Stye (tlfrraltrr fhvtit Eaabfoted jul> 1889 Published even Thursday at Murpfcy. Cherokee Couoty . N*. C AODIE MAE COOKE* Editor and < V.kS C U SAVAGE 1 Associate SL BSCRIPT ION RATES in Cherokee Ccajjis Or* ^ car f- 50; Sc % 50. Outside Cherokee County One Veir t*<JO: mi |l 75 ??*? ~ ~ ' '.met: :r. the Post O fist a: Murphy. Vorth Carolina as second -ias ~ mane: _rUc: the o* March J. i??9 A Meditation L.*J. vfv .fitiV j'-j. :* rabrmja* M*K> ifjii -i :: > i ?? * Ht : 1'* . ."r ft. -i - rjr^i r r . * *. bcckbrri: " - rt .7 ic - Pc x - f rgf m*r ': ** * .. . it: ? * " ?: ' * hl'Ui-r. How Are We Known G. ;"c-. ;j a ? i" ?/. - ?-?- reacrz ar.J 2 ?.-32 nj rcc.r "-el ft Tyoc *?">-. a'.-TZa'C '22 t -ra; t ;: ' - - ' - ? " ". ".' - - ?c - '" t ia\e r. -r-jt ??htrr -- r? ?''.* = * aac - - >e a pa-, o; r-r-. - - r~- ?? hocla : +~'z~z - >' - 7 - Z - ~ , J __ - ? * : 2 >* Not oct.? 'z - " Batter ?? ; *.r*.r-> twrssar. " be* La: C : " .-r a *~k :r : .r Kt mith T2-. fc**e tcpcfturitj to i:r *r*.rr_r ?" _* >r-* ? v!? ~ra stj. ?-* ?r_- - mr-Ce i*t ra\c':-? 'r: "?? t:.- " " ?' "? -~-r- a~a a a'cs. >:'? -z *- a', - "** * t "rc' '2 ?Laat?> a'tr-aa-'- arc " . - *2 " re* -'.j- ? "2* - J r .V - V "V ntr. *r:c.r "nt> *z~z ~:z a- :? iterations -2.?.2. ?::: "ca ?- ?-* <?; 2: -- han '.Tk ;:va . rK* t-"- a- : ::: nenti. ? : M A Kr.:. Ma\ -z be ?."> ~ 5 ;" a _*tc- ? *opie" ? ? ? ?jt into tie r.?-"v-cur;;. ?a-a takatz !r*'e ust a? !t b;?*? Patt-.ce - '? "a *.?> i^a -2 rg ou* lr?r 2a:;?H 3??:'* iarcaf-n :> :ric ?rir> r a the ?ta?: ither be". :J's -aea^.ir.s. -t 3;?ays radv to 00* "a - i a-a t"ere :s m>Ve v.'^yr he hatviic than :r. tie ^ rt ?L:?eil ? ? ? Va?.e c* -ve!-" 2- n.<ve * ?an and then -u rjv be sa-t "n re - ?-e rasaai '.eer :r the *ocii ?Carf>ie ? ? ? The greatest d;;Tvj(t:es lie *he-e ? ire not nokinz for them ?Goethe Scouting V AYAH BALD i? a mvederful P-w* to tisc at : r. ses-c: ji the year. but am -d ? parkaralurty i. r*? f ja? anc f ~fc cii.-a 24 ?t- *? .iurel ire bioac-tag is tie ' -. t i-. -r *-r-m ac-ai a: "J? ? r-k ta _ _- - - svus Bsi.riay w it ?_ t? /ft'O to: ?- ? : i. If a= ? fe* r.. tr *te:r ~_i . .-.. -r :> trrp . of aeijrv ?= be . : - ?; ir.'.t Jitig :rw Vurpdy ? Ae - i-. N.i.riJ iai u.~_rs tight a: Xa=t? _ * ? : -,i the ar? gr*?eird \-j c.' . - _-i! XV.O ihd Aqupar ltd retarsiag b> thi . Ir,i A; -trv: to Andreas Aiceg la: s.jr.-.w gorge you tar es.pj ? be ?aterfalis rac 3??_pr^ w?f 'y TT^^T ?nd tie toaert&g snKKSt TVe rosd a rough it r :>x - taars ?c t.ose -o sature mr iorde.-j A^ucoe ait for i -*?'-? or twc v. i v?_e r._v-:\i :??? ^twites fur ha -{ - -* 'isttors ?ad *-?:? tY raw for a -ucge: d t_2* ty not xa{ taast jar with lnc ad ?. - attrsetsuhe .*. this 'via Every - ? - i . - < 1. --..ut-rr r - tf Rork Crry ?i iw - - Z - z ?-- oo- 4i_-i p .art-.- art jtr.nn? ti-*_- , i t - r p ctures of Rock ?_ _ty ?hc r. waul d be _-g trees dr. .it ids :: > dispa'tsg our owe is a-.; asoustais fcesery '* t ros^acad 'J* peo ple t- Otatuancft-t^ t.: u!r-j tat * or.2 about taetr artraraoes *e sotst-d fc^r? their ioor iiiac-t las toot ?sr can boras wtae ITS H.ARD TO AD?IT bat :t appears tiat 1 rav?'H tat m."