VACATION ? Mountains Population CHEROKEE COUNTY, 1UH MURPHY, 2,433 ANDREWS. 1.307 VOLUME 62?NUS MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER T 1?52 EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK W. E. Maxey Killed In Auto Accident Airman First Class WaKer E. ? Maxey, 23. was killed at Hunter Air Foroe Base, Savannah, Ga., in an au'. jmobtle accident at 7:30 a. m. Saturday, August 30. He is survived bv the father, T. E. Maxey, Route 1, Marble; five sisters. Mrs. WU1 Rogers, Harri man, Tenn., Mrs. Don McArthur, Maryville. Tenn., Mrs. Bill Spang le:*, Pittsburg. Pa., Mrs. D. E. Overton, Jr., and Mi6s Virginia Maxey. both of Rnorville, Tenn. Also four brothers, Frank of Au gusta. Ga., Ronald of Hamilton, Ohio. Keith with the U. S. Navy at Memphis, Tenn., and James of the home. Fun;ral services were held Mon day at 4 p. m. in Tomotla Metho dist Church. The Rev. Jack Pal mer and the Rev. A1 Smith offi ciated. Burial was in the church cemetery with graveside rites by a military squad from Fort Mc Phereon, Ga. Townson Funeral Home was In charge of arrangements. 9.246 X-Rays Made,1 Units Are Closed The X-ray units in Cherokee, Graham and Clay Countief were closed Wednesday, September 3, 2,754 short of the 12.000 goal. A total of 9,246 X-rays were made in the health district. The number was boosted con siderably during the past week v.then school children went to the unKs. To Have Seminar The Educational Seminar for tl:>? Jackson Swain Sub-District Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice will meet in the Bryson City Methodist Church on September 13 at 10 a. m. At this meeting the three study books will be presented by Mrs. H. G. Allen, Conference Secretary of Missionary Education, and Miss Louis? Ballard, District Secretary c" Missionary Education. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper r- ?*v>nta spent the week-end h*- with their son-in-law and d-*.?phter, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mat Tt family. Chilly Weather Comes To County Brtak temperature* hare pre vailed In Cherokee County thla week with a minimum of 46 de crees recorded at ? a. m. Wed nesday. The hichest recordinf was made on Monday when the mercury rose to St. Maximum readlncs s I n e e Thursday are as follows: Thurs day 76, Friday 75, Saturday S5. Sunday 83, Monday 88, and Tuesday 82. Rain fell on five days, amonnt tnr to .95 Inch. The total rain fall for July was 9.55 Inches. Martins Creek P. T. A. Holds Meet The first meeting of Martins "reek P. T. A. was held Tuesday ^?en:ng, September 2. at the chooL The P. T. A. took as its project i "or the ensuing year, with the co operation of the lunchroom, the ourchase of a four unit steam ta ble. All parents and friends are urg *d by Mrs. Zeb Chastain. presi dent. to be present for the next meeting, September 23. Mrs. Hadley Dickey Is Circle Hostess Mrs. Hadley Dickey was hostess 'or the meeting of the Lottie Moon Circle First Baptist Church. Murphy, Tuesday, August U. Mrs. Henry Hyatt presided. The meeting was opened with the h?mn, "Jesus Shall Reign". Mrs. W. A. Bell gave the devotional on i the topic "Missionary Commands of Jesus", followed by a solo by Mrs. Dickey. Mrs. W. A. Sherrlll gave a brief summary of women's work in Eur ope. Others taking part were: Mrs. Hyatt, Mrs. W. H. Murray and Mra. E. L. Shields. After a solo by Mrs. Dickey, the group sang "Bleat Be the Tie that Binds". Afterwards, a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the hostess. Civitans Discuss Fair Booth Plans ."wpVy Civttan Club met Moo ds^' e. ..llHg, September 1, and direussed plans for operating a booth at the Cherokee County Fr.l ps t week Various members of the club ..v -**ork in shifts along with the s'udenta from the Athletic Asao ci lion of Murphy High School. Students are helping the Civitans ?tain this year and in return will share the profits from the week's work. Don iMartindale read the "Ci vitan Creed". The Rev. Rhett Win ters came Into the club as a new member. