OUR CHURCHES Murphy P1K.VI BAPTIST CHURCH J Alton Morris, Pastor Telephone 367 or 187 Sunday Schooi 9 43 a ni Morning Worship lis ni Training Union, 6 to p in Evening Worship 7 to p .1 WILLIAM'S C HI HUH CATHOLIC I C Newman, Pastor Waynesville, V I ,ndav Mass 8 a m C HI KCH OP THE MESSIAH EPISCOPAL Khett Y. Winters. Jr. Minister Telephone 567 or 395 XJ Sunday School Bible Class 9 43 a m Morning Prayei and Sermon, 11 a m Holy Communion 1st Sun 1! PREE METHODIST CHURCH Russell Elder, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a m Morning Worship. 11a m YPMS, 7pm Evening Worship. 7 30 p ni Mid-Week Prayer Ser Wed , 30 p tn PTRST METHODIST CHURCH R. Delbert Byrum, Pastor Telephone 444 or 245 Sunday School, 9 45 a fn Morning Worship. 11 a m .Morning sermon. "The Narrow (rate" Holy Communion will be admin istered Evening Youth Meeting, 6 p.m. Evening Worship. 7 30 p m? Evening Sermon, "Repentance: A Spiritual Imperative" Wednesday. 6:30 p m , "Family Night At Church" A sound film Mrrp. "At Home With God" will be shown in the interest of Chris tian family living I MURPHY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prank Brown, Pastor Sunday School. 10 a. m Morning Worship, II a m. .4 ndrews FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A Ci. brooks InUrlui Pastor Sunday School. 10 a in Morning Worship, lid in Training L'nlon, 6 150 p in Evening Worship 7 30 p in Pr dV ci Meeting W i 50 C HI KC li OY THE HOLY ( OMK)HUK EPISCOPAL (.round Floor of Library' Khett i Winters, Minister Murphy N ( Prayvi a nd Scrmuii J rid Su: 9 a in Huh I o:i.!?uriiori 4*.h Sundaj 9 a iii FREE METHODIST CHI KCII R C. Eastham, Pastor Sunday School. 9 4 3 a m Morning Worship. 11a in E\ -ning Worship 7 30 p m Prayer Meeting. Thursday 7 30 P ST. ANDREWS E LUTHERAN Sunday School. 10 a m The Service, 1 la m FIRST METHODIST CHURCH E. L. Kirk, Pastor Sunday School. 9 4.3 a m Morning Worship, 11a m. Evening Worship, 11a m. Wednesday Evening Service, 17 30 p m Mrs. Swan Has Valley Town Club Mrs Dave Swan was hostess to members of the Valley Town flome Demonstration Club at the annual Christmas' party Dec. 19 Mrs Bruce West gave the devo tional and Miss Dorothy Shields was guest of honor and speaker. Gifts were exchanged and re jfreshments were served to the fol I lowing, Miss Edna Bishop. County ' Home Agent. Miss Shields, Mrs Harve Hamilton, Mrs J J Wood, | Mrs Bruce West, Mrs. G W Clay Ion, Mrs Lawson Crawford, Nfrs Goldman Lail, Mrs. Mae Taylor, Mrs Louise Whitehouse, Mrs. Dave Swan, Miss Juanita Rogers , and Mrs. Roy Williams. I PKRSOMALS b\ MK> 1 V* SA\AGl I>r and Mrs. D L Weils ond children Leon and David ici'. >?uii da> fur Uleii ficilie in Wdlipent Uie holidays he : e a :t:. M,'s W - .is pujf '. - M ? j . i M.* s V\ I) I uv% \\jp ?: M:> < i 1 Ande.'si'!. and dau^'i let' Ja'.tfr >pei:'. .a-'. VvcrK end II. Lclct- u 1th ht i mother M r - i'au. Miller v>iio has Lieert I 1 Mi s V irglnia ui V\ jsn ? ig'.?rj D t .eft Sanda> after a visit vwth Mr a.'id Mrs M D 1 ow tLsfcjh and fie J son Hi* hard luring tlie fuoLutava KLi hard Touiixjii of I lia: Otti lia.1 Ml ilia J J School Charlotte Hal. .Mil and Hrii l,?v\nx>ti of B. rai.ugham Ala a:t- spending the hoilda>s licit' Wlttl their grandparents Mi and Mrs \N D Tow tLsoii Eric s mother, .Mrs Del ia Mae TuwtbuJi of Birmingham a:. join in r son here h : .day K Ii'flu I'll w i . leal,* F:ida> f?.: hl> M-hiN, in t '. a ' .ot '. Ful me: ot S> [ v a a: ,- spending the w rk with the]' grandparent- Mr . nd \!:- J i:n Frank.in Mrs Harr> Seamtm left last Saturday '<> sj>erid two weeks in Norfolk \ j her former home Mi' ami Mr- Jih- Bailey and children. Laura, Beth. Walter, and John left Saturday for Washing ton I) C and New York City on a hohda> trip The Rev and Mr- Frank Broun and baby Jane Owen left Monday for Pascagoula. Miss . to sjx'nt two weeks with .Mr Brown's mother. Mis 1 miliar Ixing Mr and Mrs S. M Benton and W A Savage of Cornelia. Ga . spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs C F Hyde and children. Rosalie and Peggy Rosalie went home with h/er grandparents Sun day. Mr and Mrs Jake Palmer of Canton spent the week end with Mr. Palmer's mother and sister, Mrs Dixie and Miss Hattie Pal mer. Mr and Mr- S C Burgess. Kaye