days after the 28th day ol August. 1952, that is to sav or. or before September '"h. 1952. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Cancer Clinic meets at C J. Harris Hosoltal, in Syiva. every Friday. Registration hours are from 9 to 10:15 a m. The Division of Cancer Control of the N. C. State Board of Health provides ex aminations for cancer to women above 35 and men above 40 years !d and to any person of any age ? :h symptoms suggestive of can Court for the relief demanded la This 29th day ot July. 1952 J. L. HALL, Clerk Superior Court M(( HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY See us for reliable insurance in a.nv line nns 143 Vfarohv. N. C. Another Bad Habit Broken! \'o mole breakfast-table reading for this gent, after his wife brings home a new sale-priced hat. \nother bad habit he should break is trying to get along without ade- j ?rati- insurance. See us today for details. Let US Take the Risk! Peacock Insurance Asencv Phone 457 Murphy, N. C. We Buy CHICKENS Pay Highest Cash Prices Carl Crawford & Sons Phone 682-J COPPERHILL, TENN. r WIN-cTt r DRIVE-IN THEATRE McCaysville, Georria A Color Cartoon In Every Show! Thursday-Friday "AIR CADET" Stephen McNally-Gai! Russell Saturday "QUEBEC" In Color John Barrymore, Jr.-Corinne Calvet Cartoon! Sea Raiders No. 2 Popsicles! Sunday-Monday "MR. BELVEDERE RINGS THE BELL" Clifton Webb-Joan Dru Tuesday-Wednesday "THE MATING SEASON" Gene Tierney-John Lund THT LCNE RAtHTSTi Bv Fran Striker * ' Vs^ i 60T A GOOD STA.RT BEFORE ThEY Tj^LPREAK/i' I . k.10 I < HERE'S WERE I GETKCHONGE 0\ CLOTHES AW' AHORSE'. INDEED I CAN TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT/ THAT KILLED HELD UP "WE STAGE ON POWCER TRAIL/ I WAS A PASSENGER! HE STOLE EVEBYWIN&l i rwMFn.' --WD HE STOLE KV B1R-EJ THAT GIVES W SOEGUNASWEU.ASJ ME MATERIA! ONE OFTPE HORSES igTOR AFCUjOW IN MVTEAM.' r ^lUPSTOPV/ v r NOW WE'LL HAVE TO CAPTUCE BATES NXCWEB ACWN.TONTO.'AND rTS GONG TO BE MUCH HARDER , "WAN "THE FICST TIME I 7 BATES MAD I YOU CATOHJM. HIM SWEAR __ . _ TO KILL VOL) IF HE EVER ESCAPE.' jjum HAVE TO BE ON GUARO/1 r NOW "WAT HCS AT LARGE, HEM*/] I TW TO KEEP HIS WORD WE'LL < ?\r WEU. vtsrr our fbiend ihi GEHEPM- STORE AMP U?K HIM "TD I HELP US SET A, TRAP POP MOOSE BKTES.H ?*31 \ KNEW I COULD* JUST TELL ME ? COUNT ON VC*V HCW I CAN HELP JONES, r-^n, YOU TRAP THAT \ KILLER/J r MOOSE BOTES WIU. BE IN HIDING, uCTN^amewuTBH IS "WE STORE HE WU-J YUU / SO fO UKE TO I^HwearuV, TAKE TOJR PLACE p$WL TOM" 11 T>e STOREKEEPER.'/^. MASK^I "WIS IS JJST -WE STUFF I NEED. 11x1 DCE9S IN WOMAN'S CUCmeS AN" NO J ONEli. KNOW ME/ , VOCCR VWT MNP OF * STOREKEEPER tVLMAKE.,.1 VENDER WHOT KINO OF * WOMAN ItL MAKE... 55S55?5^B &gg37"j04^/iv NEveH> HOwtJONM^rxxALi WOW \OJfcS-P6 U>?B5i&e?. YOUVE EVEN XL$THEBUhNOUB J MkimvouoHWOVMrrc' m r-H^M store-- A \Ja ; NOW TO PESSUkKTMSrORC TgsBPKO ?*> i*r m hmctc o?sswRssrJs?* k o . WFWST CUSTOMER "The fluid and leverage in your broke system multiply your strength 8 times! You need this protection at all timesr ^ D?. ROT (. MARSHALL, Hot id c.mmt.ifolof on ford TV Skomr brakes I P TO} PAR?) BE SAFETY-SURE \ ^Co*ne. i+t?Jleti