3lfr Wftntkttftmrt v EsUbKshe d July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy. Cherokee County. N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. COSTFlJO Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year. $2.50; Six Months, f 1.50; Outside Cherokee County: \ One Year. $3.00; Six Months, $1.75 '~vrrr*'i & Entered in the Poet Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second das* matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. New Water Plant Must Be Built Here Soon Tbe official report from the North Carolina State Health officer ?4m> Inspected our filter plant Is published this week; and just like his oral report to Council, K is full of bard knocks at our water system. The report restates in stronger language what Council heard im mediately after the water filter was inspected. The report asserts that the chlorine dumped into our drinking water is "a thin line" of defi It la not ungual for a chlorine feeder to miss its timing or stop operating altogether. Until the malfunction is found, the reports point out, we are drinking raw water straight from the river. Council has stepped up the amount of chlorine fed into the water and new sand for the filter beds has been ordered. But the fact still remains that our filter plant is overworked far beyond its capacity. Murphy has outgrown its water system and the State Health Department tells us H is past time to build a new one. The only answer lies in floating a bond issue as soon as pos sible to raise the needed const ruction money. The tax increase will be slight and the savings will be untold. Another factor to be considered?other than the welfare of those, Who drink the water?is the fact that new industry thinking of coming to this section can be assured of plenty of water if we build a new filter plant. Of course, the greatest saving will be the health measure. The health officer pointed out that he was suprised the Murphy water plant has not caused some sort of epidemic before now. We need to vote in the bond issue as soon as possible so that con truction can start before some sickness does hit Murphy. Parking Problems Can Be Solved By Meters The Town of Murphy is faced with two pressing needs-a new filter plant and parking meters. It will take a fair sun? of money for the filter plant and Council will need the people's go-ahead before con struction can begin. But there is no reason under the sun why Murphy can not beat its growing parking problems immediately with the installation of park ing meters. During the rain last Saturday there were two autos and one truck double parked and a third auto blocking a fire plug, all inside less than , half a block on one of the main streets. The out dated system of marking parked cars with chalk takes more police officers than Murphy now employs or can afford to employ. The Department is doing its best but it can not keep up with the park ing problem on four main streets with the chalk system. It is shameful that Murphy does not have parking meters when we realize that installation of the machine will cost the town not one red cent. The meter companies will install the meters and share in the revenue until the machines are paid for. It is not fair to the local merchants to hold out on meters when a dead parking place in front of their building means customers will travel on. Council owes it to the merchants to see that each gets a fair Chance at parking spaces. It is bad for business to allow autos to pull into a parking space and ?toy for hours, keeping potential cutomers from parking in front of the store they want to patronize. Besides the merchant angle the Town of Murphy needs the rev enue meters would bring in. (Mr. and Mrs. Ben H Brown had as their guest Labor Day week end A-2c apd Mrs. James J. Brown and daughter Sandy of Greenville, S. C.; Sfc Bud L. Brown of Atlanta: and Sgt. and Mrs. Ben A. Brown. Sgt. Brown was recently married to Mias Eva Nell Brown of Murphy. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelee Brown of Martin's Creek. McDonnell-Linn Marriage Told Mildred McDonnell, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. J. A. McDonnell of Asheville, became the bride of Clifford Linn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker, on Sept 1 in Astoe Dr. A. J. Hedrick will attend a short course for veternanians Sept. 17-19 at Alabama Polytechnic In stitute, Auburn, Ala. Get Ready For Winter We have a complete stock of WOOD COAL & OIL STOVES See us before you boy Cherokee Furniture Company PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oopeland sad sons. Bill and Kenny of Temps, FU. spent the week end wMi Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr. (Miss Elsie Nunn left Monday Winston-Salem to resume her dut ies as teacher of Mathematics in Salem Academy , after a month's visit with iher mother Mrs. JOhnsie Nunn. Mrs. Sara F. Mayfleld who spent the past two weeks here with Mrs. J. B. Gray, left Wednesday for her home in Ocala, Fla. En route she will visit her sister, Mass Alice Fambro in Barnesville Ga. Mr and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper of Atlanta were week-end guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Moore had as weak end guests, Cpl. and Mrs. Edward Richardson and son. Daryl and Sgt. lc Bud L. Barnes of Ft. McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton had as guests, Mr. Singleton's sister Mr^ Paul McMeekin and daughter, I Susan of Westminister. S. C., and VALLEY VIEWS By Evelyn Baker Three Cheer* to the Andrews Football Team which received much praise from looel fane t their outstanding performance on Friday night when they played a favored Murphy team to a d-d tie. A GOOD START TEAM ... we will he cheering for you Friday Night when you meet Franklin at the local field. The liona Club will have its re Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moses of Cha rleston. West Va. . Dr. and Mrs. Grady Coker and son of Canton, Ga. were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Quay Ket ner. Mrs. Eula G. Hurt of Washington D. C. has been the guest of Mrs. J. B. Gray and Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swain of Mia mi., Fla are visiting her father T. J. Barnett at Peachtree. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Donley sp ent the week end In Ashevdlle with Mr. Donley's sister, Mrs. Don By rne. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hinshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hinshaw and daughter, Trudy, of Valdosta, Ga., visited friends- here over the week end. gular meeting Thursday Night, Sept lQdv at Che Shell Dfaming Room. The Botany Club will meet Thur sday noon, Sept. 10th at the Shell Dinning Room with L B. Nichols in charge at the program. PINCKEY ORB left Tuesday for Arden where he will attend the Christ School for Boys. WILLIAM WALKER is reported improving after undergoing a min or operation. The following Servicemen were bom* far Labor DV LOWIN TRUETT and Bkowkhe : JEAN CHRISTY will fiat a I on bar trip to fa United Nations fa Naw York. Afao MRS. DAVID MURPHY (fat former VIRGINIA TATHAM and wife of Major David Murphy afao baa beeoatatloaed Germany for the paat four yean wHl abow a film made fa G -LUKE ELLIS and DOC (HAM COCK) DAVIS have bean releas ed from (be Hospital and both i reported to be improving. The Liooe Club sponsored a Blood Bank Friday. September bh and received 103 Blood Donors. PAUL CRAWFORD was Chairman of the Blood Bank Program. The Community of Andrews appreciate ttfe response of these Donors very much. MOVING?. Call... SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGENT Pitlmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. Phone 203 Murphy, N.* C. It's New! NOW the miracle strength of an ALL NYLON CORD TIRE for only a few dollars more than a standard tire! good/Vear ALL NYLON CORD Super-Cushion Auto Tire ? New tread gives up to 21 % more mileagel ? Up to 80% more strength for longer life I e Greater safety against Impact blowouts! ? More comfort ... a far smoother ridel Trade NOW for the vastly superior strength and safety of the All-Nylon Super-Cushion by Goodyear! Its tread will give you up to 21% ?;l? e?? ?? wwtb WIIIVU^O. 0iop m ? see it ? compare it ? and you'll drive out on the tire that's miles ahead! trade HOVI the unu?d mileage inyourtfresl Allison & Duncan Tire Co. MUKPHT Phoae 328 Firing Up For Cold Weather? TAKE THESE PRECAUTIONS: 1-Be sure that your heating equip ment is in good condition to prevent fire. 2-Be sure you have adequate fire insurance to cover loss of both house and contents in case you over look something. HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 145 Over the A. & P. Thru Bus Service Between BRISTOL and BIRMINGHAM ASMVIUI -UttTTAHOOC Providing New Direct Route to Roanoke, Washington and New York; or to Chatt anooga and Birmingham. (See Map) PRESIDENT ROUTE DEPARTURES NORTHBOUND Lv. Murphy 2:00 A. M. Ar. Ashevllle 5:45 A. M. Ar. Johnson City . 9:30 A. M. Ar. Bristol 10:40 A. M. Ar. Roanoke 5:00 P. (M. Ar. Washington .11:59 P. M. Ar. New York 8:15 A. M. SOUTHBOUND liV. Murphy 3:15 A. M. At. Chattanooga ....6:00 A. M. At. Birmingham ..10:20 A. M. At. Dallas 6:55 A.