SOCIETY Woman Talk By EMILY COSTELLO f ven this early infthe month I'd be willing to bet th* Cions Club Ladies Night party Tuesday is February's best in Murphy. The Methodist Church, scene of the party, was decked out in V alentines galore ancHrue to form, the*meal was delicious. I don't know who was th welcoming committee because it seemed like rtiost df the cordial Lions huddled at the front door to be sure the,ladies khew they were welcomed?and what a warm welcome it was! % The crowd was wonderful, and WILKINS (Mrs. Roseoe) and ED included In addition to local folks ITH FULLER (Mrs. Roy). i few visitors from McCaysvlUe, rtobbinwille and Andrews. i JEAN WHITE tMra. Bob), the Lion proxy's wife, looked lovely in a neutral faille frock on which she wore a corsage of rosebuds. And that darling RUTH FOR SYTH almost stole the show with tier sensational response to the welcome. She wore a coral dress, most becoming to her dark curls. And we were all glad to have PRANK FORSYTH back Jn town af ter a rest of a couple of weeks in Warm Springs, Ga. EVELYN BYRUM wasn't pres ent due to laryngitis, although BOB WHITE was sure her absence was due to the fact that she had spent all day decorating for the dinner, and had worn 'herself out. There were red hearts suspended from the ceiling, lying along the tables and dancing on the candle sticks and the programs which were the work of DORETHA FLEMING were place beside each plate. MRS. H. BUECK was in charge of favors?a horn for everybody and stick cologne for the ladies? and she was assisted by ANN Wkathaveldone! You've killed a little girl, Milter, that ! what! You didn't think the safety campaigns and accident statistics applied to you?you were a "good" driver ? you thought You could stop "on a dime" uriti . that little girl ran out in front O' you. Now it's too late; she's deai and all your regret won't brinj her back to life. We cannot stress too strongly Drive with great cate through school tones and crowded streets a child's life is far too precious t< be sacrificed to carelessness. This ptmmM in tl?? in torost of our policyholdort and oil othor motorists of this community. ( HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY 145 Murphy? N. C. / * oosontlnj uiTFta Mtuar ami hbowtt cannot lirtfsri (iisscticit Othera on the decorations com mittee were VIRGINIA HYDE iMrs. Ed I. KATHLEEN DAVID SON (Mrs. John), and NAN KET NER OMrs. Quay). But. leave it to MRS. J. B. GRAY to take the cake. Mrs. G. was elected last night in a hot contest, "Queen of the Lions" and ?he received a lovely valentln/ cake (handiwork of Bob Cheney, I have no doubt), asserting the fact. I OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Some folks from out of town were DR. CHARLES VAN GORD ER, president of the Andrews Lions; HERMAN AND MARY BRAUER, MARK AND HAZEL ELLIOTT, MYRA AND PITT WALKER and the E. A. 'MUNG ERS, all of Andrews. There were two men and their lady friends present from Mc Caysville and Lion president WAL TER AND 'MRS. GRAY and EMILY AND BOBB CARR of Robbins ville. I sat next to Emily Carr?an attractive young person who is related to the FRANCIS BOUR NES here. She was co-chairman of the very successful polio drive in Robbinsville recently, when Graham County more than met its March of Dimes quota. WHITFIELDS ENTERTAIN After the Lion party DR. BRY AN AND ANNETTE WHITFIELD 'ntertained informally at their home and w? enjoyed "dropping In" with HOBART AND OPIE Mc KEEVER, HARRY AND CATH ERINE BISHOP. And ROSEMOND AND H. A MATTOX. And of course nice MRS. O. K. ERHART was there. HOME FOR SO DAYS FRED BATES JR. (1st Lt), is home for 30 days with his mother here, and lovely sister, Shirley, after being called back from Japan due to the sudden death of Ms father last week. Fred arrived at the