NOTICE or SALE or AI'TOMOBLIB TO SATIETY MECHANICS LIEN Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority vested in the un dersigned by tbe North Carolina General Statutes, Section 14-2. and for the purpose of satisfying a mechanic's lien against the mo tor vehicle hereinafter described, the undersigned mechanic will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Z A Z Oarage near Peachtree, on U. S. Highway No. 64,, Cherokee Coun ty, North Carotins, at Twelve (12:00) o'clock. Noon, on the 22nd day of November, 1952. One 1940 Ford, Four Door Se dan. Motor No. 18-5721558. The above property now being owned by Julius Panther. Title to NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT | NORTH CAROLINA. , CHEROKEE COUNTY. MARCELLUS WOOD. Plaintiff, vt , FRANCES KEENER WOOD. De fendant. The above named defendant, Frances Keentr Wood, will take < notice that an action entitled as the above property U registered In :he name at Paul Bradshaw. The motor vehicle above described was * sold by the said registered owner. Paul Bradshaw, to the said Julius Panther, but the title has not been registered. | This the 29th day of October. ' 1952. ? . /a/ Fred Zimmerman 17-2tc above has be?a commenced In the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, by the plain lilf to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the {round that plaintiff and defen dant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next pre ceding the bringing of this action, and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chero kee County in the Courthouse in Murphy, North Carolina within twenty (20) days after the 27th day at November, that la to aay on or before December 10, 10S2, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Oacar Swasuon -nd daughter, Nancy, of Donald oon, Tenn, have been visiting Mrs A-Lee Barnard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Reid, of Pittsburgh, Pa., are visiting their ."isien, Mrs. Gus Ledford, Miss Fannie Buckner and also Mrs. Alice Barnard and Miss Polly j Hicks. t Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Led ford. Miss Buckner, Mrs. Barnard and Miss Hicks spent Tuesday in Asheville. ! This the 27th day of October,! 1952. I /s/ CARMEN HANEY. Deputy Clerk Superior Court Cherokee County, North Carolina 16-4tc Cherokee County Gets New Paving TTie State Highway Oommlaatoi completed 0.4 mile* at grading draining and surfacing on Pleaa ant Valley Rood during October Commissioner L. Dale Threeh re ported today. The Tenth Highway Divlaioi brought a total at 50.19 miles a road work to completion during October, Commissioner Threat added. JHA OFFICERS Miss Janice Haney is presiden of the Junior Home makers a America chapter at Murphy Higl School. Other officers ere: Loretti Voyles, vice president; Clan Hughes, secretary-treasurer; Judj Oooke. r e p o r ter; Jerry Rutt Smith, song leader; Judy Cookt and Clara Hughes, pianists. NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COUR1 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY KATE McDONALD, Administre trlx of W. B. Sneed, Deceased, Pe titioner, By Fran Striker Ithe lone ranger MOU -TWOVL hang if ^THE^^^TY 19 p^p/j _ HE'S HOT DEAD. MERELY KNOCKED] OUT, AND WE DIDN'T DO XT/ ] STZ4M SHERIFF, WE CAME TO TALK ID KILLEEN. WE FOOOlUKr| MAM OUST AS i YOU GEE ? Cl first I'll disarm you sr L SHERIFF, VtXTP BET CWD OUT WHO SLUGGED, THE DEPUTY, AMD WHY/ ti itfTN UGGEDj WY/ YOU D?/ ULRNPOUTVMfN^ ' fVB "flSCEN YOUR GUNS M4D , LOCKED YOU IN Ik CELL.' GUARD THE DOOR.TOHTO. IVE GOT TO SEE KILLER Ml IFFN/> "MS fig 11 . "THE CE.L u 19 [EMPTY?MLLEEM IS ?ONE.' 3 [NLLEEN1S flCBM 1>KCH MMkY/ \ hws v#w the deputy was (SLOGGEP. COMEOH.TOHTO/ ^ V PLENTY ^ MEN HEAR OUNEHOT/. WELL RUN FOR n*, HE'S MASKED/ _ SHOOT, MMI j V GREAT GOING A -an/ way you figure LOCAL DtUVEUD P*Kt ntmmw mi una sncuu QptfMof MlpMf, Mill ill ill I. Ototomoi heal tmmo. I Mr. oMMoook hiem mm tmf aK?krty kto+olalAQ commmiNm dm to tklppio^ tkm??i.AM 0itom ookjoti to ekoopo n ?lSARf 8UU 6UICK Numb ex one item on most anyone's list of automobile "musts" is power?tfae life and lift of your going. In tbk Bukk Special yom git m vilvi m hud high eimpnttiom Fir AM 8 Engim* | 0 Of t&O ? J ? Number Use is ride?die way you and loamy of rids. Y* Am m jm mo if Ai fiftnm Bmck rid'? ftstmes tb*t cost, UtrrsRy, mort tbm m million dollmrt to < Then there's style, there's room, there's risi bility, there's handling ease?ell pert of your travel? ell helping to melee-the difference 4i 4 Bakk-^wi'ic going to toy, 'Kail '!