?|jr dljmifcrr Established July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy. Cherokee County. N. C. ADD1E MAE COOKE Editor and Owner MRS. C W. SAVAGE Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County One Year, $2.30; Si < Months. $1.50; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, $3.00; Six Months, $1.75 ? - ' ,r.,, I- ntered in the Post Otfice at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class ? _? matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Meditation Turmoil and con'noon ma\ prevail anJ things ma v seem to he going to pieces, hut rest rehere you arc. This is only possible til be n the spirit i.\i< learned the secret oi abiding in the lord I' V.' are dependent ufH>n circumstances 'or rest, z.e '..ill often be'lull i>i time t, but '..c believe that there is such a thing as committing everything so completely to the lord that, though our hearts mac he z.ear, or torn and bleeding, zee mav still rest zcfere zee are. l ite is only a z ast school ot discipline. H c need its thorns as much as ..e need its roses. The bitter is as neeessa, as the szeeet. i.louds must conn as zeclt a< da \ It is said that in the hearts oj a cyclone there is perfect stillness, and there is such a thing as rest in the midst oi the storm, here, if any oi us. haze learned the secret perfectly llcrc. as in many other things, there :< much griuind to be possessed ? Selected Informed Public People should !v informed on the at fairs ot government?in town, county, state and nation Laws of our state require officials of towns and counties to publish regular!* the financial tran sactions of these bodies and various offices. Sometimes through oversight or other reasons, this is not done, but in this issue of I III bC.Ul I the public will see that the Board ot Count* (Commissioners and (Count* Accountant are dis charging such responsibilit* I he* are to he com mended for publishing the budget which appears on page six. and their decision to publish other financial statements throughout the year. Citizens of the count*, who are "stockholders' of the extensive operations carried on by our county government, should carefully study the ad and news store giving the budget estimate for the next fiscal year. The needs have been exam ined hv those w ho know the various requirements, and the budget was set up accordingly. Public officials, knowing that it is hard to please a large group of people in ever* respect, do not or should not object to criticism, especi ally if it is constructive, and if there is criticism of the budget, it will be received with an open mind, we are sure. On the other hand., if the tax payers feel that the authorities have done a good job. they should be quick to pass along their praise. We feel that the citizens will he apprecia tive of the information given them and will let the commissioners and accountant know it Knowledge is ? basic principal of democrat v. Our count* ollicials are giving the information. Let it become the knowledge of all our people Scouting With The Editor THE FOURTH OF JULY holiday brought many p'casures. One was a visit from several friends Muriel and -Bunk" Rogers with their rapidly grow ing little girl. Nancy Lee, were home from Orlando Fla . for the holidays, and it was nice io have a visit from them. Muriel is one of the family, and we have mised her a lot since she has been away SOME OLD FRIENDS from the home town of Ahoskie spent a few hours with me on Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Copeland and Mr. and Mrs Lee Copeland They had been to Fontana to attend the convention of the Rural Mail Carrier's Associa tion. The two brothers have been rural carriers from the Ahoskie post* office for many years: Her bert for 4o and Lee for 40 Referring to my life as a "tot". Herbert said. "I knew your dad and mother before they were married." Many memories of liv ing next door to the Herbert Copelands and work ing with them and the Lee Copelands in the Ahoskie Baptist Church were recalled as we made a trip to Hiwassee Dam. Fields of the Wood and the Copper Basin. They remarked that they certainly would advertise Cherokee County when they got back to J Ahoskie. as they thoroughly enjoyed seeing some of ' our attractions ANOTHER PLEASURE of the holidays was j having an opportunity to stay at home a few days j and do some housekeeping Rarely is there time to , stay with a job at home long enough to accomplish | anything. Then there was a nice luncheon in the j home of Josephine Heichway on the Fourth, with Ruby Hill. Mrs. J. H. McCalL Ruby Davis and the I other guests, and later a watermelon cutting. ? ? I A TRIP TO RIDGECR?ST was the highlight 1 of the vacation Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix. Mrs Henry | Hyatt and Mrs Alton Morris accompanied me to the Southern Baptist Assembly there Tuesday even ing to h-ear the closing address of Dr. VV. A. Cris well. pastor of First Baptist Church. Dallas. Texas. ! successor to the late Dr. Geo. \V'. Truett. A total of .