National 4-H Club Week, March 1-9 ?Sjb.JijJnf IfcnU w| WterifPnwIV MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA. ?BRVABY t* IMS TEN PAGES Gvitans Agree ? To Sponsor Girl Scouts, Troop 9 Murphy Civttan Club agreed Monday evening to sponsor Troop N?. # of the Girl Scouts. This Is ths Intermediate group ot girls from ten to thirteen yeors of age. "The CIvitans (eel this will be a good project (or them in that this troop has been in desperate need o( a sponsor (or many months; also, scouting Is such a (ine activi ty (or youngsters that a proposi tion to act as sponsor is rather difficult to turn down." says John Jordan. Mrs. R. Y. Winters. Jr.. is the leader ot this troop with the assis tance of Miss Ruby Davis. Serv ing on this committee tor the troop are Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. Joe Bailey. Mrs. Dale Lee and Mr. Walter Puett. Mrs. Winters an nounces that during the week of March 12-19. the girls will spon sor a cookie sale to help finance the troop. The other two troops in town are sponsored by the Ju nior Womans Club and the Pres byterian Church. A film, "Foxes of Harrow," was shown the club following the busi ness session.' Sam Harding reed the "Civitan Creed." H. Bueck was the guest of C. D. Puett, and J. B. Hall was the guest of LIUard Walker. It is announced by the presl meeting of the club will be March 24. The dub dent that the next voted to entertain the Murphy High School basketball teams at this meeting. Red Cross Drive Is Now Under Way Episcopalians Buy Permanent Church Site Murphy St. Barnabas Episcopal Church has purchased the prop erty of Mrs. ? Birdie Roberson on the Hayeaville Highway for a per manent church site, announces the Rev. Rhett Y. Winters. will us*.- the le property for Sun day School and church services until the new church is built. The minister announces that an adult class will begin Thursday at 7:30 p. m. ,at the home of Prof. Geo. Henry in Texana. Dr. E G. Allen To Preach Sunday Dr. H. G. Allen, Superintendent of the Lake Junaluska Assembly, will preach at First Methodist Church Sunday at 11 a. m. The pastor. Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, will preside at the service. "Inas much as Dr. Allen has spoken In urphy on several previous occa sions, there will be many people who will want to hear his mes on Sunday", says Mr. Byrum. Sunday School will be held at the regular hour of *48. At the sendee of warship at 7:30 Byrum will brim the mes ' set "Jesus f" on the sphjeet "Jesus Stops Hamilton Inj In Anto Wr?k 'Mir I M/Sgt Ju. L. Hamilton of An drews, stationed at Fort Bcnnlng ?ad Mack Kacola also of For* Benning, ware involved In an ac cident at the curve on Highway 44 near Towaaon Lumber Co. Sat urday about 7:80 p. ra. The ear left the highway and over-turned two or three times. Hamilton re ceived federations on the bead and right leg and was treated at Mur phy General Hospital. Hamilton was owner of the ear and Kacola the driver. The fetter waa arrested for driving under the Influence of Intoxicants, and Ham ilton for public drunkenesa. states Patrolman Lee Lance. The ear was a '4? Plymounth and Spend $958,993 W; M. Corkill. division engine k 1 * g^g9j) has irokes Coun <wt of the I Arden Davis, chairman of the special groups committee of the Tund campaign of Cherokee Coun ?y Chapter of American Red Cross, announces the following chairman In various groups: Courthouse, Mrs. Frances Puett; library and town hall, Miss Phyl lie Snyder; Petrie Hospital, Mrs. V D. Peacock; Murphy General Hospital, Mrs. Nell Sneed; TV A Maps and Survey and Electrical Departments, Myron Jensen; pris a camp and State Highway gar age, Francis W. Crisp; county Jail. Royal Kilpttrick; Southern Bell Telephone Co. and Health Depart ment, u. Hamilton. L,. "W, Hendrlx, chairman for county schools and rural areas, announces the following chairmen of their sections: Ranger, Mrs. Kate Shields; Wolf Creek, Mrs. Louella