W Ai.TEH OOUKAH, real aetata, to wit: fait of No. g, in district No. 8 la Murpfey Towneklp. Beginning en a etake at the I gin of a public roadway aad at the iDtsr?ettlon of two public roads a6oui.U0 feet east of No. 6 branch, and runs thence with the public road north 28 east 388 feet to a point in the road; thence north 20:30 oast 190 feet to a point In said road; thence leaving the road and running north 34:30 west, cros sing No. 6 branch at 280 feet, pass ing a 12 Inch poplar tree at 209 feet, whole distance 528 feet to a point in center of track of Southern Railway Company; thence with the center line of said railroad track, a southwest direction 390 feet to a point in center of said railroad COURT MARY B. COCHRAN Dh will Oonrt of i Carolina, divorce on tfat track, o corner of a pared of tend heretofore cm rayed to Jim H. Gibbe; thence with the line of eh Gihhe lot, south 44 rant MS feet to a stake la an old road, corner of ?aid Glbbe lot; thence continuing with the line of said Glbfae lot South 7 east 285 feet to a stake in the boundry line of State Survey No. 6, on the margin of the public road: thence with the public road and the line of State Survey No. 8, south 88 east crowing N. 6 branch at 100 feet, whole distance 210 feet to the point of beginning. This 10th day of March,1053. M G. CRAWFORD, Sheriff 35-Me