PHOTOGRAPHS Portrait. copier. Smiley's Stu dio, And***, N. C. 1-tfc DRILLING? Hive your walls drilled: modern machinery. Six and eight inch domestic and commerical wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Racers, Route No. 1. Franklin. N. C. 2-cfn FOR SALE: Good 8 room house and bath. 4V4 acres lands, ad joining Berkshire Hosiery Hill, on the east, on U. S. Highway 19. See or write Dennis Sbarp, Andrews, N. C. 51-9tp OUR REPRESENTATIVE will be in Murphy each Tuesday. Uaed Singer Machines for $39.30 up. New Singer electric machines frosn $94.50 up. All types of re pairs. Write, Singer Sewing Ma chine Co- Box N. Murphy, N. C. 1-tfc Johns - Manvilic Bldg. Materials Asphalt Shingles-Boll Booflng Asbestos Siding GIBBS HDW. A AUTO SUPPLE Stop Taking Hank Drugs for Constipation AvoU IbMM UpMti M MM TNs Gentle Vaptatta Luathrt Way! For constipation, wnrolcehirsh drugs. They cause brutal gampa and. griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. Get jatrr but gnaair relief when you are temporarily constipated. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, vat ef the finest natural vegetable laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes gives gentle, comfortable, satis* for evet : relief foe every member of the By. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's yoi size today. Money bock if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. FOB SALS: Practically lift type harrow, plow, for Ford or Ferguaoo Tractor, Evans Auto Co., Phono 48 or 44-W. Murphy. N. C. 3-tfn 1 LAWN MOWERS: Repaired a sharpened. Lawn work In gener al. Tree surgery. AW work guar anteed. Inquire at Mr. Shelby Franks Barber Shop, below Regal Hotel, Murphy, N. C. 5-Stp SEVERAL HORNED TYPE Here ford (Registered) cows for sale. Priced reasonable. Tom Evans. Phone 48 or 44-W 5-3tp FOUND: 14 K gold wedding band, Lake Carroll, Friday, August 7. Laser require at Cherokee Ccout Office, Murphy, N. C. 5-3tc FOR SALE Two story 9 room house, large tot, tree shaded lawn. One adjoining lot Desir able location Miss Kate Axley, Murphy, N. C. 5-3tc FOR SALE OR RENT: 4 room house on CopperhlW Highway, 5 miles out. Good well, wired for electric stove . Contact Mrs. Callie Wooten. or call 3369, Blue Ridge, Ga., collect. 6-3tc FOR RENT: 4 room house and bath Call 9107,, Murphy, N C. Hot water heater and oil tank furnis hed. 7-3tj> FOR SALE: Small stock of gro ceries. also building far rent. Good Location. Reason for sell ing. other business interest. H. A. Barton 7-3tp MILLING: I am better equipped to serve you in the milling bus iness than I have been before. So bring your corn to my mill. Mill day Saturday 2'/2 miles east of Murphy. H. A. Barton 7-3tp FOR RENT: One office in Hill Building. Call 299 7-3tp For Athletes Foot Use T-4-L far 3 to 5 days. It actually peels off the outer skin, exposes buried fungi and KILLS ON CONTACT. If not pleased with instant-drying T-4-L, your 40c back at any drug store. Today at MAUNEY DRUG STORE FOB RENT: 911 SVi et, private bath. One 3 large roam* with closet, nice bath, beat, hot and cold furnished. Call Mrs J. W. Dyer, 96-R, or eee Dr. G. L Dyer, 589>I, Murphy. N. C. ? 5-3tc AUCTION SALE OF ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE. Friday Au gust 28, 1993 at John C. Taylor Stockyard*, Anderson, South Carolina. 20 rugged two-year old bulls; 85 cow*, including cow* with calves; bred and open heif ers. AU cattle T. B. and Bang's tested and guaranteed in every way Buyer's Opportunity to buy top breeding cattle. Contact Virginia A berdeen-Angus Assn. Bar 196, Charlottesville Va. 5-3tc FOR RENT: Upstairs apartment, two large rooms, one small, complete bath, private outside entrance, wired for electric stove. Children welcome. Call Cherokee Scout office, Phone 20, 'Murphy, N. C. 5-3tp Available Aug. 29. -Phone 96-W Mrs Nettie Axley, 432 Hiawassee Ave., Murphy N. C. 7-ltc FOR RENT: ONE four room steam heated, unfurnished apartment; also one furnished heated apart ment. Call 30. Murphy, N. C. 6-3 tc FOR SALE: Good, bright new hay. Mrs. Louis Rapor, Marble, N. C. 6-atc PIANOS SINCE 1895: I know them as well as you know the back of your hand. Moving to Murphy Sept. with new stock of pianos. A. R. Bell. Broadway, N. C. 6-tfc TWO BEDROOM DWELLING, on Bayless St. This Is a good opp ortunity Navy? We are looking for vet reae with farm background said high school education who can learn to manage Freezer Locker Plants or Farm Supply Ware houses of The Famers Federat ion in Western North Carolina. Write Glenn D. Hunt, P. O. Box 851, Ashevtlle. N. C. 7-2tc COUNTRY-CURED hams for sale. Farmers Federation, Murphy. N. C., Phone 62. 43-tfc rOR SALE?Cinder Blocks, any size, any amount Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202. Mur phy, N. C. 1-tfc WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. 2-tfc BULL DOZER work by tne hour or ny the job. See J. M. Hughes and son or call 246, Murphy, N. C. 2-tfc FOR RENT: Three room furnish ed apartment, living room, bed room, kitchen and breakfast room. All recently decorated. FOR SALE: Electric range and washing machine. Phone 98. 