Lions Hear Taracouzio Discuss Russian Aims Andrews Lions Club heard Col. T. C. Taraeouzio of Ashevilie, well-known authority on interna tional relations, at a Ladies Night meeting Thursday at Andrews Youth Building Col. Taraeouzio was born in So viet Russia, came to the U. S. in '923, after having served in the Russian and French armies in World War 1. During World War II he served overseas as an arm officer and later in Washingtoi D. C... as an authoiiiy on Russii r.e holds a Ph. D. >n tnternation: Law from Harvard University. Taracouzio gave a most infoi uiative and interesting addre: .neerning the aims of the Sovii Union as regards the Unite Stales and. in his opinion, the be: mean, by which we can cgntai aiflivmidifli If You Happen To Be In The Market For An AUTOMOBILE, PICKUP TRUCK OR IARGFR TRUCK Drop In And See Me I have on hand: 1941 Plymouth I 946 Chevrolet Club Coupe R & H I 948 Fcrd Club Coupe. Extra Clean R 8c H I 949 Pontiac 4-door, Extra Clean. R & H 1 950 Ford. 2-door, Low Mileage, Clean. H 1949 Dodge, 4-dloor, R & F1 1950 Ford Pickup, Like New. H 2 1951 Ford Pickups, Like New, H 1950 Ford F-6. 2 Speed, Stake Body 1951 Dodge, I F2 Ton Truck CHASTAIN MOTOR COMPANY Zeb Chastain. Owner (Formerly known as Colvard Mctor Co.) Across from Edson's Restaurant out of house and home butnot outofhope The dazed fathers and mothers, the terror-stricken children who lived here were given food, housing and medical care by your Red Cross. And they were given hope, too; hope that helped them rebuild their homes and their lives. Disasters don't care where they happen?or to whom. But there'll be help on hand?quick help. Because YOU, and other good human beings, keep the Red Cross really? with first-aid, blood, food, clothing, shelter?and hope. Perhaps?who knows??because you give?that help may be there for you sometime, or for someone you love. Give money?NOW?to your Red Cross. Give generously! answer Ihe call-Sin Now! Cherokee County Chapter those aims tic especially' stressed the ur gency ui a realistic attitude lo ? oiu Russian aims of World dom uion anu the necessity of bold i!iu courageous use ot our powers o thwart that aim. C oi. Tutucouziu stated that the Russians had at their disposal: 'I1 iiM large, well disciplined Red . nuiy, is' organized laoor, ?3* an cute, dangerous 5th column. i4> .n imangioic instrument, possibly ..eir most powerful?time I fie said that many people of ae L ? is . including high govern ment oltieials entertain two dan , rously talse notions: il> Failure o laae drastic action toward the ouiiiiunists due to tear of pos loie retaliation. < 2 ? the notion uui we can co-exist with the So . teis. I'lie latter idea Col Taracouzio ulscounted as being as impossible as mixing oil and water lie urged education of oui young people on the dangers of c ommunism and on their respon s.bililies as voting citizens lie ad ised the teaching oi political en igh.content to high schiMil and ollege students, lie stated that iiiis wu necessary to offset the severe propaganda indoctrination t? Coi linunist youth in conclusion Col Taracouzio stated tiiat the American way of ife and the Russian way of lite ? ere S'i opposed to one anoth r hat only one can eventually s'.r " ive. If it is to be America, then he stated thai we must tell the So nls that from now on we're playing their own game, and wc ?lost Mori f- 11 within to mil..I ip a .Russia!, people that w'l erilirov. the yoke than enslaves then Dr f'harles tan Gorder recng ni'e'. ( nests and adjourned tile meeting. I Two Baptist I Circles Meet Ruth Swan Circle of Murphy ' irst Baptist Church met with Mrs Lewis King Tuesday even ing with Mrs. Bob Cheney in eh.tree ot the program. "Cuba for Christ" Refreshment were served to Mesdames I.oi- King. Bertha Bate: A. D Peacock. Ellen Craw ford Bo1- Cheney. Cecil Mills anf Ruby Hill Elizabeth Hale Circle of Mur phy First Baptist Church met ' rcb 10 in the church basement a program and pot luck sup per. | r- vP?0|i McDonald was in j '?-I".-? of the program. "Cuba fori U. S. Bond Sales Total $20.98125 County U S. Savings Bonds Chairman W. D Whitaker an nounced recently that according > the monthly sales report from Vllison James. State Director of av ines Bonds in Greensboro, -ales of Series E. F & G Bonds in Cherokee County for the month ?f February totaled $22,981.25. 