?wine walk at X. C. State College hat produced ho^ wtth pork chop* 30 per cent larger than the average. North Carolina leads the naUoa in 4-H Club members with an en ? ollment at more than 133,000 joung people. For the tough driving months ahead You Need This Motor Tune-up & Inspection now ; Mil, starter, generator, central, battery, eaglae ttslii, compreasion, eylla ?salfaMs. fuel pvatps, carburetor, air eleaaer Phone 80S-J Sycamore St. Murphy, N. C. PACK-FARMER'S GARAGE T. V. A. Ammonium Nitrate 10% discount or $3.22 per bag. This is the last month for discount FARMERS FEDERATION DonaVdl Ramsey, Manager Phone 62 Murphy. N C. Lumber, Building Material & Supplies. We have just received a shipment of U. SS. Tenn. D Drain Roofing. Length from 6 feet to 12 feet. Messer Lumber and Supply Co. Phone 157 Murphy, N. C. M-A-N There's a good buy in dairy feed! V, Purina Milk Chow it a real milk maker ... all grains and proteins ...no screenings. Call us for price. STILES PRODUCE COMPANY Phone 143 Murphy. N. C. To The Voters Of Cherokee County I am deeply grateful for your fine support of my Candidacy for Representative in the recent election. Please accept my sincere THANK YOU". / I i x> c W Mauney Completes School CPL. J ESSE BRADSHAW Salzburg, Austria?Cpl. J' Bradshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Graver Bradshaw, of Murphy, N. Grover Bradshaw, of Murphy has just completed USAREUR QM School In Lengries. Germany. Vp c n completion of the school he re turned to his unit 7689 Hq. Co. In Salzburg, Austria. Cpl Bradshaw has been station ed in Austria for the past 13 months. He is to return to the States In April. Pioneers Have Social At Forbes Home The Andrews Presbyterian Pio neers met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forbes, at Rhodo, Thursday evening, for a social. A program of games was follow ed by an informal fellowship per-1 iod. There were twenty-two persons present including the adult lead ers, Mrs. L. B Nichols and Mrs. Joe Sursavage. (Continued from page 6) Billy Thompson hit Larry Posey with a 21 yard touchdown pass. With Elliott kicking and Thonsp I son holding, the extra point was I good, making the score 41 to 6. The last touchdown of the game came in the closing minutes when Thompson found Posey open again for a 20 yard pay dirt pass. Elliott's educated toe put the ball over for the final score of 48 to 6 Tuesday's win gave Murphy the honors this year after the Bull dogs took the first game this sea son. INTERIOR DECORATOR: Ready for your fall housecleanlng? 20 years experience. Free esti mates. Complete new line of wallpaper. For the best In paper hanging, painting floor, sanding and finishing, sheetrock taped and finished. Write J. P. Tin ker. Suit, N. C. 18-3tp ONCE AGAIN you may enjoy Sweet Delicious Chestnuts by planting the New Chinese Blight-resistant Variety, afford ing shade for the home grounds and producing prolific crops. Two. 2 to 3 ft- Early-bearing Trees Offer No. 2-1?$4-95, Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide Cain log in color. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro. Virginia. 18-ltc FOR SALE: Two burner oil heat er. excellent condition. Mrs. R. H. Foard, Phone 191, Murphy, N. C. 18-Stp FOR RENT: Five room house. Wired for phone and electric stove. Water in bouse. Two | miles above Peach tree BaptiM Church on main road. See Dan id Mack. Rt. 1, Murphy, N. C. WOOD CARVING. Ill wood working class at the School. Braaatown, Thurid ays, Nov amber 17 through December 19, 7:90 un til 9:90 p m Tuttton seven nights. $3.00; nine nighta, 90.75. 18-ltc USED FURNITURE BARGAINS: Wood and cool heaters, soda beds. 3 piece living room suite, gas refrigerator, ocossaional chairs?etc. Murphy Furniture Co., Phone 669 18-ltc FOR SALE: 98 acres /arm with seven room house and five stall plank barn four miles from Btairsvtlle on Murphy Highway. 30 acres under cultivation and 9.000, nine year old pines. ville. 18-3tp Creek running through land. Contact L. C. Hemphill, Blalrs LOST: A brown Mackinaw coat between Norvell Nun suckers and Franklin Smith* on Novem ber S. Finder please return to Ellis Painter and receive re ward. 18-3tp USED CARS: 1MB Mercury club coupe, 1050 Ford V4 T pickup, 1947 Ford Convertible, 1946 Ford Sedan. 1941 Ford Coach, 1941 Desoto, 1950 Dodge pickup, 1950 Chevrolet 1V4 T, 2 speed. Chaste In Motor Co. 18-ltc FOR RENT: Furnished apartment in Andrews, near school. Oall 141-J or see Mrs. Mark Elliott. 