Favored Bulldogs Limping Into Cherokee Game Here A cold-ridden Murphy Bulldog eleven, (till limping from injuries, will meet the underdog Cherokee 1-idians at 2:30 p. m. Friday at the Murphy Fairgrounds. Although the Bulldogs are fa vored. the squad is broken up with colds. And the 'sniffles" along with injuries might swing the tide to the Indians. On the sick list is first stringer rred Dalrymple, team captain and lackle. It la doubtful 11 be will start. Coach "Ike" Olaon aald. Promising aophomore Jimmy McComba will probably aee action in Dalrymple'i place. Ralph Swanaon, sophomore 4 I guard, also tackled by the cold bug. will be relieved by Walter Hall, offensive center. Hall will> have to play, the double role It' Swanson sticks to the bench. Dennis Elliott, Injured In the Sylvs game, might toe action Fri day night tor the first time since his knee was hurt. Elliott worked sot this week for Coach Oban saM there is still some doubt if he will be Friday. Billy Thompson, back who saw - Features and Performance never before available at such a W Only 12.95 S!S ustcwwnjJ2*? Hffi TtiE RRST TIME AT TtiESt PBICtS! Stopping Power?Skid Resistance ?Tire Mileage and Economy Beyond all previous standards I MOW AVAILASLI AT YOUR U. S. ROYAL DIALRR Graves Tire Co. Phcne 300 Murphy, N, C. some action last week, should be in the play this week. His knee In jury seems completely cleared, the coach said. The twisted ankle that kept left end Eddie Joe Elliott out of last week's game won't stop him this week. All this week the Bulldogs have been knocking hard and working especially on blocking. "Blocking was one think we were weak on last week when Hayesvllle took us," Coach Olson said. INDIANS NOT SCOUTED As for this week's gsme, the coach said the Indians hsve not been scouted at all. But he knows 'he team boasts a couple of fast backs and the backfleld is known for its fast handling of the ball. The mentor chalked last week's 14 to 0 defeat to Hayesvllle to in juries and bad blocking. Outstanding players on the Bull dog eleven were Sammy White, the SetterCough Relief When new .drugs or old fail to help . our cough jr chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful. proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes into the bronchial system to aid nature soothe and ?eal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guar anteed to please or your druggist re funds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users, g CREOMULSION relieves Caught, Chut Cat*. Acuta Bronchitis End Chronic Dosingl Regain Normal Regularity This All-Vogotablo Wayl Taking harsh drugs for constipation can punish you brutally! Their cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you feel in need of repeated dosing. VP hen you occasionally feel constipated, get gn'h but urn relief. Take Dr. Cald well's henna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's aU-vtgtlabli. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldesc ani one of the finest natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's fenna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief lomforttfUy. Helps you get regular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. * Money back I* net esnlsRed MoH boHtm to tax 210, CALDWELL'S SENNA LAXATIVE r in pkatont-fasHng Syrup Pap I hi CUT OPERATING COSTS, LENGTHEN TRUCK LIFE-BUY DODGE! ? Every unit of a Dodge truck is designed and built to fast. Hydraulic brakes are extra big, with long-lasting Cyclebond linings. Brake pistons are ane dized to resist rusting and pitting. Save time and money with ma neuverable Dodge trucks! Short wheelbase and wide front tread mean less time in tdming, park ing, jockeying into loading po sition. Less time loading and unload ing, too?thanks to low loading height, hinged center section on large stake bodies. There's a Dodge "Job-Bated" truck to fit your job. Stop by today. Economical Engines ? High-com pression Dodge truck engines are designed for economy and long life. You get exhaust valve seat inserts, lightweight aluminum-alloy pistons, 4 piston rings per piston with chrome-plated top ring. ( "Our maintenance costs have been unusually low" "11m fine performance of all of our Dodges over the yean has proved to us that Dodge trucks are truly 'Job-Rattir to fit each specific need. All of our drivers like the way our Dodges handle, too. The trucks are highly mgneuveredble . . . turn short and are comfortable to drive. Our maintenance costs have been unusually low and we have had a minimum of mechanical trouble." tar* t. O. DAMYSNMH, i. O. Oo*r*to SM Co, B Htm, Turn Durable Chassis?Every Dodge truck han a sturdy frame of hot rolled