Andrews Personals Mrs. Moss of Eustis. Fla., ts vis 1 ing Mrs. Donald Wilson. Mrs. Grace Harrill and Mrs. Bertha Weaver of Athens, Tenn, spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barnett and Mrs. Ben Grant Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walton of Orlando. Fla.. spent the week-end ( with Mrs. Walton's brother. Claude Dorsey and Mrs Dorsey. Mrs. and Mrs. Giles FraHklin of Navarre. O., are visiting Mr. Franklin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Franklin for two weeks. Mrs. Lynn Wood spent the week end in Washington. D. C . visit ing her husband. Pvt. Wood George Butler of Charleston, S C? spent Wednesday visiting Mr ?ad Mrs. Garden Butler Ma and Mrs. Walter Stjjdt and ?ens, Honald and Kenneth, of West lawn. fa., spent last week as .he guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gernert and family. .'I; and Mrs. George E Ibberson ind Mr. and Mrs George H. Ibber on of Lycone, fa., spent last week kiting Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ib oerson. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Heid of As olnualt. fa., ere visiting Mrs. id's sisters. Mrs. Kaliie Ledford ind Mrs Fannie Buekner. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiniko and daughter. Ginny. and Miss Violet i ? .ursavage of Shenandoah. Pa.. ?p. nt last y.eek as the guests ol i .rs. and Mrs. Joe Sirrsa.age and. amily Mr. and Mrs Raymond Barbor | at Indiana, fa., spent one day last] 3 County Farms Conduct Nitrogen Demonstrations Farmers of Cherokee County are determined not to let the fellows in the Piedmont and farther down In the state get to much of a lead in. the use of new materials, says G. H Farley, county agent. Three liquid nitrogen corn side dressing demonstrations are being conducted in the county this year week visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gernert and family. Mr and Mrs. J. G. Pickeft, Jr. ..r.d son. Jimmy, of Drayton Plains. Mich, an? visiting Mrs Pickett's mother. Mrs. Alice H Barnard and V' er relatives. J. G Pickett. S>r.. ot Kalcigh is -i'ing his son and family at the of Mrs. Alice H. Barnard. Miss Ruth Barnard of Brevard ?i-r* the week-end in Andrews. Mi--* Frances Mashburn has re ? mod to her home in Andrews af ?r n -m oral days in Ashevilie. Mr-. Will Sar.dlln ar.d Mr< Wi'd . P ey of Ashevilie are visit it.: fetaLves in Andrews Vr? Vina Jones and sens. Bud ? ' v if S'. Iva spent the i ! v nncy Jen "in of '*i-->r"s , .t-nes. -p>nt ? ?? ? % s ?-'?'nr h:< attr.'. Vis's ' '?) ? ' in Br ward. ? ;?rf " v si'ir. " poin's or ?? " r 1 rear Chattanooga V Moore arte daugh'?r ... .u, v ,, -ii-pn-l visiting ' Mr--. Clff-r" ? Co':- , : T.i': ill Brvson Cits i M an,! Mr- Clinton I.other ' \ . -"at the Fourth of July ? i da v siting Mr and Mrs. J. ''- Hilton i.rphi i and fr.mth > '..-'-oville spent '.as*, week vis v;:;; \; and M - J. \V. Luther. Mr. ? 