Sursavage Is Red Cross Chairman Andrews *52 Goal Is $797 Joe Sursavage, fund raising chairman of the Andrews Chap ter of the American Red Cross, hat designated the week of March 10 through March 15, for the an nual Red Crosa membership and fund raising canvas. Mr. Sursavage has stressed the importance of reaching the goal aet for the Andrews chapter so that the work of the Red Cross, both locally and nationally, may be maintained. The Andrews goal for 1952 is "717. More than half of the money raised will remain in the local chapter. The local blood program has served hundreds of needs in the Andrews area. The Rev. William E Hall, home service chairman, gives his time and effort in re sponse to requests involving ser vicemen and other cases coming under the Red t'ross jurisdiction. Mr. Hall averages around 25 such rises each mou'h. Illnesses an.l deaths In the servicemen's fami nes are quickly reported to him by the Red Cross. Workers selected for the fund raising drive are Mrs. L. B. Nich ols and Mrs. Luke Ellis, business district; residential areas Mrs. Jan Burnette, Mrs. Cleve Almond, Mrs. Helen Axley, Miss Lorrene Bsrber. Miss Biondine Luther, Miss Vera Moore. Mrs. Olen Stratton, Miss Frances McPherson, end Miss Helen McPherson. Mrs. Leila Thomasson, Mrs. Hazel El liott, Mrs. Love and Mrs. Frank Walsh. OBSERVE YOUTH NIGHT Youth Night was observed In Andrews Friday with the high Mrs. Dave Swan Is Gub Hostess Valleytown Home Demonstra tion Club met with Mrs. Dave Swan on February 27 Financial planning was the top ic for the month, and a picture was shown by Miss Edna Bishop on how to save and spend money. Devotionals were given by Mrs. ' Boy Williams and a report on the county upholstry meeting held In Murphy on February 20 was given by Mrs. W. G. McKeldrey. The hostess served refresh ments to Meedames: Mae Taylor, ? Roy Williams, Dee Moeteller, Mary Young. W. A. Hyde, W. G. McKeldrey, G e o r g'e Clayton, Bruce King, Wayne Matheson, John Christy, Helen Orr, Edna Bishop, Dave Swan and Walter Brown. Flu Strikes In Andrews Practically every home In An drews has had one or more cases | of influenza during the current epidemic. Teachers and students have been forced to miss school. Church attendance has been low ered. The entire community has been affected by the increased Inci dence of colds and flu. However, the peak seems to be past and health conditions arc more nearly epproaching normal. school group gathering together at the Youth Building, under the sponsorship of the Konnaheeta Club. We Are Making Good CONCRETE BLOCKS 8 x 16", 24c each See Ross Hensley at DOCKERfS MONUMENT SHOP On Highway 19 Going East Just Outside City Limits Education? Food? Gothing? Shelter? Amusement? Transportation? One thing mire ... IT 13 DEFINI TELY GOING! But for future se curity, 3AVE part of your income, Build! a CASH RESERVE tb meet emergencies. Start your savings account now at the Citizens Bank. Save Brst and spend only what is left after sav ing. Remember, ,4 quart casserole. Line with half of sliced potatoes. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon chopped onion and 44 teaspoon salt. Dot with 1 tablespoon Blue Bonnet Margarine. Top with remainder of sliced potatoes, chopped onion, salt and margarine. Top with grated cheese. Cover. $ake in moderate oven (375* F.) about 60 minutes. Remove cover. Bake an additional 6 minutes or until lightly browned. Makes 6-8 servings. (Its) Georgia Tech Team To Play In Andrews Fri. Members of the Georgia Tech Orange Bowl football team will play basketball in the Andrews ?ym, Friday. Included on the Tech squad are toy Beck. Ail-American, who has signed a contract to play with the 'hlladelphia Eagles next fall; .um Snyder and Lamar Wache. \U Southeastern Conference tack crs; Durell Crawford, Quarter :ack, who also will play with the lagles next fall, George Maloof, lobby Robinson and Pete Feires. Opponents for the famed name earn will be Cherokee County Ul-Sthrs, including the coaches " Murphy, Andrews, and Nanta uniih you brutsJIr' Their crtmpt and piping disrupt normal bowel actioo, nalt you fed in need of repealed doting When you occasionally fed constipated, ?et grmtU but Jam relief. Take Dr. Cald cell's Senna Laaatire contained in Syrup 'epdi. WyUl-A-i&tabU No harsh ri^p. Dr.