MRS. JOHN R ANDERSON John R. Anderson Weds Florida Bride Mr. and Mrs. Colie Nichols of Chattahoochee, Fla , announce the marriage of their daughter, Rheba, to John R. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Anderson of Knoxville, Tenn.. formerly of Cul berson The marriage was solem nized in Havana. Cuba. December I The bride-elect graduated from ; i the Graceville High School, Grace ville. Fla., and attended Stetson University. DeLand, Fla. Prior to her marriage, she was a member oi the banking staff of the Gads den County State Bank in Chatta hoochee. The bridegroom graduat ed from Murphy High School, and attended Berea College in Berea, Ky. I The couple are making their home in Havana, where Mr. An derson is Project Engineer with the Intrusion-Prepakt, S. A. Paul Henry Hyatt of Chicago who spent last week here with his mother. Mrs. Bailey Meroney, and his sister, Miss Betty Jo Hyatt, left last Friday for Chicago, taking his mother and sister with him j to make their home there. Irs. Doyle Clay Honored At Shower Mrs. Verlin Crisp entertained with a shower Wednesday night at 7:30 honoring Mrs. Doyle Clay, a recent bride. After a number of games and contests the gifts were opened .-nd displayed. Refreshments were served to the following: Miss Dale Suddeth. Mrs. Clarence Hendrix, Mrs. Brown Caldwell. Mrs. Max Sneed, Mrs. Morris Moore. Mrs. Homer Ferguson, Mrs. Jane Wilson, Miss Stella Robinson, Mrs. Paul Led ford, Mrs. W. A. Boyd. Mrs Mel vin Crtep. Mrs. Paul Suddeth. Miss Sally Bell Ferguson, Miss Carolyn Hendrix, Mrs. Aude Suddeth, Mrs. Noah Hembree, Miss Elsie Sud deth. Miss Corleen K., Mrs. Glenn , Hendrix, Mrs. Frank Morrow, Miss Frances Sue Ferguson, Mrs. Guy ] Suddeth, Mrs. Elolse Crisp, Mrs.' Oran Witt, Miss Mae Suddeth, , Mrs. C. W. Witt, Miss Elsie Sud-1 c'cth and Mrs. Ralph Suddeth. Marjorie Payne Weds In Florida Miss Marjorie Jeane Payne of Suit and Homstead. Fla, became the bride of Ensign Thomas C. Mauney, U. S. N. A. F. of Blairs ville. Ga . and Guantanama Bay. Cuba at 8 p. m. Saturday. March ; 29. in the First Methodist Church of Homestead. The Rev. Edwin C. Wilson, pas tor, performed the double-ring ceremony. Attendants were the bride's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Martin of 29 N. W First Avenue, Homestead, with v horn she had made her home for the past fe& months and a few close friends. The bride wore a white faille suit with brown, and white acces ' sories Her corsage was a purple orchid with a yellow throat. A pink ensemble, black acces sories and a corsage of white car nations were worn by the matron ot honor. Mrs. Martin. Immediately after the ceremony the newly weds left for a honey moon at Rivera Beach. The bride groom reported April 6 to his sta tion at Guantanamo Bay, and the bride remained in Homestead for a short time. The bride is the daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Payne of Suit. She graduated at Hlwassee Dam High School and Knoxville, Tenn., business college. She has made her home in Homestead since January and is employed as an operator there with Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Co. The bridegroom is the son oi Mr. and Mrs Clyde Mauney of Blairsvillc. Before entering set vice, he graduated from Blalrsvllle High School and Dahionega Col lege Wilsons Feted At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. J. H Wilson, Sr., entertained with a dinner party at Hotel Regal Friday night honoring their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr., on their tenth wedding anniver sary. The guest list included, besides the hosts and honorees, Mr. F. L. Asbury, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Logan of Gainesville, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Hobart L. McKeever and mother Mrs. Hobart McKeever. FN Maynard Stiles is home on a 29-day furlough. He has just re turned from Korea. TO THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY In announcing my candii!d!acy for Representative of Cherokee County to the 1953 State Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary on May 31 st, I want it clearly understood that I am not a candidate of any person, group, or organization. For more than thirteen years I have lived among the people of Cherokee County and have beJen their servant as minister and teacher; there fore, 1 am sure the voters will not be misled by rumors, accusations, or insinuations. I ask that the faicts be pre sented and that the peop/le decide. I have worked among the people of the county long enouch to kn'ow what they want and need. I believe: 1?That the legalized sale 'of alcoholic beverages is a blight that destroys the moral and spiritual life of the home and the community. 