rout tat; lAV - Sunday, Nay 11 Mother's Day Christian Home Week May 4-11 VOLUME 42?NUMBER 43 , MURPHY. NORTH CAROI.INA. illURSDAY, MAY 8, 1852 EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK Distinguished Guests On District Program Two hundred Home Demonstra-' tion members from Graham, Clay end Cherokee Counties are expect ed (or the annual District Feder ation of Home Demonstration Clubs Tuesday, May 13, at First Methodist Church, Murphy. Miss Claire Gilbert, University of Tenn essee, will be the principal speak er using as her theme "Today's Home Builds Tomorrows World." Other guests will include Mrs H. M. Johnson, Kins ton. Presi dent, North Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs and Miss Nell Kennett, District Home Demonstration Agent, Raleigh. Tomotla and Valleytown Home Demonstration Clubs wiH be in charge of Registration from 9 to 10 a. m. Martin's Creek and Bell view are responsible for the pro grams and name tags. Murphy is in charge of decorations in the sanctuary and dining hall. Mid way and Wolf Creek will preside over the coffee hour. The program will start promptly at 10 a. m. with an organ prelude by Mrs. Duke Whitley. Corsages wlU be presented to the speakers and District officers by the Peachtree Club. The Ranger Club and 4-H Pages will receive the food as guests arrive. Hiwassee Dam is responsible for arranging the food, lea and coffee will be served by Peachtree. and the bread will be furnished by the Murphy Club. The clean-up committee includes Sunny Point, Sunt, Slow Creek VI clet. R. F. Price, Dies Saturday ~ Richard Franklin Price, 80, re tired farmer, died at 7:30 a. m. Saturday at the home of a daugh ter. Mrs. Gene Kilpatrick of Mur phy. after a long illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Cherokee County, the son of the late Gentile and Sallie Wallace Kilpatrick, members of old and prominent families of this section Funeral services were held Sun day in Not la Baptist Church with the Rev. Carl Loudermilk offici ating. Burial was in the church cemetery 'with Town son Funeral Home in charge. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Callie Price; three daughters, Mrs' E Hughes of Murphy. Route 2, Mrs. Clifford Little of Culberson, end Mrs. Kilpatrick; six sons, J. C. and Kenneth of Chattanooga, Tenn, Arle of Englewood, Tenn.. Z. G. of Athens, Ga., Esten of I'corla. 111., and Evell of Blue Ridge. Ga. Also one brother, Arthur Price of Hayesville; four sisters. Mrs. Maude Martin and Mrs. Callie Hughes of Murphy, Mrs. Mollie Davis of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Essie Garrett of Hiwaasee Dam; 49 grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Douglas and children of Camden, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Douglas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hill. REVIVAL list Ctrl Bmitl Of Lao Aaotlas,1 Calif.. who will ooodact iwrhrat MB. Us la ?*? V. 8 at Om BMaaattat, Chalk MRS. H. M. JOHNSON MISS NELL KENNETT Scout Leaders Awarded Pins Mrs. Ed Brumby and Mrs. Ben Warner were presented five-year pins at the Second Annual Court of Awards of the Nantahala Area Girl Scouts In the Mountainside Theater in Cherokee Sunday. ! The court was attended by ap proximately 500 people, including ' 250 Girl ScoUts and their leaders, i They heard the Bev. Arsene ' Thompson give the invocation in the Cherokee language. Supt. Joe .'ennlngs of Cherokee welcomed the Scouts and friends, and Mrs. *)an Moore, president of Nantaha la Area Council, "delivered the message. The history of the Nantahala Area; Girl Scout Council was dis cussed by the, Bev. A-. Rufus Mor gan of Franklin. Folk School Elects Directors Directors of John C. Campbell Volk School ?t Brass town elected three new directors at the annual meeting Saturday. Elected were: Hobart McKeever of Murphy, Miss Lois Bacon of Washington, D. C , end Mrs. Opal Green Brendle of Brasstown and Pontana. Dam. Directors present < were: Mrs. John C. Campbell of Weet Med ford, Mass., Miss Louise L. Pit man of Ashevllle, Mrs. Georg Bldatrup of Brasstown, J. Edward Davis of Washington. D. C? and "Ferd L. Brownlee of New York and Nashville. Morris Speaks The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pas tor of Murphy First Baptist Church, was guest speaker at a rally ot the Allied Church League at Franklin County courthouse Tuesday night. Others from this county who at tended the meeting were the Rev. A. G. Brooks, asaodational mis sionary. and the Rev. C. Z. Min er. pastor of Murphy Free Metho dist Church and treasurer of Cherokee County Allied Church uurmouu, Mr. iM Mil R. D. Murphy wm Mltod Id O^, Suda* * tlw daath ?I Mrs. S. L. Atb? ?9*m. Carringer To Be In Murphy With Grass Roots Opera Miss Margaret Gilbert, manager, and Charles Bird, director, of the North Carolina Grass Roots Opera Company were in Murphy last Friday making arrangements for a performance to be