NOTICE Notice of Service of summons by publication. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina. Cherokee County. Frank D. Bradley. VS Jennie Murphy Bradley. The above named defendant, Jennie Murphy Bradley, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun :y, North Carolina by the plaintiff for the purpoae of having the jonds of matrimony existing be tween them dissolved on the I ground that the plaintiff and de fendant have lived separate and apart from each other for more n-n two years preceding the jrlnging of this action. The defen dant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Cherokee County; at the court house In Murphy. North NOTICE SEE VINO SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEPORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY ABBIE MAXIKE ROBERTS, RE VA ROBERTS WISENER and N.1 RICHARD ROBERTS by his next riend ABBIE MAXINE ROB ERTS, and EARL PETREY, PeU-1 tloners, VI ?LOSSIE INMAN and husband. O r. INMAN and LEON PETREY, Defendants. 'arolina, within fifty (90) days .'rom me 4th day of September, j 952, namely, the 24th day of Oc ober, 1932, and answer or demur o the complaint, falling In which he plaintiff will apply to the court j 'or the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 29th day of August, 1952. nienedl J. L. HALL, Clerk of nperior Court. 8-4tc The defendant," Leon Petrey,' will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court if Cher okee County, North Carolina, to >ell certain lands in Cherokee County, in which he has an inter est, more pariiculai ly described in the petition in this cause, and to which reference is made, for the purpose of partition; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su >lor Court of Cherokee County, in the courthouse in Murphy, North Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the 3rd aay of October 1852. and answer or demur to the petition of the petitioner, and no tifying him that if he fails so to do the petitioners will apply to; the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 30th day of August. 1952. J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Super ior Court, Cheroaee County, N. C. 8-4tc NOTICE or 8 EE VICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHEROKEE. IDA LEDEORD VELEGCOS. Plaintiff, -VS PETER VELEGCOS, Defendant. PETER VELEGCOS, the defen dant in the above entitled action, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina; that the purpose of the said action is to procure by the plaintiff an abso lute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years' sep aration; that the said Peter Veleg cos will further take notice that he is required to appear in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in the Town of Murphy, not later than twenty (20) days from the 10th day of October. 1952. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff herein .'iled, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 9 day of September, 1952. J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Su perior Court. 9-4tc NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 4169 North Carolina Cherokee County Cherokee County. Plaintiff, vs. T. A. MEASE, Defendant. By virture of authority vested in me by a Judgment of the Chero kee Superior Court dated the 12 day of September 1952, In the above entitled action, I will, on Wednesday, the 15 day of October, 1952, at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following described lands in Murphy Town ship, Cherokee County, N. C.: Being on the dividing ridge be tween the waters of Valley River NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY. The undersigned, J. P. Crisp, having qualified as administrator af the estate of Mary Crisp, de ceased. late of Cherokee County, '.his is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pra te nt them to the undersigned on ar before the 21st day of August, : 933, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per ind the Hiawassee River, adjoin ing the lands at Barnett, Trull, Puett. and others, and bounded and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a red oak with a locust witness, Fi!o Trull corner, and runs East with said line 41 poles to a stake in Dock Puett's line: thence North with Dock Puett line 81 poles to Andy Barnett's corner (said line in which it cor ners): thence South 27 West with said line 91 poles to the beginning. The same containing eleven and one fourth <11V4> acres, more or less. And being the same land con veyed to Marshall Gragg by deed iated May 12, 1928 by J. R. Gragg. and others. Being also the same lands con veyed by Marshall Gragg, unmarri- j od, to T. A. Mease, by deed dated May 17. 