1 am against such sale. 2?That next to the home and churfch the Public Schools have the greatest influence in building tomorrow's citizens, I am for the progress of our schools. I supported the Road and Sfchoo P Bond Issue the result of which we today are proud. 3?That the surest way to prosperity for our county is to cause the farmer to prosper. I believe measures for the good of the farmer should be supported. 4?That the natural resources of our State?streams, lakes, forests?should be improved and protected with much diligence. 5?That the new industries in Cherokee County should be fully supported, and other industries he encouraged to locate here. If you believe these things and wartt to see them come to pass, I ask your support on May 31 st. C. JL (AL) SMITH Candidate for Representative of Cherokee County In Democratic Primary May 31 "THANK YOU FOR THE CHANCE A to watch my daughter grow up" I don't think I would have known how to say good-bye to my little girl. Thank you for the chance to watch her grow up ... I'm one of the lucky ones?one of the 70,000 saved each year. There should be more of us. The dollars you girt mean so much to those of us who face cancer. Those ' dollars paid for the leaflet that sent me to my doctor . . . paid Tor his training on an American Cancer Society fellowship. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones. With your help there will be many more ... Won't you show you can with a generous gift? Said your ^gift to "Cancer," care of your local post office. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY | HEADS HD PROGRAM?Miss I Ruth Current, above, heads up | home demonstration club work in North Carolina as State home agent for the State College Exten sion Service, Club members in the Tar Heel State are joining others throughout the nation in observing the seventh annual Na tional Home Demonstration Week, April 27-May 3. PERSONALS Mrs. R. H. Foard, Mrs. Lewis Hodges and Mrs. Bruce Gordon at < nded the meeting of the Women of Asheviile Presbytery which was held in the Bryson City Pres byterian Church Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blake of Heflin and sons, Mike and Rich fd, of Heflin, Ala., are spending several days with Mrs. Ruth Car 1 inger. Miss Addie Mae Cooke and Miss Ruby Davis attended the joint meeting of the Midwestern and Western North Carolina Press. Associations in Morganton Satur day afternoon and night. They ! were guests in the home of Miss Beatrice Cobb, publisher of the Morganton News-Herald. Satur day night and Sunday. Mrs. J. I. Burgess of Lenoir is visiting her son. S. C Burgess, and family for a few weeks. Col J. W. Davidson. Jr.. who is with the Civil Aeronautics Adm inistration in Fort Worth, Texas, j spent Tuesday night here with his parents, leaving Wednesday for his home in Fort Worth. Col. David son had been in New York to dem onstrate a new type experimental plane which is used to fertilize plant and spray farms. He flew over Murphy Tuesday afternoon, landing at the Andrews-Murphy airport at 2 p. m. He was delayed several days on account of the weather, being grounded in Phil adelphia for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Queen and Students Plan May Day Festivities At Peachtree Peachtree Elementary Scho-il will have for its first feature of "fir;>:nencenv:ni, a May Day exer i -~? at 2 p m Wednesday. May 14. This program is an r.utg-r.wth of the physica1 education art and this 'r ins!rue!ion which has been r? ried on 1 tac v irious grades do. ing the year The king or! queen, who will b< chosen by populir vote of the i dents will he members of the eig; th