Knoxville airport Sunday at 8 a. m. and was met by relatives. The funeral was Sunday afternoon. After his leave Fred will be sent back to Japan where he is stationed in the finance depart ment of the Army. I MISSED IT I missed my ? circle meeting Monday and especially regret it because if I don't get that circle gossip I feel like I've missed a part of my education. And I was also especially sorry SPECIAL SALE Tussy Cleansing Creams and Lotions FOR DRY SKIN lu rich cmollienU help to rlnnia ud toften your cotn pinion! Beg. $2.00 *iee now^la25 $3.50 rise now $2.25 Dry Sfcia I -.the fresh-up that'i 'special' for you! ^ $1.75 fixe now $L FOR NORMAL SKIN Fluffy pattel cream for thor ough, deep-down cleansing of norma] or oily akin I Rag. $2.00 use now ^1*25 13.50 rite now 12.25 To brace?and make your complexion glow! Beg. $1.75 fixe now *1a N ' All prices plus Ux_ Maumey Drug Co. Ill Murphy, N. C. to miaa it, since McneUe Pustt (Mr*. Walter) was hostess at her attractive borne DANCING CLASS Pretty JEAN REICHMAN (Mr*. Eric) 1* looking forward to her dancing classes in Murphy. The eoe-bailsrtna of the Royal , Aca demy in London ia going to teach -tawa weekly in Murphy for any one interested from tots through teens (and maybe adults later on.) And the nominal coat ia $5.00 per month for a elks* each week. ANDREWS GUESTS > I enjoyed dinner in company with MR. AND MRS. ROGER A. DEWAR and MRS. A. B. CHAND LER SR. of Andrew* Friday when they were guests of RHETT AND MARY WINTERS here. The occasion fell?either acci dent Hy or purposely?on Mrs. D.'s birthday and the table centerpiece was a pink-iced birthday cake com plete with 16 glowing candies. (Mrs. Dewar brought over 'the first daffodils from her garden and I was glad to see them. The winter hasn't really been so bad, but after the groundhog saw his shadow Monday (Feb. 2) and we know we'll have at least six more weeks df wintertime, I was glad to see the early flowers. A BUSY LIFE I had a short visit with KATE (MAUNEY, sitting in thai sporty looking auto of hers the other afternoon and she was telling me what a whirl son Dick and daugh ter in law Catherine are living in Raleigh. Dick, as you know, is the coun ty's representative in the N. C. House of Representatives, and so Catherine finds herself a member of the organization of the wives of Congressmen, the Sir Walter Cabi net. Only last week the cabinet fet ed MRS. GOV. UMSTEAD at tea at the Raleigh Country Club mid the following day entertained MRS. F. D. ROOSEVELT at a luncheon at the Sir Waiter Hotel. Catherine says 'Mrs. R. is much more attractive looking than her highly unflattering pictures and that she is very charming indeed. Little 11 year old BUTOH LOVE of Andrews, a page in the I Senate, is staying at the Maruney j home in Raleigh, and from what I hear, he is stealing the hearts of many an N. C. Solon. And Kate says Butch Is outfit ted like a king in the lovely new wardrobe his mother chose for him before bis stay In Raleigh. It's j complete with a tailor made gray overcoat, and numerous suits and black bowties. Little CATHY MAUNEY, 8 year old daughter of the Representative, Is enjoying having a "brother", and not to be left out by the Legis lature, she has been made an hon orary pagette by the lawmaking body. NEW HOME DUKE AND EDNA WHITLEY's pretty new home is coming along by leaps and bounds and I can hardly wait to make a visit to them. The house is a nice long one, with pretty rock work founda tion and an attractive bay window. The only trouble is I'm afraid thsy won't be moving in before they lose their nice next-doon neighbors EVELYN AND DEL BERT BYRUM. PERFECT DITHER I caught ELIZABETH DAVIS (Mrs H. E.) in a perfect dither of excitment of that special kind re served just for mothers expecting sons home