-.-mbaj aairr trjj- - j - tSjft r. t tt- re: a rr^ ift.r. tka redmfcmt aes . -if Wi-tae-siiiT -ncr-nz-s , - g a: tie PMase , ;?: rx?f ---A i- tie jf f -:: .-t-d^-g. -r airttsor tc ??e _-_i. :.ti? fjiirae-t try sr?stK soo: after I ??:?*. j-p ? I diREisei tat ro.'a* od etrf'et kr t . _s: araaa a pan <d p-aace aict At axr tit. -sfrs **re f_t-d trtth tc>art?-s. so I ate my p-sra cooi j -1 3y jte iferacK I aa: a i?Ltta{ aeaaacie Tst r-ps zi Everest Ea^ttsa ? ilati codfee ieipeej , ? s- -saep pan" It alsc gp: :ae "nie >viie aad if prayer taeetta? ir>t tit Tri^ ag ecars-: ;t "ie riarei. I worked oa_" pae o'clock.- It was 1 tear ajstgbt rte ?e rw.ied tit ae*s pf tie tSsati :"f BO Hetator^e. tacV c-f our lia-pty-pe ?per >-pr VugSI Heeairee tad a fctlit 2>ore tias aa hoer ner wiea tie Sre aiarx sc-traded for tie fire at Cvi-y Oaartee Xt coffee ta "ie ax?raias equalled s te?d day Coffee tie ever rg equalled ao sleep . otcte jte C -MMISSIOXEK OF AGRJCVLTVHE L T Bi-estrae "fee spoke at tie Tree Farta dedieataoe it Frsnk -ti SrazLi's Thursday pad tnoale to tie ~ite ard ieo eiopcaect of our area. As be suxd v. "ire edge of a *ocded seetirr of Semti s in to delrver pts address ie said kaew of aothir.g that - > well represeaked aa ostnardig state as to has* 'tresis ta froatt of you. lovely is Us to the rear Guernsey cattle to tie ragfc" a-.d Angus cattle to the -eft Coctaseatiig oc D>ck Mauney's wiiming tie j Deaaoeratic naeataaioo for repreaentathe of Cbero- ] kee Coangy he said he code act oadenuad how Dirk cart stay ia Raleigh sis "hock home" offers v. as art He said that tt is cooler ia the sua here ?baa is tie t*V is Baleigh eating that last week *ie raptal aty had experietv.?d from PR to 100 de gree averages for Bee days it Welcome, Friead Motorist! By King 1952 WMMff %IMTHS TARHEEL WILDLIFE SKETCHES a sKmsHAm raer qua nam ttem&tteir U4e&t#wildlife. , and man ' 4*4 ? Lite Preservers Important When Boating On The Lakes K :ep ti?: te taz,?y This if foiiond prohj sly * ou-c vif uiTd sue: erf lite it persooi ?ao dro*at?l lis*, ynr j m* bcar-r: or TV A lakes S?crii *?-?<>? uaquesrjooabty it: and proper use ai ;_*r preservers 15 the ~ tk aspor! r.: factor ir. redacts ibe rubber af iroJiiaji among users of small AltVagh they woald aot are saved all the vastarrsoase Looking Over A Foor-H Clover ?j nuscg rem ?>? b. wucw : r TINS TUK TO CLCS WEEK F.t?.? Jesi Shields Fred Van" Horn. and Jo* Collect were rhaaen as Mepta u represeat Cherokee j "cunt* Jiiiici State 4-H Clah v?k a: Rai-'.jS Jul* 21-25 Lsm Jej" won *J1 a th; couo- j j : 4-H dr**? revue and win par- j jorpale is the <ate contest and ' tale dress review Jot Colleci and Fred Van Horn r ?re t: owned County Health King ? and Queen a~d will participate is the State health pay at j1 DINTOCT CONTESTS Fmma Jtta Shields will ester the district iairjr foods -rrnnty individual winner 27 at Franklin Fred Van Horn and Clara 