Frances Fisher Becomes Bride Of Chas. Johnson Grape Creek Baptist Church wu the scene of the wedding of Miss Prances Lee Pis her and Charles Kdgar Johnson Friday, October S, at 7 p. m /^Lbask Th Miss Fisher Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fisher of Route 3, Murphy, and Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Johnson of Murphy. The candle lighted church was decorated with greenery, and the altar was flanked on either side by ets of white gladioli. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Arthur Humphries of Lupton City, Tenn. For her wedding the bride chose a ballerina length brown satin dress, with matching hat and slip pers. Her skirt was covered with chantllly lace, and her elbow length pointed qaltts were also of chantllly lace. A short bridal veil fell from her satin hat, which was trimmed with seeded pearls. She carried a nosegay of white carna tions centered with a purple throated white orchid. During the ceremony Mrs. Mar garet Akin softly played "To A Wild Rose" by McDowell. Other numbers played by Mrs. Akin were "Oh Promise Me", "Tramuerle" and traditional wedding marches. Miss Velma Umphfres, mezzo soprano, accompanied by Mrs. Akin, sang "I Love You Truly" by Carrie Jacob Bond and "The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte. A vio lin solo, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" by Herbert, was played by Mrs. Zeb Chas tain. Ushers were William Wells and Zeb Chaetain. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for a short wedd trig trip. They are at home on Hla wassee Street. j Mrs Johnson Is a graduate of Murphy High School. She has been employed by Citizens Bank and Trust Co. In Murphy for the past! eight years, and will continue in, her position there. Mr. Johnson, also a graduate of Murphy High School, served In U. S. Navy during World War II. Now employed by Chastain Motor Company, he formerly worked at Evans Auto Company. Out-of-town guests were Mr. *nd Mrs. Kenneth Collins of Cop perhlll, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Worth Collins of Mineral Bluff, Ga.. Mr. rnd Mrs. Luther Kephart of Chat tanooga, Tenn , and Mr. and Mrs. James Christian of Lupton City, Tenn. A cake cutting was held at the bride's home October 2 for mem bers at the wedding party. The dining table was covered with a white linen cloth, and lighted ta Phyllis Snyder Reviews Book At Auxiliary Meet Miss Phyllis Snyder reviewed the book, "Windows For the Crown Prince" by Elizabeth Gray Viniag. at the regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary held Thursday evening October 2. ' in the assembly room of the Pres byterian Church annex. I Mrs Nellie Taylor, president, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Avis Hoover talked on the membership drive, announcing that this is membership drive month. . I Mrs. Roslyn Burgess, Mrs. Bess I Christopher and Mrs. Ruth Car ringer acted as hostesses, and served refreshments to 14 memb ers and one visitor during the so cial hour which followed. Despite record high retail prices in many cities, comsumptlon ol fluid milk continues to rise. pers were on each end of the ta ble The three tiered wedding cake was centered with a dove holding wedding rings. Mrs. Zeb Chastain cut the cake and -Mrs. William Wells presided at the punch bowl. The home was decorated throughout with fall flowers in pastel colors. Raxters Have Reunion, Picnic The children of the Ute Mr and Mrs. Ed Raster of Andrews met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Adams Sunday, October 5, for a family reunion and a picnic din ner. The following children were present: Mr. and Mrs Utie Raster, Mr. and Mrs. Dlllie Raster, Mr. and Mrs. Woody Raster, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Adams, ail of Andrews, Mrs. Harve Tabor, Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Raster, all of Canton, and Romles Raster of Gaatonla, several grand children and great grandchildren. Including one granddaughter, Mrs. Merrill Glddlngs, and son of Mary There were 98 present. BIRTHS PETRIE HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gooch. of Gaddlstown. Ga., announces the birth of a boy October I. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Helton, Route 2, Murphy, announce the birth of a boy October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Oliver, Route 2, Murphy announce the birth of a boy October 2. Mr and Mrs. Oran Brewrver, Route 2, Murphy, announce the birth of a girl October 2. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood of Hi awassee, Ga., announce the birth of a boy October 2. rWIN-ClTT DRIVE-IN THEATER McCaysvllle, Georgia Shows, 7 and 8 o'clock All In Color! Sunday, 8:30 Thursday-Friday "HONEYCHILE" Judy Canova Saturday "WHISPERING SMITH" Alan Ladd Sunday-Monday "SILVER CITY" Edmond O'Brien-Yvonne De Carlo Tuesday-Wednesday "BELLES ON THEIR TOES" Myrna Loy-Jeanne Crain Debra Padget-Jeffrey Hunter Jood Eats! Color Cartoons! Upper Peachtree J. W. Curtis and family visited Mrs. Ella Ledford near Atlanta Saturday evening j The Rev. and Mn. W. A. Cloer were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs D E. Griffith. I Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lunsford and Mrs. Laura Barker were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lunsford. I Charlotte Thomasson was the Sunday guest of Eunice Luaford. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Lunsford and Miss Zelda Thomasson spent last week-end in Maryvllle Tenn., vis aing Mrs. Lunsford's and Miss Thomasson's sister. I Kenneth Cook of Marble spent the past week with his grandfath er, B. A. Breedlove. Dewell Curtis and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hill Thomasson. Mrs. Fred Brenrlle and children spent Friday night with her moth er, Mrs. Math Leatberwood. Upper Wolf Creek The Rev. W. L. Cook and fam ily attended the reunion held at! the home of Mrs. Jerry Hughes at Shoal Creek last Sunday. Mrs. Bobby Cloer and baby re turned to South Carolina Sunday after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cook. Leonard Mashburn, who has been discharged from the U. S. Navy, left last week for Green ville, Tenn., where he will be em ployed. Mrs. Owen Williams and daugh ter spent Saturday evening with her father, the Rev. W. T. Truett at Culberson. Mrs. Lonnie Hawkins and son. Bobby, returned to Chattanooga Monday morning after visiting here during th-2 past week. Among The Sick Mrs. J. C. O'Dell of Murphy is undergoing treatment at Thorn ton Minor Hospital, Kansas City, Mi Mrs. Morison Moore of the I Peachtroe community is recover ing from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Welden Carter of I Upper Wolf Creek community an nounce the birth of a son last week | it T. C. Hospital, Copperhlll. Tenn. More than 300 kinds of rocks and minerals are found in North Carolina. PERSONALS Mr and Urt Herbert Pertain o< Springfield. 111., are spending a few days with (Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dalrymple Mr. Pertain was for merly connected with Black Wal nut Co. in Murphy. Mrs. Tom Mauney is again oc cupying her home In East Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hemmerlch. Jr.. who were living In the Mauney home, have returned to Buffalo. N. V. Mrs. Charles Shytle left Mur phy October 6 for De Funiah Springs, Fla., near Eglin Field, where she will Join her husband, Lt Charles Shytle. Miss Addle Mae Cooke of Mur freesboro visited in Murphy over the week-end. When she returned to Murrreesboro Monday Miss Mary Ellen Payne accompanied her to Raleigh. Miss Payne return ed to Murphy Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stiles of Akron, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. O. L. Myers, Mrs. Stiles', sister. Mr*. W. A. Evans and Mrs. Ralph SUrwalt made a trip to Murphy last week Drive Carefully \ School's Open It's wise for all motorist* to ex ercise extra caution, now that school's open. And for financial protection In sudden emergency, complete auto coverage 1* wlae, tool Call us for details! Peacock Insurance Agency Phone 45T Murphy, N. C. ARE YOU READY FOR WINTER? Come in and let us check your car for winter Special $1.95 -$4.00 Value Check Watet Pump?Check and Tighten Head Bolts Check and Tighten Radiator Hose?Check Radiator for Leaks Check Thermostats?Check All Water Joints Drain Plugs Si Core Hole Plugs?Flush Radiator Antl Freeze Si Parts Extra See us before you buy that new tractor BURCH MOTORS "Your Friendly Ford Dealer" Phone 95 . Murphy, N. C. Ji jj IF YOU HAD A FIRE jj Would you have enough insurance jj to cover your loss? j jj Perhaps, you say to yourself .... ? "Oh, I have enough insurance, if fire should | * damage my house or its contents." But have ; jj you? Are you sure? You krvcw of course, * that most things you own cost far more to j| day to repair or replaioe. y Unless you want to dig into your pocket in * case of a less, we suggest you see us and talk u things over . . Our advice will help you to * determine just how mnch 'insurance you should carry to adequately PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE. Remember . . . it's net safe these days to UNDER insure. Es pecially since adequate protection costs so y little more than not enough enough protec | tion. Stop In. Talk It Over With Us. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Murphy, N. C. Under New Management It is our pleasure to announce that we have purchased Cherokee Pon tiac Company and are now Pontiac Dealers in this area. We will operate under the name of D & L PONTIAC CO. as a partner ship, and we will conduct the business at the same address on Hiawassee Street here in Murphy. We will welcome the opportunity to serve the general public. Please come in and see us. Lowen Dockery ?m Wayne Luther D & L PONTIAC CO. *? * .*? * x t 205 Hiawassee Street Murphy, N. C. HENN THEATRE ANDREWS. N. C. DICKEY THEATRE MURPHY. N. C. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Thors.-Frl., Oct. 9-10 Audie Mnrphj-Falth Domerfne Stephen McNally The Duel At Silver Creek" rhurs.-Fri., Oct. 9-1* Guy Madison-Ray Mala "RedSnow" ITiur*.-Frl., Oct. 9-1# Piper Lanrie-Roek Hudson "Has Anybody Seen Mv Gal" Saturday, Oct. II Ben Johason-Edyar Buchanan 'Wild Stallion" Saturday. Oct. 11 Bob Steele-Sterllnc Hollo way "Wild Fire" Saturday. Oct 11 Rex Allm-Kak* "Border Saddlemates" LATE SHOW "Strange World" LATE SHOW Aarellea Ha off-Alexander Carina ? "Strange World' Sno.-Mon.. Oct lt-lt Bw Middle ton-Bill Shirley "1 Dream Of Jeanie" Color By Troeolor Sun.-Man.. Oct. lt-13 "Storm Over Tibet" LATE SHOW "Pirate Submarine' ?We*., Oct. 14-15 Weyne-Clelre Treror "Dark *T