USED CARS: IMS Ford tudor; MM7 Ford, dub coupe: 1IM6 Ford fordor; 1052 St ude baker 4 door champion; 1941 Ford fordor; 1940 Ford convertible; 1941 Chevrolet V4 ton pickup truck; 1937 Chevrolet 2 door; Vs ton trailer. Chastain Motor Co., Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE: 1 1941 Ford Tudor; 1 1941 Philco refrigerator. See or write Ben H. Brown, Murphy. N. C., Rt. 1. 22-ltp GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT. Com plete line Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Nut Trees, ' and Ornamental Plant Material offered by Virginia's Largest Growers. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color. Salespeople wanted. Waynes bo ro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. 22-ltc YR RENT: Four room unfurnish ed, steamheated apartment; also two room steamheated furnished apartment with bath. Call 213 or 30. 17-tfc A PERMANENT BUSINESS, part time or full, to limited number of farm men. No investment. Take orders for America's larg est nationally sold LIQUID FERTILIZER. Steady $50 and up weekly income Write 'Na Churs" Plant Food, 90 D Mon roe St., Marion, Ohio. 20-3tc FOR RENT: Two room steamheat ed furnished apartment with bath. Call 213 or 30. 22-tfc 5-IN-ONE APPLE TREE?Five selected Varieties grafted on one tree, furnishing fruit from June until November. 2-year Early-bearing Size Trees?Offer No. 2-7?One for $3.75; Two; for $7 25?Postpaid Write for 3ree Copy 56-page Planting uide Catalog in color. Sales people wan ted. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia FOR SALE: Bronze wall brackets: See our table display of other sale items. Murphy Electrical Shop 20-3tc WANT TO BUY: One or two fresh Durham milk cows; or ones which will be fresh shortly. State price and age. George A. Wood, Andrews, N. C. 19-3tp SINGE^, the Christmas present anv housewife would appreciate most. New Singer electric mach ines from $92.50. All ty{>es of service and repairs. In Murphy each Tuesday Write P. O Box , N. Murphy, N C. 19-3tp WANTED TO BUY For cash high tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any size. Gdaves Tires Co. Phone 300, Murphy. 47-tft FOR SALE OK RENT: In East Mttrphy on Valley River 444 nice six roam house with bath, newly painted inside and out Screened in back porch, large front porch. Garage in back. Dial 2101 after 5 p. m 2720 Hayesville. N C. 16-tfc BAZAAR: By County Home Dem onstration Council. Dec. 19-20, Moore's Dodge showroom. Home made foods, candies, crafts. Ideal Christmas gifts. Come and buy! Sales begin noon Friday. 22-3tp FOR RENT: Five room house with electric hot water heater, stok er furnace and garage. Good lo cation. See Mrs. Vivian Gentry or call 225-J. 20-3tp FOR SALE. Child's 20 infh Col son bicycle In good condition. Call 115 or 3. Murphy, N. C. 20-3tc FOR SAlJlfc One Warm Morning heater; one cook stove. Both in good condition. See Marvin Pul lium, Andrews, N. C. 19-3tp FOR RENT?Floor sanding ma chine and polisher by hour or day. Phone 100. Gibbs Hardware and Auto 47-tfc FOR SALE: Cedar and white pine Christmas trees. 50 cents up. Mrs. Ed Waldroup, Brasstown, N. C. 22-1 tp WELL DRILLING: Have your wells drilled by modern machin ery 6" and 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and well Company. Write F. B. Ro-ers, Route 1, Franklin, N C. 12-l.-)tp FOR SALE: Home grown sweet potatoes Farmers Federation. Murphy. N. C. 20-3tc FOR RENT: One furnished, one unfurnished apartment o we r Evens Garage Call 44-W or 48. One four room house with bath wired for electric stove. Electric water heater furnished. Newly decorated Close in. Mrs Tom Evans. 21-3tc WANTED: Wild gensing. Must be free of molded or burnt root. J. P.' Trull, Marble, Rt. J. 21-3tp FOR RENT: 12 room house com pletely furnished. Hot and cold water. Can be made into four apartments. Call 562-W, Mur phy. N. C. 21 3tc WANTED TO BUY, few hundred bushels, white or yellow corn in the shuck. Paying market price. W. S. Dickey. Murphy, N. C. 21-3tc FOR SALE CHEAP: Used furni ture. China cabinet, buffet, da venport, bedsteads and springs, one warm morning stove, one small coal stove, odd kitchen chairs, etc. Mrs. Howard Moody. Rock house opposite bus station. 