National 4-H Club Week. March 1-9 CSftruto Stout tbjmfaJ gJL Afcnft# kkarif iWr rr rnwiii VOLUME tt?NUMB** SS ML*PHY NORTH CAROLINA. THURS., FEBRUARY U. IMS TEN PAGES THIS Granny Hyatt At 92 Gelebrates Her 23rd Birthday This Leap Year CELEBRATES 92nd ANNIVERSARY?Mrs. R. H Hyatt, known by everyone as "Granny" Hyatt, who on Friday, February 29, will celebrate her 23rd birthday and her 92nd year. She Is shown here in a typical pose in her rocking chair, near a display of antique and other valuable ablna and crystal collected by her and her daughter in-law. Mrs. Heniy Hyatt, through the years. Grade A D aines "Fou:- years ago there were 17 grade A dairies in the Cherokee Clay-Graham health district Now there are 70 producing grade A of w " " raw milk, every drop of which goes to Mountain Valley of Brass town and Halls Dairy of Murphy, where It is pesturised and deliv ered to, the consuming public", Says Dr. J. E. Donlan, health of (or th< " fleer for the three counties. In accordance with the U. S. Public Health Service Milk Code, every one of the producing dairies Is inspected at regular Intervals by the loeel sanitarian and milk sac pies are taken monthly to the City Laboratpry of Asheville and tested for purity and quality. Every cow producing milk is test ed annually for tuberculosis and Disease. Besides Mountain Valley and y. w i Halls Dairy, wfe also receive pas turited milk from the Southern Dai/ics of Asheville and Pet Dairy Co. of Knoxville, Tenn. The Pet Ce. delivers to Fontana only, re ports Dr. Donlan. "More people are using pastur ixed milk every day, not only be cause it is safer, but it also Im proves the flavor and keeping quality," says Dr. Donlan. I Kill I KK Morris Ai Baptist Services The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pas tor of MMrphy First Baptist Church, will speak on "Cheat's and Our Jerusalem" et the II a. m. worship services Sunday. Sunday School wlli be it *40 will be held at Beal town Mission^ at^2:30 p. will be held at the prison cpmp at 3 p. m. Training Union will be at 6:30 p. m. and evening worship it 7:30 P m. The. pastor's topic will be "Loving Him and Keeping Hit P & will be a at 10 a. m. Wftm Wfil Mae Cooke Monday at 7:30 Home Missions Wsek of will begin at 10 and last aH day. got luck are as follow: at 3:10 p. m.; bs at 3 .10 p. m : at 3:18 p. m. and firgtsrvz BISHOP COSTBN J. HARE ELL Bishop Harrell To Speak Here The Methodists of Cherokee ?lay and Graham Counties will ~orae together at Murphy First Methodist Church for a mast meeting Monday. March 17, at 7:30 p. m. The featured speaker for the oc casion will be Bishop Costen X Harrell of the Charlotte area ot the Methodist Church. Also par tlctpating on the program will b: the* Rev. W Jackson Hunevcutt Superintendent of the Waynes villc District. This three-county rally It spon sored by the Subdlstrk-t. Organ ha Hon of Methodist Men. Oler Stratton of Andrews Is president Hugh Montieth To Speak Mar. 6 Hugh Montelth, Republican can *ldote for Congressman, will be meet speaker at the meeting ol *? h e Republicans o f Cheronee County at the courthouse Thurs lay. March B, at 7:30 p. m. This Is tbe semi-annual meeting of the convention, announces th? chairman, & C. Stiles AVmiABT TO MKBT ?I Legion Auxillar) vtU meet Turn*.fXwo These spring days bring to the i?art of one of Murphy's oldest v si dents a longing to get out Into the open and dig in her flowers, i.-r 92 years do not prevent her ? anting to work with her belovc ?r. and shrubs. She possesses "green thumb" and for decades r received healthfu1 exercise as , "11 as real joy in growing a lov , My flower garden and in land ". pins her lawn. Thi' beloved lady is Mrs. R. H ' "Cranny") Hyatt, who will cole' grate her "23rd" birthday anni .rrrarj Friday, February 29. Be ? in? a "Leap Year" girl, however, . "he " ill be 92 years old on thir i birthday. Mrs. Hyatt, before her marriage vas Miss Ida May Abbott, daugh t-r of the late J. D. and Maria E Ml ton Abbott of Baldwinsvllle New York. She was born in Tellict Plains, Tenn., February 29. 