J. Sherman Hampton. Weds Nancy Thomas Miss Nancy Ann Thotnaa, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs A. Raymond Thomas of Cameron, was married to James Sherman Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilry Hampton of Murphy, Saturday afternoon In the Cameron Methodist Church. The Rev. C. Alfred Smith, pas tes of the Murphy Methodist Church, performed the ceremony before a center arrangement of white gladioli banked wth palm sprays, magnolias and seven branched candelabra. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a full length dress of Chan til ly lace and nylon tuHe over bridal satin fash ioned with a lace bodice and full tulle skirt.. She wore long lace mitts and a veil of illusion attach ed to a tiara of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of tuberoses centered with a white orchid. Miss Velma Mae Thomas of Cameron, sister of the bride, was maid of no nor. She wore a cerese taffeta and net floor-length dress and carried a bouquet of chrys anthemums and yellow roses. Mrs O. T. Bentley of Haver ford. Pa., sister of the bride, as matron of honor was dressed like the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Fay Morgan Worsham of Pinehurat and Carolyn D. Smith of Paris, Ky. They wore orchid dresses fashioned like those of the honor attendant*. Betty Coiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coiner, Jr., of San ' ford, was flower girl and wore a ' dress of white nylon tulle over taffeta. James Warren Thomas II, son of Mr. and Mrs. James War ren Thomas of Cameron was ring bearer. Jerry Hall of Murphy served as best man and ushers were Frank lin Smith of Murphy, brother-in law of the bridegroom. Ales Thom ' as, U. S. Army, brother of the bride, and John Wesley Thomas of Jacksonville, Fla., brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a re ception was held In the home of Ihe bride's parents. The mother of the bride wore a beige lace dress with navy accessories and an or-, chid corsage. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy dress with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Later the couple left for wed ding trip to the Smoky Mountains. They will reside at 1320 Prentice Avenue, Portsmouth, Va. The bride was graduated from Woman's College of the University of North Carolina with a degree In primary education. The bride-; groom attended Warren Wilson College and at the present Is serv ing with the U. S. Navy. Presbyterian . Women Meet With Mrs. L A. Frasch Mrs. L. A. Frasch was hostess to the meeting of the afternoon circle of the Women of the Presby terian Church Tuesday afternoon Mrs. S. C. Burgess, chsirman presided over the business session which Was opened with silent pray er by the group, closed by Mrs. Burgess Plsns for the coining Va cation Bible School were discussed end refreshment committees ap pointed. Mrs. Cloe Moore led the program on the topic, "What is Christ's Plan in Your Life?" Mrs. Frasch. assisted by Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr.. served re freshments to nine members pres ent. Attend Civitan Convention Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Williams will leave Wednesday. June 18, to at tend the FHA meeting at Banner Elk. They will return to Asheville for the week-end, and leave Ashe ville by plane for Detroit Sunday. June 22, to attend the Civitan Con vention, as delegates from the Murphy Civitan Club. Stocks of corn, oats, and barley on April 1 were down from a year earlier by about 10 per cent. Taylors Hare House Guests Mrs. Mattie A .Taylor had at 1 house guests the past week her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs F. T. Grazier of Corpus Chris tl, Tex., also her son and wife, Sir. and Mrs William H. Taylor of Ra leigh. While here the family, accom panied by Mrs. Taylor's daughter, Mrs. Mary Nelson of Topton, vis ited another daughter and hus band. Mr. pnd Mrs. Ruffner of Dandridge, Tenn. The family motored to Raleigh where thay attended the gradua tion of Mrs. Taylor's grandson, Eu gene Nelson, at State College. Crane, Puett Are Georgia Tech Graduates Two students from Cherokee County were among the 1,031 who were awarded degrees at the Geor gia Institute of Technology at oer emonies Monday. Robert H. Crane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crane of Murphy, re ceived a Bachelor of Civil Engin eering degree. James W. Puett of Marble re ceived a B S. degree in Industrial Management. Miss Iris Higdon Is