Johns - Manville Bldg. Materials '? HDW. a AUTO S?r?ll REAL ESTATE for sale property, tourist Cafes, irocery stores, vacant 1 all kinds of real property. Let as know what yoa want- We hare It or eaa pet It for D. E REESE Real Estate Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O'Dell Salesmen PHONE 214 MURPHY, N. C. "Aw Nuts Who Wants To Go To School Not alt kids look at it that way But at some stag-o in t'r life of most boys there come; a time when it's just a tx-in in the neck?which interrupts his usual activi ties and chains him to a desk v hen he wants to be out of t' ers with the gang. I Saving money is a little like that. We can f all think of a great many things we would j like to have. With a few bucks in our pocket |[ we are temptda1 to forget the future and i spend it cn something that gives us tempo \ rary pleasure but no lastihg benefit. Saving money is like going to school . . . In one case you are laying up $ $ for future use 'and happiness and independence?in the other you are storing up knowledge that will make a better life for you in the future. Neither cne can fully be appreciated until later. But with the future in mind you can get a lot of pleasure out of both saving and going to school. These two are your best in veistments in the future. L CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. Murphy ? Andrews ? Robbinsville Hayesiville Serving Southwestern North Carolina Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Resources Over Five Million Dollars CHEROKEE COUNTY FAIR Exhibit Halls Open Wednesday,September 10,3:00 P. M. Eleven Educational Exhibits Sponsored by Community Home Demonstration Clubs Bring in exhibits on Monlday until 8:30 P. M. an'd Tuesday until 5:00 P. M. Do you have your catalog? Have you checked the following departments for possible entries? vv\% ; FLOWERS (Potted Plants, Flower Arrange ments, Cut Flowers) HOME PRODUCTS (Canned Fruits-Vegeta bles, Jellv, Preserves, Pickles, etc.) PANTRY SUPPLIES (Bread, Cakes, Pies, Can dy, etc.) HOUSE FURNISHINGS (Quilts, Spreads Fancy Work, etc.) CLOTHING-Displayed on Hangers HANDICRAFTS-Weaving, Wood Carving, Metal Work, Stenciling, Corn Shuck Articles, Wood Working CHEROKEE COUNTY'S FAIR IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT! -- Real Estate Transfers The Mrs. Donald Wilson proper ty on Happy Top to Mrs. Flara Miller of Graham County, as a permanent home George Handura. of Clearwater. Fla . purchased part of the George Birchfleld property on Robblns ville Road and will build a home there in the near future. The purchase was handled by Sam W. Jones who stated that Mr. Handura stopped to attend ser vices at the Lutheran Church In Andrews several weeks ago. and was so impressed by the town of Andrews snd its people that he de cided he would like to have t home here. Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whilsker, Mrs W L. Moore and Miss Vera | Moore spent Sunday In Hayesvllie j Mr and Mrs. Paul Jordan. Miss | Jean Christy. Mrs. Kenneth Peters >nd Christy Peters spent Monday with friends In Highlands. Harve Whltaker. Miss Meredith Whitaker and Edwin Whltaker visited relatives in Canton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dale of Opa Locha. Fla, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grant last week. Mrs. B. E. Dillahunt. Jr. of Knoxvtlle, TennMis spending sev eral days in Andrews with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grant. Mrs. Clement Eyler of Bristol. Tenn.. spent the week-end with j her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.' md Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Miss Ada Mae Pruett of Ellen h"ro has returned to her teaching duties in Andrews. Mrs. J VV. Brown spent several 'avs in Asheville due to the death her brother-in-law. C. S. John son. Mrs. Zala Adams and son. Gud ?er. spent Monday in Asheville. W. D. Whitaker and Mrs. Ben employees of the Andrews 'i'rens' Bank and Trust Compa '*. ha> e been working for the past ' n weeks in the Hayesville Bank. Mr and Mrs. Joe Sursavaee *? it Saturday in Brvson City due i "i de.Vh of Mrs D R Brvson Tom Hay is pneaerd in construc "i"n work in Bull Shoals. Ark. Mrs. Lynn Wood is spending a in Washing'on. D. C. with '???