J. Newman; Wolf Creek V Miss Maude Collins; Hiwassee lam, James T. Osborne; Friend ship. E. L. Arrant; Buck Knob, Mrs. Vester T. Verner; Unaka, Howard Martin; Wnue Church, Harest E. King; Peachtree, Clar ence Hendrlx; and Martins Creek, Douglas H. Smith. The quota this year is $2268. Donald Ramsey, fund campaign chairman, announces that most all committees started to work this week, and It Is hoped that within t short time the goal will be reached. The chapter Is sponsoring a con cert by Miss Velma Umphfres, mexzosoprano, and Mrs. Cathe rine Place at Copperhill, Tenn., pianist, on Thursday, March IS, ot 7:30 p. m. In Murphy Primary School auditorium. Tickets are now available from the fund cam paign chairman. Bell Will Ring On 40 Lent Days The Rev. Rhett Y. Win ten, pet tor of Murphy St. Barnabas Epis copal Church, announce* tb?* oor tng the forty day* of Lent the bell at the church will ring at twelve noon Monday* through Friday*. Mr. Wtnters say*. "Lent remind* us of the forty days that ^esus fasted and prayed In the wilder ness. It reminds us that the fruits of our Christian live* conies only through the willing and glad dis cipline of our lives la dally self denial end prayer. It reminds us 'hat Easter was the result of the life that obeyed the Father's will even unto the cross." "The bell will be a signal for all who desire to be quiet s few minutes, and to pray that the will of the Father may be done In us 'n our several callings," says Mr. Winters. ? County NCEA Unit To Meet Friday APPLAUD LITTLE SYMPHONY?Youngsters ?re shown enjoying a children's concert given by the North Carolina Little Symphony, directed by Dr. Benjamin Swalln. The Little Symphony will give ? children's concert In Andrews at 2 p. m. March 20. A concert for adults will be given at 8 p. m. Both concerts will be in Andrews High School Auditorium. Miss Elizabeth Gray, chairman of the Murphy ticket drive, says tickets may be pur chased at Davis Jewelers or from members of the Junior Woman's Club. R. W. H. Ramsey Elected Marble Grange Master R. W. H. Ramsey was elected naster of Marble Grange at an irganlzation meeting Thursday vening. Clher * officers are: Overseer ?"rank Walsh; lecturer, J. V. Hall secretary, Victor M. West; treas lrer, Wendell W. Lovtngood; chaplain. A.. B. Lovell; steward, \,eroy Gilbert; gate keeper, Kent Ladd; assistant steward, Jerry Edwards; lady assistant steward, ean Lovtngood; Ceres, Mrs. Vlc ->r West; Pomona, Mrs. Frank Br'tle; Flora, Mrs. Wendell Lov nrood; executive committee. W. V Puatt. W. A.? Gilbert,-. Eosest eed Coffey, "tfeS; reporter. Creed Jerry Edwards, Leroy Gilbert >nd Ray Hensely gave a program of string music. ",ie next meeting will be March 1 in the school auditorium. The string band will appear. Every one Is Invited. Two Cars Are In Collision Sunday about 12:30 p. m. the '51 Cadillac of J. L. Shields col lided with the '41 Oldsmoblle of Donald Ramsey, on Highway 64 In front of the home of Verltn Jones. Ramsey was slowing down to en *r the drive of the Jones home, and Shields, headed In the same direction,. was unable to stop or go around the Olds. Neither of he men were WUrt Patrolman Lee Lance, who in vestigated the accident states that Shields was arrested for speeding and reckless driving, and Ramsey with falling to give proper sig nal. Both are under bond for ap oearance in Superior Court. The Olds was damaged to the extent of about $500 and the Cad Ulec about 9700. Lodge To Meet Cherokee Lodge. No. 146, A. F. and K. M. will meet In the lodge Hall Monday at 7:30 for work and Instruction, It was announced by Sam L. Davidson. All members ire urged to be present. 