AP COme fea.rn.grw, - 'rc?% Treats!... Come lo?e With JUP'ft BAKJEBY BUYS! Jane Parker Cake Jane Parker Famous Frait Cakes I '/s -Lb $*|29 Coke 3 Lb. Coke $249 $3< s u> ?-i69 Coke Golden L?af - - 15-Oa. Cake 25? Jane Parker Dinner"??- - 1-Doz. Pki 13? Jane Parker Caramel ?s U-Oi Pk?. 29? fane Parker Cello Wrapped Enriched White Bread ? 14c 4 i AaP's Famous Ann Pago Mayonnaise 2P 4P Sultana ? Oz. Can Tuna Flakes... 2 for 45c Maine 3V4 Oz. Can Sardines 2 for 15c 'eitfect StrHce 1 lb. Can Chum Salmon 37c Announ 1 Lb. Can Chili Con Carne 35c C & B Kippered Herring 15 Oz. Can Herring.... 49c Dtnty Moore IV* Lb. Can Beef Stew 53c A it PI Oz. Pfcg. Mince Meat.. 19c Swifts 12 Oz Can Snowdrift - 31c - 85c Karo Syrup No. IhAAa GUu ZoC Tide ? ? ?? 29c Gloat CAjfc D9C Babo -12c Cheer 9Qr &VV Ivory Soap -27c Camay Soap ? ? 2 23c Camay Soap ? ? 3 - 23c Wesson Oil - 32c & 61c Prem 43c Standard Sealed Oysters - ?? 85c Come See Low Prices Galore! . . Come Save on Asia's THRIFTY GROCERIES (Ulgci kJUit TT Ulic Facial Tissue 23c 400 Sheet Pk*. Angel Soft Rainbow Facial Tissue "isr 25c Cleanser Sunbrite . ?lu Shortening Swift Jewel '^23c^65c Swift'* Canned -EGG YOLK for BABIES ^24c Swift's Canned Meats fer Babies ?s?22c Del Rich Green Cr White LIMA BEANS lona CUT BEETS ?c tic Golden Cream Style - 2-27c PINEAPPLE - 23c A&P Crushed Packers Label Mustard or TURNIP GREENS- 2-19c Delicious Berry's Iom Oocm p'S 23e Fif Bart % 2Be loee Cut AST Pineapple IL.|, A.. ? No. MMU ? ? 4Mb. 41. ?HI MM m r,?. fcwl MM ....... Cu * Is Spray Cranberry Asa Page Tom its s? ISO*. |A. a?-i-i-? UOe. ||. MUM ............ can ........... Rot lei An Pa# Part WMk Tomato Saece Scott Paper Baaat S lie Towels. .2 Ron. 36e AAP Grapefruit Lang's Sweet Mixed Mae 2 ITe Pleklm * 33* Ana Page Peach, Pineapple or Plum Armour's Star or Libby's Vienna 25c Senses IBs -? Jar wllNUi Can Braporated Ann Page Regular or Bbow 3 39c Nacaraai }? 10c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Firm Rip* Bananas - - - - 2 "? 25c Carrots 15c r* Flrnl 1-U>. HI r Red Emptor Lb. 10c "Lb- 3 Lb Bag Florid*. 8c OrnifM 35c Jmtf fWii Grapefruit - - - 4 - 23c FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS CHERRIES i* 69c CITRON ia 45c LEMON PEEL u?. 45c ORANGE PEEL u> 45c fTOiAPPLE0""-.-- Lb 63c Mild and Mellow Coffee , 8 O'Clock ? 77c Oar the Price of 10 Bi;i TEA BAGS ?? 39c Am Pace raocy Tomat> SOW 3 29* Monad Luacbeon Meat SftftOKS -*? 39c Among The Sick Mr and Mre John Donley are both patients In Murphy Genera) i Hospital. They are reported to be somewhat improved. J H Wilson Sr., who has been ' in Chattanooga for the past month i where he underwent an operation, i waa able to retprn home Sunday i nd is recuperating nicely. Mrs. I Wilson who had be?n with him all j the time, returned with Mm. j Mrs Bob Rector has been dis missed from Murphy General Hos ! pltal, whre she was a patient for ' several days. She la repotted to be Improved. Mrs. Henry Rose who has been a patient in Petrle Hospital for several days Is improving. Mrs. English Has Bagwell Circle Meet Mrs. Everett English was hoot ess to the Ruth Bagwell Circle Monday night at her home, with Mrs. M. L. Williams in charge of the program. Mrs Don Ramsey opened the meeting with prayer and the fol lowing were on program: Mrs. J. B Hall. Mrs. Milus Wright. Mrs. Kenneth Davis, and Mrs. Marvin Hampton. Following the business and pro gram, refreshments were served the 14 members and one new member, Mrs. W. V. Costello, present. Youth Emphasis Is Observed At Church Youth Emphasis Sunday was ob served at the Andrews Presbyter ian Church last Sunday, with Mias Lavinla Forbes presenting the purposes and aims of the Presby terian Youth Council and report ing on the recent Presbyterian Youth