Johns - Mamrtlle Bldg. I Am Ciim^ how. * auto surnT REAL ESTATE for sale all Modi of rtti Lot as taoi what 70a out W? may have It of eai fet tt foe row D. N. REESE Real Bftato Broker Fred V. Jakarta John C. O'Dell PHONE lit MURPHY, N. C. I Thursday s The Day Welfare Dept. Helps Lome Cook Again By EDWIN S. PRESTON Duncan Hines never had given a citation for good food to the lit tle restaurant where Louie was the cook?but he should have? ?nd he would have, too, or so the oiks around town thought?If he had stopped by almost any day? hut especially on Thursday when Louie always had chicken pie. Folks liked Louie and they liked WANTED TAN BARK CHESTNUT OAK And HEMLOCK For Further Details. Write or Call A. C. Lawrence Leather Co. Phone 27 Haxetwood. N. C. I ? - Be suae AND ASK 9 W- ;.'? ' 5- - - ' ' J? x \?v'V - \<-? ^ yp the way he remembered their fav orite f,K?d? and the way he cooked hen.- nothing fancy, mind you, just - ^ ' ca'tng So. ujljraily, they missed him ?nd w?.-re sorry when, now and -hen, -ouie had to stay home be -ausv -us arthritis got to bother ing uw much, lie never got around j Miiug a doctor about It and cold wcaihcr always made It worse. "Willi a wile and two kids to feed, 1 cant see a doctor,1* he'd my. "I'll just tough It out." Finally, one winter day, he had to quit work entirely and for the next few w-eks, except for an occasional sunny day, he stayed pretty much inside the small frame building on the edge of town wnlch he and his family calls* tome. His pay stopped, of course, and his wife didn't get much for u orking the occasional times sh< could find something she could Jo. She did seep the home neat and the fraying clothes of the chil dren clean. But the money dwind led away and the children began .o look wan and their colds kept hanging on week after week. "We've got to do something. Louie," his wife said one night. The children aren't getting en ough to eat?and anyway, it's not lie right food?and they're not getting any milk at all. If you could just got well and back on your feet again, we could make it .ill right. Up to now we've been ible to do it Do you know what I'm going to do tomorrow?" and Louie saw a gleam of purpose in ier eyes that he knew well. "I'm going to see the folks at the coun y public welfare department and ;ee if there is any way they could help us through." The department did find a way within the plan of the N. C. Board of Public Welfare as administered in that county. A careful investi gation was made of the needs of he children and the family in vis its to their home. Then a family budget was set up and funds se cured from the aid for dependent children program to make It pos sible to meet the minimum health needs of two children. The de triment also arranged for medi cal care for Louie. He began to improve within the first few weeks but it took a full six months to get him back on his feet again. There came a day, however? a Monday morning in the late summer, it was?when once again. 'Cooking by Louie," became the slogan of that little unheralded restaurant in a small North Car clina town. Even the weather had to take second place in the con versations of the townspeople to the oft-repeated question. "Did yor know Louie was back?" As soorf as Louie's pay checks stcrted again, he reported to the worker at the department of pub lic welfare so they could terminate the monthly grant the county Wel 'are Board had been making to his family. "It surely makes us grateful to ha"e had this neighborly help when we needed it," Louie told the superintendent. "This experi ence has made us understand what the county department of public welfare does and at least one of the ways it stands ready to help where it's needed." If you like chicken pie, Thurs-1 days would be a good day to be in Louie's town. The restaurant is a block west of the post office. Any body can tell you. M/Sgt. Pose J. Crisp spent a seven-day leave with his wife, Katherine Crisp and children. Bobby and Hilda of Marble, and returned to Orlando Air Force Base. Orlando. Fla? Wednesday. M/Sgt. Crisp was with the 347th Engr. Aun. Bn. at Fort Leo nard Wood. Mo., for the past eight months under the command of Lt Charles E. Shytle of Mur phy. ANNOUNCEMENT We Are Nov in Position to Offer Expert Radio Repair Service , through your Western Auto Associate Store Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed Serviceman: William Duncan Bring Your Radio To WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Murphy, N. C. Or (Ml 582 ^ W. A. Singleton, Owner NEW HIGH-YIELD CORN HYBRID?This is a sample of Dixie 82 yellow corn, one of five new hybrids available for use on North Carolina farms in 1952. It is very high-yielding, has good roots, and is adapted to the Coastal Plains and Piedmont regions. According to Dr. E. R. Collins, agronomist for the State College Extension Service, '.he new hybrids are N. C. 24 yellow, adapted to the upper mountain region only; N. C. 36 yellow, adapted to the mountains and as early corn in other parts of the State; N. C. 29 white, sultrd to sections of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont; and