grade. fi.i.r class membeis! mli serve as attendants The queen ^ i will be crowned by the principal | i S'oging games, folk games, turn- ^ I'irg stunts and winding the May 11 'e will all 1*;-;. place before the' .neen during t ie program. | /? ppropriate s^".'s will Le sung j > \ patriotic not- will be included ? I ic the program consisting of two | patriotic songs and the pledee to ' i he flag. I The public is invited to this af fair and any wishing to spend the ' morning visiting the school may secure lunch at the lunch room. | In case of rain, this event will take place the following day. On Friday night. May 16. the | lighth grade will have its closing J exercises in the school auditorium, j A play by the seventh grade will i furnish entertainment for the; ening. daughter. Nadeanoe. of Clinton. Tenn.. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom ovrr the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Ivie and children have returned home from a t"o-weeks' vacation in Florida. Mr and Mrs J. W. Murray and son. Jimmy, spent the week-end as guests of the former's father, G. W. Murray, in Newton. Mr. and Mrs. S S. Williams had as guests last week. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kimbrell of Detroit. | Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. i Whitaker of Mars Hill. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Swan of Mi ' ami. Fla.. recently visited her fa ' ther. T. J. Barnett, at Peachtree ! and her brothers. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Swain visited their I daughter. Mrs. M. H. Kimmer, and ! husband in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Swain are now on their way back to Florida Mrs F. L. Asbury, who has spent some time in St. Peters burg. Fla.. and Gainesville, Ga., returned Friday. She was accom panied by Mrs. William H. Davis, J sister of Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Sr., - of Gainesville who spent the week-end. GENUINE DAZEY FLOWER HOLDER [ . Only flower holder with con sistent national advertising Recommended by Flower Experts MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. 'ocal Women x Uend Auxiliary leet In Franklin Trc 20th District meeting of the American Legion Auxiliny was held last Friday at the Methodisi Church in Franklin beginning at iO a. m. Those attending from Murphy were Mrs. W A Hoover, president of the Murphy unit. M'E W C. Messer. Mrs. Paul Sims Mrs Jack Roberts. Mrs. Bob Cheney, j Mrs. B. C. Brumby and Mrs. M L. Godfrey. Mrs. Hoover introduced the "date president. Mrs. E P. Rryne of Hickory: Mrs. Messer gave the report of the Murphy Unit, 96, Mrs. Cheney responded to the courtesy committee. Mrs. E W. Renshaw of Frank 'in was nominated 20th District Committee Woman, with Mrs. W. A. Hoover as alternate. Upon invitation of Mrs. Hoover the 20th District meeting will be held in Murphy next spring Following the meeting the wo men of the Methodist Church served a delicious luncheon. Office To Close The driver's license examiner's office will be closed May 5-9. Mrs. ; Hazel Zimmerman, examiner, will be on vacation, rnd there will be no one there to assume her duties. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom had is guests Sunday. Mr. Odom's sis er of Mrs. Claude L. Love. Mr. Love and son, Leroy of Raleigh and heir daughter, Mrs. Bruce Elmore md daughter. Ann Love of A9he ille, Mrs. Olen Stratton of Nan ahala, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herbert tnd Ott Penland of Hayesvilie. WIN A NEW Bulova WATCH! ENTER OUR CLOCK CONTEST GRADUATES OR MURPHY HIGH SCHOOL r our dock contort. Com* I | ? roqictor your iiuh on Ox big I 'jctoek (MoL Horo'i your dtonco to J a twtova Watch abjokrfaty FREE! * nt-m ?Sn &*w tig* "*5* Davis' Jewelers Phone 305 Murphy, N. C. NEW LOCATION THE HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 145 Is now located in the new W. D. Townson Building, upstairs over the A & P Store See us for reliable insurance in any line Sensational New "Ghosters" New type Coaster Made of Foam Latex Stretches to fit iv the rlaas. Absorbs moistar* so H Made tat I dwstitw MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C.