18-ltp To Relieve Misery of u 666 Johns - Manvilie Bldg. Materials Asphalt 8hiagle?-Rell ' Asbestos Siding GIBBS HDW. A AUTO SUPPLY DAT or NIGHT For Cab Service Call 207 DEPENDABLE DRIVERS ALL CARS INSURED SAFETY CABS MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE U. & Highway 64 Every Night IS ! The Big Cat' Teehaleator Not. lt-17 June HoTer-WUIiaa Lnlliu "Love Nest" -Wat* N*r. 10-10 "One Foot In Heaven" Iter. 1*41. "Satnrday's Hero' FOR SAL* Reentered Hereford Bull 8 months old, available for immediate delivery Contact A) Brown, Boa 84, Andrews, N. C. | Should see to appreciate. , 17-Stp SINGER, the Christmas present any housewife would appreciate most. New Singer electric maeh- ! ines from 882.50. All types of service and repairs. In Murphy each Tuesday Write P. O. Box N, Murphy, N. C. 16-3tp WANTED: There is a ready cash market for black walnuts that are sound, hulled and dried Farmers Federation phone 62 Murphy, N. C. ? 18-Stc FOR SALE: Reynolds Aluminum Roofing, all lengths. Farmers Federation. Murphy, N. C. 18-Stc FOR RENT: Three room furnish ed apartment. Electric range. Frigidalre, continuous hot wat er. use of phone. Call 96-W, Mrs. Nettle Axisy, 432 Hiawas see Ave. 18-ltc APT. FOR RENT: Three Urge rooms and bath of first floor. Nice floors. Inlaid linoleum In kitchen and bath; hot and cold water furnished Automatic heat. Adell Apts. Phone 288-XJ. 18-Stp FOR RENT: Unfurnished apt. on McClelland St. opposite Im perial Laundry. LJvtngrobm, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Pri vate entrance. $25 per month. Phone 163-J, Murphy, N. C. 18-StC WANTED: Man to wo** wtth poul Apply at larm at Bill Walls. 17-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT: In East Murphy on Valley River 444 nice six room touse with bath, newly painted inside and out Screened in back porch, large front .porch Garage In back. Dial 2101 after 5 p. m 2726 Hayesville, N. C. ' 16-tfc FOR RENT?Floor saoding ma chine and polisher by hour or day. Phone 100. Gibbs Hardware and Auto Suoc.lv. 47-tfc 1 FOR RENT: Five room bouse with furnace and SO gallon electric water heater furnished. Call 182 or 645, Murphy. N. C. 16-3tc ' FOR SALE: Five-room house. Ights and water, 34 acres in i Peachtree community on Tomot la Road. $4,500. See Radfords. 17-2nc FOR RENT: Furnished bedroom, also furnished apartment. Elec tric heat CaH 35. Josephine Heighway. 17-2nc FOR RENT: Four room unfurnish ed, rte am heated apartment; also two room steamheated furnished apartment with bath. Call 213 or 30. 17-tfc fOH RENT: One two room, fur nished apartment and one three room unfurnished apartment over Evans Garage. Call 48 or 44-W. 18-lte rOR RENT: Apartment Wired lor electric stove. Tom Evens Phone 48. Murphy, N. C. 17-9tc WELL DRILLING: Hove your wells drilled by modern machin ery 0" and I" domestic end commercial wells. Macon Pump and well Company. Write P. B. Ro~ers, Route 1, Franklin. N C. ? 12-13tp FOR RENT: Five room bouse with furnace and 90 gallon water heater furnished. Call 182 or 845. Murphy. N C. 16-3tr FOR SALE: A 68 acre farm locat ed on highway 18; 1V4 miles East of Marble. 'Modern 6-room stone dwelling with full con crete basement, large barn, shop, sheds, tenant house Forty acres In cultivation, all handled with tractor, balance in pasture and small amount of woodland. See Victor West Marble, N. C. 16-Stp WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. Townaon Lumber Co. Call 334. 15-tfc FOR SALE: Four hoom house and bath with basement, one acre of land, chicken house. Located on new Murphy-BUdrsvllle h 1 g fa way Terms. Call 549-XJ, Mur phy. 16-3tp WANTED TO BOY For cash high tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any ate. Graves Tires Co. Fhoot 300, Murphy. 47-t* rOR SALE?Cloder Blocks, any stse, any amount. Delivered Palmer Brae.. Phone 202. Mur phy, N. C. 47-tfc SENSATIONAL NEW Admiral t* AUTOMATIC RADIO PHONOGRAPH pioys commuoMy for up to SMutt j lOOJCf ONIr ?' HIGH I ploys oil records wMi Q (jfitHh/J^/ An outstanding rsHie! ThU fine Admiral! plays all Oae, all ipw? f, with the utmost simplicity. It's haantlftd and so?pact yet play* up to S Hy C?t? hsslndp a is dl 111 11 to raht WUKLT PA YMKNTS AS LOO AS . . . tAM ^WBHi Oibbs Hardware ft Auto Supply Phone 100 Murphy, N. C.