ten Talk Hy EMILY COSTELLO Merry Christmas! Murphy has had everythinj lui serkjusness in celebration of 1 with the best in American famil But. I can think of no beti Day than by attending the late ( copal Church at 11:3l) p. m., De I understand the Presbyteri to help out at the service, and organ GOOD TIME BY ALL! You ehould have seen Duke's Lodge Thursday night atl decked out for the Junior Woman's Club party at which a good time was had by all. To MARIA TRAVIS goes most of the credit for decorating. I'm told, and it was a veritable Winter Wonderland, with Jack Frosts and snowflakes at all the windows and a lovely lighted Christmas tree in the chimney corner. And the tables were real works of art. with silvered driftwood adorned with silver and rose Bau bles and silver beads. The places were marked with colorful little girl and boy angels. And of course the table took on even more beauty when the meal con sisting of steak, potatoes, aspara gus. cranberries, tossed salad, hot rolls, coffee and cake was served There must have been 100 folks there and the women were dressed fit to kill! <1 understand Santa had already visited some of the ladies with new frocks for the par ty .? Anyhow Dame * Fashion was there. LIZ GRAY wore a stunning gold antique taffeta cocktail dress pui chased on her recent trip to Houston, Tex.; MRS. H. BUECK was in a toast lace dinner gown; MRS. BRYAN WHITFIELD wore 5 that makes Christmas?the joy he birth of the Christ Child along y tradition, ter way of ushering in Christmas Christmas five service at the Epis c. 24 (today), an Church choir has been invited Mrs. Jiifcmy Howse will play the a formal fashioned with a black top and p ratty striped taffeta skirt; KATE HENSLEYS dress was of swishy taffeta featuring a high neckline and cinched waist; HILDA OLSON was prettily at tired in a white formal with red Bolero; MARY WINTERS wore a blue lace short formal; MARIAN CONGER'S champagne faille cock tail frock had accents of jet; JEAN WHITE was mighty pretty in a | "aille frock wl'h rhinestone trim at the collar; RUTH CHENEY wore a strapless bronze short forim I?!; WANDA EDWARDS had on a di :ss with white top and black i skirt fashioned in pretty soft iin s; BETTY BOURNE wore a lovely black dress; DOT MASON cly black dress; DOT MASON -l a. in black wore a dinner dress; FRANCE^ PUETT wore a gray dress with cinch belt; CATHE RINE WELLS was radiant in a red two piece outfit; MARY JOR DAN trotf a cute rose formal; and DOTSY CARRINGER wore a blue satiny cocktail dress. Of course Mr. Bueck, Dr. Whit field. Hugh Hensley, Ike Olson, Rhett Winters. Steve Conger, Bob White. B^b Cheney. Herman Ed wards.' Francis dourne, L. L. Mas on. C. D. Puett. Harold Wells. John Jordan and John Carrlnger accompanied their respective Holiday Wishes (Urnce more it's a joyous occasion for us to send to our friends the Greetings of the Season and to wish them a Cheerful Christmas...a New Year'of success and good health. IMPERIAL LAUNtfflty '\ AND CLEANERS 5 * >' < MURPHY, N. C. ?J* Over the Y years, we've & found no other way of saying the old wish more warmly than just r "Merry Christmas To All Our Friends." Fisher's Department Store Andrews, N. C. Mrs. Carrier's Pupils Heard ANDREWS?Mrs. J. G. Carrier presented her piano pupfls in a Christmas recital Monday. Dec. 15. in the school auditorium. The following participated on the program: Anita Luther. Wilms Gray, Sue Nichols, Martha Derre herry, Jimmy Drigggers, Mary Jo Battle. Truett West. Many Hope Day. Linda Carringer, Alta Brown, Betsy Battle. Terry SJagto. Ann Pulkum. Sendra Phillips. Jan nette Carringer, Delia Mae Bailey. Janice Hogsed. Billy Parker. Jan ice Watts. Joyce Mintz, Gay Fran ces Stewart, Jean Bristol, Nina Brown, Betty Ann Palmer, Mar garet Ann Hardin, Jerry Pullium, Judy Bristol, Shirley Matheson, | \ irginia Garner. Ardith Hay, Gayle West, Carolyn Dupree, June Brooks, Hildred Heaton. wives. Others there were BOB AND SHUG EASLEY, YVONNE AND S T E E G SIMMONS, DAVE MOODY, BOB AND MRS BAULT md MIRIAM AND C L O E MOORE. j That cute young thing MARGA RET AKIN, home from CuIIo whee for the holidays, was at the pary accompanied by JACK BAR NETT. She was wearing a lovely black velvet dress. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT That was a mighty cute party ROS AND CECIL BURGESS and JUANITA AND BOB WEAVER save round at the Burgesses Mon day.. The about 50 or more guests at tended In shifts throughout the evening and enjoyed the chit chat mong friends as well as the grand holiday refreshments of cof fee. eggnog, sandwiches, canapes hors d'oeuvres and candies. Decorations were Christmasy. '.CO. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR The Home Demonstration ba zaar Friday and Saturday appear ed to be a great success, with lots of lovely homemade and home grown items. I bought a beautiful hen from Smithmont Farm in Peachtree which MRS. FRANK LIN SMITH said she had dressed before breakfast that morning. The chick went right into our "reeling unit and will come out only on Christmas Day in the morning. FEEL GOOD? DO GOOD AVIS HOOVER. (Mrs. B*ll?, bubbling over with energy, was j telling me the other day how good j (he felt. And I can well believe it,, because nobody who wasn't in the pink could have taken on the round of perfectly lovely parties i as she did last week. The week before Christmas at the Hoover home got underway with a buffet dinner party Mon day, at which time young DRS. HELEN WELLS SMITH and JACK .DAVIS were honored guests. Cute wife, MONIKA, was there with Jack, but JOHN SMITH was unable to be present. Other guests on that occasion were BOB AND POLLY BAULT, RUTH AND FRANK FORSYTH. EDWIN AND viRGINIA HYDE, FRANCES AND JOE RAY and MABLE MASSE Y ED AND MARY FAY BRUMBY had been invited but were unable to be there. Tuesday saw Avis hostess at a seated tea for a small group of friends including Betsy Bourne (Mrs. Francis, Jr.), Mrs. Roy Ful ler. Ann WUkins (Mrs. R. L.) Frances Puett (Mrs. C. D.), and Jean Singleton (Mrs. W. A.). At this affair Russian tea, cook ies and other goodies were served. Thursday was the day for an other of the little "sit around" Bill Teas Wedded To Katherine Hall ATLANTA. GA? Miss Vir ginia Katherine Hall, daughter of Mrs. KhoJas Hall and War ten Allison Hall of Louisville, K>\. became the bride of Wil liam Teas Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Teas of. Andrews. V C, in a ceremonv taking place Saturday afternoon. | I>ec 20. in Mikell Memorial I Chapel of St. Philip's Cathedral IX-an Alfred llardman offi-l ciated. Floyd Teas of Andrews was his brother's best man and grooms men were William Banks of Chat- j tanooga; Harry Wright of Kings-1 port, Tenn; William Thaden of Roanoke. Va., and Glenn Turner. ( Miss Senny Hall, sister of the j bride, was the maid of honor and j bridesmaids were Miss Doris Teas, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Su san Hull and Miss Diane Brantley Linda Hall, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. Given in marriage by her fa ther. the bride wore her mother's wedding dress of point d'Aienoon lace over candlelight satin. The dress was bought in Paris by the bride's grandfather, the late Er nest L Rhodes The veil of illu sion fell from a roaepoint lacs cap. which is a family heirloom. The bride carried a bouquet of white orchids and valley lilies and wore as her only jewelry a necklace of seed pearls given to her mother by the bride's great-uncle. E. M. Hud son. Following the ceremony Mrs. I, Hall, mother of the bride, enter tained at a small reception at the Piedmont Drive Club, after which Mr. Teas and his bride left foe their wedding trip to North Caro lina. Upon returning from New Or leans and the Sugar Bowl game, the young couple will reside in the Callaway apartments on 10th St THE TEEN SCENE BY HETTY /HAS MOORE I he young people of the First Baptist Church gave a Cantata lot the school children Monilav morning. It was all lovelv. but the special numbers by SALLY MORRIS. GLF.NDA IMF. and ROSALIND STALCl P, were verv prettv. Tuesday afternoon MRS. SARA POSFY SI IFRRI1L and her mother-in-law. MRS. \Y. A. SIIFRRILL went to Wake Forest to get Sara's husband. W. A. lie will be in Murphy with his folks until after the Christmas holidays. The Juniors have been selling Christmas cards for the past month. Every day last week, prizes were given away to the Juniors j having the winning tickets. About forty small prizes were given! away. Friday, the final day. a. large box of candy was given to j the lucky person. FAY BURGESS won the prize. Two big boxes of candy were given to the two Jun iors selling the largest number of Christmas cards. These boxes were awarded to BETTY JEAN MOORE and ADIR ARONSON. OUTSTANDING GAME Friday night the girls and boys ?teas and about IS folks were pres ent on this occasion. And, as if that weren't enough for one daj#Avis had the Business Women's Circle over Thursday night for their annual Christmas party and gift exchange A pro gram was given by Mrs. A. L. Buchanan and Mrs. Joe Hamilton. Refreshments consisted of pecan pie with whipped cream, and cof fee. Sunday dinner was served at the Hoover home at noon to the fol lowing guests, MARTHA AND DALE LEE, ANNE WARD, MRS. G. W. CANDLER and ROSEMOND AND H. A. MATTOX. Well, that's a