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Shields and son, Brandon, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Payne spent the Labor Day week-end at Peneacols, Fla. They were joined there by Mrs. Shields parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubin sail, Sr., of Hooaton, Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubinaal, Jr., and aons, Jackie and Charlie Max, also of Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ktmsey vis ited Mrs. Larry Kknoey, who la seriously 1U at Grady Hospital, At lanta, Ga., Saturday and Sunday. Wayne H. Gentry joined his wife and daughter in Murphy over Ihs week-end. Mm Gantry ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. & O. Elklns. Mr and Mrs. C. B. OeoBett am visiting relatives in TalUoa Plaint, Tenn. I Mr and Mrs. Shaft ?haoaM of rtoefcamay. N. J., are base viatt tng relatives and friends. trip Convict 3,342 For Speeding In Its regular monthly summary of traffic violations the Depart ment of Motor Vehicles recently reported 3,342 speeding convic tions in August. Thd speeders were followed by 1,489 convictions for reckless driving and 1,415 for driv ing with no operator's license. Stop sign violations resulted in I 583 convictions, faulty equipment ' a , 482, Improper passing 209, and bad lights 198. During the month miscellaneous violations such as running red lights, falling to stop at intersec tions, following too closely, driv ing en wrong side of road, and im proper turns brought the monthly total of convictions to "8,537. Out of state drivers found guil ty came to 1.083 the Department said. Announces Topics rJJH The Rev. Frank Brown, of Presbyterian Church, Murphy, haa announced at his subject for the 11 a. m service Sunday, "The | Arm of God". At 7:30 p. in. the subject will be 'The Lord's Fraywr". i School will meet at 10 a. m. Mrs. Beaale Dickson, Mrs. Quay Ketner and MUa ware viattora of REV. FRED STILES West Liberty Association To Meet Mondav A call business meeting of pas tors and leaders of the West Lib erty Baptist Association will con vene at Ranger Church Monday, ' September 8, at 7:30 o. m. "AH interested in the forward movement of our work are urged to attend, as Important matters ' will be discussed," says the Rev Pr?d Stiles, moderator. The Rev. Calvin Thompson will bring the message, and the Rev. Luther Swanson will give the de votions. Morris Announces Baptist Schedule "How to Be i Successful Chris tian" will fc? the message brought by the Rev J. Alton Morris, pas tor, at First Bap'ist Church, Mur phy, Sunday at H a. m. worship services. His evening message at 7:55 will be "Wanted. Fighting { Christians". j Sunday School will begin at 0:45 a. m., Beaitown Mission services ! at 2:30 p. m? Prison Camp Sunday i School at 3 p. m. and Training Union at 7 p. m. | Mrs. Newell McDonald will be hostess to Elizabeth Hale Circle at her home at 7:45 p. m. Monday, and Mrs Verlin Jones will be hos tess to Ruth Bagwell Circle at her home, also at 7:45 p. m. Ruth Swann Circle will meet'with Mrs. Jewell Miller Tuesday at 7:45 p A fellowship supper will be held it the church Wednesday at 6:30 p. m., to be followed by the Church Night of Missions at 7:30 when all W. M. U. organizations and bro therhood will meet. Choir practices are as follows: Cherubs, 10 a. m? Primary 3:15 m., and Adults at 8:30 p m., all on Wednesday, and Junior at 10 a. m. Saturday. The Youth Choir practice will be arranged. The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Brown returned Monday from a two weeks' vacation spent with rela tives in Pascagoula, Miss. Miss Davis To Be Editor Of Scout Exhibitors Plan Meeting Saturday A meeting oi the department -uperintendenU who are working on fair exhibits and their co-work 1 ors has been called for Saturday, | September 6, at 10 . a. m. "All , workers are urged to be present ; in order to organize each depart-1 1 ment for a successful fair next week,' says Miss Edna Bishop, home agent. Miss