>" ho-'band. Pvt. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Love of Ra !"igh spent the week-end with her sic,rr. Mrs Matti? Wercy Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Spalding ?md children of Marlborough. Ma?s. have returned to the!" ' erne following a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Spalding's parents. Mr ~rd Mrs. .fake Abernathv Wrews Berths Mr. and Mrs. Elbert McClur<* nnnunce the birth of a daugh er. August 22 NOTICE IX THE SUPERIOR COURT'! NORTH CAROLINA. ?HEROKEE COUNTY. FAMES CARLTON ROSE. Plain-' iff. | ?vs? i MYRTLE MARIE SELF ROSE, Defendant. The defendant above named. Myrtle Marie Self Rose, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the; Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, by the plain tiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the NOTICE I hereby offer a liberal reward or information given to the mayor r police leading to the arrest of inyone trespassing on my proper v known as Imps Nest in Murphy, C. Frank L. Mauney, Washing ton. Ga. 14-tfaw ground that plaintiff and defend ant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the commencement of this actiofi; and the defendant will further take notice that at said time plaintiff will apply to the Court for- an order swarding to the plaintiff the custody of the minor child, James Carlton Rose. Jr. born of the marriage between plaintiff and defendant; and the defendant will further take notice ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased, your 40c back. This STRONG, fungicide SLOUGHS OFF the outer skin to expose buried fungi Kills it on contact. Get Greaseless. instant-drying T 4-L at any drug store. Today at Mauney Drug Company. that she te requirvd to appear at the office of the Clerk of Uw S3 perior Court of Cherokee County North Carolina, at the Cowl House in Murphy. North Carolina, within twenty (20/ day* after the 2Bth day ot August, 1032, that Is to say on or before September t Itfth. 1932. and imtr or demu to the complaint tn laid action, or tb? plaintiff will apply to tba Court for tba relief demanded in (aid complaint This 29th day of July. 1932. J. L. HALL, Clerk Superior Court 2-4te HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY See us for reliable insurance in any line Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. I H IN CITT D ? I V I - I N T H E A T B B MoCaysvtlie. Gaarcta Enjoy a (alar Cartaaa la eierj rtaunday-Frlday "TU BACKET" Baker! Mltchun-Ltiabeth Seat! Calar Cartaaa and Little Rascals Saturday "BOWEBY TO BBOADWAY" Donald O'Caaaor-Marta Monte* Cartoon! Sea Balden! Popaieles! Sunday-: "TANKS ABE COMING" Sieve Cochran Tuesday-Wednesday ?TALL TABGET" Dick Powell-Adolph Menjou Ann Page Foods! Eat high?spend low with delicious, work-saving Ann Page Foods. They're made to please your taste . . . and priced to stretch your money! Ann Poge MAYONNAISE 29c 49c Pint Jar Am Page Gelatin Desserts ? 3 ng- 17c Ann Page Salad Mustard - 12c Ann Page Strawberry ^ Preserves 29c Ann Page Tomato Soup ? ? ? 3 - 29c Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti - ? 2 25c Jane Parker Cake Spanish Bar Each 29c Jane Parker Cinnamon Breakfast Rolls Pkg. Of 6 Coldstream Pink SALMON No 1 47r rail Can ** * Sunnytield Sell-Rising FLOUR ^ 73c Golden Maid MARGARINE Ub. Pkg. 19c Green Pascal?2V4's Celery - - - 17c California' Red or Seedless Grapes - - ? 15c California Size 27'a Cantaloupes - 27c Firm Meads?1's Lettuce - - 19c Juicy Lemons - 2 35c California Bartlett Pears - - 2 23c Crisco 3 lb. Can Shortening 81c Our Own 1 lb. Pks Tea 79c Iona Sliced or Halves No. 2li Can Peaches 27c Iona Early June No. 303 Can Peas 10c A & P No. 21,a Can Spinach 20c White House Non Fat Dry 1 lb. Can Milk Solids 35c N. B. C. 12 oz Pkg Shredded Wheat.... 19c Sunnyfleld 2a< lb. Pkg. Cake Flour 32c ARMOUR'S CANNED MEATS Chopped Ham .. ^ 51c Vienna Sausage. S 20c Treet ^ 45c Corned Beef ^ 49c Dried Beef 38c Chili Con Carne X