weekful, but as if not satisfied, Avis has plunged into another busy week of enter taining, including a little drop-in to be Wednesday afternoon. HILDA OLSON (Mrs. Ike) was hostess to the children of the Episcopal Church Monday after noon at a Christmas party at the Olson home. Don't tell JOHNNY SAVAGE (Mrs. "Red"), but I know what's in that special delivery Christmas package she got the other day. of M. H. S. really outdid them selves in playing basketball. Both teams won by a large margin. I Y L E CARRINGER, forward, played an outstanding game Lye. a senior this year, l?as won a bas ketball scholarship He is really proud of it and all of Murphy High ,1, proud of him. ED LOVINGOOD also did seme good work. Ed plays forward, and he and EDW1N HEN DRIX. who plays guard, helped the team a lot, too. The girls won their first game Friday ni?ht and we re mighty glad they did BETTY PALMER, forward, is a very good player. GRACE REECE. guard, did some ei and playing, too. I saw BOBBY BOLING Satur day He is going to Gardner Webb College in Boling Springs, Geor gia. Elmer Taylor, Noah Johnson. Jr.. Barbara Ledford. Bill Bran don. and Darlene Chastain are home for Christmas from Young Harris College. | RAY SIMS is home from Mars Hill. He says it seems real good to be in Murphy again. | FAREWELL TO DON GREEN Saturday night ADIR ARON SON gave a farewell party or DON GREEN, who is returning to his home in Kansas. Don has been with us for several months and we have all come to like him very much. He was one of our star foot ball players and will be great y missed by everyone who knew htm. Those who were >*???** Don's farewell party were: DORIS HOLDER AND BOB BESS from Andrews, CAROLYN ALEXAND ER GLENDA IVIE, SUSIE MIL LER. ANN SHIELDS. SALLY MORRIS. ROSALIND STAL^ ' JEAN REED, JOSEPHINE GAR RETT. MILDRED TAYLOR. BET TY JEAN MOORE. JUDY NICH OLS. ELIZABETH FRANKUM. and KAY BURGESS Also EDWIN COLE. WALTER HALL. EDDIE JOE ELLIOTT. SAMMY WHITE. GORDON DAR NELL. SONNY GILLESPIE. ROY fuller, bill brand on. STEVE CRAWFORD. NOVIS DA VIS JOAH JOHNSON, JR . EL MER TAYLOR, GENE BATES. RAY SIMMS. GORDON BATES, EUGENE DOCKERY. BILLY rAY RAMSEY. EDWIN HEN DR1X TOMMY GENTRY. BOB ? BOLING. BILL THOMPSON, and the host and guest of honor For refreshments, cokes, sand wiches. cake and assorted cookies were served. Everyone had a grand time, but they were sorry to see Don Green leave. HERE FROM MeCALLIE GORDON DARNELL and SON NY GILLESPIE, both former stu dents of Murphy are home for the holidays. Gordon la going to Mc OalMe Military Academy In Chat tanooga . Sonny U going to Ten tessee Military Institute in sweet water, Term. . . . We hare a whole bunch * dents heme tnm Cnllewfcee .re Margaret Akin. Jack Deckery. and Barbara Pan land. v Uicrrq Christmas The value of our friendships is ap preciated more and more as we go further and further on our busi ness journey. To our old friends and new acquaintances we extend our since rest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Dcrsey's Jewelry AND Sports Shop A Andrews, N. C. SOCIET Y Mrs. Maunev Has Mrs. Tom Mauney entertained Thursday night with an informal Christmas party at her home The home was decorated with , silver and ^lue. with an angel in j the window, with stars, candles I and snow. The mantel was banked ' with silvered pine cones, "and' hedge berries, with candelabra holding white candles. Invited guests were, the Rev. and Mrs. R. Delbert Byrum. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson. Mrs. Don Withe rspoon. Miss Josephine Christmas Party Heighway, Mr and Mrs H. G. El kins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman, Dr. and Mrs. Gaorge Dyer, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck ,* Refreshments in the Christmas motif were served. Mrs. Oma Kinkerton and daugh ters of Chattanooga, Tcnn., will arrive Wednesday to spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and other relatives. May the world rejoice again, in Peace on Earth Good will to Men. Timber Products Company rrietidship ... a precioua poaaeaaion tke year 'round ii eipecially appreciated at Ckriatmaatime. To our many loyal friend* we wiak a Very Merry Ckriatmaa ^ and a New Year filled witk kappinea*. QUINN EGG SERVICE MURPHY, N. C. 0 ***? ^ First Showing LOOK WUATt COMIN&! \^) LOOK FOR BIG ANNOUNCEMENT mm h appear in this newspaper FORD FARMING HEADQUARTERS IT'S NtWI IT'S DlfftHSNTI IT'S SINSATIONAU 919 Announcement Soon to Appear in this Newspaper... Credit Terms To Meet The Farmer's Needs. BURCH MOTORS Phone 95 Murphy, N< C ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION

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