** ? in and M m today or tomorrow, 'tyn? A l?l?ii{?lnn Tt^ VW CM^IwtJf Ajmb* |lu U/^^lr (mmu CM^lflifMf rtjwJ Aik^X r im Uimm Cn? TiiAAjLati I WO JTwOT ' ? WVIIKMI VTPMi IIW f ? rwWDIW W""'" W Iw ? ?" Jr *wrvtwjj OffO PWCX V.lrCVf rrOOr wTWjr TOO? 111 | VllOOy. FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. ~ 200 Peacbtxee St Murphy, N. C NANCY DEWEESE; ALICI DOCKERY; JESSIE HOLLAND MARY BIRCHFIELD; WILLI! SNEED. LOUISE SNEED. HAR OLD SNEED. MILDRED SNEED ?nd JANE SNEED, Minors, Defen 1ants. The Defendants, W I L L11 SNEED, LOUISE SNEED; HAR OLD SNEED, MILDRED SNEED and JANE SNEED and JESSIf HOLLAND will take notice thai an action entitled as above hat been commenced in the Superioi Court of Cherokee County, Nortl Carolina, by the Administratrix ol W. B. Sneed, Deceased, for th< purpose of making assets for th< payment of Indebtedness againsl the estate. And the said defendants wil1 further take notice that they an required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Cowl of Chrokee County, North Caro lina at his office in the Courl House in Murphy, North Caroline within twenty days after the 11 day of December, 1952, to-wit or or before the 31 day of December 1952, and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, which ii now on file with copies few defen da nits, or the Plaintiff will appl} to the Court for the relief de manded in the Complaint. This the 6 day of November ?952. , J. L. HALL, Clerk Superim Court 18-3U JOE BEAVER" By Ed Nofziger Forest Service. U. S. Department of Agriculture ? "Erosion, floods, and winds send billions of tons of soil down the ^rain each year. The young folks of certainly should be educated to our problems 1,966 Permits Lost By Drivers The Department of Motor Ve hicles reported today that 1,066 motorists lost their legal driving privileges in October, with con victions for drunken driving lead ing the list with 866. In its regular monthly summary of violations requiring the surren der of operators' permits the De partment reported 145 convictions for two offenses of drunken driv ing; 92 for speeding over 75 mph; 84 for two cases of speeding over 55 mph; 79 for two offenses of reckless driving; 64 for driving after license revoked; and 49 for transporting liquor. Miscellaneous violations such as larceny of automobile, hit and run, manslaughter, Improper use of driver's license, unsatisfied Judgement, incompetency, a n.6 habitual violator brought the total number of October convictions to 1,966, the majority of them North Carolinians. 10,450 Violators Arrested! In Month Highway Patrol Commander W. B. Leotz reported today that hit men arrested 10,450 North Caro lina traffic law violators ill Sep tember and issued citations to e,758 others. In a regular monthly summary of patrol activities Cdl. Lentz said his 525 troopers inspected 140,105 drivers' licenses; issued 10,154 warning tickets; corrected 20,035 defective lights; investigated 8,017 complaints; and weighed 630 ve hicles in cooperation with the Li cense and Theft Enforcement Bu reau. In addition to its enforcement duties the patrol handed out 18, 091 courtesies?changing tires, giving road directions, assisting motorists in distress, etc. The officers traveled 1,750,712 miles on routine patrol In Sep tember, using 120,800 gallons of gasoline and 7,130 quarts of oil. f i it costs as little as *1.25 PER WEEK WHITE SIDEWALLS GOOD,?YEAR ? Sparkling beauty to match the do ' ' nance of any car t old Htm 90% of all tiro trouble occur* In the last 10% of tiro IHe. Avoid thl* dangerous 10% sone of tiro wear. Come in today and trodo those worn, smooth tiros for now White Sidewalk by UM OUK IASY PAY MAN n * 1 Tire Co, Inc TIE* SEE VICT IE4DQC - Mttp*. t