BOOKS AND PEOPLE By PHYLLIS M. SNYDER Regional Librarian t Two books The Berkshire Knitt- llemm-rich Memorial Collection. Thun and Henry Janssen. founder ing fills have"been added to the PARTNERS: A HISTORY OF of the organization of which Berk Andrews Carnegie Library Pres- THF DEVELOPMENT OF THE .hire is an affiliate The committe. ented by S. J. Gernert. these vol- WYOMISSING INDUSTRIES was o employee;- who compiled i umes will become part of the Hugo written in honor of Ferdinand |)aVc filled the volumes with hu MOVING}, Coll... / V AMERICAN RED BALL < TRANSIT COMPANY. INC SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGENT Palmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. Phone 202 Murphy, X. C. TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT ? Instantly stops perspiration odor ?A* Checks perspiration moisture big *1 jar... aAl now only .^f/r plus tax Tussv cosmetic Cream Deodorant | protects your daintiness from breakfast to bedtime. Instantly stops perspiration odor, checks perspiration moisture. Safe for normal skin...filmiest fabrics. Stays creamy-soft down to the bottom of the jar. limited time only MAUNEY DRUG CO. Phone I 5 I Murphy, N. C. man inirpsi stories anu pnow graphs, i Even the watch dog Leo figures in this account of the as ' ociations who contributed to the development of the industries' The changing mode of fashion is as well illustrated as the technical improvements in manufacture. INDUSTRIAL BERKS COUN TV 1748-1948 is a pictpria! re cord 01 Readiug and Berks Coun *y. the Pennsylvania home ol Berkshire's parent plant. Publish ed by the Berkshire Knitting Mills on the occasion of Reading's 700th Anniversary. It describes the way of life in "the heart of Penn sylvania German county". There - re chapt ers on agriculture, in dustry. transportation and cloth in and food The latter mentions such Pennsylvania Dutch special ties as panhaas. shoofly cake, schnit. und knepp. saur-kraut, and kuddlefleck Either of these books may be borrowed from the Andrews Li brarv A cop\ of PARTNERS: A HISTORY OF THE WYO MISSING INDUSTRIES is in the Nantahala Regional Library as well and may be requested from the Murphy Library or any Cher okee County bookmobile stations. Sick In Andrews Mrs. Jack McCraney has been "onfined to her home for a week due to illness. Cecil Frazier is improving fol lowing major surgery at the Rod da-Van Gorder Hospital. Miss Ann Fraley has returned to her home following a tonsilectomy. Charles Matheson has returned to his home at Topton. after hav ing been a patient at the Andrews Hospital for several days. We Buy CHICKENS Pay Highest Cash Prices Carl Crawford & Sons COPPERHILL. TENN. Phone 682-J Andrews Lions To See Film On 'Fishin' For Fun" "Fishin" For Fun". 3 new 2-reel ""und motion picure starring Ben Hardesty. U. S professional all around bait and fly-rasting champ ion. will be snuwn to an audience ?yt some 40 members of the Lions at the Youth Building in An drews. Thursday. April 24. at 8 p. m. i This is announced by A. B Chandler. Jr.. Manager of the Dickey Chevrolet Co.. Andrews who disclosed that a 16 mm print of the film for the special show ing is being obtained from the De troit headquarters of the Fisher Body Division of General Motors, ?he firm that produced and dis 'ributed the picture. Described as an important con tribution to fishing lore by con l servation authorities and others who have viewed it, "Fishin' For i' un presents a comprehensive exhibition \f the art of fishing and casting, encouraging partici pation in the sport and emphasiz ng the thrill every fisherman ; seeks, according to Mr. Chandler who states that tb? film is com pletely devoid of advertising save for the credit titles. Hardesty. a plain and fancy fisherman who truly labors for love, is described by Ted Husing who narrates the film as "a guy who drops ".em in a tea cup as j far away as you can see it." 1 In "Fishin' For Fun", the cham-! pion gives an exciting and drama-' tic display of angling for trout, bass, bonefish, sailfish and tarpon , The trout sequences were taken in Northern Michigan and show a thrilling series of shots while Har desty was hooking, playing and landing three varieties of trout, brown, brook and rainbow. I The scene then shifts to a small lake in New Jersey famous for its bass fishing Working from a boat. Hardesty gives a colorful display of first landing a fighting Jersey small mouth and then a scrappy large mouth