PERSONALS Dr. Ml Mrs W. A. Hoover i children, lawn is tend Becky. where they went due to ?h end death at Mrr Hoover's fether, B. C. SuIUvwl Mr end Mr* J B Mulkey have re turned dram Betthnoie. Md where they spent ? week with their eon end daughter-in-law, Mr end Mrs Hubert iMuJkey. Mrs C E Hyde sod daughter*, Rosalie and Peggy spent lest week hi Warren ton with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. SeVby Glenn Benton end baby Harriet. Rosalie stopped In Cornelia. Ga. for a visit with her grandparents, Mr and Mr* S M Benton Mi* J. Walton Bxenham and children. Buckey and Feye, will spend the week end witn Mr and Mire. H. Bueck and H C. en route to Warm Springs, Ga. Mrs Bran vtot Uncle end Aunt, Mr. end Mrs p. R. Kitcben end daugbten. Rite Billy end Unde F*ye In We vflle. RtU returned wUb her (or e a vlatt Mr eod Bin Winston Craig and Winston Jr.. spent the week end In Warm Springs, Ge. Martha Part wood left Sunday for Tennessee Camp for Diabetic Child ren et Camp Glancy, Sequatchie. Tenn. Mack Sneed of Wane went Mrs. George P. Byrum of Eden ton, N. C.. is visiting Mrs. W. D. Townoon Jr. W. D. Townsoa, Jr. and John Carrlnger attended the National Wood Pallet Manufacturers Asso ciation Convention In New York City last week. Mrs. W. D. Townson Jr. and her guest, Mrs. George P. Byrum spent Tuesday in Atlanta visiting Mrs Byrum's brother, Paul Mor EVERY PERSON WHO OWNS AN AUTOMOBILE ASSUMES THIS CONTRACT 1 AGREE TO PAY all hospital, doctor and nurses bills; cost of judicial proceedings; lawyer's fees; and jud gment resulting from an injury to any other i person for which 1 am liable on account of the use of my car. I "As a guarantee of the fulfillment of this agreement. I pledge as security all my real' estate, chattels and other property I now. own or will acquire or possess." HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 145 Over the A. & P. FORD OWNERS Put Your Car in "Trip-Top" shape! You folks who plan a vacation or weekend trip in your Ford will want to make Bure it's in good * operating condition before leaving. Hie smart thing to do is have it "travelized" by our own mechanics who will check it for necessary adjustments and for any worn parts that may need replacing. Don't take a chance on operating troubles that may sjioil your holiday. Drive in for Your Travel-Cheek Today! SUftf SIGNS OF SAVINGS Ibv'rs in good handt at your Ford Dealer's Bur ch Motors "YOU* FRIENDLY FOKD DKALES" PHONE 93 . ' MURPHY. N. C Woman Talk By EMILY COSTELLO With another bang-up party at Duke's, a very charming dance and Program, tots <rf ^ mer guests and a few other items of Just "woman talk", to tell, I Wdly know where to lead off. But I might as well turn back to Friday, the day, or rather the even ing EDNA AND DUKE WHIT LEY. the original host and hostess ?f Duke's Lodge entertained at the lodge at dinner and all the trim mings for some 40 guests After a sweltering day in town, it was wonderful to enjoy the cool ness and a few raindrops mid fen pink sunset over the lake from the lodge porch. Dinner constated of gobs of fried chicken, frenoh fries, slaw, hot biscuits and some barbe cue of the old school with a sauce delicious and hot (Ask BUI Dar nell if you don't believe me.) Among the guests numbered I saw RUTH and HARVEY WIL gan. 'Mrs. Frank K. Pool of Greetv viile, S. C., and Miss Veola Poole of Fayetteville wUl arrive In Mur phy today for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. BiU Costello. Mrs. Pool Is Mrs. Costello's mother, Miss Poole Is the aunt of 'Mrs. Costello. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morris of Asheville were the week end guests of Mrs Dixie Palmer. Mrs. Morris is Mrs. Palmer's sister. Andrews Personals LAST WEEK Mrs. Frank Waldrouji recently visited with her daughter, Miss Jan King in Charlotte. Bob Mulkey, with the U. S. Army in Fort Jackson, S. C? and his wife Amy, who fa in school at Western Carolina College, spent the week end with Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Mulkey and other re latives and friends. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Palmer are Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blister of Mississippi. Miss Menelith Whitaker is spend ing a week near Chicago, 111 with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gene SmaU. Sgt. ad Mrs Ira Nolan of Orlando Fla., are spendng several days with Mr. and Mrs Claude Dorsey and other relatives an frilnds. Mrs. Nolan is Mrs Dorsey's sister. Mirs Mary Darden and Ned of Hogansrville, Ga., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Weimer Conley and other relatives. M-Sgt. and Mrs. William H. Per kins of the Marine Corps In Have lock, N. C? are fisrting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butler. Sgt. Per kins fa Mrs. Butler's brother. Dr and Mrs Resckihe hafe return ed to Andrews from Highlands. The Rescknes plan to build a home in Andrews. Mr. and Mrs A1 Brown and Pat spent te week end in Atlanta, Ga., Mrs Paul Rogers has returned from a five weeks visit with her perents, Mr and Mrs Paul Galloway in Raleigh, N. C. Miss Daisy Battle will leave Saturday for Washington, D. C? where she will visit with Mr and Mrs Jark Rempher for several days then traveling on to Boston, Mass., where she will spend a week with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Brcce Battle Jr. Mr and Mrs. Joe Sursavage have moved into their new home an 'Hamilton Rd. Week end guests of Mrs. Paul Rogers are Mr. and Mrs Ralph Best of Cullowhee. Among those attending the wed ding of Bob Christy in West Palm Beach. Fla., were bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christy; Miss Gla dys Christy; Mrs Cornelia Peters and daughter; Mrs Wade Reece and sons, Todd and Jerry. Mrs. James Bowman of Winston Salem spent several days with Mrs W T Fisher while Mr and Mrs John Christy were in Florida. Mrs. Clyde Jarrett is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Brown in Spartanburg. S. C. Mrs. Jarrett's sister and afece from S. C drove Mrs. Jarrett to Spartanburg. ! SON. JOHN md KATHLEEN DAVIDSON, LOUISE and BUSTER BAYLESS, OPIE and HOBIE Mc KEEVER, H. A. and ROSHMOND MATTOX, MABEL MASSEY, H A- s sister MARTINE McDONALD of KnoviUe, MARTHA DREHER. LIZ GRAY, ARNOLD BEERKENS ANNE WARD, MARY FAY BRUM BY. BETSY and FRANCIS BOUR NE. CATHERINE and HARRY BISHOP. JEAN and BOB WHITE, SHUG and BOB EASLEY, MAR THA NELL THUSS, SIS and BILL DARNELL, DAVE MOODY, ED and VIRGINIA HYDE, JACK and MONIKA DAVIS. Also present were Lodgeg guests -Dr. and Mrs. Hearin of Atlanta. Some Items overheard or over seen at the party JACK AND MbNIKA DAVIS are this week making a shghtlybap hazard and unplanned vacation trip to Philadelphia?old stomping grounds of Jack's medioal study days. But in spite of the spur of the moment plans, they were look ing forward to a fine time in the big city. ARNOLD BEERKENS leaves the 24th (Monday) of this month for home in Holland. He flies from New York the 24th and will be at home for breakfast the morning of the 25th. But these modern means of transportation are nothing to marvel at In the shadow of a chief reason for the trip. Arnold says In Holland he in tends to become "officially en gaged" to be married Exciting, huh! MARY FAY BRUMBY( Mrs. Ed) is now wearing a most becoming hair cut featuring Mamie Bangs. REGAL CLUB PROGRAM The Regal Club really did a trick when they arranged the per fectly lovely dance concert here Monday evening. Seven young artists performing in the Chero kee Indian drama "Unto These Hills", took their only night off to give Murphy folks a lovely evening of song and dance. 