>.612 people had registered for the three weeks of Sunday School assemblies, and they came from ' all over the Southern Convention area. MY FIRST experience in taking in tourists came on the night of the Fourth, when the town was overflowing with visitors. Six of them occupied the two rooms I had to offer. It seemed that every one in Murphy who had spare rooms were called upon to help accommodate the travelers. Deweese Featured In Base Paper A/2C Richard L. Deweese, sta tioned at Robins Air Force Base, Ga? was featured in a story about the routine of the Air Force Hos pital in the base paper. The Rob ins Times, recently. The story is as follows: At 0700 hours in the morning. A-2C Richard L Deweese came on duty at the base hospital He had just come back from 48 hours rest and relaxation. He was looking forward to 24 hours of straight, uninterrupted duty. 0730: the telephone with the dial taped up so that only incom ing cabs could tie up the line rang. "Base Hospital, C. Q. speaking . . . Macon? . . . Right . . Right away " A call to the ambulance dispatcher to tell him where the sick person is. Then another call to the medi cal technician. Five minutes after the call came in the ambulance and medic are on the way to pick up a retired serviceman who is suffering u heart attack 10:30: three hours after his first call Deweese again grabs for the phone as the bell starts to ring. "Base Hospital. C. 'O. speaking . repeat that please? . . . Emer gency landing? . . runway 32 . . . Right . . . Will do. Everything starts to hop and seems to be in great confusion but it is onlv for a short time and when the confusion ends and ev erything is in readiness. Deweese sits back to "sweat out" the sec ond call from Operations. 1040: the phone rings again. , "Base Hospital. C. Q. speaking , What? . . Weweee . . . OK . . Thanks." All eyes are turned to Deweese who now has a sheepish grin on his face." Everything is all right. The plane came in all in one piece." All that work and fuss for noth ing at all? No. the aircraft could have crashed. Night falls without another call. 2400 hours: Deweese's drooping head is snapped out of its drowsi Week's Schedule Recreation Program MONDAY?July 14 10:00 Swimming Class Cane Creek 2:00 Baseball Practice 4:00 Gym Games Softball Practice for Presbyterians TUESDAY?July 15 ?' 9:00 Badminton 10:00 Softball, 2nd Baptist 11:00 Softball Practice for 1st Baptist 3:00 Baseball Game?Murphy Jr. Vs. Ducktown at Fairground WEDNESDAY?July 16 9:00 Badminton 10:00 Volleyball t 11:00 Softball 2:00 Swimming Class and Recreational Swimming THURSDAY?July 17 9:00 Volleyball 10:00 Badminton 2:00 Softball Game?2nd Baptist Vs. 1st Baptist 4:00 Baseball Practice FRIDAY?July 18 MO Badminton ? 10:00 Softball % 11:00 Volleyball j&L ' 2:00 Sbwy Hoar 2:00 BefraahaoooU 2:20 Softball Game?2nd Baptist Vs. Preabytertans 6:00 P E M??o Duk? ' To Name Child Desertors The names of deserting parents v.ill be given to law enforcement officials on July 1 by county su perintendents of public welfare in | ail cases where grants are being ^ received by their families under the aid to dependent children pro gram. This action is in accordance ; with requirements of an amend- ' ment to the Federal Security Act J effective on that date and will give ' added support to the efforts to en- ] force North Carolina's support sta tutes. "Only as a result of court action j can a deserting parent be required j to contribute to the support of de- J pendent children." said Dr. Ellen J Winston. Commissioner of the State Board of Public Welfare, which supervises the county ad ministrated welfare program in North Carolina. "It is the respon sibility of the county superinten dent of public welfare under the law to give the notice of desertion j ?o the appropriate law enforce- ! ment officials in such cases. "It is important." Dr. Winston j emphasized, "that all desertion and ? non-support cases have as prompt i ness as the stillness of the night is shattered by the shrill ring of the phone. Hospital. C. Q. . . . Where? . .1 Right." A call to the alert driver who. is himself a medical techni cian and a clerk there on duty and off they go to pick up a cou ple who have been in an automo bile accident. Before long the ambulance is backing up to the emergency door and two injured persons are carri ed Into the treating room 0700: Deweese' relief shows up. "What kind ot a day did you have, Deweeae?" "Very quiet, wish you the same, now i am going to hit that sack and never get up." But Deweese will be bock and maybe have a busier day than the one he just finished. But he will be back to help dish out humanity to someone in trouble. OUR DEMOCRACY C7U, CALL of tU WILD Two WEEKS, MAVSe three/ to do WHAT YOU i//t?-.\.*NO CITY -FOLK, NATIVE AS WELL AS BY ADOPTION, FEEL THE LURE OF THE COUNTRY AGAIN ? THE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THE SHUT-IN WALLS OF HECTIC URBAN LIVING TO THE OPEN ROAD, THE COOL GREEN HILLS AND THE SUN-WASHED BEACHES. This outpouring prom the cities to the countrys