roa RENT: 4 room modern apartoeni with furnace heat. 3 room apartment wired for elec tric etove, 1 sleeping room, fur nace teat Mack O'DeU. Phone 356, liuiphy, N. C 23-3tc FOR RENT: 12 room house com pletely furnished Hot and cold water. Can be made into tour apartments. Call 562-W, Mur phy, N. C. 21 3tc FOR RENT: One furnished, one unfurnished apartment over Evans Garage. Call 44-W or 48. One four room house with bath wired for electric stove. Electric water heater furnished. Newly decorated. Close in. Mrs. Tom Evans. 21-3tc FOlf RENT: Two furnished apart ments. One three rooms and bath, one two rooms and bath. Ho* and cold water furnished. Hot air furnace heat. Dr. George L. Dyer, phone 446 or call 192, Murphy, N. C. 21-3tc FOR SALE OK RENT: In East Murphy on Valley River 444 nice six room house with bath, newly painted Inside and out Screened In back porch, large front porch. Garage in back. Dial 2101 after S p. m 2726 Hayesville, N. C. 16-tfc WHY PAY HIGH HOUSE RENT? j Four room house, for sale, com-: plete with bathroom, kitchen cabinet sink, one acre land, IS! minutes drive from town. Terms, you can meet. Call 569-XJ. 22-3tp WELL DRILLING: Have your wells drilled by modern machin ery 6" and 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and well Company. Write F. B. Ro"ers Route 1, Franklin. N C. 12-13tp FOR SALE: Five room house and two acres of land located on An drews highway one and a half miles from iMurphy square. Well with electric pump. City water available. Contact J. C. Mon teith, Oliver Springs, Tenn, Rt. 1, Beechwood phone 5911. 21-3tp FOR SALE: 24 acres of land, good orchard and vineyard. Lot^ of young locust timber and about 8 acres in cultivation, known as the John Lee Chastain farm. Located 6 miles from Murphy, N. C. See Harvey Stalcup. Rt. 2. Murphy, N. C. 23-ltp FOR SALE: one 8 mm movie camera, like new, 2 rolls film, $25. Wilson Palmer, phone 332-W or 31. 23-ltp FOR RENT?Floor sanding ma chine and polisher by hour or day. Phone 100. Gibbs Hardware and Auto Sunolv. 47-tfc FOR SALE CHEAP: Used furni ture. Ohina cabinet, buffet, da venport, bedsteads and springs, one warm morning stove, one small coal stove, odd kitchen chairs, etc. Mrs. Howard Moody. Rock house opposite bus station. 21-3tp rOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, any size, any amount. Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202 Mur phy, N. C. 47-tfc WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. 15-tfc PIGS FOR SALE: $5 each. Leave your order at Dickey Supply Co. or contact Howard Stiles t Frank Dickey's Farm on Peach tree. 21-3tp USED CARS: 1947 Ford fordor; 1946 Ford fordor; 1940 Ford Convertible; 1948 Chevrolet Vfc ton pickup; 1946 Chevrolet pickup; 1949 Dodge 4 dr; 1952 Stude baker 4 dr. Champion; 1941 Chevrolet V4 ton pickup; 1942 Dodge 1V4 ton truck; Vt ton trailer. ? Chastain Motor Co., Murphy, N. C. 23-ltc USED CARS: 1948 Ford tudor; 1947 Ford, club coupe; 1946 Ford fordor; 1952 Studebaker 4 door champion; 1941 Ford fordor; 1940 Ford convertible; 1941 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup truck; 1937 Chevrolet 2 door; 14 ton trailer. Chastain Motor ? Co., Murphy, N. C. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS: Reduced prices of older model Ladles' Elgin watches. Nice line of ladies' and gents' watches, reg istersd (diamonds and all types * bands Expert watch repairing at lowest rates. Earl Beaver, Jeweler, Main St., Andrews, N. C 23-2tc WANTED TO BUY, few hundred bushels, white or yellow corn In the shuck. Paying market price. W. S. Dickey. Murphy. N C. _ 21-3 tc WANTED TO BUY For cash high 1 I tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any size. Graves Tires Co. Phone 300, Murphy. 47-tfc RED. WHITE AND BLUE GRAPE COLLECTION Consisting of 2 each Red Lucile, White Niagara and Early Blue Fredonia?total Si* 2-year Grape Vines? $3.15, j Postpaid. Offer -No. 2-5. Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide' Catalog in color sent on request, j Salespeople wanted. WaynesDo-1 ro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Vir ginia. RED. WHITE AND BLUE GRAPE COLLECTION. Consisting at 2 each Red Luetic, White Niagara and Early Blue Fredenla?total , Six 2-year Grape Vines?Offer No. 2-5?(3 15. Postpaid. Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color on request. Salespeople wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries. Waynesboro. Virginia. 