Bloodmobile'To Be In Andrews Monday The Junior Woman's Club is sponsoring the October visit of the Bloodmobile to Andrews Andrews in the past has chalked up an enviable record in the amount of blood given to the Bloodmoblle, says Gordon Butler, Andrews Chairman. However, dur ing the more recent visits the do nations have been disappointing. The story of the need for blood may become old and seem rather commonplace, but for the persons r>?eding blood today, donations riven lest year can offer poor iope, says Mr Butler The Andrews hospital finds the blood program vital in supplying its need. A special urgency is not ?d in asking that all who can re pond to the Bloodmobile call Blood will be taken at Andrews Tity Hall, Monday, October 6. The greatest firmness is the greatest mercy ?Longfellow Mrs. L. 0. Caldwell Returns From Visit In Pennsylvania Mrs. L. O. Caldwell of Andrews has returned to her home from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Chambersburg, York and Harris burg, Pa While there Mrs Caldwell at tended the graduation exercises of York Hospital, where her daugh ter. Martha, was a member of the graduating class of the York Hos pital School of Nursing. Miss Caldwell will remain at York Hospital, as a registered nurse, for the next several months. Concert Singing Mountain View Baptist Church will observe a Concert Singing, j Wednesday, October 8, starting, at 7pm Guest singers are the Hart Cord Melody Quartet of Knoxville, Tenn , and the Indian Quartet of Robbinsville. All neighboring quartets and lingers ere invited to attend the concert. The church is located on U. S 19, between Andrews and Topton The public is invited to attend this event. Homecoming Vengeance Creek Baptist Church will observe homecoming. Sunday, October 5. Appearing on the pro gram will be special singing groups. All singers and the public are invited to attend. The church is located two miles east of Marble. CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Cancer Clinic meets at C. Harris Hosnital, in Sylva, every Friday. Registration hours are from 9 to 10:15 a m. The Division nf Cancer Control of the N. C. State Board of Health provides ex aminations for cancer to women above 35 and men above 40 years rid and to any person of any age with symptoms suggestive of can cer Andrews Wildcats Drop Game, 9-0 i To Hayesville The Andrews Wildcats football | team dropped a 9-0 game on the j Andrews field Friday night to a battling Hayesville eleven Starring for the* winners was Jimmy Padgett, versatile quarter back who not only provided most of his team's offensive punch but also was strong on defense. Earl Dietz. end, and McClure, guard, also were outstanding for Hayes ville. I The initial score came late in the first quarter when a Hayesville j fumble on the Andrews 2 yard line gave the ball to Andrews. In an at- | tempt to run the ball out of the ] end zone, Leroy Gilbert was trapp- | ed behind the goal line by Hayes- j v ilie's Jimmy Padgett for a safety. Neither team was able to score I during the next two periods, which . were played largely in the center > of the field with neither team showing much superiority. However in the final period, Hayesville drove to the Andrews 5 where the Wildcats held on downs An Andrews kick gave the ball back to the Hayesville team on the Andrews 30. A 19 yard end run two plays later, by Jimmy Padgett, carried over for the touchdown. The extra point was made on a . pass from Padgett to McBrayer. j The final score, Andrews 0, Hayes ville 9 The Wildcats travel to Cherokee on Tuesday where thev will en gage the Cherokee Indiyis in an aftrnoon game. Gleaners Meet With Mrs. Harris The Gleaners Class of First Bap tist Church, Andrews, held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Septem ber 23 at the home of Mrs Betty Harris in Wantahala, with Mrs. Marvis Harris as co-hostess. The devotional was given by Mrs. Lttcile Cross, who used as her theme the 23rd Psalm. Visitation time was changed and will now be the first and third Tuesdays in each month. The first Tuesday is visitation at 2 p. m ; the third Tuesday is visitation at 7 30 p. m All members who can visit between these stipulated times are urged to do so. The report of the Nominating Committee was accepted and new officers were installed. Mrs. Rich ardson, the class teacher, admin-' ?stered the installation using an impressive candle-light service.' The new officers installed are: President. Marvis Harris; vice oresident, Virginia Cox; secretary, The 1 ma Lay; assistant secretary, Lucile Br met t; group captains. Betty Harris and Trilby Glenn. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served The next class meeting will be October 9, with Mrs. Josephine j Long and Mrs. Lucile Cross. Mrs. | Kate Conley will have the devo tional. Maudeen Hardin's Betrothal Is Told Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hardin ,nnounce the marriage of their daughter, Maudeen, to Bob Mof fett of Kentucky, at Walhalla, S. C? September 25. Mr. and Mrs. Moffett are spend ing their honeymoon in Cincinnati, Ohio, and at the home of the groom in Kentucky. The bride attended Andrews school. The groom is employed by Shaw Brothers Fair, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Moffett plan to return to Andrews in the near fu ture. fcAAAAAAJ Andrews Lions Sponsor Donkey Baseball Game There will 6; a Donkey Baseball Game at the Andrews Athletic Field, evening, October 6. The game is sponsored by the Andrews Lions Club, whose mem bers have tickets for sale at the present time. Members of the Lions Club and suitable opponents will mount the ] donkeys, attempt to take their proper positions on the diamond, and the fun will begin. Club To Hear Andrews Rotary Club will have is their guest speaker. Charlie Phillips. Public Relations Director, Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, Thursday, Oc tober 9 Mr. Phillips is one of the out standing men in the educational field of North Carolina. The animals used in the game are probably somewhat better trained for their part in the game than are the riders. Members of the Lions Club ex pect a large number of fans root ing for them in the stands Mon day night. Towle Sterlings All Patterns) We Fill Telephone and Mail Orders Promptly SNEED JEWELRY CO. Authorized Dealers Copperhill, Tenn. ( Phone 1 55 Box 358 THE LONE RANGER Hv Fran Striker ca,, ' jii For a Rich Velvety Turf Make the setting of your home a place of beauty with a luxuriant lawn throughout the year, by planting Wood's Ever green, finest of lawn grass for 60 years. WOOD'S EMERALD PARK LAWN GRASS Splendid for green sods in all seasons. WOOD'S MAYFAIB LAWN GRASS SEED Good for permanent year 'round lawns Send for Circular "How to Make a Lawn" and Wood's New Seed Catalog?Just Out! Hunting for game or hunting for CLEAN CLOTHES, both depends -on how you go about it. We guarantee you won't be hunting for clean clothes if you will use our quick efficient DRY CLEANING SERVICE. Just pick up your phone and call 159. WE WILL DO THE REST. Free Moth Proofing And Water Repellent Service MURPHY LAUNDRY Phone 159 Murphy, N. C. irwrvvvvvwvvvv%,vvv% Frosty mornings will be here soon. We predict frost on or about October 18th. Let us take care of your heating problems for the winter. We have FULL time man and trudk to deliver the famous ESSO HEATING OIL land ESSO KEROSENE that bum clean. Fill up your storage before the FALL RUSH. Then we will look after it though the winter. W. S. Dickey Distributor Esso Products Murphy, N. C. Phone 297 or 117 > * , V" BUS'IWB ftl t&i tS\ iHCV/TfE TUNGS |H THE WELLS-r FARGCV?^B snu. W AN UPROAR owm.1 .THE ROBBERY AMP MURDER CAME HERE TO TALK TO] THE WUER./J feOMOD. BUT HE WILL NEVER ThT IV/HERE HE HID "THE FIFTY I THCU3&ND DOLLARS IHE STOLE.: ^LET METMKTO] L HIM WJ3NE/J \M\i m\n M^irirsnfcJWM IcjwJues I [TUHPeag | BEIN' AS YOU'RE THE WELLS- FARGO MAN, SCOTT, IT'LL BE ALL RIGHT FOR YOU TO TALK TO THE . PRISONER ALONE. f MAYBE \ CM PERSUACeI VCUXEEN TO TELL WHERB HE HID THE STOLEN^ OfiH-jgl ITS ALL SET FOR T GOOOJ I'LL TAKE . TOUR ESCAPE. HIM WHERE I J SCAR WILSON WILLI HID THAT td GET YOU OUT rrffcrxr piety ^ TODAY/ mtzAl '--K THOUSAND DOLLARS I JUST" BE SURE I GST MY SHARE1 MPJ 11 Ojf^wnf 1W U? I??? tm. T?" 1 HEAR EVERYONE'S TRY1N' "TO FIND THAT CASH I HID. l-R'SM I M1U<. LbkL YEAH, WLLEEN. FOLKS KNOW YOU 1 IT IN STONE CANYON, NEAR . YOU WERE CAUGHT. ALMOST | t THE WHOLE ? ICg^ ? CAMYOH HAS BEEN PUP UP. ''what's been going on\7 HERE,TONTO? PLENTY PIGGING/ >1 LOOKS LIKE THERE'S BEEN SOME") KIND OF SEARCH FOR ? y BURIED TREASURE. i t-UK i -a? ??,4. ( PLENTY PEOPLE "V - \ PIG HOLES IN CA,NVt?/) DUCK FOR COVER / j _s CuARucs L SOUND UKE BOV/ 3 I U- K.INUW. H CflMOWMTH YOUR HAN PS m PONT SHOOT, MISTER'1 I-1 SHOT BECAUSE I THOUGHT TLX) WERE THE OUTLAW WHO } KILLED MY CAD/jT Mr nWBNIHftNMDl ??? WHt?v*e? frCfltMMCNP-n* ????HOMEY M ? I TIC SHERIFF, BCM6. NOWVRfU. AJST tiTOJ L"T>? UML Ht'OET KBXEEN FREE.