with a little bull dog blood in its veins. Then, for the salt water enthu siasts. the champion engages in a a battle to the finish with bait slamming sailfish off the coast of Florida. The next sequence is a thriller for both salt water and fresh water fishermen. Believe it or not, the champion goes after the white fox of the shallow flats, bonefish, with fly tackle and gets him. For the climax, Hardesty exhib \ndrews Personals Sg,. First Class Clyde R Lu ther spent Sunday with his moth ! er. Mrs. J *M Luther. He Is now I stationed in Indiana Felix Brady, who has been en gaged in construction work in I Clarkasburg. W. Va., for the past j c'.tleen months, is now home with j ' is fani !y here. Mr. and Mrs fcd Slagle. of Or | '?ndr>. Fla. are visiting relatives in Andrews, j Mrs Roy West spent the week ?nd at Kingsport. Tenn.. with her ! i u-band. who is employed there. I Mrs. R S. Eskridge has return ed to her home here after hiving I p nt the winter with her son and family, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Wal k?r. of Augusta. Ga. John Christy, Jr. of Duke Uni vi es'ty spent the week-end with ' his parents here. He attended the Methodist District Conference at Cherokee Mrs. Edwin Bristol, president of the Andrews PTA, attended the State PTA Convention in Ashe ?i!!e Tuesday through Friday of I lest .' itek While in Asheville Mrs j Bristol visited her sister. Mrs. : Stone and family. Mrs. Kate Hogsed and Miss Lu- | till - Bel' were Murphy visitors [ Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones and >ns spr-nt the wees- end in Frank lin with relatives its a dynamic display of landing hundred-pound tarpon on light fresh-water tackle In a colorful scene shot in the Shark River ?ungle sountry in Southwestern Florida. Without a gaff and with 1 halt-casting tackle, Hardesty hooks, | plays and lands a beautiful silver { king that battles the champion for more than an hour. The film is a great display of j the art of angling that is truly one , of the greatest of American sports. I REAL ESTATE for sale Farms, houses, lots,' businesses, business property, tourist courts. Cafes, trocery stores, warehouses, vacant land, camp sites, hotels and all kinds of real property. Let us know what you want We may have It or can ret it far you. D. M. REESE Real Estate Broker 1 Fred V. Johnson John C. O'Dell Salesmen PHONE 214 MURPHY, N. C. Mr. and Mr*. Howell Rogers and Betty Luther, who is .em family of hleago are .pending - p oyrt jn chlrVotle. few days visiting Mrs. Rogers' mo Ihe." Mrs Lura Nelson oi An we*k"end with h*r moth'r' Mr* crews. Route 1 Bessie Luther. -ATTENTION Pulp Wood Manufacturers We will start May 15th, buying PEELED Pine, Poplar, Basswood, Willow, Gum, Cucum ber, White Maple, Cottonwood and Ash, at our wood yard in Andrews. N. C Write for specifications. PURSER & WATKINS Andrews, N. C. WANTED GOOD QOAUTY WHITE OAK TIMBER We buy BoHts, Llogs ami Standing Trees. For Specifications and Prices Contact Blue Grass Cooperage Co. Box 131 Hiawassee, Ga. Mill & Yard located between Hiawassee, Ga. and Hayesrville, N. C. at Junction of Highways 69 and 76 (Wodd Grove Community) VOTE ON MAY 6 FOR MAYOR J. W. Franklin FOR COUNCILMEN Dr. W. A. Hoover R E. Dickev Loren C. Davis Clyde Gladson H. G. Elkins J. M. Hughes Your support and vote will be highly appreciated MURPHY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE umiuio KNEE-ACTION BtOI WMMST TMAO MOST FOWCRfUl VA1VI-IN-MCA0 ENGINE ! AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* ?Optte?W oft Do Coao oo^Wi o* oxtro cot#. See all these exclusive features of Chevrolet for 52 WIMST COIOI CHOKI N I safitt run oiass 4-WAY INC INI IUMI CATION CAST IRON AUOY PISTONS ?oor tr fishm I-Z-IYI P1ATI (MASS ...yetftcme uwefr-pntotfyte /?; Z&fiW/ Lowest priced in its field! TMs beoetiful new Chevrolet ief Air?like easy Chev In Its Aetd. (Continuation of staadord tjvipm+nf end trim illustrated is dependent en availability of malarial. White sidawall that at extra cost when oroiiob/eJ No .other car In Chevrolet'* field offer* a single one of these fine feature*. Yet Chevrolet I* the lowest priced line in it* held;.. . Come see ... come drive . . the car that fates first In pepularify . . . first In ^kmaA tee AakA_ejM ? ? ? nltl. I I "A ? oJ I e ? a ma Ifl HOW-CO* quailTjf o e e Cn IOW9IT COell jjgrfSblF ik&fy. mam ? t.VPPHHVSSSF ? ? f**i Qur mi MOM MOm BUY CMaVROLITS THAN ANY OTHIR CARI JBtekey ChevrolM-OldOTobUeCo.^ J