Andrews Personals Am Webb ol Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. Turn., spent three days last week at home with parents, Mr. and Mrs. B1U Sfc. Claude Hurt has been spending a few days furlough at home with his family, and mother, Mrs. Hattie Hunt. Wlllard Bailey of Tampa. Fla, was a business visitor in town thU The Rev and Mrs. George B. Culberth, and daughter, Vera Starr ? i Bryson City spent Monday with relatives. Mr. and airs. Carl Breedlove, Jr.. recently moved from Marble to ()akwood Heights Mr. and Mrs Smith Coffey of Marble recently moved to Oak wood Heights. Mrs. Jack Herbert and son Jack ie, and Mrs. Herbert's mother, irs. Roe Rowland, spent Thurs day In Syhra. Sgt. Kverette Hyde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pet Hyde, has returned to Hempstead, N. Y? after spend ing a 30-day furlough at home with his parents. r. and Mrs. Junior Sherrlll of Dlllsboro spent several days with Mrs. Sherrlll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Buchanan. Miss Ruth Barnard is In Dray ton Plains, Michigan, visiting her sister, Mrs. James Pickett, who 111 in the hospital. Miss Barnard TOUR I.Q.* IS HIGHER . . . than It may have been a few years ago. But if you should die tomorrow would your present life insurance program be sufficient to allow your children to complete their education . . and provide for your wife during ,her lifetime? ?Insurance Quota. I A. D. PEACOCK Phone 457 Murphy, N. C. Pilot Life < Insurance Company 3 1X2 Jack Herbert was a business vis itor In Atlanta. Ga.. Friday Pie. Ray Radford of Wilming ton. Ohio, recently spent week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kellls Radford. Pic. Harold Higdon, who has been in Korea lor the past ten months. Is spending a 90-day fur ough with his father, Horace Hig don and family. Pfc. Higdon will report back to Fort Jackson. S. C. Mr. and Mrs Jack Bradley o. Aiken, S. C., spent week-end witn Mr. Brady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bradley. Mrs. W. H. Clark of Ashevtlle has returned home after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Adam Nichols and family. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Adams of Atlanta, Ga., spent week-end with Mrs. Adams parents, Mr. and Mrs Ross Bradley. Mr. and and Mrs. James Ledford of Waynesvlllc spent week-end visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ledford, and Mrs. Win nie Cathey and family. Miss Jeanette Long of Bryson City spent week-end with Miss Barbara Battle. Robert Freeman has returned home from Gastonla. Mrs. Ellie McDonald and sons, lohn and Clyde, of Hangingdog spent Sunday with daughter, Mrs Robert Freeman. S/A Harry Scott Nichols of the U. S. S. Pittsburg now in Norfolk, Va., spent Saturday at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nichols. Pvt. Frank Derreberry, recently 'nducted, is now stationed at Fort 3iley, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mashburn >f Bristol, Tenn., spent week-end with relatives. M/Sgt. Harvey Owenby. wife and daughter. Carolyn, of Fort Jackson, S. C., spent week-end with Mr. Owenby's mother, Mrs. John Owenby. Sheep and lambs on feed on U. ?. farms January 1 numbered about 3.9 million head, half a mil lion more than a year earlier Hay stocks on farms January 1 totaled 73.4 million tons, nearly 4 million tons more than the total on hand a year earlier. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY. The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Lee Watkins, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify ill persons ha\ ing claims against aid estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th lay of February, 1953. or this no ice will be pleaded in bar of their -ecovery. All persons indebted to -aid estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the lit day at IMS. J. Arthur Watkins, Administra tor, Andrew*, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore doing busi ness In the City of Andrews, North Carolina, under the firm name of Lee Watkins Wood & Coal hx* been dissolved by the death of Lee Watkins, one of the partners, on he 30th day of January. 