8am ^apps. Worshipful Master, will preside. Church Launches Evangelism Work By Visitation The Methodists of the Murphy area subdistriot will be engaged in a simultaneous Visitation Evange lism program on March 10-12. There will be visiting ministers; who will assist the ministers and ! laymen in this three-county area. Dr. H. G. Allen, Superintendent of Lake Junaluska Assembly, will speak to the ministers at an in spirational period in First Metho dist Church, Murphy, Monday through Wednesday, March 10-12, at 10:30 a. m. The Bev. C. v Mur ray, pastor of Flrsf Methodist' In the evenings laymen and ministers will visit in teems of two. This visitation emphasis is a part of Methodism's evangelis .ic efforts through the General Board Of Evangelism. Morris Announces Baptist Program The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pastor o. Murphy First Baptist Church, announces that his worship topic at 11 a. m. Sunday will be "Com munion with God". Sunday School will be at 9:15 a. m., Bealtown Mission services at 2:30 p. m. and prison camp Sunday School at 3 p. m. Training Union will be at 8:30 p. m., and worship at 7:30 p. m. The pastor's topic will be "News About God". The B. W. C. will meet with Miss Addle Mae Cooke for pot luck supper and a home mission program at 6:30 p. m. Monday. Elizabeth Hale Circle will meet for a pot luck supper In the church basement at 6:30 p. m. tuth Bagwell Circle will meet with Mrs. Oscar Mulkey at 7:30 p. tn. Ruth Swann Cirtle will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. Lots King. There will be a family night dinner at 6?0 Wednesday, and at 7:30 the W. M. U. alld all auxili tries and the Brotherhood will meet Choir practices are as follow: Tuesday, 3:16 p. m., Junior; Wed nesday, 3:15 p. m., Cherub; 8:30 >. m.. Adults; Thursday, 3:13 p. m.. Youth at Miss Sally Morris'. Health Improving Vitamins And Minerals Included In Corn Meal Ed English, Peachtree commu nity miller. Murphy, Rout* 1, can urnlsh you with the best meal vallate?that is Enriched Corn meal. About six weeks ago he in -talled a simple gadget on his mill mown as an enrichment feeder. \* the whole corn grinds, this en richment is automatically added, two ounces to the bushel. According to Mr. Engl] has attracted a great deal af at and at the * - Ma iest bread they'd ever eaten. <?ven tW the enrichment "does n't change the tasta", I'U agree hat It makes the beat bread I've ?ten. Another farmer when aak ' 1 If he wanted his meal enrich ed?replied, "I'd bettor talk It ver with, my wife first maybe next time.'- Mr. English replied, "Too late now. It's already In, and It cant hart you!" Too might well -hie to do -moair It is Niacin Tone of the B vitamins) prevents pellagra. , Thiamin or vitamin B1 la need <1 for healthy nerves and diges tion. Riboflavin or VJUmln B2 helps keep the eyes and skin healthy and helps ward off aM age. Iron helps to build red | "L'needed far building to good marking order. The com meal owltfiwi pro test is' ' It k of ~ Velma Umphfres Gives Concert- For Red Cross iss Velma Umphfres, mezzo p.-ano, v ill give a concert in . p ,y Primary School auditor i Thursday, March 13, at 7:30 . ... for the benefit of the Red .?oss campaign. She will be ac mpanied by Mrs. Catherine C. 'lace of Copperhill, Tenn. Miss Umphfres, educational di ctor of Murphy First Baptist Church, studied with Joseph Ben in, head of the Voice Depart ment at Oklahoma University; Mrs. Lucille Osborne Grant, also t Oklahoma University, snd "helby Collier, head of the Mus !c Department and Director of the International Choir of Wayland ollege. She was graduated from ,V ay land College with a B. S. de- | "Lightning" Gets Caught At Speed Exceeding 1O0MPH W. T. Manldin, better known as "Lightning" was arrested last Tuesday on charges of speeding in excess of 1M miles per boor, reckless driving, and falling to stop for siren, by Patrolman R. H. Ensley and Deputy Buren Grant. These two officers fol lower Lightning, who was driv ing a '47 Chrysler owned by Al bert Graves, from the Persim mon Creek bridge on Highway 294 to Murphy, turning at Shields' Esso Station on the old Murphy road, and back past the Georgia line, a total of aboot 30 miles. The patrol