Woman Talk By EMU Yj:OSTELLO Everybody and his brother was eating lunch out Sunday. And I think half of them must have been at the Regal Hotel as we were?on occasion of the opening of the new dining room (And of course we were attracted toy the special bargain of two lunches for the price of one.) ? _ I The dining room is mighty pretty with its dark green walls? ( brightened with a framed patch of dogwood wallpaper with light green background on three walls. There were fresh flowers (yellow asters or mums) on all the tables and over the doorways there are green plants in a lighted border. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seamon have done a wonderful job of decorating the place. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hampton were among the dining guests? and were among the few not eating turkey. Now, isn't that a comeoff! Mr. Hampton raises the prettiest and best turkeys and then doesn't even eat them when he goes out. But, Mrs. H. confided to me that they like turkey, but when they go out to eat they like a change. (If I'm not sadly mistaken, the Regal served some of Mr. Hampton's Netoraskans Sunday.) Some others I saw lunching were H. A. and Rosemond Mattox and son; Frank and Ruth Forsyth, accompanied by little daughter of Jim Gthba; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ham ilton, Kenneth and Carrie Davis and Mttle Kenny Jane and Sam uel; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jennett; Mr. and Mrs. H. Buecfc and H. C.; 'Mrs. C. W. Savage; Mr. and Mrs. Harve Elkins and daughter, Mrs. Wayne Genrty; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay and daughter and Adear Aronson. One big long table was compos ed of Bob and Juanlta Weaver and Bobby and Betty; Cecil and Rosa lind Burgess with Doug and Caro lyn; Mrs. Harry Miller and Susie; end L. L. and Dot Mason with Johnny Snow. FOR FATHER-TO-BE DALE SCROGGS was feted at a stork shower Tuesday night (Yes, you understood?Dale, not Mrs.) Now, that's something new under the sun in showers, and it sounds to me like a good Idea for the expectant father to learn the facts of the baby world, and I hear Dale is a adept pupil in quick diaper change overs. BEN PALMER AND DOUG SMITH (Dale's brother-in-law) were hosts at the party which was at Doug's home in Brasstown. About 40 folks were present in eluding husbands and wives. The whole affair was a surprise to Dal:, but my spokesman said he was a wonderful sport The gifts were given as a re ward for an art contest, which was held in complete darkness 'lights off) when everyone drew a picture of what the baby would look like. Of course there were *?ts a | plenty. COMPANY AT DINNER We enjoyed the company at dinner round at the H Buecks' Friday night. Guests were MR. AND MRS TOM A. CASE and their houseguest for the week end, MRS. BONNER RAY, and REV. AND MRS. R. DELBERT BYRUM. At the time, Mr. Bueck was snif fling and sneezing with a new cold, which I hope he has whipp by this time. MILUS AND DORIS WRIGHT spent last week end in Clem son and this week end Milus will at 'tend a meeting In Charlotte apd Doris will go on to her home near Wilmington for a visit. MRS BOB EASLEY was by Tuesday, and was talking about the bazaar the women of the Epis copal Church are planning. Count me in, I love a bazaar. Also, I expect to be one of the first customers at the bake sale Miss Beulah Mae Smith Weds Homer J. Stiles MRS. HOMER J. STILES The former Miss Bnelah Mae Smith Miss BueLah Mae Smith, daugh- j Mr. Stiles is employed by the ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith,! Champion Paper and Fibre Co. at of Marble, became the bride of the Houston Division. He is the Homer J. Stiles of Pasadena, Tex- son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stiles, as, at the First Baptist Church in formerly of Marble. Blairsville, Ga., Nov. 1. The Rev. The couple will be at home in Claud C. Boyrvton officiating. Pasadena, Texas. the women of the Presbyterian Church are planning Saturday morning at Evans Anto Co. COLD BUT FUN 1 loved every minute of the An drerws-Alurphy game Tuesday. It was awfully cold, but I stayed in he warm cur, and didn't feel it The Andrews henchmen were huddled in a long pink blanket, and in the last quarter, some fans finally buMt a little fire to warm freezing hands. Andrews has awfully good cheerleaders. I especially liked their cartwheeling. BARBARA KHOADb, Murphy's homecoming queen, is certainly a pretty girl. And while I'm on the subject I think Murphy's teen age