1952, and that all parties having claims against the said partnership are lotlfled to exhibit the tame to the indersigned on or before the 7th 'ay of February, 1933, or this no Ice will be pleaded In bar of heir recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said partnership will please lake Immediate payment to the nderslgned. -Ms the 4th day of February, 1932. u. Alder Purser. Surviving Part ner 30-4tc LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE James W. Stewart has applied for exchange under Act of March 3, 1923, (43 Stat. 1213) offering 143 acres of land In Cherokee County, North Carolina, being the same tract of land conveyed to Samuel Stewart by Laura J. Cover, et als. by deed dated May 7, 1904, and be ing bounded on the west, north and east by national forest lands, and on the south by lands of James W Stewart, In exchange for not to ex ceed an equal value of national forest timber on Wright Creek, Graham County, North Carolina. Persons claiming said properties or having bona fled objections to such application must file their protests with the Regional Fores ter, U. S. Forest Service, 50 Sev enth Street, N. E., Atlanta 5, Geor gia, before February 20, 1952. 27-4tp NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain chattel mortgage executed by W. W. WILSON, dated the 23rd day of May, 1951, and recorded in Book 1P4. page 271, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cher okee County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said mortgage being by its terms subject to foreclosure, he undersigned mortgagee will of 'er for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the | p'ant of the Hitchcock Corpora i lion near Murphy, North Caroll ' na, Cherokee County, North Caro lina, at twelve o'clock, noon, on the '4?h day of February, 1952, the following articles of persona1, prop erty, towit: One Floor Jac<c Hydraulic One s?t Gear ana Wheel Pullers One Paint Spray One two ton Chain Hoist Two sets Bolt Dies One set Mechanist Calipers . r,tie AC Welding Machine Two Grease Guns Also Miscellaneous hand tools, socket wrenches, etc. Also all other machinery, tools and'equipment which are at pres i* in lee possession of the Mor NOTARY PUBLIC FANNIE McGUIRE SCOUT OFFICE lc5&* I? specul The sale will be for This the 29th day of January, 1932. FRANCES C. BOURNE. Mor gagee. By F. O. Christopher, Attorney 29-3tc NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEEE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by I. L. Rice and wife. Eva Rice, to J. B. Gray. Trustee, dated the 20th day of September, 1947, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Cherokee County in Book 161, page 487; and under and by Vir tue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted trus tee by an instrument of writing dated the 27th day of September, 931, and recorded in Book 181, page 4, in the office of the Regis er of Deeds of Cherokee County, forth Carolina, default having oeen made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and die said deed of trust being by the erms thereof subject to foreclos ure, and the holder of the indebt edness thereby secured having de manded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said in debtedness, the undersigned Sub stituted Trustee will offer for sale it public auction to the highest oldder_for cash at the Courthouse loor in Murphy, North Carolina, it twelve o'clock noon, on the 21st lay of February, 1952, the land ?onveyed in the said deed of trust, jounded and described as follows: A certain tract of land lying and being in the Town of Murphy, Jherokee County aforesaid, and lore particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a point in the South margin of Fort Butler Street, a corner of the 1.76 acre raot of land heretofore conveyed 0 I. L. Rice and wife, Eva Rice, >y Tarheel Investment Company, ?nd runs thence with the South margin of Fort Butler Street 84 30 West 38.8 feet to a point the intersection of the South margin of Fort Butler Street with the West nargin of Witherspoon Drive; hence South 55 West 205 feet to 1 stake; thence South 29 East 131 -"eet to a stake; thence South 50 East 145 feet to a stake, a corner of the McMillan lot; then with the ine of said McMillan lot North 47 East 194.2 feet to a stake, a cor ner common to McMillan and the Rice 1.76 acre lot; then North Wert 206 8 toot to the point at Beginning The above described real estate will be aold subject to all taxes outstanding and unpaid on the This the 17th day of January, 1952. F. O. CHRISTOPHER. SubsUtu rWIN-CITY DRIVE-IN II1ATII McCajsvllle. Georgia Thuraday-Priday "SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS" Joel MeCrea-Alaxla Smith Teehalooler Western Bamaare Saturday Only "MARINE RAIDERS" ? Pat O'Brien Sunday-Monday "PORT WORTH" A Randolph Scott Technicolor "THREE GUTS NAMED MIKE" Van Johnson-Jane One To See Again! REAL ESTATE for sale Patau, kNM, tola. Cafoa, rrocery