllsaps ? 28-ltp 'OR RENT: One half of building occupied by Deluxe Cleaners. Ideal business location, on Church Street. See Mrs. Vivian Gentry', or call Phone 225-J. 2#-3tc hereby offer a $25 reward to any person who will give sufficient evidence of any person stealing material from my building on Fains Mountain. Gay Hawkins. Suit, N. C. 26-3tp FOR SALE: Baled Hay, clover and orchard (raas, also oat. at R. L. Anderson Farm, Warne, N. C. ?-3tp WEST1 NO HOUSE refrigerator lor sale. $100. In good condition. Addle Mae Cooke, Phone 20 or 97-W. 27-tf FOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, any atxe, any amount. Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202 Mur phy. N. C. 28-tfc FOR SALE: One house and 0 acres of land. Corn mill. 2 mule. Water and lights in house. Will sell cheap See John H. Webb. Route 1, Marble, N. C. 28-3tp FOR RENT?Floor sanding ma chine by hour or day. Phone 100. Gibhs Hardware and Auto Supply. 47-tfe FOR SALE: Weslinghouse refrig erator $100. Westinghouse elec tric range $65. 5.000 watt elec tric heater $60 and two hot plates. Addle Mae Cooke. Phono 20 or 97-W. FOR SALE Dwelling house and 2 lots in good business location in Marble. On Highway 19-120. See C. M. Trul'. 28-3tp FOR SALE: A 6-room house, lights and water, about 3 acres of land, small orchard, good lo cation near Marble. See Lee Hughes at Marble. 26-3 p 5.000 WATT electric heater for sale, $60. Addie Mae Cooke, Phone 20 or 97-W. 27-tf WANTED: Experienced Cook at Bus Station, Murphy, N. C. Ap ply in person. Top wages .Male or Female. M. C. O'Dell. 26-3tc rOR SALE: 45 acres farm. 2 Dwelling houses, good out buildings. On U. S. Highway 19 in Gold Branch section. Gene Kilpatrick. Phone 34-W, Mur phy, N. C. 27-3tp WATCH REPAIR: Expert watch clock, glasses and jewelry re pairs. New and used watches. Metal and leather bands. All types crystals. Prices right. Earl Beaver. Jeweler, next door to Graves Tire Co. 27-3tp apartment. Electric Cook Stove and Electric Water Heater. Back and front entrance. 432 Hia wassee. and Phone 96-W, Mur phy. N. C. 28-ltc WE BUY CATTLE?HOGS Also, chickens of any icind. Will come any where after them. Write or call :Jnone o82-J Box 57 I 2arl Crawford & Sons Coppemill, Tenn. Time To Look Ahead This is the time of year when you lcok back over the year and take inventory. It is also the time to lock ahead and make your plans for 1952. Here Are A Few Points To Check: I.?Are you using a checking account to help you keep a record of your income and! expenses, to (afford you a legal re ceipt. to save you time and steps? 2.?Do you have a savings account where you are putting aside some amount each month 'as a reserve for emergen cies? The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. can help ytou in forming and carrying out your plans for the New Year. CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. Murphy-Andrews-R obbinsville-Ha v es vi He SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation iN / / L MINUTE// Western Auto Associate Store Murphy, N. C. Home Owned?W. A. Singleton Phone 582 A A i i GASOLINE & DIESEL TRUCKS Kht key 9* | fritter lnlfNf petjlft -you see more everyday! EVER stop to ask yourself why you see more and more husky GMC's on every highway every day? Why so many cost-wise buyers are singling out GMC's as their first choice? The answer is, "GMC" spells profit to tkgypan whoso business depends on the *anc? of his trucks. it-track users, "GMC" means ttflyhnt horsepower in its class?for GNE to 2-tonners are second to none in pulling power. And to commercial haulers, "GMC" means America's moat popular Diesel ?for efficiency, for long-lasting, fleet footed power and lowest operating cost. And in between, throughout the GMC line ?from the smallest gasoline powered pickup truck to the largest Diesel?the story's the same: Power, brakes, comfort, safety and stamina ?the right combination of everything essential to low-cost hauling ?in the right vehicle for your loads. Before you buy another truck?come in. See for yourself why GMC is the best truck buy you can make today. CHEROKEE PONTIAC GO. 205 Hiawawee St Murphy, N. C. Yoo'll do hotter on ? uaed t nick with your OMC dealer _________ NEW ",7H Motorola 17 iadi TV liw-cist lixiry tlMt cfcts yn ? Excluaive Glare-Guard curved ?crttn that cHminetea ?p to 99% of reflected glen. * loerant "Target" toning. ? RaoMktip picture* ? "Golden Voice" mn * Furniture wyled Lined Oak or Mahogany $19930 F. E. Tax Included Available with Ultra High Fre quency Reception at Extra Coat Gibbs Hardware And Auto Supply 100 Marahop, w. c. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, January 36 Charles Starrett-Smlley Burnett "Cyclone Fury" Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW Jane Wyatt-Pat O'Brien "Criminal Lawyer" Cartoon And Selected Short Subjects Sun.-Mon., January 37-28 Ronald Reagan-Rhonda Fleming "Hong Kong" In Color Also Selected Short Subjects Tues.-Wed? January 29-38 Michael Rennle-Patriela Neal "The Day The Earth Stood Still" Also Selected Short Subjects Thurs^FrL, Jan. Il-Feb. 1 "The Desert Fox' aim DICKEY THEATRE MURPHY, N.^ Saturday. January 26 The Rough-Ridin' Kids ?In? "Arizona Manhunt" Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW Lonise Howard, In? "The Son Of Dr.Jekyll" Cartoon And Selected Short Subjects Sun.-Mon., January 27-28 Gordon MacRae-Rory Calhoun "Retirni Of The Frontiersman" In Color Also Selected Short Subjects Tues.-Wed., January 28-86 James Stewart-Debra Paget "Broken Arrow" In Color Also Selected Short Subjects Thurs.-Frt., Jan. 81-Peb. 1 "On The Loose' HENN THEATRE ANDREWS. N. C. Saturday. January 26 Tim Holt. In? "Rider From Tucson" ? Serial And Selected Short Subjects LATE SHOW Dorothy Patrick-Robert Rockwell "Federal Agent At Large" Cartoon And Selected Short Subjects Sun.-Mon., January 27-28 Errol Flynn-Mlchellne Pre lie ?In "Adventures Of Captain Fabian" Also Selected Short Subjects Tuea.-Wed.. January 26-36 Johnny Weil Joyce, In? "Tarzan And The Leopard Woman" Alan flrilfritail BHm4 Thurs^m, Jan. tl-M. 1 "Siroceo*