?ife ?^rrnkrr ituwt Established July 1X89 Published every Thursday at Murphy. Cherokee County, N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P COSTELLO Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPT.ION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, $2 50; Six Months, $ 1.50; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, $3 00; Six Months, $1.75 Entered in the Post Olfice at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class mitter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Meditation Sow when Jesus was born n Bethlehem of Judaea tn the days of Herod the king, be/sold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jewsf For we have seen bis star in the east, and tire come to worship bim. And when they were come into the bouse, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treas ures. they presented unto him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another ?way. St. Matthew 2: C hristmas Seals The sale of Christmas Seals in Cherokee County is going rather well according to reports, hut there are still some letters unheard from. The folks who have not sent in their checks realize the importance of the Christmas Seal drive and fully intend to do their part and send their checks. But at this time of the year it is so easy to put off little things like getting a donation in the mail. We are all thinking about our own Christmas plans and our hearts and minds are filled with our own happiness. That jov can be expanded just a little more by helping others. There is no better way to give assistance than through the purchase of Christ mas seals. Letters To SANTA Marble. N. C. Dec. 11. 1952 Dear Santa Claus. 1 am a little boy 4 years old I have been very w ia _ . ,.w W1 , L_. [ Murphy. N. C. Box 104 Dear Santa Claus, good and I ?x>uld like for you to bring me a teddy 1 would like t0 a ^ doll with blond hair bear, trucks, care, a capbuster. riding horse, and I would like a bi6 br'de ?W?1I. ? kitchen cabinet, a some clothes, some oranges, apples, nuts and candy bi? P'a>house. a toy watch. Alice In Wonderland. for Christmas and a s bedroom suits, a red book bag. a Merry Christmas! Iittle toy store' Your Friend. Sheilah Sneed Howard Coffey l'm 5 years old. Looking Over A Four-H Clover By FRANCES PITETT And M. B. WRIGHT "THE GREEN YEARS" "The Green Years" was the theme of the Achievement Program held Friday evening in the Murphy Primary Auditorium and sponsored by the County 4-H Council. . * * ? The famous - saying. "Wbed we're green we grow," has its Im portance to 4-H Clubbers. "Green" symbolizes to them the "living." The unique 4-H clover ddlA each H in the four leaves is more than "good luck" but the development of Head, Heart, ? Hands, and Health. S v! *-?. Thanks to Tommy Moore, the Wolf Creek A group, and Jeny Ruth Smith fogily^r contribution to the program through music. We were glad to look back over the year and know that the' fol lowing boys and girls had achieve ment in their work, and become county winner* and .hade be come district wifan^s: iickft Wil son, meat animal; Billy Parker, poultry; Ned Stewart, field crops; Christine Elliot^ canning, garden ing. district gardening; Shirley Carver, clothing, district citizen ship; James Smith, dairy achieve ment; Charlie Mills, dairy calf; Joy Collect, dairy foods team dem onstration, health, district bsalth; Barbara Barton, dairy foods team demonstration, farm & home Elec tric; Emma Jean Shields, dairy foods demonstration, dress review, food preparation, district dairy foods; Ralph Jordan, farm & home electric; Fred Van Horn, forestry, public speaking, health, wildlife, district public speaking; Jerry Ruth Smith, poultry, rural arts & recreation, district rural recre ation; Clara Hughes, public spank ing; Carol Elliott, wiUttfe; educa tional exhibit, L.aui*a Bailey. Claude Hurt, Billy Killlan, and Juanlta Graham. And the high honor of having Dorothy Shields, I. F. Y. E. Delegate. Mr. O. H. Phillips. Asst. State 4-H Leader, came breezing i in from AshevlHe to attend our pro gram with the cold wind but re ceived a warm I PERSONALS I BY MRS. C. W. SAYAGE i Mrs. Frank Pool will arrive Sat urday to spend the Christmas holi days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cos telio. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Burgess spent last week end in Ash evil le. Mrs. John Branham and small son, Ruff in, of Raleigh spent a few days here this week with Mrs. H. Bueck. They were joined here Wednesday by Mrs. J. Walter Branham and son, Buricy, who were ret u r n 1 n g from Warm Springs, Ga., where Bucky has been for a routine check-up. The four of them returned to Raleigh Thursday. Mrs. Dixie and Miss Hattie Pal mer were guests of friends in Ashevllle last week end. Mrs. Geraldlne Meadows wfU go to Canton, Ohio this week end to spend Christmas with her has band. H. Bueck attended the Haywood County 4-ions Club party for blind children held Sunday after noon in Waynesvllle. Mrs. R. H. Foard, Mrs. J. B. Gray and Miss Hattie Palmer were in Atlanta last Saturday. A. H. Myers and family ?f Try on, Ga. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Singleton and family. Mrs. Cora Watkins of Andrews spent last week end with her soo in-haw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Ray and Becky Jo. Mrs. A. M. Brittaln of Atlanta visited her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Cover in Andrews Sunday, and came to Murphy Sunday night to hear "The Messiah". She was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bttei Adams. Mrs. Hugh Putnam left Satur day for her home in Cherryville after vending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hoover and family. COMMERCIAL PRINTING V * * We can now..promise our customers PROMPT DELIVERY on all job printing. Let Us GiVe You Estimates On Your Commercial Printing Needs. We Guarantee Complete Satisfaction \ THE ? CHEROKEE SCOUT Prtatm STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS SUPPLIES Cherokee Chatter BY THE EDITOB One of my favorite girl friends, BETTY WEAVER, had a birthday a few days ago and got herself a male Parakeet as a present from her parents. | I know its a male Parakeet be-' aur.' Betty told me she will have U> teach it to talk. And whoever heard of teaching a female any thing how to talk? Betty, who just turned 12. sent over some birtbday cake. It was delicious. 1 understand her grand mother made it STOCK AUCTION I got my first look at a live stock auction last Tuesday when NOAH HEMBREE took me over to ED KING'S barn. It was an interesting sight. 1 learned a little about stock sales, got my foot stepped on by a heavy-footed calf, eiw Noah get kicked in the knee by a frisky little calf and learned how very little a layman knows about live stock. Ed said he wasn't going to hold a sale this coming Tuesday be cause it will be so close to Christ mas. However, business will go on as usual Dec 30. I'll be on had to see some more. One of these days I'm going to buy one of those critters just to see how it feels. I've never owned a cow. But Ed owns a goat. He was highest bidder on a Billy that showed up in the auction pen. The Murphy Lions Glub Dime Board will be out again Satur day and Monday and Tuesday of next week President BOB WHITE said i C. R. FREED will be captain of :he group minding the board Fri day D. MOODY heads it Satur day. ALDEN COWARD is captain Mcnday and W A. SINGLETON v.ill be in charge Tuesday. I'm going to be ringing that bell from noon to 1 p. m. Tuesday apd anyone who goes by me without leaving some cash will get tripped. The money is going for a worthy cause. It will be used to boy foods and gifts for baskets to be deliver ed to fhe needy and blind. A committee will meet at Burch Motors 7 p. m. Tuesday. Dee. 23 to deliver the baskets. Poet's Corner BY NORA COBB SPRBUEB The mistletoe cHngs to the tall oak bough. Houses are bedecked with holly now? . Friends and- loved ones rway fn the wood To gather,symbols that are under atood. Glorifying the season each year wtth cheer. Awakening hearts to hoftnear near. Visions of Bethlehem's star screws Plash each year on the Okrfstaaa* Mr. and Mrs. J. H. sons. Harry and Sammy sj? week end with relatives ii? fViil ciViWbVb-in TIIATII 7 and t ? "SUBMARINE COMMAND" "COMING ABOUND THE MOUNTAIN" JUST TUB ONCE" Around Andrews BY BUTH SUR&AYAGE A importer sometimes get* In hot water concerning the newt or ack of news, and I was soundly taken to task by C. S. FREEL, for (ailing to write up a genuine sur prise birthday party that he had for the MRS. Mr. Freel was so very proud of having been able to pull something over on the lit tle woman that he felt that he de served a little recognition. And I feel that he does, too Everyone around Andrews is all I excited about the big Christmas ! party to be held on the Berkshire lawn next Tuesday night. I can't imagine anything that would more truly represent the Spirit of Christmas than for all the people of a community to gather together in one place for the purpose of singing carols and observing holi day fellowship. I hope that abso lutely everyone will be there The genial and generous DOC pinned sure-enough TWENTY I DOLLAR BILLS on the Christmas Cheer dime board Saturday. Now ! if the rest of us who have so much I to be thankful for will dig In and give as much as you possibly can. the need of the Christmas Cheer Fund will be met when the dime board closes at 5:00 o'clock this Saturday. All the squeals and "Darlings" * you're hearing on the streets at Andrews means that the college crowd is coming in. They just (eel like hugging everyone in sight lor what Can possibly be nicer than seeing the home (oiks after an absebce of several months or v.eks? And what can possibly be nicer than seeing them? The response to the Chamber of Commerce suggestion that we all dress up (or Christmas has been (or the n^ost part very rewarding. Mdtiy people are stopping in front of DAVIS DRUG STORE to r.dmire Elizabeth's artistic touch. 