1928 and recorded in Book 100 at page 58. This the 13 day of September, 1952. | H L. McKeever,, Commissioner j 10-4tc' CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Caoe?r Clinic meets at C. . Harris Ho?"Vtal, in Sylva, every -riday. Registration hours are from 9 to 10:15 a m. The Division i ">f Car.cer Control of the N. C. -date Board of Health provides ex aminations for canoer to women bo>-e 35 and men above 40 years Id and to any nerson of any age iih symptoms siiBveslive of can- . ?-r NOTICE TO CKEDITOE8 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Tbe undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of the Estate of Steve W. Evans, deceased, late of Cherokee County. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed on or before the 18th day of August, 1053, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recove ry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of August, 1052 John A. Morley, Administrator uf the Estate of Steve W Evans. Deceased. 5-8tc sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This tne 10th day of August, 1052. J P. Crisp, Administrator. 6-6 tc HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY ? i ) See us for reliable insurance in any line Phone 145 Murphy, N. t STOCK UP AND Choice of Ann Page Grope - Crabopple Quince - Currant 2 -?3 5 TUNA'S" -25' NIBLETS ?2 35' PEAS"- c,,nt??2 37 8 O'CLOCK a. ?-= 77 PEACHES e - 2-49 Jane Parker Enriched WHITE BREAD Cellophane Wrapped 1-Lb. Loaf 14c Our Own ? Packed in Handsome Tea Glass TEA BAGS O 20-Count 9Q#fc ^ Glasses MARCAL PAPER PRODUCTS Pap?r Napkins Dinner Napkins Toilet Tissue kou Kitchen ns. Sandwich Bags *?? Anil Page 12 Oz. Jar Preserves 27c l'hank You Brand Whole Spiced 16 Oz. Jar Crab Apples 21c Ocean Spray 16 Oz. Jar Cranberry Sauce. 19c Iona Cut No. 303 Can Green Beans...... 2 for 25c Armour 16 Oz. Can t Chili Con Carne 31c A & P 46 Oz. Can Pineapple Juice 29c lona No. 2 Can Tomato Juice 2 for 25c ) California Tokay Grapes 3-29c Delicious tApples 2-27c California Bartlett Pears - 13c Well Filled Ear* Corn ? ? ? ? 4 *?? 25c Firm My* Tomatoes - - - 19c Packer* Label Red Soar Pitted Cherries No. 2 Can Swift Jewel Shortening 63c 3-Lb. Ctn. /?/' Su/trr flililr/s price* effects* tkn 8aL. Sept. 17tfc. Personal Size Ivory Soap 4 Bars 21c Lava Soap 2 ?- 19c Swaa Soap Reg. Bars 3 23c Swan Soap 2 27c Diir Z 27c ?Sc Silver Dast L"?. Pkg. Giant Pkg. 28c 55c Spry * l-Lb. A-f 3-Lb 1)9. Can j | Can f$ 3C Surf Z: 29c Kiag Syrup No. a ??. No. s pr olan 2ZC Cu d9C Angelas Marshmallows 10-Os. Pkg. 19c Cracker Jacks 3 "?? 13c Chicken of the Sea Tuno Fish Bite Site H-dae Can 33c Johns - Manville Bldg. Materials Asphalt Shinrlrs-Roll Koofloa Aabeitoa Sldlnc MBHS HDW. A AI'TO SUfPI V REAL ESTATE for sale Farms, bouses, lots, businesses, business property, tourist courts, Cafes, rrocery stores, warehouses, >scant land, eamp sites, bote la and al! kinds of real property. us know what yon want. We may have it or can ret it for you. D. M. REESE I'.eal Estate Broker Kri d V. Johnson John C. O'DeU Salesmen f!!ONE 214 MURPHY. N. C. MOVING?, Coffl... f AMERICAN Y ill RED BALL ? TRANSIT COMPANY, INC. M . SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AOENT Palmer Bros. Trrdrisg fo. Inc. Phone 202 Murphy, N. WE BUY CATTLE?HOGS j Also, chickens of any kind. Will come anywhere after them. Write or call Carl Crawford & Sons t Phone 682-J Box 571 Capprrhill, Tenn. IA Sensational Nwi'Tiiel IU S. ROYA L Features ami never before available at such a Price! Only 11.95_?, I IMuU I | IAST OBKT HMB TO SWT TOW ( rail 1HEmSTlUKXrHKSEMGCS! \ ^ Stopping Powor ? Skid Rosiitonco ?Tiro Miloago and honomy Bmyond aK ptovtewi tancfardbf NOW AVAIUIU AT TOOK 0. I. ROYAL MALIK Graves Tire Co. Phone 300 Murphy, N, C.