Peachtree HD Club Maets At Sudderths Tfce Peacbtree Home tratloa met ItoufKtaar July t at the home at Dele Mid Mae SuddeCh, ?'tth lira. Verlin Crisp giving the devotional. Mies Edna Baahop gave a dem onstration on "Wall es" Fif teen members and two viaitora were present Davidsons Honor Guests At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Davidson e trained their bridge dab and a fi IS THIS THE ANSWER TO YOUH< ?M DREAM OF MIRACLE HEARING?" (hi; rirty power pill is all you need in Acousticon's great, new E-Tr-.n sister Hearing Aid to give you new hearing power and clarify that is positively amazing. It completely eliminates old end nrger "A" and "B" batteries, making possible the tiniest, lightest hearing aid transmitter we have ever created. Come in today for an absolutely free demonstration. See and try all the wonders of the A-330.... our answer ' to your dream of a miracle hearing device. , MONDAY FREE Hearing Aid Clinic?For JULY 20,1953 From 10:00 a. m ONE Day Only , ,o2:ooP.m. Cherokee Hotel Murphy, N. C. ThU clinic will bo conducted by ACOUST1CON HEARING AID EXPERTS V I I Thl* Hny power pill replaces any two former "A" and B" batteries shown above in com parative Bizes. A C O-U -ST M O N WorU't Fint cmi OUett Makers of Electrical Hearing Aid* ACOUSTICON ASHEVILLE CO. 905 Jackson Bldg. Asheville, N. C. IN MOBIIGAS ECONOMY RUN Americas Kl Top Economy 8 CORONET V-CICNT l-OOO* SEDAN Gome see &fld drive the winner! Road Test and Rate the Dodge Y-8 that topped all other 8's in every price class in famOus 1206-mile Mobilgas Economy Run... and 10 days later broke all records for standard American cars in official AAA Performance Runs over the "Measured Mile." Step up to Dodge . . . step out in the winner! Prices start below many models in the "lowest dependable DODGE E.C. MOORE 1S7 VALLEY BIYSK AVE. MURPHY, N. C. Monday night, June 30 c pigmenting \ in- law, Mr and Mr*. Jerry David eon. Jr. of Port Worth, Texas their house The gut t List included, besides the hoftorees. Dr. and Mr* B. W. Whitfield. Mr, and Mrs. H. Bueck, Mr. and Mrs. dale Lee, Mis. Edgar Harsh rw Mr. and Mrs. H A, Mat tox Mr, and Mrs, Hobart Mckeever, Mr. and Mrs. Harry BWtop, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hendrix, Mr, and Mrs John Bayless, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Elkins. Mrs. Prank Forsyth, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mtb, Fran cis Bourne, Sr., Miss Emily Sword. Miss Addle Leatherwood, Miss Clara McCombs. Mrs. W. H. Mc Keever and her guest, Mrs. Mar guertte Bennan of Greenaboro. Mr. Elkios and Mrs. Bayleaa won High score tor men aod women re spectively. and low score went to Mr. Headrix aod Mias Leather wood. Guest prize* were presented the honorees. The home was decorated with summer flowers. BUYS GUERNSEY E. J. Hanbinson of Concord, has just purchased the young Guernsey sire. Dickey Maxim Joe, from H. E. Dickey of Murphy. This young bull Is out of the cow Notla Rose Maxim Jenny and is sired by Nejasco Amy's, Noble. MONUMENTS - MARKERS - COPING WHOLESALE & RETAIL Quality Stones?expert workmanship We guarantee satisfaction on each and every purchase. You are invited to visit our shop and display any time.You may get the best at no extra cost. We have no salesman?no middle man profit for you to pay. Buy direct from Manufacturer and save For detailed information write: WNC MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. FRED V. BARTON, Owner BOX 177, Marble, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CKEDITOE8 Having qualified aa trator of the Estate af William T. Hobitzell, deceased, late of Chero kee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having against the Estate of mid ed to exhibit them to the under signed at her home in Andrews, North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of June, 1954, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to aid estate atll Tfasg tfae 22nd day of June 1953. Ada Bell Hofafatiell Administrator at tfae Estate of William T. HobUtxeU 52-dtc (Continued from page 6) undersigned. This tfae 2nd day of July, 1953. MYRTLE HUBBARD. Executrix and F. V. (VXCK) HUBBARD, 51-6tc Executor WANTED OAKROUGH 2"X4* (8 ft, & 12 ft long) TIMBER PRODUCTS CO. Murphy, N. C. Tel. 345 THELONE! .RANGER By Fran Striker BUT VMHV SHOULD ? WHITE MEN DISGUISE. THEMSELVES AS INDIANS AND CAPTURE OUID MSELVES CERTAIN WHITE MEN WANT TO START A WAR AGAINST THE] INDIANS WE'LL TRY TO FOLLOW THESE 1 TRACKS. VW WOULD WJYONE ] VJfcNT TO STNJT i kWW?, TTvixAc J RANCHER GORMAN HAP. [ PROOF "THAT INDIANS VflLLEP ' I hs acme, he found rep HAWKS rs^rr^N^" NECKLACE.^ ^ NtXTRE MZONG, POUGLASj 'HERE IS BED HAWK'S NEOOACE. THE , ONE SOCMAN SAYS HE POUND 0EUON6H) "TO RED HAWK'S BROTHER. ~7* THEN GORMAN MUSrvE KILLED HIM- IF HE HAD "THE NEOCUGj . I YES, I'M J SURE GOCHtvN KILLED REPi Howie's gecrruEg/ jn t? "THEN IT MUST BE GORMAN WHO WANTS TO START < > A WAR WITH THE ^ /^>^q-YTW7T INDIANS^ fa SURE WEtLFlNP GOCMAH AT TWeJ ENP OF THESE TRACKS. J if wes harmed my son, I'll"] 7/1 SHOOT HIM IN t COLD BLOOD.' WE'VE TNJKED "TOO MUCH IN FRONT OF ' INDIAN ANP TUE KIP. WEVE GOT TO KILL 'EM' YOU'RE RIGHT J ' l' I'LL FINISH 'EM OFF. I'll tlke cw?e ofthebo> (THERE3 MY SON/ HE WILL BE SHOT/ " locxQ ^7 ZING, IT'S KYPAD!\ - ANP TUE MARSHAL AN' A MASKEP AN A MASKEP i MAN/ r?v 'Snr \l?? WE GOTTA ' KILL "EM ALL' RANCHER GORMAmS) FIGHTING I WITH THE OTHERS ( A1Y ARMT^ ^ V ^^ [G6T THOSE THREE,OgTHEWL SET US! j WE'LL GET IT EM' ta. Ml