1860. Her father in 1868 moved his fam ily to Murphy, where he engaged In mercantile business and served as postmaster for 20 years. He lived to be 92 years of age. She " as married October 2. 1878, to R. H. Hyatt, Murphy merchant. Her father was advised by his physician to come South on ac count of his health, so he came to Telllco Plains Just before the war between the States, where he served as postmaster, and engaged In frowing tobacco. His health was ? uch Improved by his outdoor life. Her father organized the Mur ohy Presbyterian Church which is ? ?cated just across the street from t home, which home was built - ' him more than 50 years ago. Mrs Hyatt taught the beginners' 'unday School class in this church or more than 30 years and was 1 "fectionately called by all the blldren as well as the grown-ups, ' Granny Hyatt". She was presi dent of the first missionary socie ?' organized In th= Presbyterian "burch. helping to organize the "rsi Woman's Club in Murphy u<"n as the "Civic Improvement "'lib", and was also president of ~e first Parent-Teacher Associaw Murphy, Hyatt has l*ee etiVdren, Trs C. 'A. Brown of Andrews, "\stil C. Hyatt, and Rftbert Henry ?att of Murphy- seven grandehll -)., Or. Robert B<-cwn of Kings Tenn., Mrs. Richard Doug hs of Knoxville, Tenn, Charles H. Myatt of Murphy, Mrs. Lyle 'hehe of Ashevilie, James Abbott Tvatt of Miami, Fla., Paul Hen "V Hyatt of Chicago and Betty Jo '?att o' Murphy; six great-great Trandchildren: and one sister. Mrs. C. W. Candler. One son, Ed 's.-i Abbott Hyatt, died several ?e-rs ago. She also reared a fos er son, Don Hyatt, who died a "ew years ago In Ashev'lle where he lived. Mr. end Mrs. Brown will en 'ertaln at. their home in Andrews "ith a dinner for Mrs Hyatt and he immediate family. On Friday "rom 3 -to 5 p. m., her daoghter-ln law. Mrs. Paul Hyatt gnd Mrs. Henry Hvatt. will entertain with at the home for a few close Mends. On Sunday, March 2, the Women of the Presbyterian Church will hold "Open House" at the church from 3 to 5 p. m? com p"'mentlng "Granny" Hyatt. She saw her first television pro gram this tfeek at the home of her 'stcr, Mrs. Candler. Soertsmanship Trophy Won Bv Murphy School Murphy High School was awar ded the Sportsmanship Trophy be -ause of the way they took their lefeats and because of the good pcrtsmanahlp they showed during he tournament. The trophy la a beautiful gold up. It is nine Inches high with it tie bandies on each side. It has Teen added to the other trophies In the library. ? III the Smoky Mountain Confer *ac* Tournament 'he Hayesville iris and the C-illnwhee boys 'ame out on top. The Murphy girls defeated Rob linsvllle 31-37 In their first game, 'n ihe quarter finals they defeat ed Stecoah 44-40 In "the eeml .Inals they lost a heart-b-eaker In '\e last nr.lnute to Hayesvllle, 55 >4 The Murphy buys defested Kyi <") 55-34 in their opening game. In the quarter finals they lost ?? 'hrlller, to Bry?on City 53-51. "urphy has three all-conference 'nd toum?ment players: Louise TsM Lucille Hall and "Shorty" c.'i-lds were picked by the -"aches. They were, awarded med [ lals. 1 Coach "Ike" Olson was seleet aa the beat coach In the Tour nament. Murphy High School la proud of htm. They my he has been a food influence toward XtBttJBtWS for winning the award. II. National 4-H Club Wook, March 1-9 Local 4-H Club Girls Model At Fashion Show "Fashion at the Bat 'or the 4-H Clum Modern Miss," was present ed by Miss Ada May Marshall, 4-H Club stylist Thursday at 2 p. m. Club girls from Cherokee and Clay Counties modeled the fash ions. Models were Helen Butch, Cordis Padgett, Betty Jo St ties, Helen Penland, Delira Jean Shook, June Allen, Joy Collett, Virginia Hyatt, Phtllis Barnard, Mary Kathryn Bradshaw, Jo Ann Simon, Neva Jean Bates, Jeania Boring, Martha Hill, Gereta Park r. Ruby