'lughes will eoVer the district pob- . I VIOI WIVNUS Junior aimers in the four coo etCa are tie following health. Turje Mil's and Carol Elliott: J:iry foods semoaatrator. Jo Ana Sixoods. hrs uilts. Jo Ann Me-' Donald for apron. Jo Ana SiuaaaH 'or skirt. Fnjwes Gentry far dress. Madge Barton for r ATHEX"S DAT PIOCUM Foor-H as pre, a Father's Dor HAYSEED By LxcU Sam ALMOST KVHTBODT IX Lots at people have a bank bal ance bat itna esetybody is in debt. Titer? are stacks at bonds bat almost einrbodj is in debt. Many people oara stocks but aL srost everybody is ia debt. MiHiom of dollars are to invest - men is bat almost eseisbudy is ia The Gov?ranr?t is civinf aortar bill inns of dollars bat almost every body is ia debt E "Torts are beiac made to boy democracy bat almost everybody is ia debt. The roads are fall of ears many of them oesr bo! slnnrt everybody is ia debt. Sever nas the bat almost everybody ts ia rMhiag bat almost tiuiladj is ia -Ik. were tasiwi :n thr dangerous nilr? below diss and powerhouses. tbey sould havr multiplied '-far c-faancrs of survival of those drowned on 'be Desp > ffar addition of on* new .ike to the TV A system, there were sine fewe- dxx*n_agi iron boa"? a :?5". then it 1950 The sharp -eiiciirE a. ;:'-a!ities .s one bopr ui ndmat'oa that safer sports en t csiasts ar?. beginning to realize hat boi.rr can be safe as well as being fan C S. Cjal Guard regulations rjuire an au. - used Lfe-saving de sice for mf person on a boat. V)t-(; pe bo.-yan: cushons are per mssibie as life pctsei nn on boats p to ?> feet in length Ring boors are acceptable Tbe Coast Guard "arts, against using ka ptk-fil ed Ide pceseness to sit on site this ox lyiati the filler and dcjtiuys its efficiency The best taiatne is to wear s jacket-type life preserver. Buoyant -ashless aare sawed Uses, bat all toe frequently there is not suffi cient time to grasp one when a bant capeace- One water safety ex pat afters the practical suggestion at tying boryant ewshioas to the belt with a light cord about four feet long so that in case at a spill Jast tagrcg lile jackets is not ?oat be won rten' small boats The following tackle at eV^juitelT Qtastrates the had jnst purchased hie jackets left a Kewtncky Lake' boat dock ia -n lt-foot in hoard 1 iinalmnL Sod JesCJf the <nes throttle stack and > ?Crw-T-Jent sharp tarn threw both -sen into the water. They were not mriaf the new life preserver? and one 1 t*>e men was ill owned The other was meed by a ring Vjoj tossed U him by BT D? KENNETH J. FOF? EMAN 9CBIPTVRC. Cxod Ji Ji IT. U*? IS im DETOTIOKAI BEADING The Sin of Greed ln?n If Jut a. uu G. IED a c- ir.oderti The oat s-.uUre ti~rj aaou: K ii u f.-rrr-j Tt? TertA Co- mr: ?.eal u ta? to cxi* il tc tj tae urt ?cr.-a -jse a shyster ii?j? Sap ptfe J aar :? a barhtlor, -vti j a rr.tta apart tr. r ' fca? neither irtaruerr art dot rr.aidserv ar.t. ar.d no caf-e of lay'-?a Nc-iz{ y o _ '12 cc??". E j: v at a maw*.; I'.aaya fcer*. "Tr.;w paait not covet ? any thing '-at u tty p, fc be gnbor s." Tna? covers everytnir-g Be Bis t c? can cjvet his reputatvn. bis job. nj you car. ccvet ha tr-juranc*. i- t j-oney in tot bark, ni? wa er melons "Assy thing covers a grea deal of termer-"- And any sort of ejve--rg a sull s.