'of his amount S20.981 25 was in Se ies E Bonds: none in K Bonds and S2 U00) in Series G Bonds. The total figun-s for North Car liina's 1 twi counties were as fol low? Series E Bonds $2,783,784 50; Series F $157,065. Series G $515,300; totaling 53.461.14950 The Series E Bond sales in North Carolina for February exceeded the same period last year by $18. Osiii The first two month's E Bond ales in 1952 exceeded the same period last year by 576.295. The county chairman stated that business, industrial, banking and agriculture leaders throughout the nation, and in the state are strongly endorsing the "Defense l.ond program In February hun dreds of industrial, business and trade magazines featured the pic ture and statement by the presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce > the l int yd States. Dechard A Ilulcy. Mr. Huley said: "I urge every American employer to promote the payroll savings plan among hi.- employees as a means of building a reservoir of savings." Hi said that the Payroll Savings Plan is doing a three-way job by building a reservoir of savings and future purehasing power, contributing to America's defensr effort, helping to maintain Amer ica's economic stability~by provid !ng a check on inflationary ten dencies. Andrews Personals Bill Webb and Cpl Gene Webb visited Miss Ann Webb, student nurse, at Chattanooga. Tenn.. Sat urday. Mrs J E. Rufty has been ill it the home for the past se era' days. Miss Agnes Seyle and Mrs. Tur ner Holland spent Saturday in Asheville. Christ." There were six members pres ent. Zenalia Martin \ Is Bride-Beet Mrs S. R Brown, of Topton, ?nd Portsmouth. Va. announces the engagement of her daughter. Zenalia Martin, to Herman Sheaf o' Harrisburg. Penna The TO ORGANIZE GRANGE There will be a meeting at Mar in's Creek School April 2 at 7:30 m fo rthe purpose of organiz ing a 'local Grange unit. Everyone interested is invited o attend this meeting. ; 1 iing will be solemnized in th? 1 -f r y summer During the first 11 months of 95 <. domestic consumption of cigarettes in the United States unounted to 356.9 billion. This ? as an increase of 6.S per cent over the same period of 1950. Last year more than 30 millions acres of farm land in the United States were treated with herbi cides. LADIES' GARMENTS TRIMLY CLEANED Free Moth Proofing and Water Repellent Service Prices Reduced to 60c and 35c MURPHY LAUNDRY Phone 159 It Makes Your Dollars Feel Important too The Buick pictured here can match price tags with a lot of cars smaller in size and horsepower and win. But that only gives you a hint as to what a whale of a buy it is. Like costlier Buicks, it has the wide-open view of a one-piece windshield. Like costlier Buicks, it has the gleaming dis tinction of sweepspear styling. Like costlier Buicks, it has smart new fabrics and door trim. Like all other Buicks, it has the extra safety of new, long-lasting Wide-Band brakes. Like all other Buicks, it has the sure-footed, road-hugging jven-keeled steadiness of the Million Dollai Ride?a combination of 15 engi neering features including a husky X-braced frame, end-swa. and side-roll stabilizers, Hi Poised engine mountings, Permi-Firm steer ing and soft coil springs for every wheel. And like all other Buicks, it has a power-packed Fireball 8 Engine?a high-compression valve in-head that gets extra wallop, extra mileage from every gallon of gasoline. So we think that you'll feel mighty important bossing around this smart-stepping smoothie. And when you check the price we're asking against the field ? we think your dollars are going to feel mighty important in buying power too. t Hadn't you better look into this soon? LOCAL DELIVERED PMICM POM TWE MEW 1931 BUICK SPECIAL 2-doer 6-pottenger Spcoai Sedan . MODEL 48D (Illustrated) 2266.13 Optional eqwipeiem, accessories Male and local taxes, M 01 f,I . ?. dlnhllw ft. A/tlAlAlee ^I ? -I. m ) May wy wotty ? oaiowmg oontmvnati awe V SMpptng Afl prices subject to chonpe without notice. Sure is true for 52 Vhcn'better automobiles are bull BUICK FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. 200 Peach tree St. Murphy, N. C.