Mrs. White Dies After Illness Horton White. Tt. widow of R. P White, dted at 4 p. m. ?t the home of ? i Mr* Luther Route a, Mter a iiniite'a White Church at 11 a. m hay with the Rev Tfcooue TrueU officiating Burial waa la the church cemetery. 1 Surviving, beaidea Mm. Cyrea ett of I Viola Allan and tan. both of Liberty, and Mn Weeley Joh neon of Lafayette, Go., and a brother. Burl Barton of On. DICKEY AND DAVIS FARMERS' HEADQUARTERS TRACTORS-FARM MACHINERY-TRUCKS APPLIANCES WATCHFOROURSALES TRUCK IN YOUR m COMMUNITY See us for the following general Crop Fertilizer 3-9-9 ' 6-8-6 4-10-6 5-10-10 5-10-5 'Ammonium Nitrate BulMog Soda WE DELIVER DICKEY AND DAVIS BOB WHITE Phbne 288 Murphy, N. C. QUALITY NEVER SO HIGH! PMESNEV&SO tOW/ lFtde-/ns Mm- soBt6! i 'doutpfr,. are 11K4W?More for your money! King-size 21 inch tube, walnut finish console. All Motorola features like Area Selector Switch. Ma-' ~ hogany finish or limed oak slightly higher. Model 17TIII?Trade now. Big 17 inch tube Motorola TV table model. Ebony plastic. All Motorola features: Ont-Knob Tuning with New Channel-light, Built-in Lifetime Focus, New, Improved Glare Guard. Also available in mahogany plastic at alight extra cost. $209.95 tfcnty-oHe macCeJU t* cfoote frt&H... LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENT. 104 WEEKS TO PAY1 ? < , Mm hJ?A I Ta* Hhw)|i om Tukt, AM? mi flrtn Trtm , Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply Association**! WMU MjijetjBe Here May 6 The annual meeting of (he W?-? man's Missionary Union af Western Carolina Baptist Aasoda-I Hon will bo held ad the First Bap-1 List Church May 8 at 10 Mrs Elmer Ohilders, lonal superintendent, will preside,! with Mrs. W. C Measer as secre-1 ary. Miss Sally Morri, will present a | ipecial musical selection The following will give lnfor-1 nation on phases of the work: Mm. I trthur Ledford, mission study. Art W. C. Kinney, community illations; Mrs W. W. Lovingood, ,tewardship; Mrs. Chllders, sup ?rinteodent's report and Mrs deeaer, secretary's report. A state WMU representative will peak at 11:19 a. m . on "Pray, Pork, and Yet More", and Miss ieitha Wallis of the Home Mission loard will speak on "Christ, Whom 01 Earth Shall Seek". ?Lunch will be served at 12:30 by j "omen of the hostess church. The afternoon devotional will be | y Mrs. John Corbitt. Others on the program in the! fternoon will be Mrs. H. E. Dan-, risen. Rev. Earl Cable, and Mm. | !. W. Carringer licken Dinner Planned By Local Egg Service Qulnn Egg Service of Murphy nd Ever-Best Feed Mills of At tn ta will sponsor s fried chicken inner and poultry meeting sit the rfurphy School Lunch Room Fri day, May 8 at 6:30 p. m. W. G. Andrews, Extension Poul ry Specialist, N C. SUte College, rill discuss the poultry outlook. Al o several prominent hatcherymen rom the broiler area are expected o attend. A new service to flock owners in big ?re*. win be announced at he meeting. All flock owners are nvited to be present and learn the letails of the plan. All hatching egg producers or >ersons who plan to go into the justness soon and have not already received a personal Invitation, a 'ree dinner plate will be reserved 'or you by calling 397-W, or by IroppLng a card to Qulnn Egg Ser vice or stopping by their warehouse lot later than noon on Saturday, day, 2. The program at 7:30 may be at :ended without reservation, but a -eservation Is required for the din ner. A special musical program by 51enn Ellis and his Blue Mountain Boys will folow the discussions. The U. S. Department of Agri :ulture will donate up to 50,000, )0 pounds of butter acquired under price support programs to chair lable institutions this year. Joyner To Lead Methodist Mission M Church Here Rev. E. Bea lam In Joyner of the Virginia Conference will be sua sinister at Murphy First Metho tist Church May 3-8, with services laily Monday through Friday venings On Sunday, Rev. Joyner will peak at both the 11 a. m. and 8 p. a. worship service* at the church. Mr. Joyner, a former missionary 0 India, la now pastor of High ?treet Presbyterian Church, Pet rsburg, Va. In India he did gener 1 evangelistic work and was pastor t a Presbyteran Church in Calcut He la a graduate of Southern diversity, ? Emory University, terldlan. Miss. Military College. (OOftAffVMCSC 1951 Ford, 6 cylinders 1951 Ford. 5 passenger coupe 1950 Ford, 2 door, 2 tone 1950 Ford, 4 door. Custom 1947 Ford, 5 passenger conpe Two 1941 Chevrolet? 1950 1' -Ton Ford Truck 1951 Jeep pickup ? Two used 1949 Ford Tractors If you are In the Market for a rood used car or truck?See us before you buy. BURCH MOTORS "Tour Friendly Ford Dueler" PHONE 95 Head Car MaysBetiwst At Andrews Church The Iter- Alfred R Mays, of the Highland Method Petersburg. Va., will be later In the Evangelistic Move ment at the First Methodist Church Andrews. May 3 through 8. Service, will be held nightly tad th# public U Invited to attend. Rev. E. L. Kirk, pastor, said. The 1932 world production at barley and oat, is estimated at 133 million abort tons. For Sale The Jack Herbert . Home 7 room brick bouse, bath and ? hall. Hardwood floors, large concrete basement. Let 109 ft. X 171 ft Cash or terms. Jack Herberrt Box 178 Andrews, N. C 9 '/jDOO bbcztion /oryour?mify ?sesy * Weafcsl Bee's year cfaaase te i eases tanAy. Bsery tee wests aaSA Jsiy 8, 196ft, 1 in tZIsinet setet. .. toeMMrVed (Ssh AL la \ adAMee. Kstrfaator hoses sfetieaoss aa* oak sweets wtl Yon dss*t base te bey ? OIT YOUR INTRY BLANK HIRII Ivie Furniture Co. Jane Parker RAISIN BREAD wozioaf 15c JuLZ M White House Evaporated MILK 3 tall cans 39? Armour's Star or Libby's Vienna SAUSAGE 4ozcan Strongheart DOG FOOD 315% oz. cans 25c Ann Page Pure Strawberry PRESERVES Aiar 63? Hearty and Vigorous Our Own TEA ub.pkg. 59c Ann Page Pork With Tomato Sauce BEANS 16oz.can ]Qc Texize BLEACH qt bottle 10? Libby's T omato JUICE 46oz.can 27c Fine Yellow ONIONS ">5? Super Right Dressed & Drawn FRYERS whole or cut up lb49c Ill Pe&chtree St. Murphy, N. C. Andrews, N. C.