Dean Green and Barbara tarton. Escorts for the show were 'Villiam Franklin, James Smith ad Billy Killian. Fashlonetts who introduced the show with a sing ing were Shliley Carver. Imo -?ne Voyles, Margaret Terry, AniW Martin. Nella Hughes. - Over three hundred people fil ed the courtroom for this show, special visitors were Miss Nell Kennett, Western District Agent; Mr. O. H. Phillips, Assistant State 1-H Leader; Clay County Agents: Mrs. Velma Moore, home agent tufus Vick, farm agent; Hank Roscnkranz, assistant farm agent; Virginia Knight, assistant home agent. Byrum Announces Church Services The ?? Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, pastor of Murphy First Methodist Church, announces that his 11 a. r,i. ."rmon topic Sunday will be Locking Through the Lens". Sunday School will be at 9:45 a. m. M; B.vrum's evening sermon "pi at 7:30 will be "Walking With God". He again reminds that the World Day of Prayer, sponsored by the United Church Women and 'he iooal churches of Murphy, will be held Friday at First Meth odist Church. "The sanctuary will be open for prayer and meditation from 6 a. ii. to 10 p. m., and the people of he community are cordially invit ed to enter into the spirit of this "Ibservance and make the discov eries of silence in the sanctuary Oi God," says Mr. Byrum. The regular monthly family night at church will be held Wed nesday at 4:30 p. m. 4-H Club leaders W. B. WRIGHT Colds And Flu Hit Hard Here Those two bugabooes known the common cold and flu have claimed many victims In Murphy and the county during the past three weeks, but re 1!-' I'. now in sight. In a number of Instances en tire families have been confined to their beds, or hospital beds, with flu. School attendance through out the county has been hard hit. One county teacher report ed that out of a class of 42 she had only 12 pupils one day. Miss Maggie Belle Kiaselburg. county school supervisor, says that approximately 25 per cent of th" county school students have been absent from classes die to colds and fin. She says the situation has definitely im proved now, however. The epidemic seems te be general throughout North Caro lina. Andrews Baptists Are Planning To "March To Chnrch In March" First Baptist Church of An drews is pursuing the plan, "March To Church In March", a Church Loyalty campaign. This plan seeks to enlist every mem ber and every prospect In loyalty to the church with all of its or ganisations. Tb-> Training Union is seeking .o follow up all absentees, and to seek new members through a weekly contact system and a monthly Visitation period. The plan is to protrude the idea that "Training In Church Member ship" is truly training In church loyalty in all phases of the work. \ cp-clal Week of Study will be he'd for all ages March 11-1S. The Sunday School plans to March to Church xn March through an invigorated program of enlistment, Bible Study, and Evan gelistic work..Every absentee will be shown he is missed The en tire Church Family will be re minded that the church ia the 'Itst loyalty of a Christian, and that it Is the natural thin? for one te be found faithful In Bible Stu dy. Such department has set at goala lor the which will total seven ninths of the enrollment. The Missionary organisation* will carry out "Family Night" when all Young People's organi sations, the Brotherhood, and the W. M. S. will come together: It Is hoped that this month will see each of these units Marching In March In Community Missions, and In invigorated Mission Study says the pastor, the Rev. J. A. Richardson. He further says: "The church services will feature a series of messages aimed at weldlngthe en tire constituency Into one fellow ship that will march on through the months. It Is here that the whole plan Is consume ted, and Is planned for the witness of Christ unto the hundreds of lost who will be sought through the cooling weeks. The Prayer Sendees will be centered around the