Bishop announces the fol lowing leaders for the seven de partments: Flowers; Mrs. B. W. Whitfield, Superintendent, Mrs. C. S. Freel, Mrs. Noah Hembree, Mrs. Kerry Bishop, Mrs H. A Mattox, Mrs. Hobart McKeever, Miss Jerry > Ruth Smith and Miss Ratrene Gentry. Home Products, Mrs. J. H. Hamp ton. Superintendent. Mrs. Arthur Jones, Miss Ethel Penlend, Mrs. W. T Gibson. Mrs. Dorothy Mashburn, Vfes Jo Anne Slmonds, Miss Imo gene Voylesl Pantry Supplies: Mrs. J. L. Hall, Superintendent, Mrs. Gordon Wil son, Mrs. Oran Witt, Mrs. Guy Sud -lerth, Mrs. Doris Helton. ! House Furnishings. Mrs. R. M. Adkins, Superintendent, Mrs. Bill Gentry. Mrs. Duke Whitley, Mrs. Roy Lee, Mrs. Clay Hop wood. Clothing: Mrs. Clarence Slm onds. Superintendent, Mrs. E. Roach, Mrs. Lawson Crawford, '?Mrs. W. E. Graham, Mrs. R. C. 1 Keenutn, Mrs. Nell Sneed. Handicrafts: Mrs. B. E. Warner,, I Superintendent, Mrs. Clyde Mc i Nabb, Mrs. W. J. Martin, Miss i Fannie McClellan. Mrs. Blanche Thompson, Mrs. Betty De Nash, Herman Estes. Girls and Boys 4-H Clubs: Bar bara Barton, Superintendent. Joy Collect, Clara Hughes, Patsy Jones, Charlie Mills, Jimmy Mints, T. J. Logan, Mrs. Clarence Hen drix, Mrs. Luke Carver, Mrs. T. C. Walsh, Miss Medley Fox. 'Miss Bishop urges everyone to participate by entering individual exhibits in the various depart ments. i ! To Have Picnic The Annual Sunday School Pic nic of the .Andrews Methodist Church will be held Saturday, Sep-1 tember 8, at the Airpark at 6 p. m All nanhars ot the Methodist Sunday School are Invited to at-; tend. Miss Ruby Lee Davis, news ed itor and assistant advertising man ager"V The Cherokee Scout, asV sumed duties as editor of the pap er this week in the absence of Miss Addie Mae Cooke, owner and pub Usher, who left Murphy Tuesday for Chowan College, Murfreesbo ro, where she will be Dean of Wo men. Mrs. C. W. Savage will con tinue to be Associate Editor. Mrs. Bonnie Kimsey, who was formerly with the Scout, returned last week. She is the advertising manager, and will also assist in the shop. Miss Fannie McGuire, bookkeep er for the Scout for a number of years, is the office manager. Lowell Harbin, printer, and Virgil R. Hembree, linotype oper ator, will continue their duties in the shop, while A. B. Hampton will continue to be Circulation Manager. Two Are Injured In Auto Accident Two persons were painfully in jured in an auto accident at 11:45 p. m. Tuesday. August 26, at Rhodo on U. S. 19 east of An drews. A 1949 Buick. driven by Wil liam Gregory of Nantahala, had stopped to let a passenger out, partly off the highway, when a 1951 Chevrolet, driven by Jessie Blakenshlp of Flats, traveling in the same direction, ran into the rear of the stopped car. Miss Blankenship stated that she at tempted to swerve her car to miss the parked car, but was unsuccess ful The parked Buick was knock ed about 96 feet from the point of impact. ? Miss Blankenshlp suffered a fractured skull and several broken ribs. She has been a patient at Rodda-Van Gorder Hospital. Also Injured was Phyllis Bateman of Nantahala and Sue Solesbee of Topton. State Highway Patrolman Baker investigated the accident. Lodge To Meet A called meeting of Cherokee Lodge no. 146, will be held at the Masonic Hall Monday at 8 p. m for special communication, Sam Cappa, Worshipful Master has an nounced He urges all Master Mt to be on hand. Mr and Mrs. Busl Adams sfcent the weak and in Hsflln. Ala., with Mr. and Mr Fields 01 The Wood To Be Scene Of Program Tuesday B. W. C. Federation Elects Officers The B. W. C Federation, meet ing in Murphy at First Baptist Church, Thursday. August 28. el ated Mrs. J. A. Richardson. Jr., of Andrews as advisor. Other officers elected were as follows: Chairman, Miss Helen Gibson of Brson City; co-chair man, Mrs. Mabel Rayburn McFalls of Andrews: program chairman. Mrs. Ray Nichols of Bryson City; secretary, Mrs. J. W. Donley of Murphy; treasurer, Miss Daisy Battlo of Andrews; publicity chairman, Mrs. Beatrice Finger of