Miss CaUie Lou Little Is Bride of Williams w - - MBS. JOHN WILLIAMS Miss Callie Lou Little, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. C. V. Little of Culberson became tfce bride of A/lc John Williams, son of Mr. and F. Williams of Durham Saturday, March 14, at 10:30 a. m in the chapel at Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Ga. The chapel was decorated with baskets of white gladioli and car nations with 12 branched cande labra holding cathedral tapers. Given 1% marriage by her father the bride wore a light blue fails dress with navy accessories and carried a white prayer book topped with a lavender orchid and show ered with satin streamers. EASTER SEALS1 Help Crippled Children build happy, useful lives USE EASTER SEALS , .91.7% of funds remains 'inN. C. 55% of that stays S in Cherokee Co. 8.3% gees to Nat'l. Society CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. Murphy ? Andrews ? Robbinsville Hayesville Serving Southwestern North Carolina Resources Over Five Million Dollars Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation DRIVE MARCH 16 APRIL 5 Do your part toward the $ 1,000 quota for the 1953 Easter Seal Sale in Cherokee County. Announcing the opening of Mary Cathron's Beauty Shoppe On Hickory St opposite Imperial Laundry SPECIAL v for a limited time only $ 10 ddld wave* NOW ONLY $6.00 Plenty of parking room Mrs. Clyfcle Sneed, Prop. Shoppe entrance in the itear Telephone 81-J Mrs.OwenbyIs New OES Matron Murphy Chapter. No. 10, Order of the Eastern Star, will hav a pub lic installatiao of officers Monday, March SO at 7:30 p. m. in the Ma sonic Hall. 1 Installing'p(fleer will he Ann. Phillips, aa^fte^by installing mar-, shal, Edna Palmb} *TT*r'."-f ductress, Kate Hugbee; organist, Annie Lee ling chaplain, EII491 Omwfurd The foUowing#'?fttca? will installed: G'Mae Owenhy, worthy ma tor Sam L. Davidson, worthy patron; Helen Moody, isenriti Matron: Tom Palmer, Sasoclaie patron; Ann Phillipa, secretary; Hattle Palmer, treasurer, Bessie Bates,, conduc tress; Elizabeth Shields, associate conductress. Appoint***; hCHceaa are: Fleta Browning, chaplain; Esther Buch anan, associate chaplain; Leila1 Sims, marshal; Mae Roberts, associate marshal; Annie Lee' Foard, organist, Joyce Sampson,' associate organist: Dora Kaye, I Adah; Kg^e *" Hughes, associate ' Adah; Sallie White, Ruth; Vesta Roberts, associate Ruth; Mary j Cathron Sneed, Esther; Ellpn Crawford, associate Esther; Maude | Duncan, Martha; Edna - Palmer, j associate Martha; Anita Port wood, Electa; Evelyn Kisselburg, associate Electa; Bertha Roberts, warder; Maggie Swaita, associate warder; Franklin Smith, sentinel; Harest King, associate sentinel. A social hour will be held fol lowing the Instillation. ? Mrs. Howard Keen, sister of the bridegroom, wgs matron of honor and Howard Kern, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was beat man. Mrs. tittle, mother of the bride, wore a pink suit with navy acces sories and a corsage of white carnations. Chaplain C>3car W. Vaelzke of ficiated. Following the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip to Greensboro and Durham. Mrs. Williams is ? graduate of Murphy High School and the Wo man's College of Greensboro. She is now associated with Westing bouse Electric Corp. in ' Atlanta, Ga. ' " '? ? ul' A/lc Williams Is stationed now at Westerner Air Fore#' 'Base to Bishop Henry Is Kennaheeta Speaker Bishop M. George Henry of Ash eville spoke on "Christian Living of our Youth" at the meeting of the Konnaheeta Club in Andrews Thursday, in a program sponsored by the Welfare Committee. Hostesses were Mrs. Joe Sursav age, Mrs. Jimmie Baer, Mrs. Bruce Bristol, Miss Gladys Christy, Mrs. S. J. Gernet, Mrs. D. E- Pullium and Miss Phyllis Snyder The Easter motif was used, with tables decorated with Easter bun-, nies, candies eggs and arrange ments of spring flowers . Fields Heard At TU Banquet