7-lltp WANTED TO HIRE: Man wWh small family, general farm work, ?with Chickens to look after. Rea sonable salary. Good house to live in. W. S. Dickey, Murphy, N. C. 7-ltc BACQft TYPE PIGS: 7 to 8 weeks old, $10 each Two good Guernsey cows. One milking 3 gallons, other to freshen September. Pric ed reasonable. W. S. Dickey, Murphy, N. C. 7-ltc LOT NO. 1: BEGINNING on 1. D. MaUonee a corner on Peachtree Street nod rum South 90 Degrees West to J. D. MaUonee's S. E. ear ner an a street leading by toe Meth odist Church; Km S. 40 degrees E. with aaid street 105 feet to a rise on oaid Street; thence N. 90 E. 209 feet to a stake on Peachtree Street; thence N. 40 W. with Peach tree Street 109 feet to the begto airg. LOT NO. 2: BEGINNING at the intersection of the alley between the Nelson property and the Bates property and Peachtree Street and rum S. 90 W. 209 feet with arid illey to where it intersects with he street leading by the Methodist 3hurch; thence with said Street N. 10 degrees W. 105 feet to a stake m said street; thence N. 50 degrees E. 205 feet to a stake on Peachtree Street; thence; S. 40 degrees E. ivith Peachtree Street 105 feet to Beginning. x The above lots being descriged ha If. C. Aaffut 88. 1868 at U o'clock A. M. to Itat 1 iter for on ? the North Bonk at (ho Ptebtte rood trading from Georgia to i St. C.. ao .narked lla* 418 feet to a In a Judgment rendered at the Nevember Term, 1914, of the Sup erior Court of Cherokee County, therein John E. Fain, et ale where i>latntlf4i and T. N. Bates et all where defendants, docketed in Judgment Docket No. 11, at page 148. Ttris deed was made to satisfy ludgment Said two lota being Further described in Deed dated December 31, 1914, from T. N. Bates, to John E. Fain, et als and ?ecorded in Deed Book 29-69, at >age 129, Records of Cherokee bounty. Reference to which in lereby made. This the 5 day of August, 1953. H. L. McKEEVER, H. L. McKeever, Commissiooer 5-4 tc 914 ?M of ad at i .r* your skin s ?> O \J BEST FRIEND Terrific! n. c. APPLE FESTIVAL HEMDERSONVILLE SEPT. 3-7 FEATURING ? Folk Dances ? Beauty Queens ? Fireworks ? Parades ? Apples Galore! COME ONE AND ALL! For Full Information, Address "APPLE," Box 371, | Hendersonrille, N. C. COBLE HEALTHFUL AND NON ? FATTENING IT WILL PAY YOH TO SEE US BEFORE YOUBUY WE ARE IN the best condition to take care of all your needs in Hardware Supplies now, of any time since we have been in Murphy. WE HAVE A full stock of Genuine CEL OTEX Building Materials, CAREY Roof ing, and Siding. GLEEM Paints and Enam els, STA-DRI, Electrical and Plumbing Sup plies; Farm, Home and Mill Equipment; Tools, Building and Shelf Hardware. For STRICTLY CASH Purchases, we Pledge you to meet any and all fair and reas onable competition. MAKE IT A Habit to drop in on us often for ALL your needs in Hardware and Build ing Supplies. -n WLl PAY YOtr HAMPTON HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 1 ? i Marvin Hampton J?H. Monteith W. E. Hampton WORLD'S ONLY IM VIRTICAL VALVE VO You can tell in an instant its a 1/ery great AT idling speed, the engine of this 1953 XX Buick is deceptively docile. All you hear is a silken whisper, a kitten purr, a smooth flow of air channeling quietly through metal passageways. Then?you want to go. You nudge the pedal. You go. That's when you discover that you're sitting behind an engine of electrifying response. That's when you begin to know bow the power of the first Fireball V8 can handle * getaway, cruising, hill-climbing. That's when you learn what Buick's highest-compression engine in fifty great years can mean in spirited and soul satisfying road command. It's an experience too wonderful to miss ?the bossing of this brilliant new V8 Engine that powers every 1953 Buick Super and Roadmaster. So we cordially invite you to come in and try it. We cordially invite you to hold rein on this truly advanced V8 ? the world's first V8 with vertical valves, with "T" type intake manifold, with zero-power loss muffler ? and the first standard production American passenger-car engine to reach 8.5 to 1 compression ratio. Why not come in for a sampling? That way you can also try the other Buick gems?like Twin-Turbine Dynaflow*? and the Million Dollar Ride?and the room and visibility and handling ease of the greatest Buicks yet. Can you make it this week? miCJl MICff ON 1953 B&ICKS, Tbuvcbeb LOCAUT $2,364.88 $3,048.70 $3,674.50 Sodon, MODEL 72R# with Twin-Turbino Dynaflow and Powor Stowing at standard equipment at no axtra coot Optional equipment, occistoriti, slat* and focal foxes, H amy, additional. Prices may vary slightly In adjoining communities dme to shipping charges. All pricot subject to change wlthont notice. SKOAL 2-Doer 6-Pa$MBf?r fid? ?V^ODEl 460.....MI.IM.MM SUPEX 2-Dow 6-PasMagw Mm MODEl 56K (ilknfrated) WkHma* tirM oplioaof of wtro cart. ROADMASTBt * Standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. THE GREATEST BUICK IB BO GREAT YEARS WHEN UTTER AUTOMOEOCS AM BUHI MlICK *BU BUILD TMBM FRANKLIN MOTOR CO 200 Peachtree St Murphy, N. C . i 'I