and Douglas, spent Christ mas with relatives in Lenoir Mrs J W. Bailey who has been in Dunedin. Fla. with her daugh ter. Mrs W W Wilson and family for several months returned home Christmas Eve, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Wilson and the chil dren, Kathleen and Kenny The Wilsons have returned to Florida Mr and Mrs Irvin Greene have returned from Gaston ia where they spent the holidays with rela tives and friends Mrs Ann Ward and Mrs Mabel Massey spent last week end in An derson. S C , the guests of Mr and Mrs. C. K Hoover Dr and Mrs. W A. Hoover, Lon nie and Becky spent Christmas with relatives in Cherryville Mrs J W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop and Harry, Jr . spent Christmas in Atlanta with Dr and Mrs J W. Thompson and children Miss Marvie Walker spent Christmas at her home in Andrews. Mr and Mrs Robert Barclay and son John of Coppenhill, Tenn . visited Mrs Barclay's mother. Mrs J W Thompson last week. I M i s s Blanche Hamby spent ( HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY See us for reliable insurance in any line Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. The Murphy Lions Club THANKS The Following Firms And Individuals Who Donated To Their Christmas Baskets Southern Bakeries Cantilers Dickey & Davis Franklin Motors Davis EsSo Service Joe E. Rlay W. A. Hoover JIG Coffee Company W. E. Garrett & Son Burch Motors L. A. Frascb Coble Dairy Products, Inc. Columbia Marble Co. F. G. Ellis Colorado Mill & Elevator Co Citizens Bank & Trust Co. C. E. Hyde W .M. Mauney Duke Whitley R. M. Adkins Commonwealth Lumber Corp. Asheville Baking Co. The Cherokee Sdout V. L. Martin I 'i:*LsUlnu> a' lit .'rv' :.c I l.af.o Ma ' > iiiSkiruj . ? sprfK1. .:i^ tlala ?vtrK K:I' x ? r i r ' 'ju> .M: ; t > 1 \:.Jt jliJ J o '. ic 1.1 .a t'. ^ re t c :. !,<". luuiiifi M? s Fjj. M: LrAfi'-t-I !\Bo: Oa: j A : : i? ' .> . >u j > ! . \d5 *~Jj ii >w i f. ' _/ m c ! t- Wj *.>: ^ t-ui s 1 )a> 1\! -:j?.!j;> <. !. Ml ai.kI A!:- k ? J K : i \ . .. .t .il l .? ? t ' > .>' (, J H i > .i * it .i:. a: n 1 > 11 . Hai'. ^-> t-sfl .SuJitldv foi BinninghaMi \Ij 1/ ti a i:?r ' t ?' j rtl M- II it h - ;?? ' . *? I '. a a .'. a . t- jfa. **? 1 M - 4 l.n i'a' U .a A -/ f IU. J.V.'! < ?! l>cll?- .U . 1 ?j Jipr (. '!.: .st :rtu3 I vt.' v : t \la-!.?-> M 3 i. - t : 3.vvt W;uft ??! .*.*> it:.:. I' K i a^.v -1 ' ? 1: -xi J ui.:: . (, ?? .a alii! cun::.^ .'ia?i !r'. aJ tiCvl llUIln Kk ^ j air.l * 1 vl1 J'-2 v^.'wr.T L'ifii ^prfi! 'I.r 'i v 'Ij ?? ? '.tL Ic j' . tr* J'- kS I''.a.>? .1.1 XtJj" ?' ' ? a '? 1 N 1 a i s;? I. !.:,.' " 'V * wti -r. i M .a!:.. h ?a *l. Jj ? ? J ' i ^ - - ' '?>'i ? ? 11 a a J i v.! :V.<-: M; a:.-.i Mrs / ^ H; .?wn .1 V^.c . . r M jr. * .? juxoIj < o. c^r ^ i aprill fcsCMaS v*iL!. LV i^uov Keliw^ Better Cough Relief V\ Leo nc*^drugs or old fad to help >out lougt. _?( ..heat cold Jon t delay. I icollla. 11 wtiuLiilla olih sale hclp lial [ . > CJl lll^l cdlClh t S a 11J 110 mu . Lvj lialute * pi t^csv It toes nr. ? '.lie Crunch.al system to aid nature soothe And heal rave. tender, iiirtaincd Moiichial luctnhanes (ouar aiilccJ lu ^ :a?c or v> ur d;u?gisl ic funds money C rcomulsion has stood trie test of many millions of users + CREOMULSION ? cl.cvo Coutfhs Lht?l Colds Acwtk bronchitis THE LONE RANGER I5v Fran Striker -J?- - (? WU SURE SCARU. 0R1N& US OUR SHARE. OF THE CASH? m I' HEP BETTER/CX? WE'LL GIVE HIM THE. SAME AS . K1LLEEN GGT/l LOOK1 THAT MASKED THE LONE RANGER [j C t tit f-OK TWJ3ii.TONTC The. PONt E/.PRESS agent* is in I LEAGUE WiTh THE CROOKS./ I V / ^ i ? i i -umr NO ONE HERE.j ^071 WEUL LOOK IN THE BACK " ROOM.' SOMEONE JUST CAME INTO THE J OFFICE. V hold rr/' r PONT DRAW/ TWERE STOLEN , CASH/ SCAR, IF YOLTD LOOKED IN KILLEEN'S POCKET AFTER YOU KILLED HIM, YOU'D HAVE SEEN THE NOTE HE WROTE. IT NAHEJ5 SCOTT AS AN ACCOMPLICE IN THE PONY EXPRESS BOBBERY/ DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO ARREST US? ^7 VESI GUESS AGWN.I | "" . V OPOP THOSE . r GUNS' iirr \ i Uear May your New Year be a happy and pros perous one! In this time of high resolution, we assure you that we will give you good electric service?at rates as low as possible?to make your New Year successful electrically. TOWN OF MURPHY