Ford ran cut of gas. and the officers waited for Lightning to return. Hi agein tried to get away from the officers, but finally stopped on a side road near Culberson, ac cording to Patrolman Lee Lance. He posted bopd for appear anoe In Superior Court. hf* *' -r Ministers Vote To Support Men Of Christian Principle Western North Carolina and West Liberty Baptist Pastors' con ference in a meeting at First Bap tist Church Monday voted to co operate with the Allied Church League in a plan to help elect to pu'jlic offices men who will l>e good statesmen and uphold Chris tian principles. The nine ministers present also voted to lend support to a move ment to have a Baptist Book store in Asheville. This plan was ap proved by the WNC Associations! missionaries in a meeting in Asheville last Friday. Attending this meeting were the Rev. Floyd B. Clark and the Rev. A. G. Brooks from this county. Mr. Clark presided over the meeting for the day. At the pastors- conference Mon day the Rev. J. E. Cable, presi dent, presided, and the inspira tional message was brought by the Rev. Floyd Clark. Preaches Sunday The Rev. C. Z. Miner, pastor o f Murphy Free Methodist Church, announces that his son, Charles Miner, will preach the 11 s. m. worship service Sunday in the pastor's absence. The pastor will deliver the 7:30 p. m. sermon. Sunday School will be at 10 a. m. and Y. P. M. S. at 7 p. m. The Wednesday evening prayer meeting will be at 7:30. gree in 1950. She traveled with the Inter national Choir Quartette, was w 'oist two years in the Wayland College presentation of "Elijah", and was soloist four years in the Wayland College presentation of "The Messiah". Miss Umphfres has also appeared as soloist with the Amarillo (Texas) Symphony Orchestra. The program is as follows: Pergolesl, "Nina": Schumann. "Die Lotusblume"; Salnt-Saens. "Mon Coaur S'ouvce a ta Vlox" from "Samson et Dellla".; Bizet, ' Habanera" from 'Carmen": Puc cine, "One Fine Day", from "Ma dame Butterfly", Ml*s V^lma Umphfres. Chopin. "Fan t a 1 s i e-I m promptu"; Dett, "Juba Dance", Mrs. Catherine Place. Campbell. Tipton. "The Spirit Flowed"; Victor Herbert, "Thine Alone": Friml. "Indian Love Call"; Strauss, "My Hero", Miss Umphfres. Shubert-Liszt, Du Blst die Rub; Chopin. Polonaise, A-flat Major, Mrs. Place. Folk Song. "I Wonder as I Wan der"; Handel, "He Was Despised", from "The Messiah"; Rodney, "Calvary"; Guton, "I Talked With God Last Night", Miss Umphfres. Hamnaia Regional Library /Approved For Film Project ? nantanaia regional i-iormry is one of ten in the state approved for participation in the Public Li brary Film Project. The Region has already received a special alloca tion of $500 from State Aid funds to launch the program in Chero kee. Clay and Graham Counties. By combining their funds, these ten North Carolina libraries will have $5,000 for the purchase of 16 mm. documentary films. Their libraries tvill form a preview committee to select the films for the new program which will be gin in September. Miss Phyllis Snyder, Nantahala Regional Libra rian. announced that the subject areas have not yet been chosen but will probably include a series on the Heritage of American His tory and another on current events. Miss Snyder will attend a meeting in Chapel Hill on April 4 to work out details of the pro gram and preview a number of illms. Here in Cherokee County, films will be shown to discussion groups at the Andrews and Murphy li braries. Other communities and Interested church and civic groups may also borrow the films by con tacting their local library or Miss Snyder. She estimates that the Region will have priority booking of si* to ten different films each month for our selection. Kenneth Mclntyre, Head of the Bureau of Visual Education of the University of North Carolina, is serving as Film Consultant for the urogram. Mr. Mclntyre Was in Murphy to discuss local needs and development possibilities Dillie