Franklin; yearbook chairman. Mrs. Ruby Nell George, Robbinsville; pianist, Mrs. Hyldah Shephard. Franklin. The federation heard Mrs Cor pening. divisional superintendent, review the book "Hitherto". Mrs. Frank Mauney Is Taken Tuesday ? Mrs. Anne VanDyke Deaderick Mauney, wife of Frank Mauney of Washington. Ga? and Murphy, died at 12:10 p. m. Tuesday. Sep tember 2. at the home in Washing ton following an illness of several months. She was the daughter of the late William Wallace Deaderick of Jonesboro. Tenn., and Sallie Har den Deaderick. a native of Spring field, Ky. She was the great-great granddaughter of Isaac Shelby, Kentucky's first governor; a great granddaughter of Dr. Ephralm Mc Dowell, called the father of ab dominal surgery, and the grand daughter of Chief Justice M. R. Hardin of Kentucky, and Chief Justice James Deaderick of Tenn essee. Mrs. Mauney attended Valparai so University. Valparaiso. Ind., re ceiving a Bachelor of Oratory de gree She was a member of the | Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Mauney spent the summers at their summer home "Imps Nest", here until she be ? came ill, and was not able to come | this summer. Graveside rites were held to I day (Thursday! in Sunset Cemete ry. with the Rev. R. Delbert By rum officiating. Active pallbearers were: H. Bueck. T. A. Case, Dr.W. A. Hoo ver. Dr. B. W Whitfield, 'Dele Lee, H. A. Mattox, Bob Easley, Jr., and J. W. Davidson. Honorary pallbearers were: Wal ter Mauney, Joe Ray, Frank For | syth, C. R. Freed, W. A. Slngle . ton. Paul Hyatt. Bob Bault, E. C. Moore, Harve Elkins, Willard Ax ley, Fred Christopher, Ed Barnett and Cloe Moore. Ivle Funeral Home had charge of arrangements. Degree Awarded ! To Mrs. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hendrix and j son, David, and Mrs. Glenn Hen drix and son, Charles, and Misses Mae and Dale Sudderth attended the graduation ceremonies at the University of Tennessee August 23 when Mrs. Mildred Hendrix Stew art received her degree. Mrs. Stewart was recently elec ted to membership in Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary society | made up of the 10 percent In | scholarship. She la alto a member of Omlcron Nu, home economics honorary society. Mrs. Stewart baa accepted a po sition as vocational home econom ics teacher at Hiwawee Dam School. Nurses To Meet District No. 1, N. C. State Nur ses' Association will hold the next | meeting at Oteen Hospital at 4 ' p. m. on Wednesday, September 10. Dr. Ralph 1. Meyer will apeak on Rimtfon, the new drug used in | the treatment of tuberculosis John Tbuas of Savannah, Tenn., was a holiday guest of his family CANDIDATE ?Hugh Montelth, Republican candidate for Congress from the 12th Congressional Dis trict, will speak it the courthouse in Murphy at 7:30 p. m. Septem ! bea' 8. "Sword Of Gideon" To Open At Kings Mountain Sept. 11 I , North Carolina's four summer ! historical dramas ended their sea son during the Labor Day holiday, but the outdoor drama season will be extended Into October at the Kings Mountain battleground, which is a national military park. "The Sword of Gideon" onens tts second season Sept. 11 and has ithree performances weekly? Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights?scheduled through Octo ber 4. The drama, about the up I rising of Carolina patriots that reached a climax In one of the I most important battles of the Rev olutionary War In the South is by , Florette Henri. It is presented in an 1,800-seat ' amphitheatre easily accessible by U. S. Highway 29 and other routes The play is sponsored by the . Kings Mountain, N. C. Little The atre, with office at 510 East King . Street, where tickets may be re served and accommodations pro cured if desired. I Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family are living in the Ben Mayfield home in East Murphy. Mr. Thompson has been attending Western Carolina State College i during the summer. * The 47th World-Wide Annuel Assembly of the Church of God Prophecy