Gives Luncheon For Mrs. Peacock Miss Addle Mae Cooke enter tained at a luncheon at Edeon's Restaurant Friday, August 29. in honor of Mrs A. D. Peacock, who is leaving this week-end for Chad bourn, where she will join her husband and children. Guests were the honoree, Mrs. ( George Portwood, Mrs. W. A. Hoo ver, Mrs. Roy V. Lovingood, Mrs. ' Joe Hamilton and Mrs. M. B. I Wright. Each guest presented a gift to Mrs. Peacock. Mrs. Joe Ray Gives Tea For Teachers Mrs. Joe Ray entertained at a ea for teachers of the Murphy ad ministrative unit at her home Tuesday. August 20. The home was decorated throughout with fall flowers. A color scheme of green and white was carried out. The dining table was covered with a hand cut Ma diera cloth and was centered with ir. arrangement of two tone mari golds on a reflector. Tea was poured by Mrs. H. Buecfc. The social was attended by 52 teachers. OF COURSE You Wouldn't Sign A lot of Checks And Scatter them Around But You Take Bigger Chances When you Drive A car Without Liability Insurance INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Murphy, N. C. worn tiros SPELL ^ TROUBLE TRADE NOW for new Deluxe Super-Cushion by good/^ear 90% ?f ?H lira Imbli nun in (W lot 10% tf tin Ma %? So don't take chancstl Swop ikoM smoothies for Dolwxo Supor-Cushions NOWI ? Wider, flatter treads ? Quldter start* WTU PAY TOP Allison & Duncan fin Co, lnc, TIBS nSTICI HIADQUABTKBS Peach tree St Murphy, H. C. Miss Doris Morrow Becomes Bride Of James Allison Miss Doris Morrow, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs Ralph Morrow of Culberson, became the bride of James Ailison of Akron, Ohio, and Culberson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allison, Saturday. August 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kovosky in McCaysville. Ga. The Rev. Hugh Van Spriggs per formed the ceremony. The bride wore a navy blue suit with white and black accessories. Her corsage was of white roses. Those attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mr? Morrow, par ents of the bride, Mrs. Allison, _ mother of the groom, and Mrs. Hoyt Bryant, all of Culberson and Mrs. Steve Kovosky of McCayes ville, sister of the bride. Two New Teachers, Added To Faculty 1 Supt. H Bueck has announced hit just prior to the opening of rhooi. two new teachers were ,dded to the Murphy school facul ty Mrs. Duke Whitley will teach public school music, and Garland j Dinning will teach in the Agricul tural department. Irandon Shields Feted On Birthday Mrs James Shields of Murphy * ntertained with an outdoor party Tor her son. Brandon, on his fourth birthday Tuesday, September 2. After the opening of gifts and playing of games Mrs. Shields ?_rved refreshments to the follow ing: Pa'.sy and Mrs. Lowcn Ldvin >ood, Billy and Mrs. Lewis King, l3net and Ray Elliott, Miss June "ting and Miss Eunice Shields. River Hi Mrs Vestie Reid and daughter n-law. Mrs. John Reld of Ingle wood. Tenn., visited Mrs. Reid's ?ncther-in-law. Mrs. Martha Reld Sunday. Mr and Mrs. William Payne had has th-eir guests Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pavne and family. Mrs. Allis Payne and two sons and G. F. Payne. Mrs. Loretta Williamson visited ier mother, Mrs. Martha Reid. Friday G P. Baine had as guests over h? week-end Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trine of Rock Hill. S. C., and Mrs. Lois Allen of Gastonia. Hamm Payne is employed at Talking Rock, Ga Mr. and Mrs. Clved Williamson < ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Rowe Mashburn of Culberson Sat j urday. I Mr and Mrs Clyde Williamson had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wallace and two -hildren. Mr and Mrs. Joe Crofe and son. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wil liamson and son. Jerry Hamby and son, Cecil, ? ere the guests of Lon Raper at Oak Park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson I Acre in Murphy on business Sat urday. The Department of Agriculture recommends use of new soil con ditioners only on an experimental basis. Cigarettes Are Stolen From Hackney-Carolina A clever thief or thieves made away with approximately $170 worth of cl?arett?s from Hackney Carolina Wholesalers Wednesday, August 27, between midnight and 4 a. m., according to Buren Grant, chief deputy sheriff. Whoever stole the 11 cases of cigarettes climbed on the roof of the building and sawed a bar out from the second story window and, once on the Inside, forced one of the ground floor doors open, plac ing the cases outside. Then the person or persons closed the door and went out the way he or they came In. pulling the bar back into place. Grant says no arrests have been ?nad?. but said there are a num ber of suspects SBI agent. P. R. Kitchen, and Police Chief Neil Sneed are working on the case. Mrs. McMahan N Hostess To W. M. S. The W. M. S of the Little Brass town Baptist Church held its Au gust meetin? at the home of Mrs. Birdie McMahan The topic" Consider Europe" vas discussed. Twelve members participated on the program. After j 'be program refreshments were ? ?-?rved by the hostess to 14 mem j hers and two visitors. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wayne Carringer Indian Village Onen To Visitors A brand new Cherokee Indian atraction. over a year In building, is open to visitors. It is a repro duction of a Cherokee village of the period of 200 years ago Indi ans themselves act the parts of their ancestors in North Carolina's Great Smoky Mountains. Known as Occonaluftee Village, the new attraction is sponsored by the Cherokee Historical Ass'n., , which also sponsors the sensation ally successful outdoor drama "Unto These Hills". The newly "Dened Village will remain open through October this autumn, and , It is planned to have it open from May through October next year. Tells Engagement Mrs. D. H. Queen of Whlttier announces the engagement of her ?laughter. Ravenna, to James E. Ilughes. soh of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes of Murphy, the wedding to take place in September. VISITS MISS SMITH Miss Joan Schultz of Chicago visited Miss Jerrv Ruth Smith Saturday. Sunday afternoon Miss Schultz and Miss Smith visited the Folk School at Brasstown and en tertained the group with music, piano, accordian and vocals. Most elm species in the United i States are plagued with Dutch elm disease and elm phloem necrosis. Both diseases are carried by In sects. Corn hybrids have increase yields by at lease 30 per cent, c three-quarters of a billion bushel annually. WE SPECIALIZE IN Motor & Tone-up Work Body-Fender Repair Road Service HARLEY PACK CoiVilally invite* all former customers and frianfck PACK & FARMER GARGAE f *' Sycamore St. Phone 668-J, Murphy Indigo Bunting Destroys Insects When an Indigo Bunting slights in a fruit tree and nibbles at a fev blossoms it's easy to forgl-e him. b . attc vmma FARMERS AGREE IT'S THE TRACTOR FOR FASTER FARMING T?, Ford Tractor owners say they ere getting more work dome . . . and more eaaily . . . than ever before. TripMaick Attaching of implements. Hydraalic Teach Control. Improved hrakee and Ford advantages heljp^yoa make farming go faster. Set as for a of the new Ford and for parts and terries for FARM EQUIPMENT BURCH MOTORS "Tour Friendly Ford Dealer" Phone 95 Murphy, N. C. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Thurs.-Fri., Sept. 4-5 Marfirlte Chapman-John Archer ?In? "Sea Tiger" Saturday, Sept. I Robert Preston-Robert Sterling John Barrymore, Jr. "The Sundowners" LATE SHOW Tough Girl" To Have And Have Nof Mt "Mutiny In Hie Big House" MICKEY THEATRE MURPHY, ft. C. Tburs.-Frt.. Sept. 4-5 Richard Wldrnark-Marilyn Monroe "Don't Bother To Knock" Saturday, Sept. < Charles Starrett-Smlley j Bornette-Jack Mahoney "Junction City" LATE SHOW Kent Tajrlor Tan Conway "Cat People' Su.-Mon., Sept. 14 "About Face' Mm Br 1 "Japanese War Bride" t\r?"Fws n r Thurs.-Frl., Sept. 4-S Robert Younx-Janis Carter "Half Breed" Saturday, Sept. S Gene Antry "Valley Of Fire' LATE SHOW "Kiss For Corless" Snn.-Mon.. Sept. 7-S "Macao' Tufc-Wtl, Sept. Ml OhH iMtO. "Greene Glove"