atores, racant laid, cuv aitca, all klnda of real property. Let aa know what yo? wait We ?ay have It or can tet It (er yen D. M. REESE Real Raute Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O'Dell PHONE tit MURPHY. N. C Best-known home remedy to relieve distress Is WICKS ? \ W VapoRub Get handy KITCHEN UTENSILS IN MOTHER S Every big square package of Mother's Oats offers an exciting double Value! Because money can't buy a iner quality, more deli cious, or more nourishing oatmeal than Mother's Oats. And packed in every package you'll find a valuable, useful premium such as aluminum kitchen utensils, famous "Fire King" glass cup and saucer, beautiful "Wild Rose" pattern china or gay colorful Carni val Ware. No waiting! No coupons! No money to send! Just ask your grocer for Mother's Oats with Premium, in the bag square package. I uioSTr* MOTHS*'* OATS ?o pnJmf of JHf QUAKtt OATS CO One ride and M say: "Thais the SmartesT Million Dollars BUICK Ewer Spent' When we tell you that every 1952 Buick ride? like a million dollars, we're not just slinging slang?we're talking real money?right-on-the barrelhead cash. * A million dollars and more were poured into research and testing ? design and tools-engineering, production and com ponents?to team up the combination of ride features you'll find on a Buick?and on no other car in the world. A million dollars and more was the price paid to work out control of end sway and aide-roll on curvea?to double check vertical "throw" with shock absorbers and big soft-acting ooil springs for all four wheels-to V-brace the torque-tube keel and X-hrOoe the frame ?to cushion body and engine ? and to silk out the whole operation with Dynallow Drive.* You may not care how the job was done, or what it cost. But well lay you this: Ym're going to say "thanks a million" to Buick engineers once you get this spirited smoothie under your hands and haunches. Old familiar roads take on a new smoothness. Gone are the weave and wander, the jitter and jounce that you've felt in leaser cars. You ride with road* hugging assurance and level ease. Ail of which only begins to tell you what really great oars these 1952Bufcks turned oat to bow Never before have style and stamina? comfort and character?power, per formance and price been brought together with such satisfying skill. The obvious thing for you to do is oome in and look them over. How about tak ing half an hour off to,do that ? todayP Equipment, meet?trim, trim mud mmdmtm mm mukjmrni tm ekmume withmmi wKw, ^standard en Roa DMA STBJt. optional at mtm eomi mm mtkmr Smrim. Sure is true for '52 MOTOR CO., 200 St Murphy, n. c. WUMlMLJEMi ?jKnk ,V"'-'V jil^MMMMiS^iffli -'Vif New Formula Quickly Restores Vigor To Folks "OW" at 35-45*55 HOW YOU CAN FEEL AND LOOK YOUNGER THAN YOUR YEARS Energize your system, tone up your nerves?get ? fresh lease on Life with New HI-VTTA Tonic! This medically-proved formula goes right to work quickly to wake up your sluggish organs and give you pep and vitality. When you are deathly tired, have no ambi tion, feel nervous ond Irritable, your head aches, your appetite la gone and you can't sleep nights, try New HI-VITA Tonic. "I have never seen the likes of this new HI-VITA," a registered Nurse of 20 years experience stated recently. "A patient of mine was terribly sick. She was pale and weak and had lost so much weight that she looked almost like a corpse. She had no appetite and slept restlessly. The little food she did eat caused add indigestion She was headerny and nervous. Her husband read about HI-VITA in the paper and got a bottle for her. Believe me. I have never seen anybody improve as much as she did even before she had finished taking that one bottle. She is up and about now, doing her shores like she had never been rick." >Thls is a bonafled statement giv en voluntarily by a highly respect ed professional Nurse.) New HI-VITA Tonic has helped many men and women who had tried other medicines and treat ments with no results. Contains no alcohol. Go to B. S. Parker Drug Co. and get HI-VITA now todnyl Tomorrow yon will be glad you did. adv. CASUALTY ENDOWMENT EDUCATION PLANS FIRE POLIO PEACOCK INSURANCE AGENCY A. D. Peacock, Mgr. Ruth Walker, Sec. bonds General Insurance auto burial phone 457 Murphy, N. C. Health and Accident, Hospitalization. Plate Glaze, Theft Workmen's Compensation. Mortgage Tractor Tires I New Or Used Tractor Tire Repair Any Size Tractor Graves Tire Co. Phone 300 Murphy, N. C. tie sure to ask for JFC/ k\

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