Gordon L. Butler Speaks In Shelby Gordon L. BuUer, Andrew* Ro-' tartan, received the honor of be ing called upon to be on the pro gram af the Rotary International 280th District Convention held In 6helby hot week Below are exarpu from Mr Butler* talk entitled "la It Fair To AU Concerned''" The talk dealt with the *uhJe?t of attendance. "I consider K an honor to *peak to a group of community leader* such a* you are ... If you were not a leader in your profession or trade, you. would not be a Rotary, and you cannot be a leader in your profession or trade without being a leader in your community. "As we think about attendance, let's remember that attendance Is not an end within Itself, it is only an means to an end. "It is my intention to ask you a few questions that might start you to thinking ... Is it fair to all concerned? "We are referrin gto our rules on attendance In the Andrews Club, not being to good at inters preting complicated rules, . . . our one rule Is this: Be at every meet ing and stay for the entire meet ing. "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we occasionally have a member who missed a meeting. We decided that If that member would drive to a nearby club In the prescribed time, and stay for the entire masting of that club, that we would give him credit for I attendance . . . attendance to i nearby club Involved the negotia-1' ting of not mare than 100 miles 1 of good sfaulght mountain road. "With thane simple rules the Andrews Club has had about seven consecutive months of 100% at tendance. "Let us examine?la It fair to all concerned?1. For a club to give attendance credit to a Rota run who drops into the weekly meeting just long enough to re cord his attendance, then leaves immediately? 2. For a club to ignore a mem ber's absence when computing the attendance average, when that member has been granted a leave of absence? 3. For a club to give attendance credit to a Rotarian when a group of members, following a regular meeting, visit that Rotarian at his bedside during an illness? "Are these, and other practises fair to the other club members f who have made a sincere effort to maintain regular attendance? J ' "Let's select one week?so that we will all be working together, let's take the week of May 9th through May 18th,;?and have a 100% attendance meeting In that week, strictly according to the rules. . . . and have Jomeone give a brief explanation of the attend ance rules and the "trtiys" behind them. J - ' "The attendance rule is our rule ?Let's keep tt-LiOy change It. "... Ask ditrtelVes: Is it fair to all concerns??"' Mrs. Roberts* 82 Dies At Bnaka ? -i iass?Vri Mrs Margaajdr B?y#on Roberts P2. died at herrftoropsat Unaka at 3 p. m. Satirrd?y-?fter a two ?JT (? months' illness. ^ r ,r_.? ? T ?Ui ^ 1 She is survived^v^wo daugh ters. Miss MaryiiHabeTts of Una ka. and Mrs.5 Sue'tIWillard of Greenwood, 5^*" ^Tive sons. , George of Farnsr. Je***., Frank of Blairsville. Ga,.Fred- xst Moores ville. Bill of Lenoir City, Tenn.. and Jim of Unakarr'alSo two bro thers. Jim Brysqtj. of Unaka. and | bill Bryson of -Tejiico Plains, i Tenn. "> Funeral serMfes Will be con ducted Monday in Bethal Presby terian Church of wbich she bad beten a member for 20 years. The Rev. Leonard Walker will offici ate, and burial will be in Bryson Cemetery. The hour has not been set. ^ Townson Funeral Home in in charge. i< oc ? sss TWIN-CITY AtlVL-IN T H I A.T B I McCostUar ? (?| 1.7 Hsnfll-Hlfct "KID riMb-mAS" Audie MuMBsH Storm Big TeehnMttr Adventure! ?* GOc..sr . . ? "NNV/WA" Robert Jeffries v ? Gang Busters N?y U tend) - i -t^t FOOT IN HEAVEN" Scott Unaka Community Gub To Beautify Public Grounds I The newly organized Unaka Community Club met in the school building Monday night, end elected Miss Jo Ann Roberts reporter, and Mrs. Minerva Crowe, alternate. Members decided to name the club. "The Unaka Community De velopment Club". The club's first project is im proving and beautifying the cem etery grounds and landscaping and beautifying the school grounds, as well as a general clean-up cam paign of the homes Members decided to enter the; I Western North Carolina Rural Community Development Contest John Morley. president, presi ded. and after the business sess ion a short recreational period was held. The next meeting is scheduled for May 5 and the public is in vited to attend. School To Hold Open House White Church School will hold 5pen house Sunday from 1 to 3 p. m. so that the public may see the new additions to the former four room school. Additions include three class rooms for fifth, seventh and eighth grades, boys' and girls' bathrooms, i lunch room, office and steam i plant. White Church School is located an Grandview Road. Harest E. King is principal of the eight grade