= Greed in tie fourteenth century E C. and ta? twentieth century A D are all the same thing at bear*. Ara at heart u where greed oeg-ns. ? ? ? Something for Nothing THE ESSENCE of greed, of covet oaetu. a war.t-ng n-irettung that does not belong to you. without w*?.r g to give anything :r return H I have eggs for sale and you buy a couple rf dozes. you are not covet ous f:r wanti-g the *-i I a-r. not greedy for *anting toe money It's fair exchange. Of course, if I charge you too ?uch for toe eggs, then I am covet ous. to te sure. Or if you want to srxrii the eggs out of my henhouse bef re cay. then you are covetous ! But buying and seQing are re.tfcet j tne sutfui. If you save worked for , a week and want your pay. that u j . greed. If you Save rented a ; and the landlord wants Sis rent be isa t greedy unless tie if you too.mjcb. Tbe profit motive ta not wreng if the mas whs takes the profit tr? thn fair valoe la retail. 1 *e s-ofil moUTe ka dead wrawg V all Ike profiteer thinks ahowt profit sllhswl ever ? d service The gambler, the tax "fixer." the sports "fixer", are trying to get something for noshing, and that u the very essence of the im of greed ? ? ? Selling What Ought Nat Ta Be for Sale SOMETIMES greed reaches the point where the greedy man will ell what cught never to be said There are things in this life that are priceless, literally; they can never be tagged with a price-mark. But the covetous spirit w-B eat out a man's sense of values till be begins to put price-marks en priceless things. There are always buyers. After the American Civil Wan some business men came to Robert E Lee. who had lost everything he had but his reputation, and offered him what was then a tremendous sum if he would fust let them use his name as an officer of their com Tsw went have ta da say Another thing that should never be put oo sals is the simple doing of duty. True, boner work should bo fairly paid. But that is not the at the moment. Take this _ _ er Caiisen of the Flying Enter prise. When he came lntf port aft er that famous voyage in which he stuck with his ship till the last hour befece Davy Jones took it down, he was due a certain amount of salary, no deufa*. and he had well earned it. B the company paid him a bonus brehlas. wo should all bo glad. But Captain Cartsen turned down offers W?H"f around $100,000, from ra dio and television people. Just for letting them use him as advertis ing. Mo sirs, said Cartsen in effect, what 1 have done. I did in the line of doty, rm not selling myself. So it la with convictions. or with lovw. They should be priceless. are sold, they become Greed destroys their TENTH( what to tnw of bott ?rtl ottteac at tha act to tba m la Mahavt Ito lawa ? aabjr llbpwnwritollh 72< *"*"

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