Rufty Speaks To Andrews NCEA The Andrews Unit of the NCEA held a dinner meeting at Nanta hala Inn Thursday evening. Supt. J. E. Rufty spoke on the five-point program of legislation recommended by the NCEA. He closed his remarks with several quotations taken from Horace Mann. President C. O Frazier. master of ceremonies, briefly sketched the life of Horace Mann, noted eudcator. whose birthday had been celebrated during the week Officers for next school year were elected as follows: Prsident. Richard Ramsey; \ ice?president, Marvin Anderson; secretary. Mrs. John Kupice; treasurer. Mrs. An nie Ruth Barnett Forty-one members and guests v.ere present Andrews Schools To Orient Next Year's Entrants Friday win be used as orinta tion and fit-id day for the Andrews schools. A versatile program is1 planned, with the morning events taking place in the high school building and the afternoon events scheduled for the athletic field. I The eighth grade will be guests of the ninth grades in the high school building during the morn- ; ing where they will be shown around the high school classes and , will, in general, be oriented for high school entrance. A special assembly program will be held in the auditorium on vo cational guidance At 1 p. in. all of the Andrews school children will assemble at tte athletic field and engage in group singing, marching, group calisthenics and games. Following races and relays the events of the day will close with the crowning of the High School queen. All parents and the general pub lice are invited to attend. Hartford Melodv Quartet At Ogreeta Church JUNE 4. 8:00 P. M. Rev l.awson will be with them. Jack Stewart Is Member of Honor Society Jack R. Stewart has received the following letter from Dr. R. L. Crowe, Dean of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Tennessee. Memphis. Tenn.: "Dear Mr. Stewart: "It is with a great deal of plea sure that I inform you that you | have won a membership in the j Rho Chi. National Pharmaceutical j Honor Society Only students who | have attained a high average in I their subjects are eligible for membership." He is currently serving as sec 1 retary of the Phi Delta Chi Fra ternity. Mr. Stewart graduates this coming December He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart of Andrews Mrs. Stewart is the former Miss Mary Frances Robinson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Boyd B. Robinson of Slantonsburg. N. C. The Rob insons are former residents of Andrews. Mr and Mrs. Stewart have one son. Johnny Rei Stewart. Andrews PTA Has Final Meeting The closing meeting of the An drews PTA for the current school year was held Tuesday night at the school cafeteria. Family night was observed with a covered dish sup per served by the hospitality and lunchroom committees. A program of humorous musical selections was presented with Mrs. Florence Huffman and Mrs. Ed win Bristol leading. Following a brief business ses sion. closing out the business of the year, installation of new of ficers was observed Mrs R A. Dewar. past PTA president, administered the in stallation ceremony Mrs. Edwin Bristol, president, assisted in the ceremony Officer- installed for the com ing year were Mrs. S .1 Gernert. president: Baxter Lay. vice-presi dent: Marvin Anderson, treasurer. Mrs I.. B Womack. newly-elected secretary, was unable to be pres ent due to illness. These officers will serve during the 1952-1953 PTA year Meat production under Federal inspection for the week ended April 5 was estimated at 312 mil lion pounds. WHAT ABOUT HIGH PRICES? As prices rise, the cost of replacing your in sured items rises too. Dees your policy allow for such leeway? Call us now. IT CAN HAPPEN ANYTIME INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Citizens Bank & Trust Company "T?r flM After ?M ] Andrews, N. C Murphy, N. C Home Club Meets With Mrs. King The Valleytown Home Club met recently with Mrs. Bruce King with Miss Jaunita Roger*, co-hostess. Mrs. Luke Carver, president, presided over the business session. Mrs. Lawson Crawford led the de \otional. Topic for the meeting was "Co lor in Dress" led by Miss Edna [ Bishop, home agent. Refreshments were served to ! Mrs. W W Lovingood. Mrs. Wil !ard Crawford. Mrs. Louise White house. Mrs. George Clayton, Mrs. J. Wood. Mrs. Earl Greenwood, Mrs. Dee Mosteller. Mrs. Harve Hamilton. Mrs Luke Carver. Mrs. Bruce King. Mrs. Calla Adams. ] Mrs Roy Williams. Mrs. Mae Tay lor. Mrs. Andy Dillingham. Mrs Dave Swan. Mrs Walter Tatham. Mrs. Walt Brown. Miss Edna Bis hop. Mrs. Mary Young. Mrs. Jau nita Rogers. Mrs. West and Mrs. Collett. Miss Alma Brooks Weds Truett Grav s Miss Alma Brooks, daughter of ! Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brooks, and A 2c Truett Gray, son of Mr and M With a dazzling | ARMY Of NEW 'SPRING. COLORS' L C Moore 107 Valley River An, t f. It. C Mrs. W. C. Gray, both at Andrews, were married May 11 in the Pat ton Avenue napiist Church at Ashevllle. Only members (>t the two fam ilies and Miss June Lunsford and Mrs Dillle Lunsford were present The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. W B Stur geon. pastor. The bride wore a navy suit with pink and white accessories. Her corsage was of pink rote buds The mother of the bride wore a navy and white dress with white s> s AN * < cake 29 VlM St Mtijym 8 O'CLOCK b? 77c SJ ^2" Rich Full Bodied RED CIRCLE SJ 79c *23i BOKAR 81c g* 3237 Peas At Your Friendly A&P Green Giant - - 2" 35c Om Niblets Brand - - 2 33c tVJ Vais Cream Style Corn - - - - 2.r33c % VKees Srand iexicorn - - - 2 c.?. 35c Vtjr Luncheon Heat - - - 3s2$100 Packers Label Standard Paek Tomatoes - - - 2 "r 25c Marcal Paper Napkins - - - -ts 10c Libby Peas Noc.f 19c Fresh Tender Well Filled Ears Corn 4 ears 33c Juicy Florida Oranges 8 lb. bag 37c Firm Slicing Tomatoes ctn. 19c Crisp 2 Doz. Size Celery stalk 15c Golden Ripe " Bananas 2 lbs. 25c C risp *? * Carrots . 2 bunches 17c A and P No. 2 Can Blue Plate-Whole No. 303 Can Spinach 16c Okra 17c Northern Diced No. 303 Can Iona No. 303 Can Rutabagas 14c Carrots and Peas... 15c A and P Crushed No. 2 Can Reliable-Sweet No. 303 Can Pineapple 25c Peas 15c UMa*} Soap 3 5Z 23C Rinso Lf?- OQr Giant CC? I Pkg. ftOV Pk*. 9vv | Surf Lf. Pk*. ^ 29c Spry lLb yLb ftlr I Can Can www | TmderlMf Tea Bags 4MX Pkg. 55c Ann Page Peach, Plum or Pineapple PRESERVES 2S 1 Lb. J" C LIBBY'S CANNED MEAT Corned Beef Hash - 12-0*. Can 40c Vienna Sausage - - 4-Ox. Can 21c Corned Beef - - - - 12-0*. Can 48c Potted Meat "