1 saw one of our ministers standby .quietly in front of CITI ZEN'S BANK AND TRUST CO. window the other night, obviously enjoying the scene there. The green and white trees in the A and P Store make a trip there mighty Christmasy. And there are more and more and more. I noticed a jolly little Santa just ready to step down the chim ney out at HAROLD KATZA MAN'S The gayly trimmed tree on the second floor of the WILLIAM WALKER residence looks well from the main street. And I can sit in my living room and catch a glimse of the twinkl ing colored lights in REBCE'S MOTOR#CO. window. II mso Creole's Cash Grocery BRIGHTER THAN NEW! Hembree's Market CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST Application Form Mail to Scout Office ? . NAME UDPSS Lava A Roof (Check One) Window & Door ? Roles: 1.?Application must be filed. 2.?Decoration must be up befoce Dec. 18 and application filed. J?Decorations Must Be Visible From Street. 4?Home must be inside town Knots. THIS CHRISTMAS ? 'v* GIVE SECURITY........ WITH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Ypu'll find this' the convenient answer to many a gift problem! You may open a gift aticourit with any amount in the names of relatives, employees, or youngsters. Make this the year to give "Gifts of Thrift" RnR Andrew*, N. C Murphy, Nf. C. BY DR. KENNETH J. FOREMAN IlKifTtEl: MitUtv I. DEVOTIONAL READING God With U$ Lessee l?f December'*!, IN* WHAT does Christmas meanf It ti all wrapped up in one of the words describing Jesus, one of the less familiar names: Emmanuel (Or Immanuel; the Bible spells it bothways.) It means GOD WITH US The Christian religion Is not the only religion that believes in God. Many authorities believe that with out belief in some kind of god. there is no religion. But a man can wonder about God, or believe that there must be a god of some kind, ail his life long, and be no better man for all that. Cruel, lying men have worshipped cruel, lying gods and they grew all the worse for it To Live Where We Live However, some of the higher re ligions have had sublime ideas about God, indeed maity ideas which a Christian will agree are true.TheRomans understood there is a justice on high; their gods would see and reward the Just. But few Romans ever loved their gods The more lofty their ideas of God were, the less they loved Dr. Foreman and the more they were afraid A holy god (they supposed) must be the enemy of all sinners. In many religions, not the Roman alrne there have b -en stories of gods who (like the Cana dian police) would always "get (heir man " "Vour sin will find you out" is a verse in the Old Testa ment which many another religion could have echoed In contrast to all this, the coming of Christ means that God is with us. not against us. He has come lc live where we live, to be on our side The ba/e belief. "God is." brings little comfort. Mount Everest is. and so is the South Pole But the mountain and the pole are cold and far away. Most men who seek them perish Only the Christian religion knows of a God who came to earth and still comes to mskr lis home in the hearts of men of mod-will ? ? ? a Spelling God Out When we ?>& "God ii ? person" we can be misunderstood, and we can quickly get Into thought tengtes. But if we ask the que* , tion. If God were a human being. [ what sort of person would he be. : we have not only asked a very tm i portant question, but we can under | stand the answer: it la Jesus. He : is the translation of God into bu ' man language. We needed that translation, to*. Jesus was not born into a world ef athksts: far from tt There were "gods" everywhere. There were (Ktie mean gods and little nasty gods, and they did no one any good. There were vast gods ef wrath, and there were high serene gods wbb went their ways in the sky Hke great airliners, easting fleet shadows on the farms beneath but not-knowing nor earing who i Hve down there. Bo Shall Save Hb People Emmanuel means more then that God bos visited his people. Tour old aunt may come tor a visit and stay tor two weeks, and all that time never offer a word ef com plaint or criticism. She Ma you do as you ploaso, she gives the chil dren candy and sho balps your wtto wttb the cooking-and she knits you a muffler. Soma people think God ts tike that, a sort of handy deity around the houso. a god who win hand ont we ears to aak for. "God God cornea to visit us In Christ. ? Is not s visit ef curiosity. It was no sentimental Journey God took to Bethlehem. Ood is with as; but not to ud our no* to hash us up to anything i everything we may take a tod* He Is wtth us to do what-wo ess never do by ourselves or tor our ' selves: namely to save us from ourselves What the beat of Imag inary gods could never do. what the Utile gods (even If they had been real) would never do. the true God has done Could be have dene tt In beovenT We do not know What ere do know is that our Ood had something to do for us ?n earth; and that ts why Christ came to Beth] them