91ff i&ktwktfftnttf Established July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. C05TELLO Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, $2.50; Six Months, $ ISO: Outside Cherokee County: One Year. $3.00; Six Months, $1.75 , Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Meditation God is our refuge and st'ength. a very present help in trouble. I berefore will not we fear though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake icith the swelling thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God. the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her. she shall not be moved: God shall help her. and that right earl v. Psalms 4<>:l-s Decorations Murphy ami Andrews have Marled dressing themselves up for the holiday with all the Christ mas trimmings. .Merchants in both towns have taken enough interest in their communities to offer prizes for what judges consider tile best in different classes. The Chamber Of Commerce at Andrews is sponsoring the contest at their town. 1 he group is to he commended for the interest it shows in the community by sponsoring the contest every vear There is no single organization, or group if organizatins established-that can do as much lor its home community on the business level as a wide-awake Chamber of Commerce. In Murphy, the merchants that sponsored Trade \\ eek extended their sponsorship to in clude the decorations contest. Murphy can not boast the record Andrews has on the interest | shown in decorations. Nor can the county seat' claim to have a Chamber of Commerce as active! as its neighbor's However, with the success of Trade Week behind them, with the support and good wishes of the people of Cherokee County and with an interest shown in this first decoration contest. Murphv merchants are marching toward a first rate Chamber of Commerce. The sooner the organization is established and a lull time paid secretary is hired, the sooner! Murphv . her merchants, anil the merchants' cus- i timers will start to realize the benefits from a well-organized drive towad better business rfla-i lions. Letters To SANTA Editor's Note: The following letters were mailed to Santa Claus and the jolly old gentleman sent them on to the Seout to be published so that the children who wrote them would know Santa has seen them. One letter. Santa said, was handed to him wh en he was in Murphy for the Parade. He said he checked up on Cherokee County children when he was in town and couldn't find a bad mark against anyone. However, he said, he is still watching close during these last few days before he comes down the chimneys or through the windows. Dear Santa Claus. Dear Santa Claus. I am a good little girl. I am 5 years old. I want I have been awful good this year and have been you to bring me a bicycle and lots of toys. good at school, too 1 want you to bring me a bull And remember all the other little girls and dozer or a football for Christmas. Want you to bring boys. my little brother a train. He has been good. too. Thank you. Thank you Santa. Becky Joe Ray Larry and Paul Crisp i Dear Santa Claus, Candy Filling Station Blonde Doll Baton Crayon, 25 cent box cowgirl suit Dora Carmolita Smith Murphy. N. C ?Rt 1 Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me a stove, doll, bathinet, high chair, carpet sweep er and blackboard. Love, Patsy Lovingood Pfc. Dockery Dies In Gov't Hospital Pfc. Lee E. Dockery, 35, died December 2 in a government hos pital in Tucson, Arizona, after an extended illness. The body arrived in Chatta nooga. Tenn. Sunday. Dec. 7, and was met by Townson Funeral Home and brought to Murphy. Fdnejal services were conduct ed at 2 p. m. Tuesday, in Bates Creek Baptist Church of which he was a member. The Rev. Arthur .Humphrey officiated and burial was in the church cemetery with military honors. He was a veteran ?of World War IT, having- served with the 30th Division. He trained at Ft. Jackson, S. C. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Mary Lou Graves Dockery; two small children, Marvin and Bren da; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry'Dockery, Route 3. Murphy. Also three brothers, Vance, Roy end Marshall; two sifters, Miss Ellen Dockery of Murphy, Route 3, and Mrs. Ralph Rogers of Mur phy, Route 1. Standard Oil Dealers Entertain At Banquet County Standard OU dealers ware entertained at a banquet Thursday night at the Henry j , House on occasion of the "coming' out" of the new Uniflo Motor Oil. *"?' 