steel. Long springs are made of special alloy steel for strength and resilience. Rear axle shafts are shot-peened for durability. Dependable Op?ra!lon?For all-sea son reliability vou pet moistupsproof ignition, high-toraue capacity start ing motor, big capacity radiator for adequate cooling, and by-pass for water recirculation. See ucMty/orffofast 6oy/n /out-cost IronsporMfon... DODBEwwTRUtKS EX MOORE .,107 Valley River Ave, Murphy, NX U V ,nj. .V? V.J^'WI V4r.i- fit ' OAO-Nfid sophomore tailback who played a I first class offensive game. I Fullback Don Green made eev I eral large gains and Joe Medvido vlch, right end, who was down the 1 field to snag from White and Thompson. On the defense, Eugene Dock try, left end, Medvidovich and SEE VICE NEWS Stiles Serves On Carrier Essex MAYNARD C. STILES, fireman. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd H. Stiles of 140 Wells St., Murphy, and husband of Mrs. Sally K. Stiles of Rt. 1 Murphy Is serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Essex In the Far East. PFC. HENRY G. CURTIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Curtis, Rt 2, Culberson, was recently assign ed to the Combat Training Com nand, Fort Benning, Ga. Curtis' unit, which supports the activities of the world famous In fantry School, demonstrates bat tle-tester techniques to students from every army area in the Uni ted States and from many allied nations. RALPH G. McGILL, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGill of Culberson is completing his Air Force basic airmen indoctrination at Lackland Air Force Base, the "Gateway to the Air Force", Lack land is situated near San Antonio, Texas, and is the world's largest air force base and the site of Air Force basic training for men and women, is headquarters of the Hu man Resource Research Center, and home of AF's Officer Candi date School. ROBERT C. JONES, Herman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry rG. Jones, of Suit, is serving duty aboard the heavy cruiser, USS Los Angeles. Jones who entered the service May 16, 1952, received his recruit training at the Naval Trailing Center, San Diego, Calif. GUY KEENUM, communications technician first class, USN, son of I Mr. and Mrs. James W. Keenum of I Suit, and husband of the former' Miss Evelyn Radford of 613 Valley i River Ave. here, has reported for | duty at Washington, D. C., and assigned to the Naval Communica tions Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Keenum joined the Navy May 4, 1945. Before joining, he was grad uated from Hiwassee Dam High School. His last duty station was J at the US Naval Radio Station, Dupont, S. C. linebacker Wayne Cornwell were hitting hard. Safety man Fred Vanhora came up well several times to make the tackle. On the Hayesvllle squad, out standing players were Fullback Jimmy Padgett, who scored both touchdowns, and Tailback Harold Long. The entire Hayesvllle defensive line played heads op ball, break ing through all night Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Simmons re turned Sunday from a week's vis it with relatives of Mr. Simpson in Hacoda. Ala. Mrs Jean Robinson of Penrose, spent last week In Murphy on bus iness. HYATTS HAVE DINNEB PARTY Mr. and Mrs Henry Hyatt en tertained with a small dinner par ty at their borne Thursday even ing Pall flowers from the Hyatt garden decorated the home. Covers were laid for Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hendrlx, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell, Mr. mid Mrs P. C. Hyatt, Mrs. R. H. (Grannie) Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phillips, and Miss Joan Phillips. DAT or NIGHT For Cab Service Call 207 DEPENDABLE DRIVERS ALL CARS INSURED SAFETY CABS HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY See us for reliable insurance in any line Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. MUD IN YOUR EYE Don't mind the mud in your eye! It's the mud and many other accidental stains you get on your clothing that really does the damage! Call us! We'll remove those ugly stains quick as magic Return your apparell, clean as new, is no time at all. Free Moth Proofing And Water Repellent Service MURPHY LAUNDRY Phone 1 59 Murphy, N. C. Don t get caught short some cold A.M. &&&#&...whha DRY-PROOF Double Eagle Battery If GOOD/YEAR ? fcctra plates ? oWlattt ordinary batteries op to 1001th ? Shsch observing, Mhd If your battery has gone through lha hoot of 2 i If s vary likely to go dead soma cold morning this winter. Don't bs caught short ?start two. Got O 60 dy tor's dry proof Double Eaglo NOW. Tire Cdf Ine, ?< itbx skitics lemmieei PMChtrwet Murpky. N e. ?tit. '??? ' >? *j ?