school, and there ?re seven teachers. Student en rollment is 225. Flames Destroy 3 Acres Of Forest Th? Forest Service put out an incendiary fire on National forest land in Bealtown behind Lee Shields' residence Monday after noon. According to Walker Newman, forester, about three acres of for-1 sst were burned. Town firemen were called to i the blaze, but upon arrival found i lhat the Forest Sen-ice had the | flames under control. Ranger School Given U. N. Fla? A United Nations flag was pre sented to Ranger School by Sun ny Point Home Demonstration Club at a P. T A. meeting April !?. The flag was hung in the choo1 cafeteria. The P. T. A. is making plans to lid in the pre-school clinic May 5. All children entering school for the first time next fall are to be visitors in the school on that day. Room count was won by the feventh grade. Lunsford Sisters Reunited After Seven Years Mr. and Mrs. George Bryvouch of Jackson. Calif., have spent three weeks visiting Mr. end Mrs. Fe lix Brady of Andrews. During the visit five sisters who had not been together in seven years were reunited. The sisters were Mrs. Max Ladd of Marble, Mrs. Kate Palmer of Andrews, Mrs. Lyle Tatham of Ocean View, Va. Mrs. Bryvouch and Mrs Bra dy. Andrews Cancer Drive Nets $132 The annual "Lights On" door to door canvas for the Ameri can Cancer Society Fund Drive netted $132 according to a state ment by Tom C. Day, County Chairman. Tuesday night. The "Lights On" canvas made in Andrews Tuesday evening. The Cancer Fund Drive will last the remainder of this month If you were missed and would like to make your contribution, contact Mr. Day at the CHlaens Bank & Trust Co. LW. Shields Is Honored By Murphy NCEA The Murphy Unit of the NCEA held a dinner meeting at the John C. Campbell Folk School at Brass town last Tuesday night, witn Mrs. John Thuas. president, presiding. The meeting honored L. W. Shields who is retiring at the end of this school term after 35 years of teaching. Mr Shields related his teaching experiences. lie was presented a gift from the organisa tion. After the meeting members and invited guests engaged in folk dancing. Pickle Making Is Demonstrated Miss Roe Ellwood Bryan gave a demonstration on making cucum ber pickles at the Presbyterian Church Monday. April 21. "Miss Bryan is extension specia list in Food conservation and mar keting and is exceptionally good | in her field She made each step in making pickles so clear that i everyone present felt they were much better able to make good crisp pickles this summer," says Miss Edna Bishop, home agent. FOR SALE: One breakfast room suite, one flat top office desk: with chair. Mrs. Louise Raper. j Marble. N. C. 41-ltc FOR SALE: Almost new West inghouse refrigerator. Maytag washing machine, sofa bed, chair. China cabinet, dining ta ble. cook stove, wood heater, two iron bedsteads with springs and mattress, old model sewing machine. If interested call 456-R-2. 41-ltp V-* irii l?M' tmpeassmD ALL CLASSIFIED ADS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. LOCAL RATES: MSimia. Mt far NC laser IS* "I ad with out nwrr Ibaa U words. Ihrtr I warn sum *1 toiliuanil words. 2c per word. FOREIGN HATF.s: *sr lime, k per word. All rate* wet. Class! Ned ads imsted up uatll II aaaa Wednesday. ALL ?KEYED" CLASSIFIED ADS ARE Sc PER WORD A N'D A MIMMl'M OF Ik. CARD OP THANK8 Mc HFMOUIAMS RESOLI'TIONS OP RESPECT AND 1II1ITI' IKIES tr PER WORD. FOR RENT: 5-room apartment. Steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Over Economy Cloth ing Store. Call 282 or aee Ar den Davis. 41-Stc WANTED to rent by year Desire I 4 or 5-room house with base ment, electricity, and city wa ter. in or near Murphy. Write Murphy P. O. Box 371. 41-6tp . OR SALE: Finest Quality U. S. 2h2 Yellow Hybrid Seed Corn. L. F. Lockaby, Harshaw Road. Phone 466-M 41-2tp "OR RENT. Three-room furnished apartment. Hot water furnished Front 4nd back entrance. Avail able now. Phone 96-W, Hia uassee Avenue. Murphy 41-ltc ! FC : . OR SALE: One registered Duroc male hog Weighs around 7001 lbs. W. D. Townson. 41-ltc FOR SALE: Lovely home and In come property, beautiful view. Because of other business in terests. am offering my place "Valley View" for sale. Live in large house consisting of sunny 18 x 26 living room; 4 bedrooms, large dining and kitchen com bination. with built-in cabinets, bath, cement basement, garage Newly redecorated, furnished. Rent four 3-room cottages, small down payment, balance monthly. Come see Stanley Warthon 133 Terrace Ave., or telephone 584-J for appoint ment. 41-3tp FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apart ment. steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Call 1SS or see Mrs. E A. Browning. 41-ltc FOR SALE: I have 300 bushels of U. S 2T.2 hybrid seed corn for sale at farm. Billy Wells. 