-OldweU's contains an extract >f senna, oldest and one of the finest laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna La satire tastes rood, acta mildly, brings thorough jriisf tmftrtaWi Hdps you get regular, cssds chronic dosing. Been relieves as mess char constipation often I ITIVI ?IW" GIFT SUGGESTIONS: Ghosters, supcr-sllrnt coasters, "clings like a ghost". Ash trays, stay on, self snu'fing. Murphy Elic trical Shop. Phone 134-R. 32-3tc Fontana To Have Baptist Chureh ~ i A new Missionary Bepdet Church will be constructed three quarter of a mile from/Fontana Village, on the new atate road now under construction from Fontana o Hymers Ferry, site of the new school. Construction will be started as >oon as the new road is passable, rhe church will be a member of the Tennessee River Baptist as ociation, affiliated with the Sou thern Baptist Convention. South ern Baptist Deacons Jack Prince, 'halrman of County Commission rs. Graham County, and G. D. Hogan, T. V. A. police officer, are n charge of the program. ?e church will serve about 30 -> 40 families of Baptist believers Hving In and near Fontana Dam, ATTEND SUPERVISORS' MEET Mrs. C. K. Olson and Miss Mag ale Belle Klsselbury left Wednes ? day afternoon for Asheville, where they will attend the Western Dis I trict Supervisors' meeting Thurs I lay. Dr. Arnold Perry of the Unl i versity of North arolina will be 1 principal speaker. I CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Cancer Clinic meets at C. J. Harris Hospital, in Sylva. every Friday. Registration hours are from 9 to 10:19 a. m The Division of Cancer Control oi the N. C. State Board of Health provides examinations for cancer - women above 33 and men above ?J1' years old and to any person o ary age with ?vmpt?ins suggesUv tf cancer WF BUY CATTLE?HOGS Also, chickens of any kind. Will come any where after them. Write or call Phone 082-J Box 57! Carl Crawford & Sons Copper'nill, Tenn. AT OATHANAGE MEET The Re*. and Mr*. C. Z. Miner ? ere In Atlanta last week attend ing the Board of Director* meet- ? lax of the Jolly Home Orphanage FOB &ALX: Om complete bed set In good condition Mb or ace Hugh He as ley Who Pays If .. . Trips on a Isaac board an the front steps, sprains her ankle. Your Neighbor Your Housekeeper Your Sou 5T2ST". Nips a mail carrier or delivery Your Dog Your Golf Ball ,S"T into ' ,eUow pJa,er'' "J" ? ? ? a PLUS MANY OTHER COVERAGES INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK & TRUST.COMPANY Murphy, N. C. Call out the Reserves with a touch of your foe! Most cars lead a double life. A good part of the time, they're running errands, taking ohildren to school, taking women to stores, taking men to work, taking family and friends to clubs and social functions. It doesn't call for a very great output of horse power for dirties like these. But there are times when you want a car that can do vastly more, and these are die times when you'll want what thii year's Roadmastbr has to offer. Beneath its proud hood, there's a Fireball 8 Engine?a valve-in-head that can let loose 170 lively horsepower when needed. And ? alongside this engine ? there's also an Airpower carburetor which thriftily feeds fuel and air through two smaller-than-usual barrels for normal driving?which means that you now use less gas at 40 than you'd formerly use at 50. But there are two barrels in reserve-waiting for you to call them into action ? and they let loose a soaring rush of power that sinks your shoulders back into the seat cushion, swoops you past a truck?out of a tight spot-up a hill -sets your speedometer needle to regirtering added miles more than twice as fast as your watch can tick off the seconds. Hiis is an experience you certainly should know firsthand. \bu should also know how Buick's Power Steering* provides a helping hand in slow motion maneuvers ? lets you keep the "fed'* of the car in straightaway driving. And just for good measure, this '52 Roadmaster also has the biggest brakes of any postwar Buick?the greatest trunk space since spare tires moved off the front fenders? a warning light that glows when die parking brake is set ? and to top it all, the smartest interior fabrics that Buick has ever offered. f When are you coming in to lode this .distin guished performer overP We urge you to make it soon. Sure is fill forttl When better automobile BUICK FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. 200 Peftchtree St. Murphy* N. C. . - . L"'. . .