REAL ESTATE for sale J arms, houses, lots, businesses, business property, tourist courts. Cafes, proeery stores, warehouses, vacant land, camp sites, hotels and all kinds of real property. Let us know what you want. He may have it or can pet it for you. D M. REESE Real Estate Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O'Dell Salesmen PHONE 214 MURPHY. N. C. AUTO SIRYICI 24-Hour Service ! I - Expert Body and Fender j Repairing General Auto Repair Service j EVANS AllTO CO. j Phones Day 48. Night 52-W j fame to ask for JFC! L ? Vx o\c* ? VcC ?l % tPo \ M -- FAYOLA REMNANT STORE MANY NEW MATERIALS j; (Seamless) ; I Nylons 49c pr. 3 prs. $1.25 j Other Nylons 51 and 60 Gauge ; Irregulars 85c Firsts 95c pr. j White and Colors i Broadcloth 5 yds. $1.00; New Shipment-Many Colors ] JBroadcloth 39c yd.: t I (crease resistant) Green-Red-Yellow-Navy \ 46" wide Flannel Suiting ... $1.98 yd. 54" & 60" wide Wool - New Shipment $2.50 yd. New Spring Colors Gabardine $1.60 lb. Suiting-various other materials Gabardine Special $1.00 lb. Nylon Seersucker (white) 45" wide $1.75 yd. Nylon Crepe (pink) for dresses, blouses, sllps-45" wide IUI yd. Nylon Crepe Priht-for Easter blouses and Dresses 45" wide $2,19 yd. Piune (saucy) A press-less Wrinkle Resistant Material Assorted Colors S9e yd. Pique (snnspots) A press leas Wrinkle Resistant Material Asserted Colors 75c yd. Pique (waffle weare) 4k yd. MANY OTHER VALUES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION FAYOLA REMNANT STORE IPS Sets Up Local \dvisorv Groups Consumer advisor) groups to co-operate with the Office ot Price Stabilization in its cam paign to stabilize prices and thereby guard the nation's econ omy are beir.g set up throughout ? he territory served by the Char lotte district office. District Di rector J. Ray Shute of Monroe re vealed recently. People appointed for Andrews are: Mrs Ruth Sursavage. sec'y. Mrs. John Christy. Mrs. l.uke El lis. Mrs. Ruth Starr Pullium and Mrs. L. B Nichols. People on the advisory group in Cherokee County are Sirs. B B. bates, secretary. Cnaka; Mrs. Ro berta Davis. Cnaka; Mrs P. Rob crts. Cnaka: Mrs. G H. Butler. Hiwassee Dain. Mrs Gay Murphy. \ iolet Rt.. Cnaka; Mrs Dallas VeKnown. Oak Park: Mrs.* Pas chal Hughes. Rt. 2, Murphy; Mrs. E. Roach. Rt. 2. Culberson: Mrs. Edith Cooke. Rt. 1. Copperhill, Tenn.: Mrs. Clyde McNabb. Rt. 2. Murphy; Mrs Grady Smith. Rt. 2. Murphy; Mrs B. E Warner. Rt. !. Murphy; Mrs. C. M Hendrix. Rt i. Murphy: Mrs. Paul Suddeth. Rt. 1 Murphy: Mrs. Lucy Davis. *L 3. Murphy: Miss Maurine Cad dis. Rt. 3. Murphy; Virginia Aber nathy Rt. 3. Murphy. Mr Shute. who supervised the organization of 251 OPS volunteer committees in the 51 counties of Charlotte district, forsees the ? raanization within the next few n ecks of scores of .other tonsumer committees composed in the main ? t housewives T':< se women w.ll aid the volunteer committees in 'her re-pccttve cotumuniiic- in carrying on localh the work sup plementing that of the Charlotte district OPS staff members in- 1 ' lud those workers who regularly man the OPS field service offices being operated in 60 communities >'.i'hin the district. Director Shute and his associates are confindent that the consumer j idvisory committees will be of im- j ?nense aid in taking the OPS pro- j gram directly to the citizenship. ! -nd he realizes that without the | support of the citizenship the j -.ampaign of the stabilization for- ' "cs will be ineffective. I Andrews Personals Mr and Mrs L. B Nichols left J Andrews Sunday for a visit of sev- | ?ral days with Mrs Nichols' par-j nts. Air. and Mrs. \V. B. C-andler, 01 Villa Rica. Ga. Mr. and ? Mrs Horace Palmer ind son. Roy. spent several days visiting Mr and Mrs Fred Pal mer and family of Gastonia Air and