Rally, held in Murphy. Katherine Sursavage explained the organisation and work of the local Presbyterian Pioneers. The special program was a part of the regular morning worship service.. Andrews Personals JSgt. and Mrs. Bert Love, and daughter. Trena Jean, of Orlando, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Homer Long, and other relatives in Andrews. Mrs. Ruth Starr Pullium spent the week end in Atlanta and Brunswick, Ga. She attended the wedding of her nephew in Bruns wick, Saturday afternoon. Sam Bell has returned to his home following an absence of six months while he was employed at Royal Oak, Mich. Crawford Wyfce, and daughter, Melba, spert Monday in Asheville. Mrs. Lee Nichols, and son, Ted dy, of Nashville, Tenn., are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Robert Impink has returned to Andrews following a visit with his family In Reading. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood are at home in Andrews, following a trip to Bermuda. The 1952-63 feed supply of all feed concentrates Is estimated at 4 per cent below last year's supply. J. E. Rufty Will Speak Here Soon ??i i Layman's Day will be observed , jit the First Methodist Church, Murphy, Sunday, Nov. -16, at the 11 a. m. service, with J. E. Rufty of Andrews as guest speaker. L. L. Mason, chairman of the official hoard will preside and special music will be by the Men's Bible Class, under the direction of C. R. Freed. Sunday School will be at 9:49 i. m, youth meeting at 6 p. m. rhe Rev. C. A. Smith, pastor of the West Murphy Circuit will speak at the evening service of worship, at 7:30. The minister, the Rev. R. Del bert Byrum, la participating in the Louisville Area Evangelistic Mis lion, Nov. 14-21, with assignment In the Lexington, Tenn., District. CHURCH OF GOD SERVICES Special services will be held at he Church of God in Murphy ; Nov. 14 and 15, with the Rev. G. , L. Garren as speaker. Rev. Gar en is heard from Lenoir City, Tenn, dally at 11:30 a. m. Services will be at 7:30 p. m. rhe pastor is R. G. Wilson. I Almost every legume commonly I frown for hay In the United States I rrowa well over the greater part j >f North Carolina. < < Underfeeding at dairy widespread in North i A dairy cow uses half of her lormal ration in repair lug body issue and maintaining body heat :nd energy. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for. Constipation End Chronic Doting 1 Regain Normal Regularity Thit All-Vegetable Weyl e ? faking harsh drugs for coostipttioo ctn rnnish you brutally! Then yamps tod piping disrupt normal bowel action, nake you fed in need of repeated doting. When you occasionally fed constipated. jet gm'/r but jury relief. Take Dr. Cald well's oenna Laxative contained in Syrup 'epsin. It's dl-npldk No salts, no harsh Irugs. Dr. CaldwcU's contains an extract if Senna, oldest and one of the finest wtmrsJ laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's : enna Laxative tastes ;ood, acts mildly, brings thorough relief tmftrtsih. Helps you get regular, ends hronic dosing. Lven relieves stomach outness that constipation often brings. MmJ boMv W *?? 2SO, ii y 10 n. v ]R. CALDWELL'S iENNA LAXATIVI in ^li?nl I?Unj lyrvf Nflli ^ is mode Special \*y for you! ?**? / igs^? TM VAUIAKI COUPON ON IVUV IAS CAN HOP TOO SAVI MONIT ON HOUMHOLO ITIMS WrIH WmmN nub* tNwba mmmy nMb ImvmImM wtWbi JK Mha C*. *??? Ufa. outafefi-dfceatfcedxea/ 3&ca!e4adM/ OK O&Ctaf&UtC0KOPttvAfal./ Get the big savings of a smart Studebaker COMMANDIR V-l OR CHAMPION Best "8" and best "6" In actual gas mileage* la the *52 Mobilgas Economy Run! Sleek Studebaker styling and low Studebaker upkeep! A 120 h. p. Commander... or a Champion in lowest price field! M nM attar IMatahf MMk Mn ar Oiailw wmt SaanMq aha-