crowd is a fine group. They are cute and full of life, but not destructive, as is the case in many towns. At the football game we were parked next to Coach Ike Olson's parents, MR. AND MRS. H. M. OLSON of Luray, Kansas. And Sick In Andrews Patients in Rodda-Van Gorder Hospital this week are Mrs. Cecil George, of Topton; Mrs. Jess Bar nard, of Andrews; Horace Hig don, of Andrews; Mrs. Laura Ma toy, of Topton; Mrs. Guy Hall, of Andrews; Miss Dixie LaU, of Robbinsville; Mrs. Winnie Craw ford, of Andrews; Mrs. Jack Breedlove, of Kyle; Mrs. Wayne Lovingood, of Marble; Mrs. Leo nard Palmer, at Marble; Joyce Strange, of Andrews; Mrs. Doris Watts, of Andrews; Mr. Rayburn, of Burningbown; Harold Mull, of Andrews; Mary Willie Whkaker, of Andrews; and Charles Hart ness, of Andrews. I'll bet nobody at the fair grounds njoyed Murphy's victory any more than Mn O. He trooped up and down the sidelines with the play, but Mrs. O., like me, kept her place in the car. ' aw yw awAmmo. DELUXE AUTOMATIC WASHING! NEW ONE-CONTROL AUTOMATIC WASHER ? Famous OS Activator* washing action! ? Doop actlvatod rinsol . ? Fast "Spin-out" dryingI v ? On control?fully automaticl ? Dopcndablc OS corvlcol Com ? today and sea B E "Dcy-Haads" imliac ia acta! MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP ON THE SQUARE Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVINO SERVICE AUTHORIZED A DINT Palmer Bros. Trucking Ik Inc. Phone 202 Coble Dairy Products, Inc. Around Andrews BT BOTH SUBSAVAGE Election day and night mi an exciting time for some of the An drew* townspeople For instance, those persons who owned televi sion sets entertained a consider able assembly of guests until the ' t we: hours of the morning. t I personally believe that the' e spontaneous comments of MISS 1 Frances Mcpherson as she a listened to the returns would top' the evening's entertainment. 11) MR. AND MRS. WILL ASHE d have been sacrificing some trees f> around their place for more yard space. The neighbor youngsters * watched the downing of a walnut C troe with doleful expressions. C However, they were pleased that o the tempting red berry trees were C spared. , V Do you know, Monday after noon I heard grown-up people complaining about the rain? I C ook notice, however, that none of 1 them had on a forest ranger's' * identification Ih I am told that NED STEWART , n Is the champion corn grower In1 e Cherokee County. I hope to have 1 more information on Med's corn crop soon. If your chickens get out. and cl one gets too stubborn to be put g back in the lot, there's always the c solution that JLMMIE BAER used p . . . just shoot it. I find genial BAXTER LAY'S ? off the record comments on noth- 1 ing in particular quite refreshing. RUTHIE BRISTOL went to the 1: PERSONALS BY MRS. C. W. SAVAGE 'Mr. and Mrs H. M. Olson of Luray, Kansas, and' Mrs. May Er ber of Salina, Kansas, left Wed nesday for their homes after a three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Olson here. Mr. and Mrs. Olson are the parents, and Mrs. Erber is an aunt of C. K. Ol son. Mrs. Omar Green, Miss Thoma sine Slayton, Mrs. Virginia Town son, and' Mrs. Delilah Chambers of Washington, D. C., spent last week end here with relatives and friends. Miss Leta Harbin who is employed with Mauney Drug Com pany, flew from Knoxville to Memphis, Tenn. and brought the baby, Omar Green, Jr., who has been there with his grandmother, to Murphy to meet his mother and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Mauney. The baby returned to Washington with his mother. Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Ashe ville left for her home Wednes day after a visit of several days | j with her daughter. Mrs. Frances Bourne, Jr., and Mr. Bourne. Mrs. Bourne and children return ed with her for a few days' visit. Mrs Bonner Ray of Waynesville was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hemphill and daughter, Carol Ann of Knox ville, Tenn., spent last week end with her mother, Mrs. A. G. Led ford and Mr. Ledford. Mrs. Joann Thompson and Bob by Penland of Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee, were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Penland here. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover and son. Lonnie left Wednesday for Dallas. Texas where they attended the ball game between Wake For est and T. C. U., and visited Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wright and son Kenny. Among those from Murphy at tending the ball game between Tennessee and Florida in Knox ville were Mr. and Mrs R. G. Al exander, Miss Carolyn Alexander. R. G. Alexander, Mrs. Jean Stew ait and Mia Barbara Arnold. The Rev. A. B. Cash, who is with the Baptist Mialon Board of Atlanta. Ga. and Mrs. Cash, were Luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peyton G. I vie Tuesday, enroute to the N. C. State convention which is being held in Winston-Salem this week. Mr Cash was formariv pastor of the Murphy First Baptist Church for three years. Just before the Rev. J Alton Morris came here H. Bueck, governor of District 31 A, Lions International, visited the Cltffside Lions Club Tuesday night. < Mrs. Johnsle Nunn, superinten dent of Welfare, Mr, and Mrs P. G. Me, Mrs. J. H MoCall and Miss Willie Lovingood, attended a Welfare meeting In Bryson City Friday. * KM Howell has arrived from Korea to spend a leave wtth Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoar-! e?. Brent P. Yount, Held repre sskllu cf the American Bad Ga. was la Murphy this wMh Mm. F. ?. SOCIETY *? j Sir*. Bueck Fetes Vlrs. Olson At Tea Mn. H. Bueck entertained a few Mends a* tea last Wednesday al ernoon, honoring Mrs. H. M. Ol on of Luray, Kansas, who has teen visiting her son, C. K. Olson nd Mrs. Olson tor some time. Mrs. Edwins Hags man assisted | he hostess in serving the usual lainty referahments she is noted or serving. Tea guests included Mrs Olson, frs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. J. H. Mc all, Mrs. Peyton G. I vie, Mrs. H. i. Elkins, Mrs. Wayne H. Gentry f Charleston, $. C., Mrs. C. K. >lson, Mrs. Hagaman and Mrs. C. IT. Savage. leorgia Tech-Army game with no icket. EDWIN AND BLAIN BLE 'INS had their duoats proudly In ?and. However, I notice that the nen sat on the temporary bleacti rs in the end zone, while Ruthie a-' with the Fort Mac band where he was hilariously entertained. I think all football fans in Ar. Irows feel a lot of pride in the ;reat Tech team and a bit of a latm to it due to the wonderful lerformance of BILL TEAS JR. ELIZABETH BELL Is finding hat housebreaking a pup re tires a lot of endurance The new CHEROKEE SCOUT s making friends fast. I appre iate all the nice things said about he paper and the subscriptions. >ofch new and renewals that are oming in. The new SCOUT hopes o keep old friends and make new mes. BIRTHS Mr. and Mi*. Alden Coward of Murphy announce the birth at twin bay* in Woman! Hospital In Chattanooga, Saturday, November 'a. The babies taeve been named Brian and Bruce. Mrs. Barnett Feted At Shower Tuesday Mrs Boyd Scruggs and Mi*. Abe Zimmerman entertained at the. borne at Uw latter in Peach tree Tuesday aigbt honoring Mrs. Bill Barnett at a stork shower The color motif at pink and blue was used in decorations and refenshments and games end con tests were enjoyed. The following were presnt, and a number at others sent gifts: Mrs. Morris Moore, Mrs. Preddo Scruggs, Mrs. Boyd Scroggs, Mi*. Cecil Roberts, Mrs. Ed Gsrren, Mrs. Willie Ledford, Mr*. Homer Wilson, Mrs. Bruce Mauney, Mrs. Dave MoClure, Mrs. BDl Barnett. Miss Sally Ferguson, Mary Lou Ferguson. Mrs. Leon West, Mrs. Ethel Stiles, Mrs. Leon Kfcnsey, Mrs. Drew Taylor, Mrs. Grace Oliver, Mrs. Brown Caldwell, Mrs. , Abe Zimmerman, Mr*. Harley W eat. ANDREWS BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaver an nounce the birth of a son, David i Morgan, on November 3, at Rod da-Van Gorder Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "S&orty" Craw ! ford announce the brth at a son, at Rodda-Van Girder Hospital, November 10. \ PRE-THANKSGIVING SALE j| Jean Harper Coats $25.00 k Ladies' Blouses Values to $5.95 \ Sale Price $2.95 . One Lot Ladies' Dresses j; Values to $21.95 i Sale Price $8.95 i One Lot Ladies' Dresses ?? Values to $14.95 I Sale Price $5.95 One Lot Brassiers Values to $2.50 Sale Price $1.00 One Lot Suits Reuced 50% From Original Prfee Many Other Money Serine Bargain* ? SAVE NOW ON YOUR XMAS j SHOPPING CANDLER'S Phone 53-J Murphy, N. C. We appreciate your splenlded response ? | to the opening last Sunday of the redeco- ;; rated Carolina room. We feel that you now ! I have a dining rctom in the hotel that you can ;; and will find use for. To show our apprecia- ;; tion we are going t!o offer you a complete jj change in next Sundays menu at the same ;; price as last Sunday. If you have not seen the redecorated din- <; ing room why not call 46 now and make a : reservation for Sunday Dinner this week. Dinner will be served from noon until 3 p. m. ''? * 3 \ ( v NEW REGAL HOTEL ?t' t ' m Ptaooe 4C Mm A'.?>??