N. C. 31 white, adapted to same regions as N. C. 29 except the lower or southern Coastal Plain. \ndrews Personals Mrs. Ciara Sherrill spent Thurs day and Friday in Morganton vis ting her sister, Mrs. J J. Roper Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall of Bris ol. Tenn.. have recently moved back home. Billy Tatham. Boyd Martin. Vdzm Nichols. Gene Raxter. and \Vmon Webster have recently gone to Chicago to work. Mrs. Helen Cable of Robbins ille is now employed at the Duchess Beauty Shoppe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raxter "rorn Flora. Miss., spent week-end vith Mr. and Mrs. Woody Raxter. Mrs. Hazel Beavers and daugh ter, Kay Lynn, of Hendersonville, ?ecently spent a week-end with isrents. Mr and Mrs. Wint Cruse. "<ay Lynn will finish this semester vf school in Andrews. Mrs. Hattie Hardin spent week-1 ?nd with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman and family. Miss Joyce Birchfield spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Free man. Lowell "Hardin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hardin, has returned borne from Petrie Hospital where he has been a patient. Miss Ruth Barnard of Brevard spent week-end at home with her j ?nother. Mrs. Alice Barnard. Mis'; Mary Ruth Cruse of Greenville, S. C.t recently spent week-ond at home with parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wint Cruse. ?Johnny Cole has recently join ed the navy and Is now stationed at San Diego, Calif. Mr and Mrs Cole Woodward of Asheville recently spent a week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Wat kins. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer and 'amily o. Pensacola. Fla.. were week-end visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Palmer. How To Relievo Bronchitis Creotnulsion relic vu promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION Mary Ruth Radford of WCTC at Cullowhee cad at home with her parenU Mr. aad Hit KelUi Radford Mas Ann Webb of Brlanaer 'losptiaJ In Chattanooga. Venn., peat weak and with parenta, Mr. tad Mrs. BUI Webb. MUa A'ebb ?vas accompanied back to Chatta nooga Sunday by her parenta and ?iatle niece, Terry Garner. in a recent Ohio experiment, a corn field treated chemically to control weeda produced 111 buah .?1* per acre. A similar plot with --r*da uncontrolled produced 87 buahela. ThRtLm Marry ot C Cr^666 ^imiia ? tirnn - fmi mst Mut AUTO SERVICE 24-Hour Service Expert Body and Fender Repairing Genera) Auto Repair Service EVANS AUTO CO. Phones: Day 48, Night 52-W cAncnuimcrofl The Ciooar Oak mm <7 J Hun Bo?IUi la every FrStUy. fUgkrtraOoo .re (tea ? to 10.11 a a Divlrtoa of Ciaew lie N. C. Arte Board of provides examinations for - women above SS and mat ??' years old and to any any afe witfe ?vofiooa V oaocer Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Cqnstipatjpn !nd Chronic Dosingl Regain Normal Regularity This All-Vegetable Way I Tilting harsh drugs for constipation ceo punish jrou brutally! Their cramps sod griping disrupt normal bowel action, mil.- you feel in need of repeated doting. MC hen you occasionally feel constipated, pet gtntl* but tanr relief. Tike Or. Cald well s Senna Laxative co 'tai ed in Syrup I rp i i. It's all- rrgrrailr. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of tbe Inest nMurjl laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief nmftrtMy. Helps you get tegular, ends chronic dosing Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often bongs. -tnc L pw' 7 MriMmiulM, tlx*/ n. r. m, n. r. OR. CALDWELL'S SENNA LAXATIVE In plaasMMaalUg Syvvp Npals Get handy KITCHEN UTENSILS IN MOTHER'S OATS Every big square package of Mother's Oats offers ao exciting double value I Because money can't buy a liner quality, more deli cious, or more nourishing oatmeal than Mother's Oats. And packed in every package you'll find a valuable, useful premium such as aluminum kitchen utensils, famous "Fire King" glass cup and saucer, beautiful "Wild Rose" pattern china or gay colorful Carni val Ware. No waiting! No coupons! No money to send! Just ask your grocer for Mother's Oats with Premium, in the big square package. MOTMifS OATS ?a ptuducf a# THt QUAKt* OATS COMPANY AmmUabiJitf of oquipmomt. make man trip* per day! 110-h.p. V-8 or Ford"* mm . 101-h p. ate! Choice ad Ci? ? latit B*f Pria*. ? (at exUa coat) Chranbte* o* FaiioaaHr Drir*. Ranging tram 101-h.p. Pickups tn 155-h.p. Bio Joss, new Ford Tracks ?see money every milet UTAR EXTRA Cab end bub csps ?b??s (added oast). Ford Trucks (or 52 are engineered for modern low-oost Speed Hauling.... Oat lavtegt op la 14%! Nor Fan! Tracks for '62 hsae what it Now there are Fivn greet Ford Track ?i'"** Over 275 aeriea power < taona. You get the power that'* I weedy right Cor your job . . . m Ford Track engines give yon proven Power Pilot econosnyl See the now Ford Tracks, ooeri And Run Boas tool I i U eon eoet to ran a ] la yomr Had ot work! h and t? vs today! Fold Trucks for T52 cost still less to run? Burch-Sherrill Motor Co. - tW95 Murphy.N.C.

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