Airs. Joe Womaek have ?eturned to Knoxville where they re students at the University of Tennessee, after spending several 'ays with. Air and Mrs. L B. Wo mack Aliss Blondine Luther spent si'nday visiting relatives in Ashe il'e Mr. and Airs. George Culbreth of Bryson City wen? Saturday vis itors in Andrews. B;U Sharoe of Ralegh was a guest Thursday of P. B Ferebee. Aliss Atr.e Whitaker. daughter of Mr and Airs. Ear! Whitaker, left ?st week for an extended visit j ? i'h her brn*lv?r. Wayne, who re - | sjdos in California. Mrs Alee Wheeler AIcFalls of 1 Vrrnklin is in Andrews due to the ' serious iltnocs 0f her mother. Airs, j Sam Wheeler. Sgl Fd\< in West, of Camp Le- j ieune, N. C . is home due to his | mother's illness Aliss Bottv Jean Eubank of Oak J Ridge spent the week-end in An- ! J rows. A'rs Sam Williams has returned *o her home in And news follow ing a visit of several weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Roger Camp hell. of Burlington and her son. ?Toward Williams, and family of ConnoAer. Airs. Ruth Starr Pullium and < Airs. Allene Bristol spent the j ' cekend visiting friends and nel- I atives in Atlanta. Colly! Loolo most km bad bis tootb sbarpoaodl For high-speed wood cutting, youx bctt bet it ? McCulloch chain taw. It't a favorite of timbermen, became it opt log production. It's a bit with farm era, because it taket the chore out of cutting cordwood, nuk ing posts, etc. All down the line, the bett name in power tawt it MtCmUtch. You bo tho Judgo Within the next few days, ttop by our t to re for a real demonstration of wood cutting. Or give ut a call and we'll try to arrange a show for you at your place. There's no obligation. We want you to tee what a McCulloch can do. 6 Medtli Available Peach tree Farm And Home Supply AilbwM S?Im And 8ei ilw Murphy, N. C. | Phone 453-J-l Rout* 1 7inish Survey Of State Metal Working Industry Jerome Silverman, a member of the North Carolina Small Busi ness Committee said recently tnat the commit:-?e had completed classifying data obtained from a survey of the metal working in dustry in the State, and th?se da ta have been mailed to Defense Procurement Officers and Prime Contractors. Mr Silverman stated it was in teresting to note how close the North Carolina Metal Working group parallels the everyday life ot the average citizen They can produce cribs for the infant, arti 'icial limbs, and caskets: in fact, they can produce any item made of metal, but do not attempt to produce heavy items requiring mass production lines. He also said that their record during World War II was some thing toward which all may point with pride?they made surgical instruments, artificial limbs, air craft assemblies and parts, bombs and parts, guns and parts, land ntinos. shells and crafts, propel lers and shafts, barges and hun dreds of other components and tools necessary for the successful prosecution of the war. Mr Silverman said the commit tee was created to serve all small business cono-rns in the State re gardless ot what they produce and suggested that all firms with 500 employees or less file their name and address, number of employees nd type of business with Small tjusir^ss office in the Department o( Conservation and Development at Raleigh The committee will aid and ad' i?e in anv problems facing small business. He said that in case of an all out emergency, the committee of fice would b? in a position to as sist the small business concerns of the State in shifting to defense production and conditions almost cv ernight. Some 5'V) institutions were granted $5,750,000 fo>- canor re search by the American Cancer Society last year m* m. ?Vi*--** ?v>. lj Si' h in Andrews Vrs Bruce West is receiving a. a Chattanooga hos H r condition remains ser ?ultS. Mr. and Mrs John ,Cht isty. Sr.. p a. ievera. uays in Duruam vis-. .nj their son. Bob. who had aj aigicai operation Thursday for j the removal of a tumor on the leg. j . o's t onuition was repor.od " s satisfactory. i a Co.hey s'l tercd a dislocat :n'\'e last Thursday. Mrs. Sam Wheeler Is seriously ill at Rodda-Var Gnrrier Hospital Miss Fannie McGuire is improv- | i J following an illness of two ? tcks Miss Delores Graham of Violet lias returned home after spending .ao ueeks in the Baptist Hospital at W nston-Salem She is much ir proved and will be back in school soon The leading cause of cencer deaths among men is cancer of ? stomach. American Cancer So ieti statistics show Those who have finished by naking all others iiiink with them, lave usually been those who be ?ln by daring to think for them selves?Caleb Co'tou To Mint Musty of ASntMMlie OYAL Features and Performance never before available at sucb a Price! UML nut TAX 6 00 X 16 EAST CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES! N ^-Stopping Power?Skid Resistance ?Tire Mileage and Economy rc-yond all previous standards! NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR U. S. ROYAL DEALER fUXUU TUAO that STOPS! Exclusive Centipede tread introduces new safety to its field! Touch your brakes ? this flexing tread bites and holds ? insures safer, surer stops! GRAVES TIRE CO. Phone 300 Murphy, N, C, new CENTERPOISE POWER Vibration and power impulses are "screened out" as engine is cen tered and rubber cushioned between new high-side mountings. LARGEST BRAKES Big 11 -inch brake drums apply more le verage for more slop ping power. Slops are smoother, safer, with less effort. V.'! 1 co.ov : 26 rich nc 1 two-tone . ? . . W iv OlCMoic, > Do 1 u color-mail m Lowest priced in its \ t I hv Thi* beautiful new Chevryj, t Pe- ? like mony Chevrolet n-odr . \ > 'or less than ony comparable ?-< v - 's field. (Continuation of star .or - .?? meet and trim illustrate j is ~jauj.- on availability of moteriol.l No other low-priced cor offers these fine features! fwiy rinfh fiufura shown htft is s^wsd osfy by Chevrolet In Hs W4. Ansl svsty single on* msont antra pleasure, extra safety, er extra economy fee you. Yet again in 1952 Chevrolet Is the lowest priced line In its ieMI Come In and see for yourself! T&l&fyfitil CaU. ?Plpp CHEVROLET ?Hi BODY BY HSHBt Fisher Body sets the standard - for styling, for craftsmanship, for comfort! Fisher Uni steel construction is ex tra strong and sturdy. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorbers give even finer ride control. WIDEST TREAD Chevrolet measures 58% inches between centers of rear wheels ? a broader base to give you more sta bility, less sway! 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet's exclusive engine lubricating sys tem supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS Pistons are of same material as the cylin der block-expand and contract at the same rate. Reduces wear, saves oil! SAFETY PLATE CLASS ALL AROUND Chevrolet alone in its field gives you safety plate glass in wind shield and all win dows for a clearer, truer all-round yiew. POWERGUDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Powerglide k timpler with fewer parts to wear. It's jmoollur do complicated inter mediate (ears. (Op tional on De Luxe mo dak at extra cost) MOST POWBtfUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Power glide is the moat pow erful valve-in-bead en gine in Chevrolet's nekl ahd an outstand ingly fine performer in any field! E-Z-EYE SAFETY PLATE GLASS TTm superior tinted glass cuts down glare and heat from sun, glare from sky, snow and oncoming head lights. (Optional at extra cost) Dickey Chevrolet Company Andrews, N. C. MORI mm RUT CMliiOim THAN ANT OTNHI CAR I