study of the Book: The New Testament Doctrine Of The Church, and around .prayer for our church and for the needs of her reaching the wr. world for Christ' The Rev. A. G liver the message at the _ Worship Service on March t Red Cross Drive Starts Here March 3 27 Home Club Members Earn Certificates Book review certificates were irned by twenty-seven home Imonstration members during 19 These certificates were pre ?nted at the County Home Dem nstration Council Wednesday by Is* Phyllis Snyder, Regional Li r-rian, to the following: Mrs. tienn Hendrix, Peachtree: Mrs. Iosey Harris. Mrs. J. M. Payne, "rs. Charles McGill. Mrs. E. tonch, Miss Julia Rice, Sunny "Dint; Mrs J. C. Wells, Tomotla; !rs Clyde McNabb. Bellview; 'rs. Merle Davis. Mrs. M. S. Pat ?on, Mrs. O. C. Shields, Mrs. R. D. 'handler, Mrs. Johnnie Savage, 'trs. Boyd Davis, Miss Eloise Da vis. Mrs. Kenneth Davis. Mrs. 'ohn Donley, Murphy; Mrs. Delia Ccnley, Mrs. A. G. Smith, Mrs. 'loyd Carringer, Mrs. B. E. War ner. Martin's Creek; Mrs. Lonnie Early, Valleytown; Mrs. Ruth Mc 'Cown, Mrs W. T. Gibson. Suit: 'rs Paschal Hughes, Ranger; 'Trs. James S. Morrow, Mrs. Vir ?inin M Patton, Violet 'r each home demonstration ?li-b the reading project is spon nred by the Education Committee "h airmen. In order to earn a Book *-view Certificate during 1952, hrer- approved books must be -~id and reviewed before her ->hib or a similar group. At least ne ot the three books must be nrn-fiction. When a club member earned one Book Review Cer i'icate, she may receive an Ad ?rtice'*. Book Review Certificate V reading and reporting on five books. The five must include four ?-o-f lotion. ? Donald Ramsey, fund campaign chairman of the Cherokee County Chapter ol American Red Cross, announce] that the kick-off of the tegular campaign will be on don ?a) Maich 3. This week and last, 1 .1 Jtiwr .-e rifts committee, bead >1 I v IV. A. Singleton, has O- -?n v >rkinc*. and will make a rejirt a the end o' this we.*V. The i hainnan announces the I cads of other committees as fol lows: Business district. Everett English; residential, John GUI; ndustrial. G. H. Farley; rural and Cherokee County school unit. L. V.. Hendrix; Murphy Schools, Mrs. R. S. Bault; theatres, John Mar shall; special groups, Arden Da vis; window displays, Mrs. John Donley; posters, Clyde Beavers; secretary, Mrs. Don Witherspoon; fund campaign treasurer, John Gill. Mr Ramsey presented the Red Cross appeal to the Murphy Lions Club Tuesday evening, asking co operation of the members. On Thursday evening, March 13, Miss Velma Umphfres, educational director of First Baptist Church, will give a concert in Murphy School auditorium, in behalf of the campaign. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross. Some committees have not yet been fully completed, and will be listed later, but John Gill, resi dential chairman, announces his committee as follows: Mrs. Grace Baugh, Mrs. John Gill, Mrs. J. L. Savage, Mrs. Ben Menn, Mrs. Claude Montleth, Miss Beuiah Queen, Mrs. Charles Hyatt, Mi*. J. H. Wilson. Jr., Mrs. R. C. Mjp tox, Mrs. Hugh Hensley, Mrs. Frank Forsyth, Mrs. Vivian Gen try, Mrs. R. C. Fuller. Miss Louise King, Mrs. Bob Cheney, Mrs. Nell Sneed, Mrs. John Posey, Jr.. Mrs. W. M. Lay, Mrs. John Man jthey, Mrs. L. W. Shields, Mr*. A. J. Headrick, Mrs. L. R. Harding. Mrs. Rhett Y. Winters, and Mrs. Henry Hyatt. I Soil Conservation Hearing Is March 7 A public hearing and discuaaionl concerning the creation of Chero kee County Soil Conaervation Dis trict to inoiude all of Cherokee County will be held In the court room in Murphy March 7 at 1 p. m. "All will 'be given an oppor tunity to be heard," says J. H. Hilton, chairman of the State Soil Conservation Committee. All lands in the county, except 'own and village lots and lands -Mvned by or under the control of the United States or any of its 'gencies, will be included. The hearing was called after a petition signed by more than 25 l