41-2tp FOR SALE Good piano for $100 several used studio couches, sterilized $10 to $25. Phone 298-J. Murphy Furniture Sal vage. 41-ltc LOST or strayed: Black with brown legs male Plot. Answers! ?o name of King. No. 341*4 on j collar. Write or notify WilHam ^ Palmer. Marble, or Ernest Pal-| r.ier. Andrews. Route 1. 41-1 tp FOR SALE: Seven-room house, I rood garden at 105 Sales St. Murphy. N. C Will sell cheap. If interested, write Mrs Tom Blair. N. Dixie Heights. Cooke ville. Tenn. 41-3tF ' NEW SINGER Portable Electric Sewing Machines from $39.50 up. Used machines and repair. Write Singer Sewing Machine Co.. "r Box "N" Murphy. N. C 41-3tp LOST: In town on Thursday. March 27 one Ladles' Parker '51 fountain pen. dark green with silver colored cap. Liberal reward. Please call Mrs. Bob White at 68 day or 385-J night. 41-3tc 'OR SALE at exceedingly small coat self-contained record play er In excellent condition Wat ts! Coleman * Appliance Store, Murpliy. N. C. 34-tf* -'OP. RENT: Downstairs apart ment. Large room*, Graaw yard. Adrll Apartment*. Adella Me roney, proprietor. Phone 290-J. 40-3te EXPERT REPAIRING: Watches, dock*, glasses and Jewelry of all type*. New afld used American and Swiss watches. Bands and crystals fitted while you wait. Watches checked on Timing Ma chine free. Work guaranteed. Fast service. Earl Beaver, Jew eler, Main Street, Andrews. N. C. 40-3tc FOR SALE or Trade: Four reg istered Guernseys, 3 belters, one to freshen this month. 1 cow 3 years old to freshen In Septem ber. WU1 trade for equal age and quality of registered white face, or sell outright. C. C. Roberts, Tomotla, N. C. 39-3tp FOR SALE: One registered Duroc boar, 2 years old, weighing about 430 lbs C. C. Roberts. Toruot la. N. C. 39-3t? FOR SALE or Trade: One Chev rolet dump truck, either 1947 or 1150 model Will trade for 160 inch wheel base truck or will sell both. C. C. Roberts, To motla, N. C. 39-3tp OWING: Contract or by the w.ir. Call for Tonie Sutton. Phone 202. 30-tfo FOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, any rise, any amount Delivered Pakner Bras., Phone 202 Mur phy. N. C. 28-tfe GLIDER sets. $39.93. Chair* with solid bottoms and backs, $3.93. Murphy Furniture Salvage WELL DRILLING: Have your wells drilled by modern machin ery. 8" and 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route 1, Franklin, N. C. 3l-l5tp WANTED TO BUY For cash high tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any sine. Graves Tires Co. Phone $00, Murphy. 2-tfc WHY swelter this summer? Let us insulete your home for comfort in summer and savings In win ter months. Also beating sys tems. weather stripping, aiding and roof applied. Monthly pay ments. Andy Horn. Blue Ridge, Ga., Phone 2081, Southern Blow Pipe Roofing Co. of Chattanoo ga. Tenn. S9-3tc FOR RENT: furnished apartment Frigidalre. electric stove, pri vate entrance. Mrs. Jerry Da vidson. Phone 103-J. 30-3tc FOR RENT- Threj-room apart ment in Andrews. N C. newly decorated, wired for electric range and ho: water heater For information call 559 in Mur phy M C. O'Dcll. 39 3lp ' i" RENT: 3-room furnished apartment. Oil heat, electric water heater 432 Hlawassee Ave. Phone 96-W, Murphy. N. C. 39-2tp M'CHESS Beauty Shop will be closed each Monday beginning April 14 through August. Euna Puett. 39-3tc WANTED AT ONCE: Raleigh dea ler In West Cherokee County. Write Rawleigh's Dept.. Rich mond. Ya. 38-4tp FOR RENT?Floor sanding ma chine and polisher by hour or day. Phone 100. Gibbs Hardware and Auto Supply. 47-tfc FOR RENT: Large 3-room cottage, water and sink, electricity, base ment. unfurnished. Very pleas ant place to live. See Warthon at "Valley View" near old City Hospital. Telephone 584-J 41-3 tp FREE! ILuJ ?n(r] THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW FORMICA, EXTENSION-TOP CHROME DINETTE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF THIS This sleek, modern extension-top chrome dinette ha* a Formica table top . . . matching (hairs have Doraa spring seat and back. Set Includes table and four chairs ... as hi the photograph. SPECIAL DELUXE 8 REFRIGERATOR BOTH FOR ONLY $289.95 This sensational offer is the biggest money-saving value in years! Yes, this "lovely os spring" chrome dinette ie absolutely FREE when you buy this HOTPOINT 8 cubic foot Refrigerator! Hurry while the supply lasts! $45.00 DOWN $16.10 MONTHLY , -- i. w I ? ISJ ? roller NEW CIRCULAIRE COOLING ACTION! , Special SMtag Tray t New Daar Safety l-WUtk Chiller Tray # Fire Tear n-Huitty Drawers. roller mooted lUt FOODS STAT FRESH AND CRISP DON! DRY OCT! - GIBBS HARDWARE and AUTO SUPPLY r ? ?? ? ^ ' "" '"??... JJ Linn ? ? 4 , ? ^ Phone 100 ' Murphy, N. CX.

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