Married To Arthur C. Beal Miss Iris Higdon, daughter of H. L. Higdon and the late Mrs. Hig don of Andrews, became the bride of Arthur C. Beal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beal of Murphy, Fri day , May 90, in the home of the Kev. and Mrs. Carl Loudermilk of Ep worth, Ga., with the Rev. Lou dermilk performing the ceremony The bride wore a blue and white dress with white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. The couple was accompanied by Miss Johnnie Cole, Hoke Byers. and Charles Mann of Murphy Mrs. Beal is a graduate of the 1952 class of Andrews High School. Mr Beal is a graduate of the Mur phy High School and served three years in the Air Force. He is em ployed by Bell Telephone Compa ny. The couple will reside in Mur phy. Lodge To Meet Thore win be a called meeting of Cherokee Lodge, No. 146 at 8 p. m. Saturday for the purpose of conferring the first degree on a candidate, It has been announced by Sam L. Davidson. Sam Capps, Worshipful Master, will preside. For District Meet Office To Close The county office of the Fanners Home Administration will be clos | -d on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 10-20, for the Annual District meeting at Banner Elk. This meeting is for the purpose of instructions and planning for the 1953 Loan Operations. County per sonnel attending will be S. S. Wil liams, County Supervisor, V. H. Rankin, Asst. County Supervisor, and Mrs. Gertrude Hinds, county office clerk. See Film At Joint Meeting The Joe Miller ELkins Poet, No. 96, American Legion, and the American Legion Auxiliary, held a joint meeting Thursday evening In the assembly room of the Pres byterian educational building. John Bayless, post commander, had procured a colored film of the American Legion Convention held in Miami, Fla., last fall, and this was shown by John Jordan. The auxiliary held a short busi ness session, and heard reports of last year'3 work The nominating committee reported on new offi cers who will be elected at the next meeting. Civitans To Hear Dr. M. E. Campbell Dr. M. E. Campbell, Dean of the School of Engineering at State Col lege-, Raleigh, will speak to the Clvitan Club at Murphy First Me thodist Church on Monday. June 16. at T p. m. Several members of the Lions Club will attend this meeting. Miss Maggie Belle Kisselburg. county school supervisor, left Mon day for WCTC, Cullowhee, where she wllf enroll to continue work toward a master's degree. Bible School Certificates Are Awarded I Truett Memorial Baptist Church has just closed a successful Vaca tion Bible School with a large at tendance every day, announces the Rev. A. G. Brooks, associations! missionary. Approximately eighty certifi cates were awarded by Miss Sarah Katherine Perry of Southwestern Baptist Seminary, director. Little Brass town Baptist Church concluded their Vacation Bible School with an average attendance of sixty. Fifty-seven certificates were awarded. Refreshments were served on Friday afternoon. I Mt. Pleasant, Pine log. Mt. Pis gah, Rollings Creek and Murphy First Baptist Church are participat ing in Bible Schools tfads week. 1 Peachtree and Bit. Zion will have , Vacation Bible Schools next week. CLUB TO MCrr Murphy Regal Club will meet on Friday. June 20, In the home of Mm. Bessie Dickson, with Mrs. S. D. Akin as co-hostess. The meet ing was postponed until that date because of the Baptist revival. JUNE BRIDE Miss Betty Joe Stiles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stiles of Lib erty became the bride of Boyd El ler June 2 at Blue Ridge, Ga. Mr Ellsr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eller of Patrick. Miss Dcrothy Ann Mull has come from Atlanta to stay with her mo ther, Mrs. Paul McMahatv tSE T-4-L FOR BECAUSE? IT DILATES THE PORES: made with 90% alcohol, it PENE i TRATES to reach and kill im b?dded pcnr.s cn contact. If not pleased with instant-drying T-4-L iN ONE HOUR, your 40c back ATHLETE'S FOOT from any druggist. Now at Maun dy Drug Co. , 47-4t OPENING Murphy Furniture Company FRIDAY, JUNE 13TH In the building formerly occupied by the Post Office on Tennessee Street / 1 We will offer a wide selection of Appliances and Furniture at prices * that will pleasantly surprise you. Quality buying and close shopping en able us to serve your needs at budget-saving prices! Your credit is good. Be sure to pay us a visit and let us quote your needs. Murphy Furniture Co. ?" *?*!" ? *? .-i .. 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