will convene In the World-Wide Assembly Tabernacle at Cleveland, Tenn., September 9 end continue through September IS. On Tuesday, September 9, the annual program will be held at Fields of the Wood. The program will begin at 9:30 a. m. with sing ing by the North Carolina String Bond in charge of the Wlrirldind Evangelists, assisted by the Bibli cal Wonder Trio, the Nunnery Sisters, Kelly Brothers, and High Point No. 2 Singers. At 10 a. m. the Bahama Brass . Band standing on the steps in front of Ten Commandment Mountain entrance will give a trumpet call, a signal for all pastors to line up at the information booth for the Hon or Stone march. The Overseer is to march In front of his respective state carrying a church flag. The Bahama Band will lead the parade to the open pavilion and the pa rade will continue to the Honor Roll where the Honor Stones are to be placed i At 10:30 there will be a song service led by Harper Hunter, Jr., with prayer by Clement Lynch, overseer of North Carolina, follow ed by scripture reading and wel come address'by M. A. TomKnson, General Overseer. Talis will be made on such sub jects as "God's Church In Pro phecy", "Hie Church in the Baha ma Islands Filling its Place in Prophecy", "The Church of God, The Church of Prophecy", j L. S. Rhodes, manager, will tell of the advancements made in Fields of the Wood this year. The caretakers will be commended for . their service through the years, program leaders said. I Special services wlH follow at All Nations Cross by the Georgia delegation. Place of Prayer by the Iowa delegation. New Testament by the North Carolina delegation and baptizing in the Florida pool. I At 11:50 a. m. a motorcade will proceed to All Nations Cross, led fay the overseer of Georgia and the Bahama Band where a flag raising service will be held. The flag to be raised Is a Ger man flag for the new church es tablished in that country this year. This flag will be raised by D. H. Queener and Ada McGeehee. i The Georgia overseer will ar range for a Georgia minister to be placed at each pool to raise the flags of all the other nations as the flag of Germany goes to the top of the pole for the first time. The program will close at 12:30 p. m. 700 Buy Lunches At Murphy School Edwin ?. Hvde Is In "Who's Who" Edwin C. Hyde, Murphy lawyer, is listed in the 1952 edition of "Who's Who In the South and Southwest", which recently came off the press. Mr. Hyde has served as repre sentative from Cherokee County to the N. C. General Assembly, mayor of the Town of Andrews, and in the U. S. Navy, and a mem ber of the American Legion, Cherokee County bar association and Veterans of Foreign Wars. First Methodists To Hear Hunevcutt The Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, Superintendent of the WaynesviHe District, will preach at 11 a. m. worship services Sunday at Flret Methodist Church, Murphy. Fol lowing services he will conduct the Quarterly Conference. School wiH begin at 9:46 f m. and Youth Mi Ming at 6 p. as. The pastor. Mm Rev. R. The Murphy School Lunchroom opened Monday, September 1. with approximately 700 boys and girls buying lunches. The price of lunches tills yeer is >4 per month. Mrs. Boyd Davis, manager, says many townspeople, church and civic organizations are buying lunches for children who cannot afford to buy them. The lunchroom was painted dur ing the holidays, and several new pieces at equipment. Including a steam table, refrigerator, and po tato pettier have been added. Mrs. Davis has six helper*: Mrs. Dixie Clark. Miss CalHe Murphy, Miss DeKhla Lovingood, Mrs. Ed na Rose, Miss Iva Martin and Mrs. Mary Blrchfleld. Bridge Undergoes Repair This Week The bridge on the Joe Brown Highway over Hlawasaee Lake in the city limits is undergoing re pairs this week. A new floor at craooote and timber will replace the old'one. C. W. Rink, Senior Bridge Fore man with the State Highway De ant. aaya wart will be On ia about g;

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