given here next October. "School For Lovers" by Mozart, which has been presented in sev eral North Carolina cities, has been chosen for their program here. Walter Carringer, who is join ing the group this summer, will be featured when they appear here. Mary Ruth Donley To Reign Over May Day At Peachtree Mary Ruth Donley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jim Donley of Peach tree has been elected May Queen to reign over the festivities at the May Day program Wednesday at 2 p. m. Pearl Johnson, son of Will Johnson, is king. Other members of the eighth grade who will make up the court are: Josephine Kil patrick. Joyce Hughes, Phylls Hembree, Wilma Moore, Christine Roberson, Joyce Fain, Steve Hem bree, Blllie Davis, Charles Stiles, Howard Barton, and James Stal cup The crown bearer is Billy For syth, flower girl Clara Jane Fer guson; Joan Lee Crisp and Caro lyn Crisp are trainbearers. Har old Yonce will carry the flag, H. C. Bueck and Ronny Brittain of the Murphy School band will be drummer and bugler; Terry Sud derth will act as herald. The program is as follows: flrand March; pledge to th? Flag. God Bless America", procession si. Queen and attendants, singing. Carousel", third and fourth grades: son, "Come to the Fair", Folk dance, "Put Your Little Toot", second grade, Peasant Song, ' Pat a Cake Polka", third and fourth grades, Folk Dance, "Pop Goes the Weasel", first and sec ond grades; sor.g, "Mocking Bird Hiii" "Wandering Minstrels," seventh grade- song. "Italian Street Fair", stunts and tumbles, fifth and sixth grade boys, song "Country Gardens", May Pole Dance, fifth and sixth grade girls, "America". ? An art exhibit of work done dur ing the year by the students will be on display in the halls and class rooms. ? The public is invited to spend the day. Lunch can be secured in the lunch room. Democrats Meet , Hie Democrats In Murphv p-e clnct will meet Saturday May 10 at 2 p m. in the courthouse (or the purpose of electing ? precinct executive committee of five mem bers, one of which shall be a wo man, announces W. L. Shields chairman. Mrs. A. N. Hinton spent the week-end with Hubert L. Hinton and family. WINS TRIP?Weodoll A. Saar-! ?nil, local agent (or the Imperial Lite Insurance Company, has Ma an all-?a>enae gaU trip, (or bo?h Bd hi* wile, to the Sum Coneentioo at Oeaaa ForMt U MyrUo-Seach, 8. C? Mar SS. as aad U. Mr. hapni ia ?ha only agent la the Waynaavllle Db triet to wta thla | MISS MART BOLAN BRUMBY Mary Bolon Brumby Is Breneau Salutatorion Miss Mary Bolan Brumby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumby of Murphy, has been chosen salutatorian of her class at Brenau Academy, Gainesville, Ga Miss Brumby attended Montreat , Preparatory School two years, having had her first year of high school at Murphy. While at Montreat, she was a | member of the Scholastic Honor Society, editor of the school paper, I "Lookout'V a member of the" Latin i Honor Society, the Quill and [ Scroll, an international society for Townson Attends | Director Meets i W. D. Townson, Governor Dis trict 4 of the National Funeral Di jrectors Association, returned | Thursday after visiting Alabama 1 State Funeral Directors Associa ' tion in Montgomery and also Georgia State Funeral Directors Association in Atlanta, where he appeared on the program. He left for Charlotte Tuesday ' to attend the joint meeting of North Carolina and South Caroli na Funehal Directors Associations, ' where he again appears on the program. Murphy Band Plays I At Hayesvllle Murphy High and Elementary School Band and Chorus presented a concert at the Hayesville School auditorium Friday at 1 p. m. under the direction of Frederick Sohley, Murphy School Band Director. The purpose of the concert was j ?o promote more interest in music. The band also has given concerts at Andrews, Ranker, Martins Creek and Peachtree schools re cently. To Present 12 Pupils In Recital Mn. J. W. Davidson will pres ent her pupils In a piano recital ' nt 8 p. m. Saturday In the Murphy primary school auditorium. Those taking part are: Shirley Bates, Glenda Ivie, Rosalind Stal cup, Billy Jane Rush, Sallie Mor rU. Judy Davis, Judy Cook, Judy Nichols, Carlene Kilpa trick, Jerry JUiih Smith. Phil Matt ox, and! Georgia The public la invited. I Named To Board Robert V. Weeeer hu been named e Democratic member of the Cherokee Comity Board of He m appointed by M Brttt of AahevUle. the State Board of ver anceetdt P. H. high school journalists. She was also a member of the "M" Club and Alpha Phi. She was associate editor of the school annual, coifncilor of the | Athletic Board, and a member ol Sigma Beta Delta Sorority. She transferred to Brenau Aca demy her senior year, where she has engaged in extra-curricular ac tivities and has won second honoi in her class. Miss -Brumby wilt -enter Agnn Scott College, Decatur, Ga., next fall. LEADER?Miss Barbara Arn