NOTICE or SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATS OS NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff T. A. MKASX. Defendant The defendant* T. A Mease, ! ?ill take notice that an action en titled aa above ha* been commenc ed In the Superior Court of Cher Tractor Tires New Or Used Tractor Tire R ep^.ir Anv Si^e Tractor Graves Tire Co. V t> Murnhv <\ C Met County, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of lun due plain iff by defendants for the years 1940, 1941. 1949, 1944, j 9*5, 1949. 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950. .951, against the lands of said de .siaoj in Murphy Township. ' . .wroiiee County, North Carolina,' lO-wit: j Being on the dividing ridge be ' tv.ien the waters of Valley River and the Hiawassee River, adjout ing the land* of Barnett, Trull, Puett, et als, and bounded and more particularly described as fol HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY See us for reliable insurance in any line Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. MOVING? mvvinvy Can... ( AMERICAN RED BALL TRANSIT COMPANY, MC SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AOENT Palmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. Phone 202 Murphy, N. C. TH" LONE RANGER By Fran Striker THAT MAN- HE SHOT THE TWO ON THE FLOOR! . ac csr-oMf. HE Ww_HT tar TUEM/ i HIM GST AWAY we NAME'S brent; AN1 (Vl -IttE'ACTlN' SHERIFF WUILE SHERIFF CARTERS OUT OF TOWN. WHAT HAPPENED HERE? A WAN SHOT-7U&T DRIVER T AND "WE OFFICE MAM AND RAN OUT WTTUMONEV? 1l ' ll MONEY/ ?>! nrl HIM HAVE HOUSE WWDNG IN BACK.. HIM SET AWAY. [ DID WTONE SEE] ^MtS FACE? g "THAT EVENING IN CAMP, TONTO mis "WE LONE RANGER ABOUT HE ROBBERY AND SHOOTING WOMAN WTO TALKING BIRD SEE FACE OF KILLER. HER ONLY ONE) TONTO, ARE \OU ? MRS. "TROTTER'S TOE ONLY ONE WUO] SAW TRE FACE OF IRE KILLER?; rru be CW?VC WHEN WE CEJCH "TOWN. THEN llL"| TRY TO TNJCTO MRS. # ?T^ HER TAKE | ROOM IN HOTEL. WEXL DO OUR BEST TO PROTECT YOU, MRS. ] "TROTTER. OF COURSE, BON' THE ONLY ONE J WHO CAN IDENTIFY THAT KILLER--YOU'RE IN A CERTAIN AMOUNT J fc= OF PANGEg'x>w^ U I AFTEP DM?K, IN MISS TROTTEJ& ROOM ITT OH,DEM?/ OH, MY/J LIGHTED WINDOW IN HOTEL > IS WHERE MRS. TROTTER STAY." FIRST FLOOR, EH? I MOPE SHE'LL GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF "THE KILLER. M WERE FIRED AT?/SI IWEMAKE PUEHTY 1 GOOD TARGETS IN MOONLIGHT' w TifijHS DEPUTY BRENT/ WHAT'S GONG ON?r ? CROOUKCTOCCTK | JSSCeiPTTO* OF-HE KILLER VMO STOLE E STXSEC08CM MONEY. NO NEED SOTO"TCWN. HEP COME Ml TONTO/ SHS39 L?VINO-n3WN.' WTURNIN& EAST/ TBAT MEANS go QNC CAN IDENTIFY "TOE MUQDEQEB/ Mi MUST STOP WT a .WOMAN.' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of B G Mlngus deceased, late of Cherokee County. Thi$ Is to notify all persons having claims against seld estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of May, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of July, 1952 3?llie K. Hedrlck, Adm , Marble, N. C. l.?tp lows: BEGINNING on a red oak with a locust witness, Filo Trull cor rer. and runs East with said line 41 poles to a stake in the Dock Puett line; thence North with Dock Puett line 81 poles to Andy Barnett's corner (said line in hich it cornersl; thence South 27 .Vest with said line 91 poles to lie beginning. The same contain ing eleven (11V4) and one fourth acres, more or less It being En ry No. 8592 and Grant No. 18538. And being the same land con veyed to Marshall Gragg by deed dated May 12, 1923 by J. R. Gragg and others. tiling also the same lands con veyed by Marshall Gragg, unmar | ied, to T. A. Mease, by deed dat ed May 17, 1928 and recorded in [ Book 100 at page 58. Said lands being fully described in the complaint now on file in this action, reference to which is hereby made for more full des I criptlon. ! And for further purpose of con j dunning the said land to sale to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, inter si and costs of thi? action, and to "crever bar and foreclose all right, hl'.v estate, interest, claim and 'irn of defendants in and to or: '!> n said lands; end the said de-1 nd.-n?s will further take notice r .on-red to be and appear' clerk the Superior - ??? rv.p.y,. County. North '?"?n'to" hi* office in the ", '""'house in Murphy. N C? vith T ? n'" (201 Days after the 22 i.-y of August. 1952, to-wit, on or - 'ore the 11 day of September. ?52. and answer or demur to the ?e? p'nint in this action, which is on file with copies for defen "n's. or the plaintiff will apply n 'he Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This the 18 day of July, 1952 J L. Hall, Cl-erk of the Superior Tourt of Cherokee County, N. C. 2-4tc Welding Supplies ? Auto Parts Briggs & Stratton ENGINES Is your I?d mower, pomp or any other equipment powered by a Briggs & Stratton engine? ir ao, you can aecure the porta for your engine, or your engine sent in and factory rebuilt, or buy * new engine at? Slack Murphy Parts Company, Inc. AUTO PARTS ? ACCESSORIES PHONE 280 MURPHY, N. C. (l-ooo (hat's what I call REAL Mfcc! Folks who drink coffee regularly become curi ously sensitive to coffee flavor That is why we at the JFG plant are so exacting in serving our customers the delicious . .refreshing flavor that has made JFG Special blend so popular '"Zc-"-""" m 4SS Eft (J" | US.ROYAL Features and Performance never before available at such a Price! Only 11.95 IA$Y CKBHT THWS TO SWT TOW PUB TAX AM x M FOR 1HI RUST HUE JOT TWSIPHCES! ^Stopping Power?Skid RuiitanAi ?Tiro Mileage and Economy Beyond off previous efandorcfcl NOW AVAILAftLI JtT TOUt II. ft. ROYAL MALIK .n&wif rauf *rf*roru aalni ri?M Graves Tire Co. Phcne 300 MuxpHy, N. C.