21-3tp AVAILABLE AT ONCE: Good Rawleigh Business in Cherokee County. Household Medicines? Food Products?Extracts?F a r mer's Supplies. Big line?Good Profits. For particulars write Rawieigh's Dept. N C L-750-T T. Riohmond, Va. 21-4tp T OR SALE: Five room house and two acres of land located on An drews highway one and a half miles from Murphy square. Well with electric pump. City water available. Contact J. C. Mon tcith. Oliver Springs, Tenn , Rt. 1, Beechwood phone 5911. 21-3tp PIGS FOR SALE: $5 each. Leave your order at Dickey Supply Co. or contact Howard Stiles at Frank Dickey's Farm on Peach tree. 21-3tp FOR RENT: Two furnished apart ments. One three rooms and bath, one two ??ooms and bath. | Hot and cold water furnished. Hot air furnace heat. Dr. George L. Dyer, phone 446 or call 192. Murphy, N. C. 21-3te WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. 15-tfc FOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, any size, any amount Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202 MflT phy, N. C. 47-tfc RED, WHITE AND BLUE GRAPE COLLECTION. Consisting of 2 each Red Lucile, White Niagara and Early Blue Fredonia?total Six 2-year Grape Vines? F3.15, Postpaid. Offer No. 2-5. Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide Catalog in color sent on request. Salespeople wanted. WaynesDo ro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Vir ginia. WHY PAY HIGH HOUSE RENT? Four room house, for sale, com plete with bathroom, kitchen cabinet sink, one acre land, 15 minutes drive from town? Terms you can meet. Call 569-XJ. 22-3tp IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dad, R. L. Donley, who passed away Dec. 15, 1948 "Somewhere back of the sunset. Where lonliness nev^- lies. He lives in a land of glory "Mid the blue and gold of the skies. "Not dead to those who loved him, But only gone before, He lives with us in memory, And will forever more." Geneva and Blaine Donley1 22-1 tp NOTICE OF SAI F. OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 4013 North Carolina Cherokee County Cherokee County, Plaintiff, vs. NOTICE or SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY KATE MCDONALD, AdmlniMi*-1 trlx of W. B. Sneed, Deceased, Pe titioner, NANCY DEWEESE; ALICE DOCKERY; JESSIE HOLLAND; MARY BIRCHFIELD; WILLIE SNEED. LOUISE SNEED. HAR OLD SNEED. MILDRED SNEED and JANE SNEED, Minors, Defen dants. The Defendants. WILLIE SNEED, LOUISE SNEED, HAR OLD SNEED, MILDRED SNEED and JANE SNEED and JESSIE HOLLAND will take notice that an action entitled as above has i>een commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, by the Administratrix of W. B. Sneed, Deceased, for the purpose of making assets for the payment of indebtedness against the estate. And the said defendants will further take notice that they are ELMER STILES, and wife, MAE STILES: F. O CHRISTOPHER. TRUSTEE; BONNIE KING. TRUSTEE; AND A. W GREENE, MORTGAGEE. Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in me by a Judgment of the Chero kee Superior Court dated the 23 (lay of October. 1952. in the above entitled action, I will, on Wednes day. the 24th day of December. 1952, at 12 o'clcok noon at the Courthouse door in Murphy. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described lands in Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee, N. C.: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. J. M. Dockery, S. E. Payne, and oth ers. and bounded as follows: Being apart of the S. E. Payne Homestead. BEGINNING on a rock on the West side of N. C. Highway No 294 and running with said road an Eastward direction to a rock and small black gum; thence a Southward direction to a rock; from and after January 1, 1953. thence a Southwestward direction to a Hickory; thence a Westward direction to a Black Oak and small Sourwood in an old line mark; thence a Northerly direction to a , rock; thence in a Northeasterly di rection with the J. M. Dockery line to a rock; the beginning cor ner, containing 25 acres, more or less Being the same lands conveyed j to Elmer Stiles byW . C. Walker and wife, Mertie Walker and deed ? dated August 17, 1934 and record ed in Book 117 at page 111, Re-^ cords of Cherokee County. This the 18 day of November, 1952. s/ H. L. McKeever, Commission er 20-4tc required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chrokee County, North Caro lina at his office in (tie Court House in Murphy, North Carolina within twenty days after the 11 day of December, 1952, to-wit on or before the 31 day of December, 1952, and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, which now on file with copies for defei dants, or the Plaintiff will appl t? the Court for the relief d< manded in the Complaint. This the 6 day of Novembei 1952. J. L. HALL, Clerk Superic Court. 20-41 TAX NOTICE For the coming year, 1953, each and every Merchant, business man, whether company, partnership, proprie torship, or corporation, shall, prior to January 31st, 1953, list all real and personal property for taxes. A listing of personal property must be accompa nied by a written inventory and this inventory must be presented to the tax lister and turned over to the County. The inventory requirement is authorized by North Carolina General Statutes 105-306,26, and failure to list taxes prior to January 31st, 1953 and-or failure to pre sent such inventory at the time of Ifsting, is subject to action by the Grand Jury of this County upon the re commendation of the County Commissioners, North Carolina General Statutes 105-307. THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AS TAX LISTERS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY ? 1-MURPHY TOWNSHIP-J. A. Richardson and Miss - Rpccip Mallonoo 2-VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP-Victor Raxter 3-NOTLA TOWNSHIP-J W.Hatchett 4-HOT HOUSE TOWNSH1P-C.C. Foster 5-SHOAL CREEK TOWNSHIP-Don Taylor 6-BEAVERDAM TOWNSHIP-George Crawford They will start Jan. 1. 1953. For your convenience posters willbe put on public buildings in each Township showing the place and number of days they will be there. E. L. SHIELDS Tax Supervisor For Sale OAK BLOCKS For Heating . Or Cooking ^all 207 Murphy, N. C. For Rent Warehouse Space In RifUnd Brothers Bulletin* On Depot Street / Oanthct Jim Gibbs i Phone 100 ? YOU'LL TAKE PRIDE IN GIVING To The Man In Your Life We Have The Gifts That Will Light Up The Eyes Of That Extra Special Guy In Your Life, Regardless Of His Age. Among The Items We Recommend To Guarantee A MERRY CHRISTMAS For HIM Are: Arrow Shirts?Whites And Colors Hickok Belts?All Sizes Dobbs Hats?Get Him A Hat Certificate To Hang On The Christ mas Tree. Griffon Suit?Surprise Him With A Gift He Will Use For Years. Florsheim Shoes?The Style's The Thing Gzxper Socks And Un derwear?Help HIM Complete His Ward robe McGreagor Sportswear?The Best In Casual Wear W-eldon Pajamas?Wide Selection Of Colors Kaynee Boyswear?For That Little Man In Your Life We can Show You Our Outstanding Line Of Boyswear COWARD'S Men's & Boys Wear Gift Headquarters For The Men In Your Life Inch for Inch and Pound for Pound GREATEST ACTION CAR America Has Ever Produced! Dodge Coronet V-8 Series New 140-h.p. ltd Horn V Eight Slack the new Dodge up against the most costly cars for comfort, safety and performance! Match it with the light cars for easy handling, maneuverability and economy. Here's a dynamic 140-h.p. V-8 for the price of a 6! Here's the Action Car for Active Americans! Dodge Meadowbrook'6'Series Tim?-Pr?v?d "6tt-Awoy" Sh . V J New-All New Dodge E. C MOORE. 107 Valley River Ave, Murphy, N.?