old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Arnold of Murphy, has beer named an outstanding student leader at Wake Forest College. Students Enrolled At Wake Forest Cherokee County Is represented at Wake Forest College this yeai by three students: Miss Barbara Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. W. Arnold of Murphy, BiU Sherrill, son of Mrs. W. A. Sher rill of Murphy, and Jerry Hall son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall oi Murphy. Miss Arnold, who plans a teach ing career. Is a student assistant in Johnson Dormitory. Mr. Sherrill is a pledge of Al pha Sigma Phi, social fraternity He Is a business major. Mr. Hall, who Is preparing him self for the ministry, is an asso ciate member of the ollege Thea tre and b a student assistant in the library. Walter Voyles Dies At Age 66 Walter Voyles, 00. M at a Murphy hoapital Wednesday at 8 p. m. after a lingering Illness. The body will Ue In State at Murphy Pint Baptist Church from 1:30 to 1:30 p. m. Friday. Berries* will be conducted at 3:30. OOms arrangements will be announced later I vie Funeral Home to la charge. Democrats Win Murphy Election *? ?**?? ~ r Murphy Civitans Elect Rae Moore As President Murphy Civitans elected Rae Moore as president for the com ing year at their meeting Monday evening Other officers elected are: Vice President, S. S. Williams; secre tary-treasurer. Walter P u e 11; hoard of directors. Sam Harding, "Bud" Averson, Walter Coleman, Natt Kinney and John Jordan. Walter Puett acted as temporary chairman and parliamentarian Sam Harding gave a report on the Cane Creek swimming hole project, stating that a great deal of work has been done, and the place is rapidly looking better. S. S. Williams reported on his trip to Charlotte, where he atten ded the North Carolina District's annual convention of Civitan In ternational. The convention was held May 1, 2, 3, at Hotel Charlotte. Mr. Williams represented the Mur phy club and stated that this club has a lot be be proud of because it stood up with some of the larg er clubs in the number and types' of projects sponsored during the past year. Jim Farley was the- guest of George Dyer. "Bob" White was C. D. Puett's guest. A vote of thanks was given to Myron Jensen, Rae Moore, S. S. Williams and'the board of direct ors for their good work and inter est in the club during the past year. Demonstration Week Is Climaxed By Talent Show Seven Cherokee County home t demonstration clubs, five 4-H clubs and three schools partici pated in a talent show in Murphy School Auditorium May 2 at 8 p. m. Approximately 100 persons ap peared in the show, which climax ed the observance of National Home Demonstration Week. Mrs, L. F. Lochaby, county rec ~e ation leader for the home clubs, vas master of ceremonies. Approximately 375 people heard hand selections by the Murphy High School Band, group singing, readings, choral selections, poems, piano and vocal solos and duets, tccordian selections, musical stunts and skits. Glenn Ellis was piano accompanist and C. R. Freed ] cerved as song leader. Miss Bishop presented the jwards in the letter-writing con-! lest. Ushers were: Betty Evans. Sal- j 'y Ferguson, Patsy Jones. Max me Kilpatrick, Clara Hughes and Wanda Cornwell. RED CROSS A total of $1,561.48 has been] raised in Cherokee County thus, far In the 1952 Red Cross cam-! paign, announces Don Ramesy, ' county chairman. GUEST SPEAKER?Dr DiaMet Superintendent d the Method* Church, Otrilho? City, Okie., who will he the at the Dr. Clea end Choir nuqr he heard on radio tiou W8B at 8: JO a m. I rce ciecuoo iui hwh u. ..iui phy officials Tuesday brought out the largest vote ever recorded here. A total of 1,040 citizens ex ercised their right of franchise It was a victory for the Democrat ic party, the Democratic candi dates for .mayor and councilmen all being alected. L. L< Mason defeated J. W Franklin, Republican candidate for mayor, 552 to 474. The six council members elect ed are: Robert Bt White. 555; 11 E. Bishop, 564; Lonzo W. Shields 524; Cloe Moore, 575; Robert Eas ley, Jr., 538; and Newt Boling, 537. Four councilmen, White, Bishop, Moore, and Easley, were reelected. Republican candidates and their votes were: H. E. Dickey, 506; Dr. W. A. Hoover, 476; Clyde Glad <:on, 467; Loren Davis. 442; J. M. Hughes, 485; and H. G. Elkins, 466. Mrs Mary Cathron Sneed, reg istrar, said approximately 1500 voters were registered. A good-sized crowd heard elec tion returns at the polling place i? the courthouse. ? Miss Louise Hall Wins Top Place In WNC Relays Louise Hall, a Murphy High School student, was selected as the outstanding individual girl performer in the first annual Wes tern North Carolina Relays Fri day afternoon. She won the 50-yard-dash, the broad jump and high jump, if The event wis sponsored joint ly by the Aslieville Junior Cham ber of Commerce and the Ashe ville Citizen-Times Sports Depart ment. Approximately 25