SOCIET Y Inaugural Ball Bound! 1 x JEUY REECE BOBBY BOUNG BETTY HEATON ANNE SHIELDS All fawil up and some place to go! This rouraome M Andrews and Murphy round folks, are la lald|k attending the Inaugural Ball tonight (Thursday), honoring Gee. and Mrs. William B. Uinstead. The haB win be held at the Baleich Memorial Auditorium with dancing from ? p. at until 1 a. m. The girls, who were inrited to participate la the figure at the hall, also were Invited to a tea this afternoon at the Raleigh Country Club. The youths were chaperoned by Mrs. H. Bueck la Raleigh. The girls and their escorts are Miss Betty Heaton of Andrews with Jerry Recce, also of Andrews, and Miss Anne Shields of Murphy with BebbR Beting also of Murphy. (Seout Photo) Colletts Announce Daughter's Troth Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Collect announce the marriage M their daughter. Joy Collet*. to Pfc. Wil liam L Deal, eon oi Mr. and Mrs. Whiter D. Deal, of Aurora, N. C. The bride was a nwfaber of th^ junior class o< Andrews High School. The groom is now serving in the i U. S. Array. He has recently re turned from a tour of duty in Ko rea. Pfc. and Mrs. Deal are now vis iting the bridegroom's parents in Aurora. They plan to make their home in Aurora when Mr. Deal is discharged from Service Wimberly-Axley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston Wimberly of ? Atlanta, Georgia announce the engagement of their daughter Gladys Elaine Wtmberly to Midshipman John Henry Axley Son of Mrs. H. A. Van Gorder of Andrews And the late, John Henry Axley of Murphy Mfc^Witpberly will be graduated in June from Mary Wash ingtoM^aUege and Mr. Axley attended North Carolina State Col lege fiTtwo years and. will be graduated in June from the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. Mans for the wedding have not been announced. DAME FASHION PREDICTS 1953 Is Sensible Year For Milady's Wardrobe Items BY EMILY COSTELLO Well, Dame Fashion has finally caught up with Cherokee County. All along local women have stuck to the becoming and comfortable in their dress, and this New Year, when even politics is turning over a new leaf in the changing administration, fashion s playing politices and gving the ladies w hat they w ant in clothing. In brief, the new style, as forecast and designed with almost every big-label designer, will emphasize the slender look an easy, graceful comfortable slender look". Andrews Girl Weds In Del Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rector of ' Andrews announce the marriage | of their daughter, Hazel, to Clyde : Ensor, son of Mr and Mrs. Cling man Enaor, of Huntsdale, N. C? I Friday, November 21, af 8 o'clock. The mamage was solemnized in the Union Methodist Church at Wilmington, Del., with the Rev. George H. Pigenron, Jr., officiat ing, using tlte double ring cere mony. The bride wore a gray suit with white and navy accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. Miss Jessie Mae Brown of Wil mington, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a navy blue suit with white and navy blue accessories and a corsage of white and pink carnations. Dalphus Ensor of Wilmington, brother of the bridegroom, wa best man. The wedding was attended only by close friends of the couple. The bride is a native of An drews. She was graduated from Andrews High School and was em ployed by DuPOnt Company of Wilmington for five years. Mr. Ensor was graduated from Burnsville High School and is em ployed by the Bond Cork Co. of Wilmington. The couple are residing at 701 West St in Wilmington, Del. SHIELDS VISIT Mr. and Mis. E. L. Shields and daughter, Anne, visited Dr. and Mis. W. G. Young Jr. In Durtnm and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shields in Wallace during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Young, the former Fran Shields is.the daughter and Louis Shields is the son of the E. L. Shieelds. (Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O'Dell of CherryviUe, Rt 1, formerly of Rt. 3 iMurphy, announce the birth of a son, Samuel Robin at Shelby Hospital, Dec. 31. This Information was given by Phyllis Battelle, fashion editor for International News Service, who further says that predictions for spring and summer call for mere classic straightline elegance with labrics once again the chief fash ion of interest." So, with the let-down, after hol iday feeling,, let's take a new lease on life and perk up with these bright facts on clothes for the new year, as seen by Mias Battelle, Glamour and Charm magazines. SKIRTS DOWN A LITTLE Skirts will be a trifle longer? say 12 inches from the floor?to accentuate the long lean -effect. Waistlines will be gently In dented, with the wide, wrapped and tiny look of elastic belts "go ing out". Necklines will be new, bat neither here nor there. They'll be spread oat to cling to the body at ?otoe point along the ahoulder Itae?neither very high nor very low. A comfortable look, if not a particularly flattering one. The effect of the tops of dress es will be all width. The effect of the skirts all length and narrowness. Accessaries should be chosen to compliment the size and shape of ma dame herself. Start banking on beige, right now, for spring. A natural color, beige eon he worn by anybody, anywhere, and With the right ao cesaories can he worn unrelieved, livened with color or shaded with blade. In hats, the cloche Is news, in any version, dressy or tailored. The beret with verticle line Miss Hurt, Mr. Hughe* Are Married Dec. 24 (Miss Mildred Hurt became the bride of Jack Hughes Dec. 24 in Walhalla. S. C. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurt of Rt. 2, Murphy and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes also of Murphy, Rt, 2. straight back is also new. In hose pale colon are most de sirable. | A lew nerw Ideas for your new j lease on life arc: try a stole in \ stead of a jacket or check the ! brief, now betted Jacket. Have a I costume of coordinates, skirt, i blouse and jacket ensemble or step out In a new Chesterfield, an old favorite now with a new line. Or get in there first with a felt coat, smooth and velvety in a top per cut in a straight line to just below the hips. LEARN NEW COLORS And learn to like new color bal ance. Cultivate a new eye for color?fraternal colors, warm and ! cool shades of the same color In I new prints and patterns. Draw on the seashell colors, del icate tints, often pink-tinged, of i everything from pale beige to car amel. Milky pastels, subtile, whit tled versions of all important colors; a gentle approach to newly gentled textures. Pled Patterns, the same colors in two completely different pat terns; Ss polka dots and stripes combined in one ooatume, very different and exciting. Green, the new natural, a soft sagey green Out eoaplementa al most any other color, even bine. And balanced black and white, the new way to eetohine two eaaewttal fashion colors. The shoes to come are atrippy and foreign, tftlt designed with an eye to comfort, some of the best designs made flat on the floor. Shoe manufacturers are taking their cue# from little town cob blers nil over Europe. Fashion editors inA designers now are WHanhl about resort wear, M far thane Of hi who Jnst resort to Whit we have to wear, the main' Interest is that faahlen it again making sense. None of the padding and petti coating, but the casual and sensi ble designs are coming forward. Plan to look your beet in 1953 by wearing the lines most flattering to your figure and personality, and perked up here and there with a new color concept. THE TEEN SCENE BY BETTY JEAN MOORE MISS CAROL SUE VAUGHT of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was the guest of MISS JUDY NICHOLS last week. Wednesday afternoon ADIR ARONSON gave a television party for a few of those interested in football. The boys and girls watched the Cotton Bowl and Rose Bowl Games. ANNE SHIELDS, SALLY MORRIS, SUSIE MILLER. TOMMY GENTRY, GOR DON BATES, BOBBY BOLING, and many others were there for the Cotton Bowl Game. Mrs. Miller served a buffet supper to SUSIE. BOBBY. ADIR, GORDON, JIMMY MULKEY, and DON GREEN as they watched the Rose Bowl Game. weanesaay nigni, iwj* r ul.-> ITER'S mother had a supper par ty for Roy. The following guests were Invited: JUDY NICHOLS. JERRY REESE of Andrews. CAR OL SUE VAUGHT, of Chattanoo ga. ANNE SHIELDS, SARA AND DUB SHERRILL, STEVE CRAW FORD. TOMMY GENTRY. BILL BRANDON. GLENDA IVIE, and SALLY MORRIS. The party wes lovely and everyone had a grand time. New Year's Eve, ANNE SHIELDS had a slumber party for a group of her school mates. Those who were invited were; GLENDA IVIE, CAROLYN ALEXANDER, BILLIE JANE RUSH. KAY BUR GESS, BARBARA RHOADS, SAL LY MORRIS. JOSEPHINE GAR RETT, JUDY NICHOLS, ROSA LIND STALCUP, SHIRLEY BATES, and CAROL SUE VAUGHT. At twelve odlock all the girls and their boyfriends started a Motorcade through town, where they saw the New Year in MISS ANNE SHIELDS of Mur phy, left Tuesday morning for Ra leigh, where she will be until Fri day to attend the inaugural ball honoring Gov. and Mrs. William B. Umstead. Tuesday night the Baptist Church sponsored a banquet for the young people. The church sup plied the main course, which was turkey, and the girls, SHIRLEY B A T ES. BARBARA RHOADS. BILLIE JANE RUSH, SALLY MORRIS. ANNE SHIELDS, GLENDA IVIE. DORIS FOWLER, JOANNE ADAMS, and "JIMhBB DAVIS," brought all the "trimm ings." LEON GEE. of Murphy, return ed to lMionis Sunday, where he is in the Air Corps. H. C. BUBCK, a prominent freshman of Murphy High, left I for Raleigh Tuesday morning. He 'will be there indefinitely as he-is I Page for RICHARD MAUNEY of Murphy, recently elected rep re Andrews Wedding Is Revealed Announcement has been made at the marriage of Miss Betty Jean Greenwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenwood, of An drews to David Bristol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bristol, also of Andrews. The marriage was aolemhlzed May 31, In McCaysvllle, Ga. The bride la a graduate of An drews High School, Mara HOI Col lege, and la now a student at Wo man's College of the University of North Carolina. The bridegroom is a graduate of Baylor School for Boys, in Chattanooga, and is a student at the University of North Carolina. For the past two aeasons he has played professional baseball for the Cincinnati Beds. The couple plan to complete their college education. aentative to the 1053 Legislature. The school Is really proud of H. C. and we know he wlU do a grand lob. MISS CaRLENE KILPAttUCK of Peach/tree, left Sunday, resum ing to the University of Tonnes see at Knoxville, where she will continue her Studies as freshman. MISS JEANNE HLUOTT re turned to South Carolina the oil er day where she will continue achool at the Wealeyan Methodist College. GORDON DARMBX. 0 former student of Murphy, left Sunday for the MoOallie MUttary Aoade my in Chattanooga. , iMISS BARBARA Arnold, with her aunt and uncle la Kaoocville. went to Dallas, Texas, last week to see the Cotton Bowl Game. ' WADE ZlMMStMAN, who has been in the Army, came home on furlough last week end to be with his parents. joniinin We Are Offering All Winter Merchandise Along With Many Other Items At A Ter riffic Saving To One And All. We Have Too Much Merchandise To Mention AH The Items, However, We Are Listing A Few That You Might See The Savings We Have For You. Nylon and Acetate lace trimmed 4 gore slips Reg. $2.98 N CH10R0PHYLLIN MURPHY FOOD STORE PHONE ISO MURPHY, S. C. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY. JAN. 10 '