25 guests ?ert present Jimmy Swineon, district and L JL Stout, field both of AshaviBe. carried out the Ofl colors, red white and Chick OUR CHURCHES Editor's note: With this issue the Scout be tins a new church column. We would like for this church section to be complete for Murphy and Andrews and will welcome any corrections in the infor mation. Murphy FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. Alton Morris, Pastor Telephone 367 or 187 Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Sermon: "Lo, I Am With You" Training Union, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m., Christinas music by Youth Choir. Sunday, 2:30 p. m., BeaMown Mission. Tuesday, 7 p. m? Brotherhood, pot luck supper. Wednesday, 6 p. m? T. U. Council Supper, 6:40, council meeting. Hour of Power, Wed.,- 7:30 j>. m. Thursday, 7:30 p. m? BWC An nual Christmas program at Mrs. W. A. Hoover's home. ST. WILLIAM'S CHURCH CATHOLIC L. C. Newman, Pastor Wayneaville, N. C. Sunday Mm, 8 a. m. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH EPISCOPAL Rhett Y. Winters, Jr., Minister Telephone 567 or 3fe-XJ Sunday School, Bible Class, 0:49 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a. m. ' Holy Communion (1st Sun.), 11 a m. Monday, 7:30 p. m? Christinas play by young people the church. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 10 a. m Worship, ll a. at 7 p. m. Worship, 7:10 p. m Mid-Week Pmyer gar. Wad-, 7:00 p. tn. Andrews FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A. G. Brooks, Interim Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Training Union, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 CHURCH OF THE HOLT COMFORTER EPISCOPAL (Ground Floor of Library) Rhett Y. Winters, Minister Murphy, N. C. Prayer and Sermon (2nd Sun.), 9 a. m. Holy Communion (4th Suniays), 9 a. m. FREE METHODIST CHURCH R. C. Eastham, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday., 7:30 p. m FIRST METHODIST CHURCH R. Delbert Byrnm, Pastor Telephone 444 ar 245 Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Sermon: "With Eager Heart" Evening Youth Meeting, 0. p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m? presentation of "The Messiah" by Handel. Mid-Week Prayer Service. Wed., 7:30 p. m? (he minister will speak. MURPHY PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. iPoneer and Youth Meetings. 7 p. m. Mid-Weak Service. Wed., 7:45 P Cherokee Chatter BY THE EOITOB FRANK FORSYTH hu one of the strangest diets in the annals of medicine From the way I fig ure it, what he eats depends on hntn he sits next to. I had lunch across the table from Frank the other day at the Henry House and he ate every thing in sight. MRS. CORA BRY SON snatched a Christmas deco ration away from him while he was still munching on some ol the red berries. I even caught a strange fork in my plate once in a while. ANOTHER MEAL But Tuesday night 1 sat next to Frank during a meal at the Methodist Church and DOC BILL HOOVER sat opposite us. This time Frank counted off the items i.ot on his diet and passed them up It seents Dr. Hoover put him on the diet. 1 don't believe the good doctor is fooled by chow hound Forsyth, anyway The latter mentioned how v eil one person was looking, am) the doc added. Yes. but be sticks to his diet." EXTRA CHOP By tnc way, the doc's no dummy cither. By sitting across from For sj ih he collected an extra chop which, of course was not on the lie, That's what 1 call figuring in advance. While on the subject of food :n.1 Forsyth. 1 would like for oth ers to profit by his mistake. If ever you are invited to a meal by Forsyth, take along your pock tbook. He asked me to that din ner at the Methodist Church and ! ended up by paying for my meal myseh. VANISHING APPLES FRANCES PUETT left the Scout office tlic other day a poor er but wiser woman. She walked in to see us carrying a box of beautiful apples. She'made the mistake of pass ing them around and when she got to me there were only two left. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so 1 took one. I hope C. D and she each enjoyed their half of apple dog gone EVERETT ENGLISH is trying to tell folks around these parts that he sent his best dog tq Geor gia to teach other hounds to hunt. Well part of tnat is correct. I happen to know that dog and I know the hound packed up and loft in disgust. I gpt it straight from the dog's mouth that she went to Georgia to open a school on marksmanship. After seeing Everett miss so many birds the poor animal decided marksman ship was going to the dogs and she wanted to be in on the ground floor. FLYI&G HIGH HOBART McKEEVER is on flight training with the Navy for a coupj? of weeks and .should be back in town before too long. I thought Q. P. had clipped his wings for good. ON VISIT Quite a few of the fellows at the Lions Club meeting were I pleased to see BOBBY QUINN back in town for a few hours. Bob was one of the first highway pa trolmen stationed In this area. I understand. He's now safety In structor for a trucking concern. DING DONG Every member of the Murphy Lions Club is a crook, DALE LEE said. He said be believes that and wiH continue to believe that until his dinner bell Is returned. 1*16 club borrowed R for their dime board and someone seems to like it more than Dale does. ST. ANDREWS E LUTHERAN Sunday School. 10 a. m The Service, 1 If. m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH E. L. Kirk. Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John C. Neville, raster Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Andrews Folk Attend Minion Study Course Mrs. L. B. ces McPherson. Mrs. age. Katharine Rev. J. C. Neville attended a rial foreign held at the Hryeon CKy terian Chunk last Around Andrews BY BITTH SUB&AVAGB While serving my hour ?t the Dime Board on Saturday 1 waa deeply Impressed toy the response of the people In the community appeal for the needy. Few per sons passed by without contribut ing something, and several brought out folding money. What better way is there' to show a truly Christian obse-vance of the Christ mas season? I was reminded, "For as much as ye do it unto these ye do it unto me." SAM HARTMAN, an Andrews man. is joining the ranks of the Smoky Mountain Conference of ficials. We hear that he knows the game. All the basketball fans are eagerly awaiting the opening game. Andrews opens the current season on Friday when they travel to Hiwassee Dam. The first home game will be played on Tuesday. Dec. 16. when the Andrews guys and gals are host to the Stecoah teams. "Auht Abby Answers An Ad" was more hilariously funny than 1 had even anticipated. A lot of praise is due the director and the cast that she described as "the most wonderful and cooperative group one coijld. ask for". Andrews is certainly all lit up like a Christmas tree and mv chil dren just love to ride up and down the main stem admiring the lights. We notice, too. that many places of business have already brighten ed their windows with artistic triumph Others are beginning to look rather drab in contrast. We hope that soon every business BIRTHS PETB1E HOSPITAL Mr. and Mr*. Bill Davis, Route 3, Murphy, announce the birth of a girl, November 26 Mr and Mrs. J. W. Whltener. Route 2, Murphy, announce the girth of a girl, November 28. Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Hawkins. Route 2, Hayesvllle, announce the birth of a girl, November 28. Mr. and Mrs Robert C. Witt of Murphy, announce the birth of a girl, December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Cooke of Culberson, announce the birth of a girl December 4. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Brown of Young Harris,. Ga., announce the birth of a girl, December 7. HUGHES Mr. and Mrs. Charlie J. Hughes announce the birth of a son at Woman's Hospital in Chattanooga Nov. 29. The baby has been named Oharles Edward. place in town will offer to the ? public the joy of Christmas deco rations. Is This Your Child? If such an emergency should hap pen to someone close to you, you wil lwant to give them the best possible care. And you CAN?if you protect them now, with in surance. See us! Peacock Insurance Agency Phone 4o/ Murphy, N. C. Custom Upholstery And Repairs O. L. RICHEY Phone 584-W ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS To The Fullest But Drive Carefully If you contemplate a trip, be sure to have your car Safety Checked in our Service Department, before you start. Pack-Farmer