Thurs. The Rev. Glenn Fields of Ep worth, Ga was guest speaker at the annual banquet of the Baptist Training Union which was held Thursday night Mar. 12 in the church dining room. His subject was, "Spring Ambitions". Jonquils, forsythla and other spring flowers, picket fences and bird houses decorated the table. MRS. JAMES HAROLD WALLACE Davis' Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Arden D. Davis announce the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth James to Mr. James Harold Wallace of Culberson. N. C. son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wallace On February 4, in Blairsville, Ga. Mr. Wallace is employed with General Motors Corp. in Cleve land, Ohio, and the bride is, for the present, at the home of her parents here, continuing her studies at Murphy High School. Fol lowing her graduation in June, she will join Mr. Wallace in Cleve land where they will make their home. PERSONALS BY MRS. C. W. SAVAGE H. Bueck, Governor of District 31-A, Lions International, will vis it the Wayncsville Lions Club Thursday. Bill Canta, Jr., of Chattanooga spent last week end with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chandler. Mr and Mrs. E. H. Brumby were called to Clearwater, Fla. last week on account of the illness of Mr. Brumby's mother, Mrs. B. G. Brumby, Sr. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, of i Raleigh arrived last week to see Mrs. Taylor's aunt, Mrs. John H. Dillard who is hi the hospital with a broken shoutder. Mr. Taylor re turned to Raleigh Saturctay, but Mrs. Taylor remained to stay with her aunt awhile and with ber mother-in-law, Mrs. Mattte Taylor. Mrs. J. H. Dyer spent last week end with her son-in-law and daugh er, Mr. and Mrs. Forrrest Aber nathy. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Zlterouer came up from Atlanta last week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hampton. Mr. Zlterouer returned to Atalanta but she remained for the week. Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer and son were visitors in Asheville last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson went to Marietta, Ga last Friday to meet Col. Jerry Davidson, Jr. of Fort Worth. Texas commander of 8708 Pilot Train-Wing at Hens ley Field, Texas. He was accom panied by a staff of six officers. They landed at Dobbins Air Field. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Dickey and son, Bobby of Valdosta, Ga. are visiting relatives here. Gordon Darnell has returned to McCallie School in Chattanooga, where he is a student, after having spent the spring holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox had as a week end guest, Miss Virginia Roper of Atlanta Miss Louise Pratt of Galnsville, Ga. was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeever. J. W. Franklin has spent the past two weeks In Atlanta with Mrs. Franklin who is a patient in Pied mont Hospital. PETKIE HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs Sanford Gibson of Young, Harris, Ga., announce the birth of a girl March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Murphy announce the birth of ? hoy, March 12. Mr. and Mrs. JerreR Beavers, Route 2. Murphy, a boy March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Elrod, Route 1, Murphy, a daughter, March 14. CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thinks to th for I id death af mmr nd father who p way Marsh 17, IMS. Also Miss Barnett, Weds Flake Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Barnett of Andrews hdVe announced the mar riage of their daughter, Lucille* to 'William H. Flake of Salisbury, N. C? and Sanford, Fla. The mar riage was performed March 16 in Sanford, Fla. Mrs. Flake is the owner of the Eloise Beauty Shop in Andrews. The couple plan to make their home In Sanford, Fla., where Mr. Flake is employed. Musie Wilson Feted At Party Wed. Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr., enter tained with a party Wednesday, March 11, for her daughter, Mis sie, it being her sixth birthday anniversary. Guests were. Jane Britfain, Jane Whitley, Rosalie Hyde, Sara Var ner Singleton, Wanda Thompson, Diane Wilkins, and Lucy Wilson. The children played games pinned the tail on the donkey and were served iC3 cream and cake. Eastern Star Plans Initiation Thurs. Murhpy Chapter, No. 10, Order of the Eastern Star, will have an Initiation Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Hall it is announc ed by Mrs. Fleta Browning, Worthy Matron. THE TEEN SCENE BY BETTY JEAN MOORE Last Thursday night MRS. JAM ES THOMPSON and BETTY JANE EVANS gave ROBERT TUR NER and JAMES THOMPSON ? birthday party. Some of the one* present were as follows: GERAL DINE GIBSON, THELMA STILES, FREDRICK DALRYMPLE, ROB ERT CHAPMAN, JERRY RUTH SMITH, BOBBY THOMPSON, GWENDA LOU COLE, KENNETH MONTGOMERY, GEORGE HALL, JAMES SMITH, DENNY EI LIOTT, DALE KILPATRICK, RANDAL ODOM, and others. Everyone had a grand time and they were all glad to see Robert feeling so much better. Congratulations are in order a gain this week. Two weeks ago MISS CALLIE LOU LITTLE was married to A/1C JOHN C. WIL LIAMS of Durham. They were married at Dobbins Air Force Base near Atlanta, Ga. Th e bride, a graduate of Murphy High, wore a light blue dress with navy acces sories. For their honeymoon they, went to Durham and Greensboro for a week. Also congratulations to "JIM MIE" DAVIS and HAROLD WAL LACE! "Jimmie" and Hairy were married February 4 in Blairsvllle, Ga. Their witnesses were MIL DRER TAYLOR and ANNE DOCK ERY. At the present "Jimmie", a senior, is oontinuingg her studies here. Harry is in Cleveland, O., working for General Motors. Friday night TOMMY GENTRY, SALLY MORRIS, STEVE CRAW FORD and ANNE SHIELDS weot to Andrew* to see "For Feto's Sake", the Andrews Senior play. JAMBS DAVIS was honored Fri day night with a birthday party, announcing his 19th year. Lots of people were there and they all had a very good time. BOBBY BOLING and STEVE MORRISETTE came home for the week end from Gardner-Webb Col lege at Boiling Springs. J. B. HALL and BILLIE RAE RAMSEY took Bobby and Steve back to col lege. MISS JO GARRETT spent Tues day in Asheville. One night last week JUDY NICHOLS had a television party for several of her friends. STEVE CRAWFORD, ANNE SHIELDS, and NOVIS DAVIS were there and they spent an enjoyable evening watching television. GORDON DARNELL left Sun day, returning to school in Chat tanooga. He has been home front school for spring vocation. Sev eral of his friends came up for the week end and returned with him. GEE AT HOME A/3c Mack Leon Gee has com pleted Chanute Weather School. Chanute Air Force Base,, in Illi nois. He is at home on furlough after which he will be sent to Ja pan. WITH EVERY DRYCUANED GARMENT IT WHIN FINISHED WIVH MIRACLE... ' / ' ' 0 ' t X A X Never before in the history of drycleaning has any process achieved such wardrobe wonders. You SEE and FEEL the difference at once. Clothes, look new, feel new, wear like new. COSTS NOTHING EXTRA AT FREE MOTH PROOFING?GUARANTEED 6 MONTHS IMPERIAL LAUNDRY & CLEANERS PHONE 13 MURPHY, N. C. the right apparel for J Suits lead the Easter Parade I fl See our new spring Weat her-Match tailored Bobbie Brooks $15.48 to $16.98 Zim Suits $17.98 to $21.98 Dresses See our beautiful line of Easter Dresses by Nelly Don, Peg Palmer, Koret of California, in Linens, Voils and nylons priced from $8.98 up Dresses For the little girls "Peac hes in Cream" nylon dress es, straw bonnets with bags to match. "Proud Tot" Shoes, also nylon gloves. Shoes Step smartly into spring in a lovely pair of shoes! Pretty and comfortable for your Easter parading our exciting new styles in calf, patent leather. Choose Now ! ? Gloves See our beautiful doves by Van Raalte?all shades to match v Many" styfe#'hid i to choose from now.;