from the service, the other afternoon when I was in Andrews. She was thrilled over the return of son, LT. JOHN HENRY DAVIS to N. J. alter spending 1 months in Japan. Lt. Davis is with his wife and 9 months bid son in Nutley, N. J. And on the same trip to An drews I finally met part of the attractive HEATON family-^BOB AND FLIP. HILDRKD AND PAUL to wR. conftGt CHEESE vbueoj^ 2 for price of One IS". ? MM? MUIPHT FOOD STOKB Andrews Chatter >7 EVA WOOD t There seem to be no question m to the beet tiaherman in the FRANK WILHIDE family at the j present time. MRS. WILHIDE came home from Florida with re- ] porta of a bigger oetch than that of her husband Frank. One can reedUy detect a happy smile on DORIS TEAS' face as she goes about among old friends once again on the Andrews High School campus. Doris has been en roiled at the Brenau Academy in | Gainesville. Ga. Not many teacners can compete I with SUPERINTENDENT RUF-1 TV'S record of school attendance. Monday, Feb 9, was the first time in 30 years that Mr. Rufty has not been present at the opening of the school day. Due to illness he wit unable to be at school Mon day. A record deserving of recogni tion, Mr. Rufty. Reports are that the Andrews I School attendance is almost back | to normal. Friends are happy to fearn that PICKNEY ORR is back at his home again, improving nicely after 10 lays In .the Georgia Baptist Hospi tal in Atlanta, Ga. Too, JANE ORB'S 7th grade is delighted to 'have its teacher back again. DR. VAN GORDER, and wife, HELEN, came back from Wash-1 ington, D. C. to report that DR. JOE STICKLEY is homesick for Andrews. While in D. C. the VAN GORDERS and STICKLEY dined '.vtth CONGRESSMAN and MRS. GEORGE SHUFORD. PERSONALS BY MRS C. W. SAVAGE I Mrs. B. G. Brumby and grandson. Bo Dreher, left Saturday for Clear water Beach. Fla., for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kennedy and child ren, Dick and Susan. They plan to j | be away several weeks. , The Rev. J. Alton Mori-is and the I Rev. Edward Alt!and, pastor of the ? Baptist Church at Suit, are attend ing a State Evangelistic Confer ence in High Point this week. Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mrs. John Gill and daughter, Jane, visited in Washington, Ga.,,last week. J. P. DeJourette of New York City is visiting his slater Mrs. J. Alton Morris this week. W. A. Singleton spent Sunday night in Atlanta with his brother and sister-iniaw, Dr. and Mrs. 'Donald Singleton. Norman Kaye spent last week end with relatives in Atlanta. Bob Easely and H. Bueck attend THE TEEN SCENE BY BETTY JEAN MOORE MISS JUDY NICHOLS of Murphy spent last week end in Chattanooga, Tennessee, visiting MISS CAROL SUE VAUGHT, a former resident of Murphy. ' MISS JEANETTE KILPATRICK and MISS MARY ANN FORRESTER also spent last week end in Chattanooga with rela tives and friends. , FRED COFFEE, a graduate of M. H. S., who is now in the Navy In California, is spending a few days at home with his parents. BETTY JEAN MOORE. BURKE, and TOMMY, spent Sunday in At lanta. Accompanying them were their parents, "LIZ" GRAY, and MISS MILDRED TAYLOR. They wen* to see "Holiday on Ice". W. A. Sherrill is spending the week at home with his mother and his wife. SARA SHERRILL. He Is a student at Wake Forest College. MISS DARLENE ClfASTAIN, a former student of Murphy High spent the weekend with her par ents a* Martains Creek. She is a freshman at Young Harris College. HAROLD WALLACE, of Culber son spent the past week in Mur phy visiting friends and relatives. He returned Monday to his Job in Chicago, Illinois. ROY FULLER 'has returned to Wake Forest College. He spent the past week a* home with his folks. TOMMY GRAY of Hayesville. and his wife, the former HELEN ESTES of Brasstown, spent the week end with their parents. HEL EN and