1 The dancers, In appropriate and colorful costumes, perform ed a varied program of dances from Irish songs to the Beguine, highlighted with a folk suite of the mountain folk. The^e was al so a clever and fast moving lit tle "Bp the Sea" number. I think I enjoyed most' the 13th Century troubadour number, though I'm also particularly fond of the folk song "Black is the Col or of My True Love's Hair" The audience was good?though not a capacity crowd?and a most appreciative one. In addition to the Murphy group there were several Andrews folks in the number in cluding STARR PULLIUM, GA LUSHA PULLIUM, EVELYN, HIL DRED AND BETTY HEATON. and I think PAUL HEATON. Also MRS. S. J. GERNERT and MR. AND 'MRS H. E. DAVIS. BOXER FAMILY THE KAYE'S boxer is the proud mama of nine pups, sired by the HARRY MILLER'S boxer "BUTCH". PICNIC AND PAGEANT SHIRLEY BATES, JIM WEBB. SUSIE MILLER and CHARLES SMITH took picnic supper in (hand and traveled to Cherokee Saturday to view "Unto These Hills". I feel sure a good time was had by aU the four attractive young folks. BETTER, THANK YOU MRS. J. ALTON MORRIS, who was sick and in an Atlanta Hospit al before most of us at home knew there was anything wrong, Is now back at home and reported im proving nicely. She returned from Atlanta Sunday WINTERS SUMMER GUESTS RHETT AND MARY WINTERS and little EMILIE are enjoying a visit from Rhett's- parents. MR. AND MRS. R. Y. WINTERS of Washington, D. C. The visitors ar rived Monday and will be here un til next Monday YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE MRS. R. H. FOARD'S household Is somewhat livelier for the visit DICKEY FREIGHT LINE, INC. Telephone 31 Daily service between Murphy andKnox ville, Tenn., and Atflanta, Ga. Connecting lines service between north, * east, south, west and west coast through Knoxville and Atlanta gateways. Call U> For Fast Dependable Motor Freight PERSONALS LAST WEEK ?ad Mr?.A M Wyhe at Che . S. C., were pwdi at Mr. and 1 Mr* T A Cw Sunday and visited a cumber of frleoda during tike afternoon Mrs. WyUe ia tbe far mer Mis# Ida Belle Eotrddo wfw lived in Murphy a few years ago when the was regional Librarian. They have a book store and gift shop in Chester and were an route Rome from Atlanta where they at tended a gift show. Mrs. WyBe is now school librarian In Chester. John Wrin of Due West, S. C., visited the Quay Ketners and other friends here last week end. Mr. and Mrs C. Lin wood Rich ardson of Selma arrived Wednes day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck Bill and Priseilla Inscoe of New- j ton, and Jimmy Coulter of Wood leaf, with Jennie Elder of Siler | City, friend of Priseilla, are visit ing their aunt, Mrs. R. H. Foard. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Easley, Jr., attended the Ladies night of Candler lions Club Monday. Mr. Bueck tnrtalled the new members of the cabinet of District 31-A. Mrs. Ben Davis and daughter, | Bennle Joe of Charlotte are vislt from iher attractive young nieces and nephew, who I believe, will re main here for the rest of the sum mer. It's nice to have them. TO AKRON, O. J. H. DUNCAN and FRANK ELLIS are leaving or have left for Akron, Ohio, where they planned to attend the National Soap Box Derby, tour the Goodyear Rubber Plant, and other activities un scheduled. HOME FROM TRIP ESTHER and ALV1N BUCHAN AN are back home after several days travelii^ around. They visit ed Mr and Mrs. R. E. Minor in Birmingham, Ala., and after re turning from Ala. spent a week end with JIM and TALITHA GOOD WIN in Franklin. (The Goodwins formerly lived in Murphy.) They also made stops visiting friends in Asheville, Waynesville and Syl va. HELLO, GOODBYE MRS. J. H. BRANDON entertain ed with a birthday dinner for son BILL Saturday evening at the Brandon ihome. The party was also a sort of farewell event as Bill Waves for the Army next Monday. Guests at the party were GLENDA I VIE, CAROLYN ALEX ANDER, STEVE CRAWFORD, BOBBY BOLING, JUDY NICH OLS, ADIR ARONSON and KAY BURGESS. Davis' McCoonhs, and Mr. and Mrs W. A. singleton and family visited Mr. singleton's mot her, Mn W. A. Singleton in West minister, S. C. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Bault and dau ghter. Sallie, left Wednesday for Atlanta and Cherry Grove where they will spend a ten-day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin and cbil ldren, Lauria and BUI of Paducab, Ky., aire visiting Mrs. Hardin's Bisters. Mrs. ? C. Winchester and (Misa Ella McComfaa. Mr. and Mrs. John Black of Lake Worth, Fla., spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton. Tommy Winchester and Hobart Maahgura spent last week end with Jimmy McCombs on Route I, Mur phy. Mr and Mrs J A Agnew who have been -visiting mr and Mrs W. A. Sigleton and family, returned Monday to their home in Summer ville, Ga. They were accompanied by their grandson, Knox Singleton. Mr. ad Mrs John Posey of Way nesville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E C. Winchester and Miss Ella McCombs. Mr and Mrs. T A Case have as guests this week, Mrs. E. K. Sla gle of Andrews and Orlando, Fla., and W C. Penland of Canton. ?Mrs. James B Ward returned Thursday from a two months' Me diterrenean cruise. She visited fri ends an Alexandria, Egypt, and Athens, Greece. She was met in Asheville by Mrs Dale Lee, Mrs H. A. Mattox and Mrs. Wade Maesey. ?Mr and Mrs Harry P. Cooper of Atlanta, spent the week end with Mir and Mrs H A Mattox. Phil Mat tox who has been visiting his grand parents, returned home with them. Jimmy Cagle of Knoxville is vis iting his grandmother and his aunt Mrs. Sallie Queen and Miss Beulah Queen. Miss Elda Queen who has been transferred from the Bell Tele phone Company in Asheville to Atlanta, spent the week end with her mother and 6ister, Mrs. Sallie Queen and Miss Beulah Queen. ?Mrs. Dale Lee, Mrs Mabel Mae sey and Miss Addie Mae Cooke at of?.C ? died at Mi Imm 4 Siimy after ? km He w the father of Ifci W. A. flooaw. Amen were beld In Me Fbst Church Mere at 4 p. in. Monday. Or and Mrs Clarence Butler a Gainesville, Ga. epent the wee) end with Mr and Mrs Hobar McKeever Ray Holloway of Dalton. Ga spent Me week end with Me Qua: Ketnera and Mrs. Bessie Dicksa end daughter Frances. (Mrs A M BratUJn and Mr anc Mrs R R Burns and family of Cop perhtll, Term., visited Mias Berth* May fie Id Sunday. Johnny Derre berry of Beckley West Va., and Martha Jean Piercj of Andrews, were week-end guest of Mr and Mrs Fred Christopher Mr and Mrs Ed Howard spen the week end with Mr and Mr George Wright at Buck Creel Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worthen anc daughters, Patty and Bobby re turned fam a visit with relative! and friends in Negaunee, Mich. tMr and Mrs Luther Cobb ant son, Wilson, of Hemp, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs W A Cook and "Toots last week end. Mr. Cobb is or furlough from the Air Force aftei spending two years In France. Of the 2,218,000 acres of corn planted in North Carolina this yeas some 920,000 acres, or 41.3 pes cent, were planted with hybird seed com. North Carolina peanut growers vote August 29 on whether they want to assess themselves one cent per 100-pound bag of nuts to fur ther finance their own program. The life of tobacco shade cloth has been increased from one to three seasons by recent research. If all C. S. tobacco farmers used only cloth treated to last three seasons instead of one that could save between two and three million dollars a year. Laying flocks in North Carolina produced 116,000,000 eggs during June this year. CHEROKEE COUNTY REPUBLICAN CLUB Meets every Friday night at 7:30 in the hall over Carringer's Store. Your attendance is Welcomed introducing ? ? MEET KATIE KORD! She's the efficient little electrical maid that helps you keep house. When you flip a switch, die rushes to do the chores. She's the electric maid-of-all-work. This electrical maid cooks, cleans, washes, irons ... without complaint or grumble. She's tireless . . . always on hand to help you. She represents electricity at work. Watch for Katie Kord in our ads. And put her to work, for better living, electrically! Blue Ridge Electric Association, In? YOUNO HARRIS, GA.

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