Lunsford Dies Of Leukemia Mauney Announces Candidacy For Representative Manney tila his''candidacu' for'?'representative from Cherokee County, making the following-statement: Many of ray friends who are epresentatlves of the various elements of the Democratic party in Cherokee County have urged me to be a candidate In the en suing Democratic Primary for the nomination to represent our coun ty In the House of Representatives in the next General Assembly. These friends, although they be long to opposing factions or seg ments of our party, all pohit out to me they feel that, if elected, my experience in Raleigh, my know ledge of legislative procedure, and my close association with Democratic Party leaders through out the state would place me in an excellent position to forceful ly Influence the development of the industrial .agricultural and recreational possibilities of our county and that as a native son I should be willing to make any sacrifice necessary to bring about those worthy objectives "1 love Cherokee County and its people. I want to make any contribution 1 can for their well being. Therefore, according to the wishes of many friends and in the belief that I can be of tre mendous service to our county, I have decided to be a candidate. If nominated and elected I pledge to endeavor to represent the best Interest of all the people so that their views will be known to me and I can act in perseverance of the wishes of the majority. The development of Cherokee County for the welfare of all its people is my objective. In this program I think we all agree and if we all work together I am confident we can accomplish much." Arrested For Auto Larceny Patrolman Lee Lance arrested William Powell for auto larceny and having no drivers' license Monday, following discovery by Franklin Motor Co. that a car from their used car lot had been used without authorisation. He was released from jail by posting bond for appearance at Superior Court Discuss Water, Sewer Lines Succumbs To Long Illness Dillie Lunsford, 41, a native and well-known citizen of Andrews, stricken with leukemia several months ago. Mr. Lmisford was a member of the First Baptist Church and was serving as Sunday School super intendent. deacon. Training Union and Broherhood worker. He also was a member of Masonic Lodge No. 529 and had served as wor shipful master for one year and was treasurer of the lodge. He was serving as worthy pa tron of the Andrews chapter No. 15, Order of Eastern Star and dis trict deputy grand patron of Dis trict 21. He was the son of Geo. W. Lunsford and the late Connie Thompson Lunsford. Funeral services were held Sun day at 2:30 p. m. at Andrews First Baptist Church with the Rev. J. A. Richardson. Jr., the Rev. E. L. Kirk, the Rev. W. E. Hall, and the Rev. J. C. Neville officiating. I The body lay in state at the church from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. with the deacons of the church i standing watch. Burial was in the I Valleytown Cemetery with Mason ic rites. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Noma T r u e 11 Lunsford; one daughter, June; the father, George W. Lunsford; the stepmother. Mrs. G. W. Lunsford; six brothers. James and Loster of Andrews; Ray, Wade and Cecil of Mary ville, Tenn.; and Jack of Murphy. Also six sisters: Mrs. Fare Gre gory and Miss Leila Lunsford of Andrews; Miss Tommie Lunsford of Mars Hill College; Mrs. Annie Thomasson of Anadark, Okla.; Mrs. Wilms Livingston of Laura Hill and Mrs. Mary Mason of Top ton. Active pallbearers were Edd Wakefield. Galusha Pullium, Jeff Brooks, Ray Brooks. Glenn Mc Guire, and Ray Matheeon. Honorary pallbearers were members of the Masonic Lodge and the State Highway Dept. I vie Funeral Home was in charge. Singleton Named Motor Gob Head W. A. Singleton, manager of the local Weetern Aato Associate of?the 'wtarphy1 brand? oflto'rf - 2i\,* 4 .

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