TOMMY are both wdrking in Atlanta now. Wednesday afternoon the Boy Scouts had a Patrol Meeting. As this is Boy Scout Week, the boys ed a Lions Club Cabinet meeting in Hendersonvilie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Barfield and daughter Barbara, and Eugene Eason of Marietta, Ga., visted Mrs. Barf ield's sister, Mrs. E. H. Brumby amd family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe 'Moore, and Mites arte Price left Tuesday for a two weeks' tour of Florida. Mrs. Arthur Akin Is visting her sons, Robert and Herman and their families in Fontana this week. Edwin Winchester was In Ala bama last week on business. Mrs. Bryant Deal of Clarmont visited relatives and friends here last week. decided to have a play in honor of the occasion. Monday afternoon the boys also had a Weiner Roast. Those present at the roast were: BURKE MOORE, JOHN SMIDT, HARRY MATTOX, HARRY DUNCAN, TOMMY MOORE, HUBERT SNEED, BOB BY HEMBREE. E. G. GADDIS, JOHN MORRIS, RONNIE RHOADS. SONNY LOV1NGOOD, BOBBY MORRIS, TOMMY HOWSE. and BILLY LOVIN GOOD. Mrs. Foard Has Night Circles Meet The met droit at I of the Pnestoytertan Church Monday at 7 JO p m with Un R. H. Foard Mrs. W. A. Singleton, chairman, presided. The program thh month h on Christian Stewardship. Miss Elisa beth Gray read an article from the Preebyteriair Survey, entitled "First Give Yourself." At the conclusion of the pro gram, Mrs. Gray aerved a salad course. Present were Mrs. Single ton, Miss Gray, Mrs. Ann Phillips, Mrs Evelyn Sneed, Mrs. Johneie Nunn and the Methodist Class Plans Bake Sale Saturday The John Wesley Bible Class of the First Methodist Church will bold a Bake Sate at the Murphy Electrical Shop Saturday, begin ning at 10 a. m? for the benefit at the clam project The public is invited. NEW LIFE! LONGER LIFE! with PATENTED DRYCEEANERS FINISHING PROCESS DRYCIEANING ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE! Yes the amazing difference in your clothes is STA*NU. This exclusive new process means that your entire ward robe takes on a NEW LOOK. Clothes cleaner and fresher than ever before. And THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO EXTRA CHARGE for STAwNU! W OS \ advsrlismd ? in Exclusivo with iife - * ? v.-' "? ' Imperial Laundry & Cleaners telephone 13 Hickory St. "EXCLUSIVE WITH US IN MUIUfHY" Ertv/ytfflV M/ot/gA a/icf\fA/ougt/ Tfc. T*rrtlu, Not "T?W 4-Dw CCMlffflVCffdV ^Sf ^ ittt * it dtptfdmt ?4iB?$limkiljfr ?* IS ? aaaiw?y r CHEVROLET ?with more great improvements than any ether low-priced carl Entirely New In Appearance with new Fisher Bodies. Entirely New Durability with stronger construction. New Power?new acceleration?new passing ability! New, even finer Powergtide automatic transmission.* New Power Steering. (Optional at extra cost.) ? Entirely New In Comfort with new Curved One-Piece Windshield. New Crank-Type Regulators for Ventipanes. New Foot-Form Clutch and Brake Pedals. And the softer, smoother Kncc-Action Ride EnNrely New in Convenience with flew Qenter-Foid Front Seat Backs (in 2-door models); new ignition-key starting; new Automatic Choke on all models. ' Entire/y New In Safety with new Finger-Fit Steering Wheel. Improved Jumbo-Drum Brakes. E-Z Eye Plater Glass (optional at extra cost). And Safety Plate Glass in windshield and all windows of sedans and coupes. Entirely New In Economy. More miles per caDoti of gas ?more over-all economy of operation?and, lowest-priced line in its field! Come in?see and drive this great new car. ?Combination of FowergUde and 115-h.p. "Bite-Flame" engine optional on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models at extra eon. MOM PIOPUI BUT CHIVROUTS THAN ANT OTHMtfApi Dickey Chevrolet--Oldsmobile Co. PHONE 60

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