23-ltc MALE HELP WANTED: FULLER BRUSH CO. has opening for one man with car in Murphy. N C. 40 stops per day earning $75 per week to start. Free training, steady work, chance for advancement. For 1 n t e rvlew write J. L. Wellborn P. O. Box 2505. Asheville, N. C. 23-4tc OUR REPRESENTATIVE will be in Murphy each Tuesday Used Singer Machines from $29 50 up New Singer electric machines from $92.50 up. All types at re pairs. Write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Box N, Murphy, N. C. 23-3tp FOR RENT Rooms near hospital. Phone 177-W, Murphy, N. C. | 23-3 tc FOR RENT: Rooms and bath steam heat. Tennessee St. Phone 177-W, Murphy. N. C. 23-3tc LOST: Plastic rimmed glasses in Murphy shopping district Mon day. Reward. Qall 19 or 27. 23-ltp NOTICE or SALE or REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 4188 North Carolina Cherokee County Cherokee County, Plaintiff, . v?. LEE MULL and Wife. RUBY MULL. MINNIE LEDFORD and Husband. LONN1E LEDFORD. FRED MULL. JERRY MULL and WANTED: Wild sensing. Must be free of molded or burnt root. J. P. Trull. Marble, Rt. 1. 21-3tp SLIGHTLY USED: 1952 model electric washing machine. ,A . real bargain. Murphy Furniture Salvage (Below Cherokee Ho-' tel). 23-ltp, AVAILABLE AT ONCE: Good Rawleigh Business in Cherokee County. Household Medicines? Food Products?Extracts?F a r mer's Supplies. Big line?Good Profits. For particulars write Rawleigh's Dept. NCL-750-TT, Richmond, Va. 21-4tp HOMEMADE FOOp AND GIFTS, candies, crafts. Ideal Christmas gifts, at bazaar sponsored by County Home Demonstration Council Friday and Saturday. Dec. 19-20 at Moore's Dodge Showroom. Come and buy! Sales begin Friday noon. 23-ltp Wife. RUBY MULL. WILLEY MULL. MRS MILKY RAVtN OROPT and Husband. MILKY RAVENCROFT. MARY ANN MULL, and SAM W. JONES as Guardian of Mary Ann Mull. In fant, Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in me by a Judgment of the Chero kee Superior Court dated the 19th day of December, 1952, in the above entitled action, I will, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Jan uary. 1?53. at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Murphy, fJorth Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands in Val leytown Township. Cherokee County, N. C.: Being a part of Tfact No. 37, In the Town of Andrews, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Francis Mehaffy, Jess Patterson. Kings, Hubb Mull, the Aquone Road, and others, and more par ticularly described as follows: | BEGINNING on a stake in the South margin of Aquone Road, and runs South with Hubb Mull's line 940'i feet to a stake: thence East with the King property line 99.625 feet to the Francis Mehaf BAZAAR: By County Home Dem onstration Council. Dec. 19-20. Moore's Dodge showroom. Home made foods, candies, crafts. Ideal Christmas gifts. Come and buy! Sales begin noon Friday. 22-3 tp fy Um; thence North with the laid lilhrffj line 740V4 feet to the Mehaffy corner; thence West 10 feet with the Patterson line; thence North with said Patterson line 200 feet to the Aquone Road; thence 79.625 feet with said road to the BEGINNING, containing 1 acres, more or less. This the 15th day of December, 1952. L. L. Mason. Commissioner * 23-4tc /) tile Spirit of G ristmas . . . As the tale of the miracle in the manger * U once more retold... may we all receive gladsome inspiration to male this holiday one of love for all mankind. It is in this spirit that we extend the Season's best wishes to all our blends. ? ANDREWS DRUG CO. Andrews, N. C. SAMSONITE LUGGAGE -1 "Strang enough to. stand on." t . i i* v?. ' ? TRANSPORTER The' tta^l ^anqtpt bag to use In your ear. Water woof. dust* A moth proof. " ... HANDI-SEK I folding tables & rack. Fine for T. V. Parties. PICTURES Prints h Florals. LAMPS ?? " mwm f CHRYSTIAL and CHINA "Be- 4 IT It I i IROQUOIS CHINA zi^iV Muphy Electrical Shop ! Phone 13+R . Murphy. N. C. j MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE V. S. Highway <4 East?4 Miles Open Every Night Always attend the Murphy Drive in Theatre. We are now operating Thursday Thru Sunday. Thnrs.-Frl.'. Dee. IS-I? Joel MeCrea-Yvonne DeCarlo "TheSan Francisco Story" SaL-Son., Dee. 20-21 Mickey Rooney-Sally Forrest "TheTtrip" L**. . $ f t - Li Down Payment ? A? Low Aa $565.00 U your ear U of average value. It J9S3 'emtfyytitm The Price Sensation of the Year! Motordom's Greatest Value \ ? ... Made Possible by Widespread Public Acceptance of the One Car in America that Is Completely New Aaro-Lo* 2-Doar S?Jow - LIST PRICE P.O.*. TOLEDO, OHIO. PIUS FEDERAL TAXES. STATE AND LOCAL TAXES (If onyl, FREIGHT, DELIVERY AND HANDLING CHARGES, OPTIONAL EQLXP MWT EXTRA Uhnlratod. Mm Aoro-larh Two-Door Sodan Abo AroaofaU lo Foor-Door Medoi 1. The Ruggedness of the World-Famous 'Jeep' 2. Unequalled Economy of Operation Saves you Money Every Mile v. 3. The Luxurious Comfort and Styling* of an Airliner 4. Streamlined Beauty. You . Will be Proud to Own, Delighted to Drive It Franklin Motor Co. 200 Peadifcree St. Murphy, N. C if* . . ?