Garage Sycamore St. Murphy, N. C. ,n:ivi:i!o ou ts >??! DAVIS- JE.WELERS Phone 305 BY DR. KENNETH J FOREMAN ICEIPTtU: HaUki* 14. DEVOTIONAL READING a 1il4 Fear or Faith Lesson for December li 1S6Z it n*EAR wu the first creator of i Gods," wrote a long-ago Ro r-an poet. This was more or less true of all religions he could have i>! own about. It is also true of most religions around the world. An ex-Buddhist who had once trained for the priesthood In his own religion, said of his childhood, "All I knew was^hat there were i*0 gods and I was afraid of them ail." The characteristic feature of rcit religions is the appeasement cf angry, capricious or vengeful gods. Sometimes the terror is with out rhyfne or reason, as in the case of the Buddhist boy" just quoted. Sometimes the terror has a moral : ase and reason, as the great Greek poet Aeschylus portrays in his plays?the terrors of a man of quilty conscience fleeing from the :!ods who do not forget nor forgive. What Makes Men Afraid? In Matthew's story we have illus nations of what men fear. Herod, or example, was a superstitious ?lan. He was . fraid of John the i'aptist. and later afraid of Jesus because he though, ne might re <ohn again. .-?"en from the "? ve Hero-; was ;i cxa ..{ >? of the ?.ab who ears waa.ever Dr Foramoa he does oo< un derstand A horse will shy at a -iece of paper more than at more -.ngerous things. Horses now rtays pass cars (or rather, cars :-.r them!> and the horse does not c much as, prick an ear; but in ?'?e days when cars were rare, ?orses would go wild at the very sight or sound of one. People are like that; grown men -re uf,o;i no more than grown-up >-'ldr-m, still afraid of the dark. "*cn Herod also is an illustration >at men are as it were afraid of .l.-ir own shado s That is to say. j Shakespeare. puts it. "Con ? -nee uOr'h m -'e e\,??rd" of us ill." Or as the Psalmist said long tefore Shakespeare: "The wicked tee when no man pursueth." Many of our fears would never rxist if we had lived as we ought co have lived. Men live in fear of ??xposure, fear of blackmail, fear of failure and defeat, -often through no one's fau|t but their own. Then the disciples too were afraid. They were not superstitious, ney were* not haunted by their sins, but they were afraid in the storm, they feared the wind and waves. Why Christians Are Brave St-dents of the Bible have dis c:??red that the word "fear" is ur-ahy tied there to another word: Kat. Fear net, is one key-note of l>w?h Old and New Testaments. The reason for this is plain. Chris tianity is the religion of love: love to Cod, love to one's neighbor. Net mere good will or kindly feel but active, self-forgetful love. "There is no fear in love, but per iod love casteth out tear,'* as St. . John said. Old writers, commenting on the story -f Peter's sinking in the sea, have stid that if he had kept his mind on lesus instead of on him self and on the storm-tossed waves, he would not have cried out, 'I perish " Certain it Is that when we are self-centered we are ?ure to be tormented with fear,' for we are always thinking what may happen to us?and of course plenty can. If we keep our minds on our work and on the tact thatOod is our Father, If we remember morn i 'B, noon and night that the God who "so loVed the world that he save his only begotten Son" is the aaiec Cod who created this uni verse ebd controls It, then we shall iv>t be scourged with fears. ? ? ? Crurageotu Christians It la a tremendous mistake to think that Christianity Is only for rabbity people, tor mice and not men. Christ does something tor even such persons. It is true; he takes them clear out of them -elves. Remember the long roll of the early Christian martyrs, very humble people most of them, who died horrible daeths rather than deny their Master; remember such saints as / the missionaries who converted our own savage ances tors. at great,peril to their own lives; remember the missionaries of -Or own time, some of them raftering torture and aD of them distress, yet not giving up. The ordinary . Christian missonary has more to be afraid of than most of rest at ks have; yet be has I- -s tear Be knows Ood too well The total output of crops this year will be only 2V* per cent below the peak reached In 1MB.

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