1 Mrs R I. Crisp and ? on. ' rry of Haze! Park. Mich spent t' "> holiday visiting Miss Lu cille Be H \ Shearer of Fallsmere Fla . is v:-i" nr his sister. Mrs. J. L Roland M - Laura Lvon of' is also visiting Mrs Ro land Mr and Mrs IV. C Candler and Mr. and Mrs Ivy L'nd.erwood of Villa Rica. Ga.. spent th? holiday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B Nichols They attended the drama. "Unto These Hills". Sa'urday i nigh-. Mr and Mrs. Junior Sherrill of , Sv'.va spent the holiday with rel atives in Andrews. RANGER Mrs. Sam Akin and Miss Mary Akin of Murphy and Samuel Hughes of Baltimore. Md.. were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Paschal Hughes Wednesday. Mr and Mrs J D Palmer and children of Akron. O.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilpatriek re cently. Mr and Mr*. Willis Hilley and I*t~ ? ar? ol t"?? farms of Dilland n ! Wi ho- "("T^bs W. D. Town ---r? and J r-aiklin Smith, al! of ro \> These farmers "i'l r-mpa-e tvl? materia! w ith solid ammonium ni rm. r-T t ??s* jv>- acre basis. value - ? [>->-"nd o' actual nitrogen ap plied from both sources and final yield per acre. Will it pay? These farmers want to find out. "Several other farmers were in Vr-sted in tr in * this material this ?-?- fS-pJ-. rv t 'SO h: - tj y *i . :-i ?'.-n V",vne ??sthh's to u-e in these demon strations". says Mr. Farley To most of the farmers it isn't a euestion of selling them on the value of nitrogen side-dressing What they are more interested in is a cheaper source of this corn maker. Andrews Births Mr. rnd Mrs. Dennis Walls an r> cnce the birth of a son July 6. Mr. and Mrs Bruce Lewis of K >bblnsvil!e announce the birth a son July 6 KEl'MON Tlv? Taylor reunion will be held " Oik Grove Church near l.etitia unday. July 2). AU relatives are k d to come and bring their lunch. Twenty-four farm families in North Carolina?four in each ex t nsion district?participated in '?a launching of a special farm housing lW5tl. v of Dal'on. Ga . spent last rk ni.h Mr*. t!rhe! Guthrie. ' r-s R. F Merritt visited Mrs., : ? 'Voo'cn and Mr" E'.ia Fox drys last week Mr and Mrs Jess Win ret spent 1 day in Murphy recently i. t v'rs l.enoir Moss of It hie Ridge. Ga.. spent Sunday with \ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Keenum and family. Johns - Manvilie Blcfg. Materials Asphalt Shinties-Roll Eooflat Asbestos SMlnc ? IRHs HOW. A AI'TO rWIN-CITT DRIVE-IN THEATRE McCirnUlc. GroriU Mayfteld Popsiclr Treats Every Saturday Thursday-Friday "LUCKY NICK CAIN" Ceorte Haft Cheers for Chubbv Three Color Cartoons Saturday I COVER THE WAR" John Wayne Svnday-Monday "THE FROGMEN" In Color Richard Widmark-Dana Andrews Uncle Sara's Underwater Commandos! Tuesday-Wednesda v "MY FORBIDDEN PAST" Robert Mitchum-Ava Gardner CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Cancer Clinic meets ae C. J. Harris Hospital, in Sylvw. every Friday Registration hours are from 9 to 10:15 a m. The Division ol Cancer Control of the N. C. State Board of Health provides ex aminations for canoer to women above 35 and men above 40 years rid and to any person of any age ??'ith symptoms suggestive of can cer We Buy CHI KENS Pay Highest Cash Prices Carl Crawford & Sons Phone 632-J COI'PERIIILL. TENN HM-MHiL \1 J 1947 Chev. 5 Passenger Coupe 1949 Chevrolet - 2 door 1948 Chevrolet - 5 Passenger 1947 Ford-5 Passenger SPECIAL THIS WEFK 1941 Ford $375 1940 Plymouth - 2 door 195 1937 Plymouth-2 door 275 '/2 down-balance weekly EVANS AUTO CO. Studebaker Dealer Phone 48 Murphy, N, C. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, X, C. Saturday. July 12 Michael Chapin-Eiiene .lessen ?In? "Wild Horse Ambush" Also Added Serial And Comedy LATE SHOW Robert Lowery-Pat Mirrison ?In? 'Queen Of The j Amazons" Extra Added Attractions Sun.-Mon.. Juiv 13-14 Dale Robertson-Joanne Dm "Return Of The Texan" Bugs Bunny Cartoon Tues.-Wed., July 15-16 Richard Basehart Gary Merrill "Decision Before Dawn" Also Added Color Cartoon Thurs.-Fri.. July 17-18 Jeann; Crane-Srott Brady "The Model And The Marriage Broker" DICKEY THERTRE MVRPIIY, N. C. Saturday. July 12 l II rothv Ma lone-Veda Ann Borg ?In? "The Kangroo Kid" Also Added Serial And Comedy j I. ATE SHOW An All Star Cast, In? "Wav Out West" t Exlra Added Attractions I ? Sun.-Mon., July 13-11 1 Johnny '.Veissmuller-Angela (irponc. In? 'Jungle Jim In The Forbidden Land" \lso Idded Color Cartoon Tues.-Wed.. July 15-1S Brian Donlevej-Ciaire Trevor ?In? "Hoodlum Empire" Extra Added Attractions ? Thnrs.-Frl.r July 17-18 Pat O'Brten-Rlrhard Denning "Okinawa" Aba Added Cater Cartoon HENN THEATRE i W'DREWS N. c Saturday. July 12 Charles Starrett-Smiley Burnett -In? "Streets Of Ghost Town" Also Added Serial And Comedy LATE SHOW An All Star Cast. In? "Mickey" Extra Added Attraetions Sun.->lon., July 13-11 James Stewart-Wendell Corey ?I"? "Carbine Williams" j Also Added Color Cartoon rucs.-Wed., July 15-16 Tvronr Powrr-IIenry Fonda ?In? "Jessie James" In Color Also Addrd Color Cartoon Thi:rs.-Frl., July 17-18 Richard Basehart-Gary Merrill ?In? "Decision Before Dawn" Alan Added Color Cartoon A?P Is a Good Place lo Ge Good Food Buys! Libby's CANNED MEATS Corned Beef Hash V: 35c Vienna Sausage 21c Deviled Ham cane 18c Corned Beef 12ca?n 48c Meat 14c Potted Beef ^ 5lc Roast Tripe 27c Uncle Ben's Converted Rice 14-Oz Pkg. 19c Freezing Mix Junket Pkg. 13c Red Band. Flour 2-Lb. Bag 23c Spra-Kill Boi 49c 79c Sultana Strawberry Preserves - 25c lona Sliced or Halves California Peaches -25c Ann Page Peanut Butter - - - 29c A&P Grapefruit Juice 2 - 35c Our Own Tea - - - - ^ 39 s 77c A&P Crushed Pineapple ? - ? - - 23c A&P Fancy Tuna Fish - - - -33c Sweet , lona Peas - - 2 21c Mild and Mellow 8 O'Clock ? 77c Jane Parker Marble or Plain Pound Cake - - - - 25c Ritz 1 lb. box Crackers 33c e A and P No. 2'2 Can ^ Fruit Cocktail ...... 37c : A and P 24 oz. Bottle Grape Juice ...... 29c Sunnjfield 16 oz. Pkg Corn Flakes 23c J Post B oz. Pkg. Sugar Crisp 15c * Orleans All Meat 16 oz. Can Horse Meat 21c A and P Who!? No. 2 Can Beets 15c A and P All Green No. 2 Can Asparagus .43c KLEENEX 3 ffi 47c 3 69c Juicy lemons - - - ? u, 19c California Seedless Grapes 39c Crisp Carrots - - " Bunch 10c Sweet Red Cardinal Grapes - - - - - 33c Sweet Fragrant Eire 27% CanNmiQes 29c iJuiancy Frozen 16 oz. pics Strawberries 55c ? inut? M id 6 q'. Can Crange Juice... 2 for 35c r hi/mm AO Prtm l>TkbU Effective Tfcrn Satardaj. July IZU Breeze ? 30c 59c Fab fS: 29c ST 73c Vel Pk? 29c Super Suds % 28c 67c Dial Soap Bath Bar 17c Dial Complexion Soap Ban 27c Swift Cleanser Can 12c Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes Can 8c Blu-Whit3 Flakos Pkg 9c Sweetheart Soap Keg. Bars 23c Bot Joy 29c Duz Lge. 40* Ulanl *7C* Pkg ZoC Pke /DC Lava Soap Bars 19c Ivory Personal Soap Bars 21c Twenty Mule Team Boraxo'a.' 19c Borax % 20c